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Edom Exposes RACISM in Church Culture
Месяц назад
@favorandgrace 2 часа назад
Dr. Joy lecture have changed the way I see people. Thank you tremendously for an impactful, profound, life changing lecture. 🙏 ❤🎉
@FatimahJackson-ub8zz 5 часов назад
I incorporated PTSS in my teaching about epigenetics and evolution. I’m retired now but saw the merits of the concept early on. We teach this at Howard University.
@Janée-PA 8 часов назад
EXCELLENT! Why did I never learn about the Tulsa Massacre, Black Wall Street, or the Trail of Tears in my first class junior high, high school, college graduation, and two advanced degrees?? Racists wrote the history books in the 60s and 70s apparently.
@zulutimeproductions3143 7 часов назад
What benefit would it serve “them” to teach you this history?
@MOGULAMAZING 10 часов назад
Kamala says we have to do some more studying before considering reparations😑
@StopProgressieTraitors-d8h 11 часов назад
So pathetic.
@nicki66 14 часов назад
I watched this before but I watched it again and it is just as compelling! I had a white colleague say at a retreat of senior leaders that Black African women didn’t value their children the same way we do so they don’t feel pain when they die of hunger and disease.
@rickyevans3282 16 часов назад
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge : because thou hast rejected knowledge , I will also reject thee , that thou shalt be no priest to me : seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God , I will also forget thy children.
@DonBJ21 17 часов назад
We are his Chosen. And we still don't look for paybacks... They did J6 while given EVERYTHING by USA. We need to see more Quenns for our daughters like her YOUR AWESOME JOY
@danielbrown7115 День назад
Forgetting those things that are behind the newly freed slaves pressed for the mark of the high calling of God. We are more triggered by their experience and past then they were. How do I know. We have recording and writings from slaves. They did not see themselves as victims so even with the adverse condition that racism continue to put upon them they prospered and built churches and school, hospitals, busineses, and communities. 160 years later after recieving massive handouts all we do is whine and complain as our kids go to hell in a hand basket.Out of touch black intellectuals.
@dsomething5798 День назад
Black resilience is the upmost demonstration of humanity in the face of evil.
@oghyeahoo6165 День назад
This sounds just about White
@ddport1 День назад
Touched the very essence of my soul. Upmost respect for the bloodline. Healing and coping is a must!
@RobertSerna-rr8vw День назад
Typical woman preaching no personal accountability for one’s personal life, It’s the worlds fault I am unhappy and not where I want to be in life. Victimhood sales pitch on being a woman, being gay, being fat, etc blah blah blah. Everyone is a victim of the world around them. Perhaps if you folks that don’t want to be accountable held your breath until you turned blue you might be able to get the attention you want from reasonable people.
@lizziedanse8335 День назад
I thought yall had better schools 😭
@sware2008 День назад
We see that you are not intelligent enough to see the point of the lecture. Sit this one out.
@Jaydababy80 День назад
Hmmm…white folks holding themselves accountable would be the start that America needs. If that was to ever take place then America and the rest of the world would experience a trickling effect of some sort of relief of the aftermath of not only creating but also maintaining this trauma exists! The truth will set us all free!!!
@RobertSerna-rr8vw День назад
@@lizziedanse8335 Not a fan of the victimhood cult, this woman is a product of Left wing indoctrination not preaching objective truth but fallacy driven dribble she could cotdefend if she was a honest person.
@keepcalm1224 День назад
⁠@@RobertSerna-rr8vw - And yet you are most likely a Trump voter. Particularly given away when you got into that "left wing" nonsense....And all Trump has done is talk and lie about how much of a VICTIM he is as a wealthy white man in America. This is why NO one, who has common sense, should take YOU seriously when you dismiss this black woman, her education, her lived experience and an ancestor of black slaves as someone who is just complaining about being a victim. You've already proven your hypocrisy. You'll bash her, but then turn around and raise your MAGA flag for the alleged grievances and false victimhood mentality of white men.
@theprofessorcats3055 День назад
Awesome content. Amazing woman. Best lessons ever! This is definitely beneficial to Black & White ppl. everywhere.
@kimberlymarshall4954 День назад
As a police officer turned mental health professional I have lived this reality. This should be taught in all schools. I have also found that extreme racism is a form of mental illness. Thank You. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome is a reality we must all face.
@tiwantiwaabibiman2603 2 дня назад
Jefferson "said it" not only to invalidate cognitive dissonance, he "said it" to justify him raping the enslaved women, never freeing Sally Hemming or any of the other enslaved Black people on his plantations.
