Epic Ethiopian History
Epic Ethiopian History
Epic Ethiopian History
@RastafariJews 5 дней назад
በጣም ጥሩ አመስግናለሁ ወንድሜ
@MelchizedekSelassie 15 дней назад
Give thanks for the is vidoes , everything soon will be reveled i am melchizedek i was born in England as a triplet i soon will return to Ethiopia.
@MelchizedekSelassie 15 дней назад
In this incarnation I was born as a trinity two boys and one girl , my sister named Grace. I am here to complete the works of haile selassie. Big changes are coming to Ethiopia
@MelchizedekSelassie 15 дней назад
I chant everyday from the book of Enoch and the kebra negast. The vanquisher of the enemy, the power of the cross is rising in this very moment. As pslam 110 states all enemies will become the footstool and I will return to my kingdom of Ethiopia
@TobelikeHim7 16 дней назад
There’s no such thing as Jewish Sabbath, Sabbath was created at creation for man not Jews. There were no Jews then.
@epicethiopianhistory 15 дней назад
Good point!
@oldreddragon1579 16 дней назад
Malik Sadiq King of Righteousness
@milamihaylova-blagoeva9909 24 дня назад
Love! And in Bulgarian it reads: Adramy [ АДРАМИ ]. I thought about connections trough ancient Phrygia. Blessings!
@WaterCurrent 24 дня назад
What about the Book of Jasher?
@deborahewalters5327 24 дня назад
Blissful Love Family ❤ Graditude fulljoy The Channel Always
@charityfubara2340 24 дня назад
Please how and where did Queen Sheba die?
@xspydazx Месяц назад
very good - 18:26 / 21:55 But not el shaddai m friend he said Elshhad ( the god of the promise ) ( shahada ) << not shadai as you should know it does not identify him : he was identifying himself as the god of the promise made to abraham and this is what they should have been calling him : but they had also been calling him the most high ( El-yOn) (god-most high) ----> but this was a phonecian deity : ( his wife was beruit) Also Melchecdeck << this is two words Also mistranslated !! << Malechi ( king) Sadeek ( zadok) zedeick) << Rightous one or honerable one ) hence he was called the Rightous King ! ( melechi zedick ) << Sometime these words are joined up ( two or three words joined into one ) << but the meaning did not change as this is also comon in arabic also ...standard grammar ( ie Al illah = Allah ) << The God >>
@xspydazx Месяц назад
Also Thank you very good works
@epicethiopianhistory 26 дней назад
Promise or more correctly testament/covenant in Hebrew is בְּרִית Bereit or שְׁבוּעָה ShebuAh or צַוָאָה Tsewaah. Shahada is the Muslim declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and the prophet Mohammed. In other words it’s what you must believe and declare in order to be considered a Muslim. Shaddai or Shad is actually the term for the bosom/teat that weens and nourishes the babe. “ “male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (NIV) This passage states that man was created as male and female and also that man was created in the image of God. God has the characteristics of both male and female and these characteristics were put in man, the male characteristics were placed in men while the feminine characteristics were placed in women. When a man and a woman come together, they unite these characteristics as one, now a perfect representation of God. “and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 (NIV) God promised the nation of Israel that he would bring them into a “land flowing with milk and honey.” God as the אל שדי (el shaddai), the mighty teat, will supply his children with his life sustaining milk.” Reference: www.ancient-hebrew.org/studies-words/meaning-of-el-shaddai.htm
@xspydazx 26 дней назад
@@epicethiopianhistory again do not be fooled by el shadai ! This is because you cannot read the words for yourself . Then it's not about reading the words it's the grammar also . If you know about this phrase you would know the original translators did not know which word to place there so they choose a random word close . This is also a fact . You should know that Arabic uses the same grammar as the bible !! If you could read you would know thier similarity . As this is how Thier words work , the center of the word is the root meaning of the word . Hence Shhd. =<Shahada ! Your stigma against Islam !! This is also your problem ! As the word is not the religion ! You obviously did not understand the situation either ; As Moses asked god to describe what he was and who he was , he revived two answers ! One was : I am what I am ! The second: I am the Shepard of the oath ! If you followed the story of the one true god from the beginning : you would know that , Abrahama (brhama) also made this promise with god ! So this was a way to identify which god was speaking to moses as this was how they knew him : He was the god of the promise (Elshahad) on his death he asked his son Issac to make sure to keep the statutes of the god of the promise the most high ! You should know that melchesidek did not worship god of the promise but he worshiped the deity (Elyon) (fact) . This was a phonexian deity , as he was a phonexian ,! The Arab and Hebrew language : This is a collection of modern languages from 600bc : it was at this person the Sabean culture merged with the DMT culture , IE yeman and Somalia/Ethiopia : this kingdom created Thier own writing schema (the Coptic script !) this