Locked In Luke
Locked In Luke
Locked In Luke
Everything Fantasy and Sci-Fi gaming here with the occasional skit for shorts.

For Business Inquiries email - contactbeardedpanda@gmail.com
@rocketboy1674 9 часов назад
Ok, now review Astro Bot
@LockedInluke 4 часа назад
Coming soon 😎
@kennuimuffins2426 12 часов назад
One of my fav games of all time. I can't play it non stop all the time, but I always come back to it. Doing custom skins for campaign is really fun but a real pain in the ass. But once you figure it out, you can manually adjust textures to your liking. You should also maxing stealthsuits, probably the strongest thing in the entire game. You can one-shot some strongholds this way. After you beat strongholds a million times, doing it in different ways is fun. Mass scouts is also funny to watch as they are also 1 pop. Much slower but delete infantry. But seriously mass stealthsuits with max upgrades is god tier. Takes a while so it's better on strongholds.
@LockedInluke 11 часов назад
My favorite part of strategy games is when people tell me amazing combos or broken stuff they can do in the game. I will definitely be testing out the stealth suits next time I hop back on and potentially testing out the custom skins if I can figure it out lmao
@Sonof_DRN2004 20 часов назад
Please check out Kingdom Come Deliverance. It’s a very good game and it’s insane that 11 people developed it with crowd finding. KCD2 is coming out soon too.
@LockedInluke 11 часов назад
I might give it a try, I usually go for medieval style games when magic and fantasy in is involved so I don't know if it will be up my alley, but I'll give KCD2 a try
@LockedInluke День назад
Currently playing space marine 2, multiple videos will be out soon🎉
@b1bbly День назад
The beginning = 🌽 🎥
@themuffinprincesa21 2 дня назад
To your second point about people not wanting to leave the game I do want to bring a counter point to. People enjoy the Monster hunter loop so much that when other games come out it's talked about often & many flock over to try it. Look at how well God eater series did despite its flaws. Even dauntless didn't die out this fast despite being arguably worse than Wild hearts. Wild Hearts has great ideas but launched in such a poor way. Then didn't attract enough attention with good enough fixes to keep going. Look at other poor launches that people still think are bad such as CyberPunk or No Man's Sky. Yet, if you tell people about all the changes since those launches & show them current footage of them, they often go "oh wow, I might pick them up on a sale" or even "oh, I should really reboot my old game and try again to see". Wild Hearts simply didn't do that (not necessarily their fault entirely) but I think that's the biggest downfall they had to any progress
@quantumluck5666 3 дня назад
Playing on ps5 rn and I’m throughly enjoying the game with friends
@rinchu6051 3 дня назад
Tried the denuvoless client, runned great. Poured 250 hours in the game, bought the game in steam, refunded within 2 hours because of poor optimization. Denuvo killed this game
@KozaraShinosuke 5 дней назад
Game = Good Publisher = Bad EA didn't give it enough time to cook, its still f-ing raw!!!
@TheTsukuyomiLight 5 дней назад
I still remember this game for the giant rat that doesnt kill you, but your framerate. Once it summoned its babies, your framerate would wail out in despair and pain. No lie though, the soundtrack for this game was nothing short of amazing though.
@thenecroinniceclothes5019 6 дней назад
I've played Space Marine when it came out on console and have gone back to it time and time again on Steam, and only today, immediately upon clicking this video, did I learn you can shoot Nemeroth during the free-fall.
@Yellow_Rebel 6 дней назад
My buddy and I started playing just a week ago and have been hooked. Cruddy that it is not being updated at all anymore.
@desertvik1ng 7 дней назад
Just started playing this a few days ago and I’m completely hooked. So sad it’s not being supported. Short-sighted quarterly goals killed this one.
@VTsimpingSan 7 дней назад
I loved the idea when i saw it, but I had a lot of skepticism when I saw EA was the publisher. Decided to wait til after the reviews to see if it was worth it and decided it wasn't. Such wasted potential
@baalfgames5318 7 дней назад
Good riddance.
@ZeroZmm 7 дней назад
I bought this a month ago for the PS5.. I was really excited cus I love MH and I'm also a weeb, however I had to return it. For some reason the game wouldn't install on my console and Sony's troubleshooting for the error was like "maybe the disc is dirty"..I just bought it 😢 Anyway, I tried to trade it for another copy just in case it was a faulty cd, but they didn't have another copy of the game and just got a refund.