@Wholisticthoughts 2 дня назад
What is black does that describe a people? What is white , what about in law what is black ? When did we start calling our selves black or white ? Who are the original people to these lands copper colored beings ! Whose history are we teaching and who taught us these stories!
@stryfetc1471 2 дня назад
Look at the faces of folks in the room, why even come to the event?....did they not know what the topic was?
@keepitreal6640 2 дня назад
Dr. Joy DeGruy was very thorough and detailed with her lecture. I throw my hands up and toast her for the knowledge, research, and unbiased way in which she presented the facts. Thank you and God Bless you for giving me clarity, where there was once a bit of confusion.
@brendaevans1378 2 дня назад
Their are true monsters in this world LORD have mercy on their souls 🙏🏾
@brendaevans1378 2 дня назад
She's spot on and she's brilliant ❤
@brendaevans1378 2 дня назад
Dr Joy is so informed it was a blessing listening to her! God bless you 🙏🏾💜
@Too.Cool.ForCardi 2 дня назад
I’ve been saying this very stuff for years and so glad to hear this woman break it down this way as well and to confirm it as well. I also say that I honestly think EVERYONE, and ESPECIALLY men (white, black, brown, Asian, etc.) should be forced to take their current, modern day consciousness and identity and have it transferred to being an actual black slave during those times and for men to especially have to actually live as black female slaves and to survive those times and undergo all that actually occurred in order to at some point be placed back into their actual and current bodies and time. No one could opt out unless they didn’t want to resume living again in their regular current bodies and time. I really think it would change people’s understanding and appreciation and perspective and behavior quite a bit, including black people’s because we take our ancestors and our own history for granted and continue to remain ignorant about a lot of things as do white people and other people of color. I also think ALL men and boys should have to undergo this same type of lesson and be have their current day consciousness and identity placed into an adolescent girl and that of a woman for ALL these men who are either checked out on issues affecting women and girls and/or who wanna claim they are women and girls.
@christaforechristafore3143 2 дня назад
Thank You So Very Much For This Post
Glad Video was Helpful! Dr. Joy DeGruy is Great Teacher. Thanks for Watching!
@SupaReelRecords 2 дня назад
Beautiful. Closing statement was powerful
@patriciamallory-oduba9599 2 дня назад
@Brianbeesandbikes 3 дня назад
Saving to share this gem!!
@BillyBob-wq9fl 3 дня назад
Gather all your victimhood champions. This is jootubes most favorite content. This community is so lost.. its own worst enemy.
@ezellaskew9022 2 дня назад
MAGA speaks.
@JenNagleInk 3 дня назад
The "Pig Law" was a term used to refer to legislation passed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in some Southern U.S. states, particularly in Georgia, that harshly penalized the theft of livestock, particularly pigs. These laws were part of a broader set of legislative measures aimed at controlling the activities and movements of Black people in the post-Civil War South. After the Civil War, Southern states implemented a range of laws, often referred to as "Black Codes" or "Jim Crow laws," to restrict the freedoms of Black people and maintain white supremacy. The Pig Law was one such measure. The Pig Law specifically targeted the theft of livestock, but its real impact was on Black sharecroppers and laborers. Under these laws, even minor offenses related to livestock could result in severe penalties, including long prison sentences or harsh fines. Many Black people were falsely accused or unjustly punished under the Pig Law. The severe penalties often led to lengthy imprisonment or forced labor, which was effectively a form of modern-day slavery. - For Black farmers and laborers who depended on livestock for their livelihoods, the harsh penalties meant that a minor or false accusation could lead to significant economic hardship. The threat of such laws acted as a means of control and suppression. The Pig Law was part of a broader pattern of punitive laws designed to disenfranchise and control Black populations in the South. These laws contributed to the perpetuation of racial inequality and economic exploitation long after the end of the Civil War. Overall, the Pig Law exemplifies how legal measures were used to reinforce racial hierarchies and economic control, continuing the legacy of exploitation and injustice in the post-Reconstruction South.