became a new written linguga franka of the period and the Arabs took this language back to yeman and Arabia (Asia minor) cultures : at that time they had no written language (despite being a member of the sanscrit family this script did not migrate out of India ! ) This language Kopt is the mother language which standardized that shemetic speech . .hence the exact same grammar ! All of the same roots ! Today Arab people still do not have full understanding of the grammatical rules , Maltese is classic example of Europeans using shemetic languages , in fact they also have a hard time to determine thier language ruleset (being Arab roots) hence they teach Arabic also so for missing words in Maltese they use either Latin ) Italian) or Arab ! So hebrew is Kopt root ! The Ethiopian people were khemetic based so they spoke African languages groups ! The main group is the Bantu language family ! Hence the root meaning of koptic words are Bantu in origin ! So it would seem to understand the full meaning of the biblical languages you would need to understand from which time period Moses was ! He was from the khemetic period ! In the real languages the did not even say el shadai or Jehovah or yahova etc !!! This is a Greco European translation of the original words ! To hear them you will have to read the Kopt ! Again we get to the root words ! Su na nini na nini (I am what I am) NZambi ( the god of the promise ) Zambia (land of the promise ) There is at no point of which the tribes of Jacob knew elshadai ? Why would god identify himself as a strange new title ? How would the people know that Thier god has sent him ! Hence god referred to the promise he made with Abraham ! When you read these books , the promised lands and the promised god made to Abraham is highly prevelant . It is also very visual as being the book of the promise also as this is where god asks man to promise to follow god by his way ! I think you need to re-read the phrase and insert (god of the promise and rws the whole part again) ... Then you will notice the mistake the translated made ! You also need to be careful you are not reading a copy of the European bible retranslated back into Ethiopian ! As this also is a re-written. Bible , it also contains "Narration" in which the translator added extra words and notes based on Thier understanding in places for clarification! As you should also know there is no word for "lord" this is a European concept added to the bible ! It's a sign you also have a back translation ! The original bible is what should be used when I. Doubt over correct translation : I think you would understand that the dead sea scroll is written in Ethiopian Coptic !!! (There was never a Hebrew script ever!!) , it has always been koptic ! Milk and honey , yes but again if your out-of-culture you would not understand this phrase either !!! This also refers to a pombe (alcohol) it is made with milk and honey ! And is made. Y Ethiopian Watusti tribe and massai tribes ! It is drunk before ceremonies and rituals and .. etc .. Perhaps you did not know that heaven { AmaZulu) ... Do you know how much it takes to be lost ! .. it's not just can't find your way home ! , it's understanding of our languages and a our basic culture ! Perhaps you did not read This word ( pha roah) ( pha (dead/death) (roah(life spirit)) ... Phroah the keeper of the spirits of the dead ! Afra = dust (ground / land) I (belong) Ka (spirit) Afrika (land of the spirit in the dust ) (land of adamu ,) ... But which language is this ? It is khemetic ! / khamatic , it is our original languages ! In fact it is Zulu ! ,BaNtu,Xhosa ...many languages in Africa are the same language hence being lost you cannot regain this . Hence being born in a foreign culture , you can only deceen things from the perspective of your land of your growth ! .. So sorry your analogy is also European !! Very grey indeed , one would have to put away such references ! Iman u el (teacher - chosen/,belonging to - God(Shepard) . You should also know that el doesnot mean deity or god either !! It means Shepard ! So now I ask you to learn ! Or go back to sleeping ! Stop praising thier deity's.. and defending Thier deity's ! If you know that Immanuel does not mean god with us 🙏 🙏 🙏 it translated into the teacher sent by god ? Why would you still be using such concepts and references !
@xspydazx 26 дней назад
@@epicethiopianhistory I give a thumbs down 👎 You should not compare Islam as they bow down to false idols same as today's Yiddish Zionists ! As well as Christians and Zoroastrians (who worship fires and snakes) and Hindus , and Buddhist (who attempt to combine with the deities ) ... You should also know that Egypt was a holy city that was corrupted by the later phonexians ! As it was created by the first scribe ! (Enoch(Thth) ) ... But you would have read this also in the book of jasher and the book of Enoch ! Or even other naghamadi texts , as well as the kebra negast ! This wmis also why god laid Egypt to waste also ! And gave it in to the hand of the enemy ! Cannan has always been in the hand of the Africa people ! Only the fake cannan is today's battle zone (perhaps you did not read that Jerusalem was in the stolen canan but not the promised lands not land of nZambi ! Which borders on the land of Shem (divided only by sea !)