@finnvost9349 7 дней назад
17:36 I would argue here that most of Monster Hunters designs were consistently some of the best in the Business, but the weapon designs in World and Iceborne were some good but a lot of base-metal/bone + monster part slapped on garbage, so I'd take the Wild Hearts recolours with a grain of salt But aside from that I agree, yet again EA sabotage some of their best upcoming IPs because they didn't make a quadrivigintillion billion bucks in loot box sales within the first month...
@groudongamer3178 8 дней назад
They couldn't over monetize the game so they killed.
@Skuthulu-archives 8 дней назад
YOU ONLY HAVE 900 SUBS!? Criminal
@LockedInluke 8 дней назад
THANK YOU! that comment honestly made my month, I'm glad to know you enjoyed the vid! I'm working on some great future videos that should be better than anything I've done so far!
@Skuthulu-archives 8 дней назад
As a Monster Hunter Veteran, this game looks fun as hell
@LockedInluke 8 дней назад
It's currently on ps+ so PLEASE give it a try!
@Blade12113 8 дней назад
Wild Hearts makes me cry because it was one of the best Hunter Style games... I'd even put it *on par* with monster Hunter. I desperately hope we can get more but deep down know it never will. Rest in peace a true all time great of gaming. In my opinion.
@LockedInluke 8 дней назад
I would also put wild hearts on par with monster Hunter, at least in terms of fun from gameplay and unique mechanics (like building). Even if some people don't agree I think it deserves a sequel, simply because it's the first monster hunting game that I felt could compete with monster Hunter!
@hurstcifer7286 6 дней назад
​@@LockedInlukeit so could have completed with mhw wish ea gave it some time to flash out tbh
@ittadakimaho 8 дней назад
You know .. the performance was never fixed .. So the game run like carp on launch .. and as such was never a good experience for the type of game. So ... that alone is reason enough to not touch it at all. After being dead on arrival .. they never addressed that issue. So that there was 'support' for 7 month without fixing the actual issue .. is just baffling. I cannot even blame EA here for dropping support.. but i can blame ea for allowing this game to launch in this state, which made any potential impossible. I have waited patiently to jump into this .. if it was ever in a playable state .. which it never got.
@onomatopoeia7219 8 дней назад
Ea is such crappy company
@dylangaletti395 8 дней назад
Lets hope that a spike in popularity doesn't allow the progressive freaks to weasel their way into the fandom to claim they've always been a part of it.
@niklasfeldbusch318 8 дней назад
Playing it atm with my brothers. I love this Game so much. The freedom you get in this game with the karakuri is amazing.
@Andiandru 8 дней назад
The idea was fun, but in my opinion, it lacked some polish, specially in their weapon gameplay
@jalengaskin8450 8 дней назад
18:40 WHAT?!! No way is that true!
@landonboyd9923 8 дней назад
As someone who deeply loves monster hunter. I also loved this game and thought the building was almost perfection. Hopefully this studio leaves ea or something and makes another game like this
@LockedInluke 8 дней назад
The building added so much depth and took focus off the weapons in a good way, I hope we get another game to explore that mechanic! 🙏
@RyokuYT 8 дней назад
Yep performance is why I stopped….and trust me my pc is no toaster. People with 4090 having bad issues with this.
@mcbill7352 8 дней назад
man i loved this game. found it way more fun than monster hunter, unfortunately the performance was so bad it was sometimes unplayable
@jacktheripper7935 8 дней назад
EA. As always.
@janweber2966 9 дней назад
I think ITs Just Not eneough monsters in wild hearts
@silvera-00 9 дней назад
The game died the minute they tried to come into the genre. MH fans actually gave the game a shot but coupled with the mechanics and Sunbreak coming to console. It was never gonna survive. To MH players, the game was straight up too easy. Hunts took only a few minutes for some of the hardest monsters. The combat was way too spammy. Too. A lot of MH fans just got bored and wanted something to play before Sunbreak.
@Demonshaft16 9 дней назад
I just didn't like the story or the building/fighting mechanics.
@LockedInluke 9 дней назад
That sucks, I hope monster Hunter wilds is way more enjoyable for you, when it comes out!