@JenNagleInk 3 дня назад
Jim Crow Laws: A Detailed Overview Jim Crow laws were a set of state and local laws that enforced racial segregation and disenfranchisement in the Southern United States from the late 19th century until the mid-20th century. These laws were designed to maintain white supremacy and control over Black Americans, following the end of Reconstruction and the withdrawal of federal troops from the South. Key Aspects of Jim Crow Laws 1. Segregation - Public Facilities: Jim Crow laws mandated segregation in public places such as schools, transportation, restrooms, and restaurants. Facilities were designated “white” or “colored,” with the latter often being inferior in quality. - Housing and Employment: Segregation extended to housing and employment, with discriminatory practices preventing Black individuals from accessing better neighborhoods and job opportunities. 2. Voting Restrictions - Literacy Tests: Voters were required to pass literacy tests, which were often designed to be difficult and were used to disenfranchise Black voters. - Poll Taxes: A fee was required to vote, which disproportionately affected Black individuals and poor white individuals. - Grandfather Clauses: Allowed individuals to bypass literacy tests and poll taxes if their grandfathers had been eligible to vote, effectively disenfranchising Black individuals whose ancestors had been enslaved and thus ineligible to vote. 3. Legal and Social Restrictions - Marriage and Personal Relationships: Laws prohibited interracial marriages and relationships. - Education: Black and white children were educated in separate and unequal schools, with funding and resources heavily favoring white schools. 4. Violence and Intimidation - Lynching: Extrajudicial violence, including lynching, was used to terrorize and control Black communities and enforce racial segregation. - Violent Enforcement: Groups like the Ku Klux Klan used violence and intimidation to uphold Jim Crow laws and suppress Black political and social rights. Rhetoric and Justifications The rhetoric surrounding Jim Crow laws was steeped in notions of racial superiority and pseudoscientific ideas. Here are some of the common arguments and justifications used: 1. Separate but Equal" - Origin: This doctrine was established by the 1896 Supreme Court decision in *Plessy v. Ferguson*. The Court ruled that racial segregation was constitutional as long as the separate facilities were purportedly equal. - 🤢Rhetoric:Proponents argued that segregation was a way to maintain social order and harmony by keeping the races separate, but in reality, the facilities and services provided to Black individuals were vastly inferior. 2. Pseudoscientific Racism - Theories: Many justifications were based on pseudoscientific beliefs about racial differences in intelligence, morality, and capability. - Rhetoric: Advocates claimed that Black people were inherently inferior and that segregation was a way to protect the supposed superiority and cultural integrity of white society. 3. Social Stability - Arguments: Some argued that segregation was necessary to prevent social conflict and maintain order. - 🤢Rhetoric: They claimed that integration would lead to increased crime, social instability, and the breakdown of societal norms. 4. Historical and Cultural Arguments - Claims: Defenders of Jim Crow laws often cited historical precedents and cultural traditions as reasons for maintaining segregation. - 🤢Rhetoric: They argued that segregation was part of a long-standing tradition and that sudden changes would disrupt the social fabric. Key Figures and Supporters 1. Southern Political Leaders - Many Southern politicians, including governors and state legislators, were strong proponents of Jim Crow laws. They argued that segregation was essential to maintaining Southern society and protecting white supremacy. 2. Supreme Court Justices - Justices in the *Plessy v. Ferguson* decision, including Justice Henry Billings Brown, upheld the constitutionality of segregation, contributing to the entrenchment of Jim Crow laws. 3. Social Commentators and Scholars - Some academic and social commentators supported segregation through racist theories and pseudoscientific arguments, contributing to the broader societal acceptance of Jim Crow laws. Decline and Legacy Jim Crow laws began to erode in the mid-20th century due to civil rights activism, legal challenges, and federal intervention. Key events include: - 1954 Brown v. Board of Education: The Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning *Plessy v. Ferguson*. - 1964 Civil Rights Act: Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in public places and employment. - 1965 Voting Rights Act: Addressed racial discrimination in voting, including the use of literacy tests and poll taxes. The legacy of Jim Crow laws continues to influence discussions about racial inequality and civil rights in the U.S., highlighting the ongoing challenges in addressing systemic racism and its effects.