@xspydazx 26 дней назад
@@epicethiopianhistory if you have questions it's no problems sir ,! Me I am a Jamaican. ! (Very awake !) And yes (I live in the land of the eden !(But the borders of the promised land are also in eden !) Hence I live in Tanzania,! As this was the source of the ancient Egyptians (hence it was the lands of Enoch) ... As he only visited Egypt (one a year (read up)) ..(he used to live away from the people) but he did not live on mount herman or that region ! It was a border of our kingdoms ! Hence being the lands of the eloheim and Thier king was Elyon (the most high). In the preflood they were all giants ! In the post flood only mechesdeck had survived and the (giants of bashon and OG,(both in jerusalaem region(today's Palestine and Israel)). Hence the people were not supposed to be in that land it was not the land god had shown to Abraham (it was what he had belived must have been the land of canan !!)hence moses took them to the real cannan ,! The original lands allotted to cannan by noah and Enoch ! As they were to become (servants to god , IE priests) .. hence Ethiopia being the center of gods religion and foundation and not Jerusalem ! A Bab Elyon (house of the most high El) trap ! .the phonexian pantheon ! ..
@donavonmorrison931 Месяц назад
What about Hebrews 7:3?
@Alamo48o Месяц назад
Do you think kebra neagst is fake?
@yanicyoda4762 Месяц назад
@Uncanny_Mountain Месяц назад
Pythagoras means 'Heart of the Serpent', he was born in Sidon, a fishing Port in Phoenicia. His mother received a prophecy from the Oracle at Delphi that he would become a great Leader & Teacher. Sidon means 'Kingdom of the Fish', & the Essenes, who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls, worshipped Pythagoras. The Sarcophagus of Eshmun III found in Sidon names him as the 'Widow's Scion', aka Hiram Abiff, Founder of Freemasonry, of which Tyre was the premier Capital (at least equal to Thebes). In 911BC Rameses II married the Queen of Sidon, home of Jezebel (Daughter or consort of Baal, ie "Queen") founding Neo Assyrian Babylon, an alliance between Egypt & Hiram, Father of Jezebel, & King of Assyria; forming the Phoenician colonies, & building the Temple of Melqart to commemorate their alliance. The Si in Sidon is the basis of the Latin Exe, or X, and is the basis of the Cross, or Chi Rho that Constantine painted on his shields. Also known as the Cross of Tyre, or Cross of Baal, being Ra-El, or Ba'El. Using Euler's number to map irrational numbers also produces a Templar Cross: ie where Eclipses are most likely to occur, called the 'Saros' Cycle. This cross can also be seen around the neck of Nimrod in Assyria, consistent with the Union Jack, & Solstice Calendar found in the Vatican's Shiva Lingam. Shiva is the Hebrew word for 7, & their culture also found its way to Korea & Japan (via the Philippines) ultimately becoming Shintoism. It was the Phoenicians who gave their name to the Pole Star, _Phoenice,_ which they used to Navigate the Oceans using the Zodiac, that's what the Antikythera mechanism was for, & with it they wrote the Byblos Baal; what we now call the Bible. The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC & called 'Vaticanus Graecus', or 'Son of the Sacred Serpent', ie Sirius, the basis of the Sothic Calendar, which uses a Hex Decimal & base 60 system found in all Megalithic sites around the world. In the second century AD the Astronomer Valentinus Vettori transcribed it into a Lunar chart of 13 houses, what we now call the Zodiac. Horoscope means 'Star Watcher', or 'Time Keeper' & the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, was *_Israel_* or _El,_ (Fruit) of Isis (Ishtar) & (Amin) Ra. Equally El is the 'Father' of Ra the Sun, & Consort of Isis the Earth Mother, ergo _'El Ptah'_ is the *Moon* or Set, the Stranger. Phoenicia was the interim between Egypt & Greece, with artisans & culture exceeding that of the Greeks, whom literally adopted the Phoenician Alphabet, which we still use to this day; sounding out words phonetically. 'Phoenician' is alliterated in 'Venetian', & 'Vikings', being Kings of the Sea, [Sea Pharoahs] El is the primary God of the Phoenicians, representing the offspring of Egypt, & his consort Astarte or Ishtar represents the Assyrian half of the alliance. Such lineages & alliances can be traced (through the naming of gods) to Ireland & the Vikings, Indonesia, the Americas; even as far away as Australia, & New Zealand. It denotes Sirius as 'Son' of Orion & Pleiades, which sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The basis of the Sothic (Seth) Decan Calendar of the Egyptians. The New Moon in this position marks Rosh Hashanah, the Egyptian, Celtic, Phoenician, & Assyrian New Year, with the first New Moon of September, so called as it's the 7th House of the Zodiac, when the Sun is in Ophuichus. 