@Demonshaft16 9 дней назад
@@LockedInluke Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed wild hearts.
@bonquaviusdingle5720 9 дней назад
It’s published by EA. There’s your answer.
@dergermangamer2971 9 дней назад
Looks easy
@The_Big_Jay 9 дней назад
One of the big issues that wasn't the god awful performance was the weapons themselves. Just about every single one slid you, pushed you, or propelled you in an awkward way, making positioning difficult, and landing all of your hits even harder. So it was a game that ran like crap, with weird combat.
@at-bazelgeuse 9 дней назад
personally, i did really like most of the story and themes and vibes of the whole game, but i do agree killing off the girl and NOBODY mentioning it and it having NO EFFECT whatsoever except for that one guy's side quest is absurd idk what they were thinking
@marcheaustrotter8528 9 дней назад
Im not gone lie. I really enjoy the game, like really really enjoy it. Been olaying it for 2 days. Maybe ill see the issues later but for now, its a really great game. Ill be playing it for at least 300 hours for sure
@pokegamer1216 10 дней назад
Got into the game recently thanks to it being on PS+ and got to chapter 5. Really loving it but sad to see that it might not get anything new after Murakumo
@Kude1707 10 дней назад
The sad part is Toukiden also had performance issues and a bad PC port for both entries, its a theme with a lot of Koei games they phone in the PC ports, for example Toukiden doesnt even have proper mouse support on PC thats like porting a game to a console and not supporting the analogue sticks. This game was doomed from the start with both EA and Koei being involved. It sucks because I really wanted to play it but they never fixed the issues with it and my PC isnt powerful enough to just brush aside the performance issues
@LockedInluke 9 дней назад
Damn, I didn't know that performance was a consistent issue. I really hope this is a wake up call for them to put more effort into a smooth performance. No one likes bad performance but PC players are going to be the most critical (as they should).
@blancfan1 10 дней назад
Stopped watching when you were praising the automated farming. Hated that crap. In monster hunter I eat and hunt. Boom simple. Managing what food effects what and all that crap sucked.
@LockedInluke 10 дней назад
It's all good dude, we can have different opinions, no need to get heated. Me and my friend group thought the number of ingredients in monster Hunters world was overcomplicated but maybe we don't understand how to use that system effectively.
@FinalKey 10 дней назад
Devs picked the wrong publisher.
@soyoucanchangethis 10 дней назад
I am a MH player since Tri. I skipped this solely because its EA and they are so predatory in all of their games, I would never buy into anything they make. And if they cut support after a few months its just more of 'well we cant nickel and dime them with microtransactions so turn the servers off' is and always will be the way they act.
@Zerobasssoul 10 дней назад
Plz Koei bring this and especially Toukiden back ik it'll sell horribly but plz bring my baby back and don't let it be under EA
@tjweber9883 10 дней назад
And just like that I'm now sad as I loved this game, the Parasol was so damn fun to parry and counter with that I wish Monster Hunter had something even remotely similar to it.
@Sayurawesome11 10 дней назад
is it good now? i played on ok-is pc on demo and it tried to kill my pc as soon as i see rock
@FoxNamedFinn 10 дней назад
A friend and I tried it out via gamepass maybe a year or so ago, was surprisingly fun, we were quite shocked, we even managed to finish the story
@Luigidragon54 10 дней назад
I almost got this game cause it looked like a fun monster hunter spin off but I wanted to wait for it to release to see the reviews and maybe get it on sale....... it's still a maybe XD
@sioandel6248 10 дней назад
I think the game died for 2 reasons. 1. The poor optimization on launch left a massive bad public impression to the game. Although it was (mostly) fixed later, people still think the game is "bad" and a large chunk of steam negative reviews are left there. 2. EA's shortsighting decision to pull out early. Apparently the game didn't do well enough, so EA gave up to cut cost maybe. What they didn't expect is that there are no new Monster Hunter games in both 2023 and 2024, and they abandoned their chance to fill the hole when there are literally no competition.
@silvera-00 9 дней назад
They would have had to compete with Sunbreak shortly after anyway.
@azure4622 8 дней назад
The reason i didn't get it was because of the issues, and then while i was waiting for them to fix it EA dropped it.