@JenNagleInk 3 дня назад
The history of laws that mark individuals as criminals and restrict their voting rights in the U.S. is complex and has evolved significantly over time. Here’s a brief breakdown: Early History - After the Civil War, Southern states implemented **Black Codes** that disenfranchised Black individuals and other marginalized groups. These codes were a precursor to more formalized laws restricting voting rights for certain individuals. - Late 19th to Early 20th Century: Jim Crow laws were enacted in the South to enforce racial segregation and disenfranchise Black voters. These laws included literacy tests, poll taxes, and other measures designed to prevent Black citizens from voting. Modern Era - 1965 Voting Rights Act:** This landmark legislation was enacted to eliminate racial discrimination in voting. It banned literacy tests and other discriminatory practices that had been used to disenfranchise voters, primarily affecting Black Americans. - Post-1965: Despite the Voting Rights Act, many states continued to impose felony disenfranchisement laws. These laws prevent individuals convicted of felonies from voting, often indefinitely or for extended periods. The application of these laws varies by state. Reforms and Current Status - 1990s-2000s:There has been a growing movement to reform felony disenfranchisement laws. Some states have made changes to restore voting rights to individuals with felony convictions, either automatically after release or through a formal process. - Recent Trends: In recent years, several states have reformed their felony disenfranchisement laws. For example: - Florida (2018): Passed Amendment 4, which restored voting rights to many individuals with felony convictions after completing their sentences (excluding those convicted of murder or sexual offenses). - Virginia (2021): Governor Ralph Northam signed legislation that restored voting rights to over 69,000 individuals with felony convictions. - As of today, the status of felony disenfranchisement laws varies widely by state. Some states have more lenient policies, restoring voting rights after a person completes their sentence, while others maintain more restrictive practices. The debate over these laws continues, with ongoing efforts to address their impact on voter disenfranchisement and criminal justice reform. Overall, while progress has been made in restoring voting rights to individuals with felony convictions, significant disparities and challenges remain depending on state laws and policies.
@draconian8994 3 дня назад
What's happening to African Americans today compels them to want to know how it all began, and when will it end. When will they be seen and treated like other humans.
@draconian8994 3 дня назад
Unfortunately, they cannot fight back even when the attrrocities are still rife today.
@famebkny6675 3 дня назад
@wallswizard 3 дня назад
Wow ya wonder when these people just be people and join the real world. This gets trying. People sick of this bull s. T.
@mauricewilliams4162 3 дня назад
Tell the jersey about that ass Ole
@draconian8994 3 дня назад
When those who built their fortune on the booties of slavery acknowledge the source of their ill- gotten wealth.
@JenNagleInk 3 дня назад
At one time I felt discouraged by seeing all the black lives matter signs around and hearing about protesting, but when I took some time to find out what the fuss was about I discovered that some individuals are doing their best to erase the independence history of black people. Well I had to ask why? Why would it be so important to a group of people to completely erase the history from another. So, I had to dig deeper and deeper. What I found disgusted me. I found that it is a slow plan to take away the rights of black people and minorities including women. This is the fuss. For someone who's rights have never been taken or questioned, this is a soft topic. But for any group who has had to struggle to keep their rights, it's the most important thing. The pilgrims weren't the people who started this country, it was The Virginia Company of London. Plymouth Rock was not our first settlement Jamestown was. Wealthy landowning oligarchs stole this country from its indigenous people. Killed or enslaved them pillaged the land and woman. Started tobacco farming and introduced slavery by purchasing human beings from South Africa. Now the Republicans want to go back to Antebellum days. A disgusting political term used to denote the good old slave days. This is being done by Christian Nationalists who interpret the bible to honor slavery through the curse of Shem. This is really bad because Christian Nationalists are not coming close to matching the integrity of the teachings of jesus, so Christians are divide and extreme Christian Nationalists claiming a religious war.
@ephramheckstall2910 3 дня назад
Wow wow wow wow Dr Joy DeGruy is astonishing God knows I'm a 67 year old black man that is at such a loss connect the same time amazed and astonished by not only her simplification breakdown but the learning experience I just absorbed has so many emotions going through me I feel Joy pain xhilaration on the sense of awareness of self in the black history of our ancestors and the degradation that take had to endure all those hundreds of years how she broke down the fear that white people refuse to acknowledge it's nothing short of amazing 🙏🏾🙏🏾😪😘Dr.joy Degree in thank you from the bottom of my❤❤❤❤
@NinaNeko4 3 дня назад
What we also need to take from this is that there are the “powers in the background” that WANT these narratives to continue. I believe most of us are onto “why” but we need to dive deeper
@tlove5288 3 дня назад
This was awesome! Makes so much sense why my grandparents and parents used to worry so much about me. I now worry about my children. This world has been so evil. ❤️Texas
@jackielampkins9883 3 дня назад
This was so good!
Glad Video was Helpful! Dr. Joy DeGruy is Great Teacher. Thanks for Watching!
@MS-715-7Y 3 дня назад
Meanwhile: Candice Owens, Nikki Halley, Gov. DeSantis-------- "America has never been a racist country! And black people were happy immigrants exploring the new world." And DeSantis again----- "Stop making white people feel bad! We need laws to protect white people from feeling badly about their historically horrific treatment of black people."
@rosettafair438 3 дня назад
I’ve been told I must have Indian in my family because of my hair. The fact that most blacks will disassociate from being black is astounding. I love my skin period.