'Phoenix', 'Benben', or 'Bennu', is Egyptian for 'Heron', or Feathered 'Serpent'. It baptised itself in frankincense & myrrh at Baalbek, then alights atop the Great Pyramid, upon the Holy Grail, or Altar of Ra, every 630 years to take three days off the calendar; during the course of the first New Moon of Nisan, which means 'Prince'. The Capstone of Pyramids is even called the Benben or Bennu. The Phoenix is found in all religions, which are all Astrological Allegory for the Moon traversing the Constellations as a soul migrating from body to body. Thus is the basis of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth, or 'Hero's Journey' with the cycles & orbits of the planets serving as portents, omens, allies, etc. Thus Astrology was the Science of the Bronze Age & Reincarnation was the early teaching of the Gnostic Christian Church, & relates to the lineage of Kings: "The Pan is Dead! _Long live Pan!"_ The Bennu is the Egyptian Phoenix, to Phoenicians the Hoyle, Etruscans saw birds as sacred too, as did Celts, & Picts. Hebrew & Iberia have the same root; meaning _'over'_ ie _'overseas'_ or 'those [whom travel] over [the] sea'. A colony called Iberia also appeared on the Eastern shores of the Black Sea, with the same Dolmen & Megalithic culture originating in Ireland and Brittany circa 4500BC. _Phoenician_ means 'Scion of the Phoenix', the first Bible: Vaticanus Graecus; 'Scion of the Sacred Serpent' (Prince). Then there's the Essenes; :Sons of Light', the Tuatha De Danaan; Sons of Light, Anunnaki; Sons of Light, Arthur Pendragon; Arthur [Thor] 'Son of the Dragon'. Chertoff is Russian for "Son of the Devil" & Dracula also means 'Scion of the Dragon'. Masons call themselves the "Brotherhood of the Great White Serpent", & the Ziggurat of Anu denotes her as a great white Serpent too, while at New Grange & the Bru na Boinne, Ireland (4000BC) the white quartz ramparts also denote the Moon. The Moon itself travels either side of the Solar Elliptic by 5 degrees through specific constellations in a serpentine fashion that is always changing, but repeats every 19 years, the time it took to train a Druid or Magi, Magi meaning 'Teacher'. The Phoenix is also associated with this sacred number 19. "Pharoah" means 'Great House' or 'House of Light' & Cairo used to be called Babel. Pharaohs were called 'Commander in Chief' & wore a hooded crown representing feathers, as do Native American Chiefs, ie the Feathered Serpent. Aztecs also had 'Serpent Kings', (Canaan means Serpent Kings, & Sidon was a Son of Canaan & Great Grandson of Noah) who were called to lead with "cunning & guile" being the virtue of their "right to rule"; being seen as "just" in public, while shrewd in private. "As wise as Serpents, (while appearing as) _gentle_ as Doves." The old Egyptian flag of an Eagle holding a Snake is also reflected in the Modern Mexican flag, denoting the Constellations of Serpentis (13th sign of the Zodiac) and Aquila. The dimensions & 12 mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid are also found in New Grange, & Stonehenge, as well as in Watson Brake, (2500BC) & Teotihuacan, which correlates to the Phoenician/ Sumerian Seximal system, which is what our modern systems of time are based on, unlocking a fractal pattern reflected in the musical chord, electrical resistance, relative Planetary orbits, indeed; throughout _all_ creation. Officially no one knows who invented Astrology, the Zodiac, navigation by the stars, or time keeping. But whoever built the pyramids, & pioneered the 24hr clock in Egypt 5000 years ago already knew the exact dimensions of the Earth, & the speed of light. Because these can all be calculated using these Megalithic sites as a Surveyor use a Theodolite. Specifically at Teotihuacan; 230 degrees opposite Cairo, & with the exact same footprint. The ideal positions to determine the speed of light using the transit of Venus, allowing for accurate Longitude for Maritime navigation. Capt Cook did the same thing in 1774 when he 'discovered' Easter Island. The only culture that fits the bill was wiped out "not one stone upon the other" by the Romans in 146BC. Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia (Israel) sat just offshore from Ursu Salaam: City of the New Moon; City [or 'Rock'] of Peace; root of the name _'Jerusalem'_ & was also seized by Rome in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege. The gap between is 216 years (6x6x6). Greek Dionysians built the Temple of Solomon (now called the Temple of Melqart) representing the Solar Lunar (Solomonic) Metonic Calendar on which this system is based. They also carried mirrors, same as Magi, Druids, Greeks, & Egyptian scholars. These Mirrors are Astrological charts called 'Cycladic _Pans'_ & record the cycles of the planets. The first Temple of Melqart ( Phoenician Horus, Hercules, Pan, Thor) represents the 13th Constellation of Ophiuchus or 'Serpent Bearer' (hence Orphic Serpent worship) & had pillars of Emerald (Jasper) & Gold, ie Isis (Tree of Life) and Osiris (Tree of Knowledge). The Jerusalem Temple only took payment in "Shekels of Tyre" a currency minted during the Israelite rebellion against Rome, hence _"give that which is Caesar's unto Caesar"_ When Alexander sacked Tyre in 332BC they relocated to Carthage meaning "New City" or New Jerusalem, & built a second temple with Pillars of Bronze. Nebuchadnezzar also sieged Tyre for 13 years, taking the City captive in 573BC: the same time as the biblical account, & again the Romans in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege, also consistent with the same biblical accounts. Palaset was the name of a tribe of the Sea Peoples, Pallas _Set_ denotes the New Moon of Ammun Ra rising in Gemini, the *Pallas* Constellation of the Twins "that stand before Orion", due West of the Temple between the Gates [Pillars] of Gibraltar; "Gabriel's Altar", ie 'Pallas Stein', or Pallas Stone, 'Phallus' or Philosopher's Stone: the _"Rising Son"._ So 'Wormwood', like 'Tyre' means 'Bitter Rock', for the same reason; as the Son rising from the 'Bitter' [Salt or 'Black'] Sea of the Underworld; The 'Black Rock' or 'Gatestone' 🌑 The Cross of Tyre or Ba'El ❌ represents Lunar maximums & minimums & correlates with the Cross Quarter days of the Solstice Calendar. Align the Cross ❌ Chi Rho Christian ✝️ & Star 🔯 to the Zodiac, & you have a Compass & Timepiece that correlates to the Nautical Mile; allowing for global Maritime navigation. It is in fact an Astrological allegory for a Sothic Metonic Saros Zodiac Calendar using Accusations in a Mirror 🪞 *A Phoenix **_Cypher_*
@xspydazx Месяц назад
Melchi = King : As you can see this is also still an arab word ! - zedek ( sadeek ) << also an arab word for Rightous person : Maliki Sadeki << Melchizedek ( its been changed to a latin name loosing not only its sound ! ) Malikai Zodok ! <<
@xspydazx Месяц назад
where is this great book ? this is a very important story to know : it contains some of the most vital historys : - - I think it tell us the gihion springs us is the great waterfalls ! < as it tell us the gihon is also the tips of the nile...the gihon ( the great river ) the nile is also called the great river : it also tells us that the kingdom of jerusalem - was the kingdom of melchesidec ( Maliki Zodok) ( melici )king) (nkosi) -Sadik ( rightous one ) - The rightous king ( malikai zodock ( melhicisedek) .... it also makes us also realize that abraham was living in mamre ( gaza) .... it lets us know that Rama ( these early deitys (his mountain was in the east ( they were asians )) .. It also lets us know that Cush/Mizraim/Nimrod ... All lived from iran - the nile ( euphrates to gihon river ) - So this was also Afra i Ka ( Dust (in) Spirit ) (eden) ( land of the sprit from the dust ( land of adam )) .. the video cuts off ...help us bro ! - Also could you read it in both languages ?
@HE.575 Месяц назад
Rulers of D'mt was Yemenites who worshiped the same gods worshipped in Ma'arib; because in that time rulers of both sides worshiped gods of Maarib and we know Maarib city was the capital city of Sabaen kingdom in Yemen.
@adamankind1onearthg Месяц назад
show us where in bible says sheba commit adultry a visitor n her bastard son stole 10 commandment which litrally says do not steal nor commit adultry commandment #1 & #2. legendry fable myth story developed in 14 century by the motive of to rule cushitic land poltically influeced to take over zagwe dynasty ...stop bullshitting with lie archeological evidence show sabian palace in yemen... only tigre ppl related to her as descendants of sheba from yoktan. they dont admit they came with thamudic script later known sabian letter. they mixed with agew kunama kemet afar obal ophir ogaden to create modern abyssinian. altabari confirm son of joktan sheba agazi saba were son of Ramah wa yoktan.
@PFResearch Месяц назад
Rome is the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem.
@user-ol3pt2ci1l Месяц назад
Look it up the people then spoke Hebrew and the reason why they couldn't read or write in Aramaic was because they were Russians Becca was named after Issac wife which was a black Jewish woman that's why they inslaved black jews look it up Becca was named after Issac wife which was a black jew Abraham nice Sarah nice
@blkjet117 Месяц назад
You are very deluded and ignore Bible verses that prove the Hebrews are not black.
@user-ol3pt2ci1l Месяц назад
Look it up Becca is the shorter name for Rebecca Issac wife which was a black Jewish culture Look it up right now on Google
@user-fb4sf5qs5s Месяц назад
Ancient Israelites come from the White House of David. Babylonian Indus valley empire people attacked them... You've got a lot of explaining to do about what a Jew is now, and I bet you won't get any money for doing so...
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
First of all you need to understand that the terms Chaldean, Hebrew, Israelite Judah, Judean, and Jew are not interchangeable. Secondly, people were classified by nations and families not skin color. Moses married an Ethiopian woman. Moses was raised by Egyptian royalty in Africa. Therefore he was an African of Jacob’s lineage. Egyptians left Egypt with the Israelites so they intermarried. The Egyptian languages still exist in Akan languages, Nilo-Saharan languages, and Ethiopian languages. The Jewish Talmud says Shem is dark and handsome, and Ham is dark as the Raven. Biblical events take place in East Africa, and the Levant. So, why don’t you tell me what a Jew is?
@user-fb4sf5qs5s Месяц назад
@@epicethiopianhistory absolutely. There was never a singular EGYPTIAN. You are talking to someone who knows the line of Pharaohs MOSES comes from. I know he intermarried, because M U T. Hebrew comes from Aramaic. To understand Judah you need to understand 1000 battles of different Egyptian eras battling Babylonian empires... Do you know which ones were allied vs battling Babylon with Egypt??? I'm afraid if you came to debate... Will foolish you. If you want to learn HISTORY... I CAN TEACH!!!
@user-fb4sf5qs5s Месяц назад
The Egyptian language exist in COPTIC... Which you failed to even mention...
@user-fb4sf5qs5s Месяц назад
Jews come the GREEKS marrying into BLACK Egyptian people's who outnumbered the others... That's what a biblical JEW was!!!
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
That’s because it’s the last Pharonic language which is quite recent compared to ancient Egyptian. Coptic is from the Roman era of Egypt and was spoken mainly by Christians during this Byzantine era. I do consider it a Holy language and have great love and respect for the Coptic tradition. However I was talking about the really old hieroglyphic terms and practices that cannot be considered Semitic. Because as you know Egypt was made up of many tribes.
@murph19611 Месяц назад
Darius is not a name, but a title , it means the Resatrainer or Maintainer depending on the historian, whereas another said it meant King.
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
I also agree that it is a title.
@murph19611 Месяц назад
@epicethiopianhistory look up the Rock of Behistun , it is an inscription that is written in 3 languages giving the genealogy of the Persian Kings , it was transcribed in 1846 by Sir Henry Rawlison and cleared up the confusion of the names and titles . You can find an explanation of it the Apendix 57 of Ew Bullinger Companion bible ...which is an excellent source of lots of history from that time in his Apendixes
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
Cool, thanks.
@hneemann Месяц назад
at this time there where no turkey, it was skythia where the sons of japhet lived, wich later moved to europe.
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
The Scythians were actually in Central Asia at this time. They migrated into West Asia during the 7th to 6th century BC and then Pontic Steppe 6th to 3rd BC. The land was the land of the Hatti and then conquered by Assyrians around the time of David and Solomon.
@jean-rochdion4898 Месяц назад
🤣🤣🤣 ..... okay stop it!!!
@andrewndambuki2207 Месяц назад
Been longing for a new drop. Thanks
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
Thanks for listening 🙏🏾
@ancienteritrea3603 Месяц назад
You are ignorant Ethiopia became a country after 1892 under menilik..
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
ዳዊት 133:1፤ እንሆ፣ ኣሕዋት ብሓደ ሓቢሮም ኪነብሩስ፣ ክንደይ ሰናይን ክንደይ ጥዑምን እዩ። ዳዊት 133:2፤ ከምቲ ኽቡር ዘይቲ ኣብ ርእሲ፣ ኣብ ጭሕሚ፣ ኣብ ጭሕሚ ኣሮን፣ ናብቲ ዘፈር ልብሱ ዚወርድ እዩ። ዳዊት 133:3፤ እግዚኣብሄር ኣብኣ በረኸትን ህይወትን ንዘለአለምን ኣዚዙ እዩ እሞ፣ ከምቲ ናብ ኣኽራን ጽዮን ዚወርድ ጠሊ ሄርሞን እዩ። Psa 133:1. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psa 133:2. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; Psa 133:3. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
@Bete_amhara-ኤኬ47 Месяц назад
Thanks for letting the whole world know how much knowledge/information you are lacking 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@panaceasolutions5031 Месяц назад
Who is the "Ethiopia" mentioned in book of Psalms then?
@ancienteritrea3603 Месяц назад
​@@panaceasolutions5031 Kush in most translation ? that in is in Sudan. you can live in your fantancy word but don't include us, we are not Ethiopians.
@panaceasolutions5031 Месяц назад
​@@ancienteritrea3603 "in most translations"? I wasn't talking about crooked translations. If Ethiopia is Cush then how come Genesis 2 mentioned it as the source of the Nile? Is Sudan a source of the river of Eden? Also why does Genesis 10 and Jubliees 9 place Cush in the ME? Nimrod son of Cush is founder of Babylon, so how u get him in Ethiopia? Haven't you read ur Scriptures lately? You should also know that "Kish" is in Mesopotamia! If you don't want to be called Ethiopian is fine by me, hey its a free world! There are those who jump with joy at that notion. You think this will absolve u from the truth? 😅😅😅 Much to learn u still have...
@adamankind1onearthg Месяц назад
its sabian mix with local cushitic creates geez in North west arabia mahra then resettled from habeshat to Adulis Dahlak region. connecting Ramah Sheba with Jokan lineage.
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
So you don’t believe that the whole world was of one language and one speech after the flood?
@yotinpimohktiw7766 Месяц назад
Can i ask why a Kaskitewiyas like yuorself speaks european english, and preaches a lie taught to you by the same folks that taught you European English. They brought you out of your homeland Africa, and made you work for them in a foreign land, that had its own people before you ever showed up. They taught you their lies and made you think their bible had meaning. It is of the Devil in Saturn. This is Miskinak Ministik. Nihiyaw askihk kakikiy. Kiwi kaskitewiyas semak. Kiya wanihowin. Your lost.
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
Turtle island could very well be part of that great North land of Japhet. We are not preaching by the way we are doing research. We know the land of Japhet is cold. By the way, we study Ethiopic texts which are African and not European. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
@khastaDKushite Месяц назад
Ra-Ua(wha), to begin Ra-au a Ua em seh… Tch(Cho) Tch-a-fire, Tch a Jah Jesus(Tch-ai-u-se-seh) Tch-Ua-nu-deh(Twenty) & fire from sky. Bu ra a nu su? Who says in 2024 Khu deh Ra-daylight Who says Au-bu-ra-Ua(to-go) Au-bu-ra-Weh Ua go on, Ua deh deh A nu kha-Ua(Life)
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
I don’t understand what you are talking about.
@R023N 2 месяца назад
I was actually hoping to hear how it's spoken rather than having a wkipedia paragraph read to me
@epicethiopianhistory 2 месяца назад
There are plenty of videos on this channel where you can hear that.
@yaniswashington8828 2 месяца назад
lol you contradict yourself 😂 it’s bloody Semitic ( hint hint)
@epicethiopianhistory 2 месяца назад
It is the language that was spoken by Shem which makes it “Semitic”. However, it is the first language which is why I say it is the true “proto-afroasiatic”.
@goodpalmer186 2 месяца назад
@bashab3098 2 месяца назад
Was it by a journalist or the foreign office in this short clip you say both?
@epicethiopianhistory 2 месяца назад
The term originated from the British India office in the 1850’s. Alfred Thayer Mahan is the journalist who made it popular in 1902 with a statement he made that was published in a British journal called the National Review. It was reprinted in The Times and a twenty article series followed called “The Middle Eastern Question”. When the series ended in 1903 the term continued to be used without quotation marks.
@epicethiopianhistory 2 месяца назад
Here is Alfred Thayer Mahan’s statement published in the National Review in London. “The Middle East, if I may adopt a term which I have not seen, will some day need its Malta, as well as its Gibraltar; it does not follow that either will be in the Persian Gulf. Naval force has the quality of mobility which carries with it the privilege of temporary absences; but it needs to find on every scene of operation established bases of refit, of supply, and in case of disaster, of security. The British Navy should have the facility to concentrate in force if occasion arise, about Aden, India, and the Persian Gulf.” Reference: Adelson, Roger (1995). London and the Invention of the Middle East: Money, Power, and War, 1902-1922. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-06094-2.
@bashab3098 2 месяца назад
@@epicethiopianhistory you said it not me , or if he said it which was correct .
@donomar8517 2 месяца назад
Beja oromo somali afar sidamo rendille etc.. are descendants of the ancient egyptians
@asmaabubakar2646 2 месяца назад
ليسه هذه الكتابات فقط اثوبيه انما لا ننسي شعب ارتريا في البحر الاحمر فقط زمان ماكان حدود انما شعوب هذا المكان كانو يسكنون مع بعض وهذه اللغه المكتوبه بالاثار المصريه القديمه هي لغتنا في ارتريا واسمها التقري والتقرنيا وهي فيها خليط من اللغه العربيه والمكتوب في الاثار هنا سحي وهذا اسم الشمس ومكتوب عزي وهذا اسم الملك اما المراه الملكه اسمها كان عزا واللغه الامهريه موجوده في الاثر المصري في بعض الاثار اما الملوك القدماء فكانو بدايتهم هي لغتنا التقري وبعدها جاؤ كلو الافارقه الي مصر حتي الحمر موجودين في الاثار بشعرهم مرسومين والماساي والعفر والساهو والبلين والكناما والتقري والتقرنيا كلهم موجودين في الاثار المصريه القديمه وحتي الارقام الحسابيه هي لغتنا النوبه لم يكن لهم حروف ابجديه ولا كان عندهم كتابه والصومال كذالك لم يكن لهم حروف ابجديه ولاكن كانو جزا من الحضاره لانها كانت اسرات كتيره من حكمت مصر القديمه وليسه اثوبيا فقط حتي الارمو موجودين في الاثار فابدا ب شعب ارتريا لانهم شعب البحر وقريبين للمصري القديم ثم الي اثوبيا وطبعا كلهم لغتهم ساميه حاميه وشكرا😊😊😊😊
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
You’re welcome ☺️
@user-nu1mt7pr2l 2 месяца назад
Wow! I cannot hold my piece or sanity about this revelation about the King of Ethiopia. Why has this spiritual truth been concealed or suppressed-especially in western societies? My heart is jolted over this scripture! My breath is taken away. What should I do now?
@user-nu1mt7pr2l 2 месяца назад
Thanks for rescuing our spirits from the biases and sophistry of western civilization. Thanks for unleashing the wisdom of Adonai in its fullness and true beauty. Your ministry is liberating your audience. May you be greatly blessed (Daniel 12:3)!
@keevancrawford6708 2 месяца назад
Azurad married Eber. Azurad was Cush, Hamitic (African). That goes against their narrative regarding the people in that region.
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
They like to hide or ignore everything that goes against their narrative.
@danhatcher7455 2 месяца назад
Very informative and edifying. Please keep up the good work.
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
Thank you, I will
@user-eb8bc3py8r 2 месяца назад
The more I listen to this clip,the more I realise how much information or truth is hidden from the Bible we all read. I wonder why such valuable information is hidden from us. Thanks for expanding in the origin of Melchizedek.
@jibrielali6042 3 месяца назад
Lmao you will go as far as to say basically means youre making shyt up, Saba is a Yemeni Kingdom. They colonized Ethiopia, you are fantasizing about colonizers so you try to rewrite history and say that Sabeans are ethiopians 😂😂 Oh please when will you people ever free yourselves from the schackles of slavehood. Saba is a Yemeni Kingdom and Queen of Saba is Yemeni and she plundered Ethiopia for it's resources 😂😂
@samcon777 3 месяца назад
Keep up the good work 💚💛❤️
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
Thank you! Will do!
@fullcircleentertainmentllc3871 3 месяца назад
Bless Up from Ras Royal I I‼️
@epicethiopianhistory 3 месяца назад
Thank you! Senbet Selam.
@fullcircleentertainmentllc3871 3 месяца назад
@@epicethiopianhistory Yes my brother my team we support your channel breddah you are doing some GOOD work for the Kingdom‼️ ❤️💛💚❤️💛💚
@epicethiopianhistory 3 месяца назад
Thank you. Praises be to Egziabhair 🙏🏾
@77nickali 3 месяца назад
Am I wrong thinking Ethiopia means "burnt face"? If so then why would all of the brown ppl of the ancient world remark the inhabitants of Africa as burnt face if they were lighter and of fairer skin? But we are free to believe what we will with or without evidence. Where do you get your info from, would really like to know.
@epicethiopianhistory 3 месяца назад
Just because the Greeks had one interpretation does not mean that is the origin of the term. If you watch the videos on this channel you can find the references in description.
@zeagazetotsiyon2942 3 месяца назад
I spoke n the ohone with Meri Ras Aman Belay prior to his passing. I have all his books. Also like myself Meri Ras Aman is/was a Abune Mar/አቡነ ማር in the Order of Elijah/ሥርዓት ደቂቀ አልያስ።
@epicethiopianhistory Месяц назад
Ok, is their something you’d like to share with us or clarify?
@Mbora255 3 месяца назад
If moses married an Ethiopian(Midian) woman. That means mt Sinai is in Ethiopia. And also when they crossed the red sea from the middle east going forwad(coming in to Africa). Now it makes sense. Yesu Kristo he’s real and He’s coming. Them doing this is to teach you that the bible is real. And Yesu Kristo is real.
@RealHiddenLight 3 месяца назад
Midian is next to Kush. And Kush is modern day Sudan. Mount Sinai is likely nearby the Eritrea border to Sudan. Further down into Ethiopia is the holy land Joshua led the Israelites to. We have so much evidence
@Mbora255 3 месяца назад
@@RealHiddenLight true true there’s some true into that
@TopReplica23 3 месяца назад
The biggest lie ever told, they said mount sinai is in egypt. I like it like that let them think it is, the holy land is protected by the wise, he plans they plan but he is the best of planners. Now i know why ethiopia was the only country to never been colonized in africa he the creator was always saving it.
@tedberd 4 месяца назад
Arabic is Amharic...in three months i learn almost perfect Arabic, i wonder why ? Btw Islam started in Yeha Ethiopia. Ask this Question why the Prophet chose Ethiopian nurse until the end ? His best bodies are Bilal, Yaser and Yabir all Ethiopian who speaks Amharic/Geez. The Prophet is a Sabi...
@servantofthegreatiamloving2113 4 месяца назад
@thomas11156 4 месяца назад
Sorry to disappoint you but the history you're referring to is the Nubian kingdom or present day North Sudan. Obviously you're trying to conflate Nubian and Aksum kingdoms which is completely inaccurate.
@adamankind1onearthg 4 месяца назад
ethio histry is oromo history not yemen arab