Grace Wolcott
Grace Wolcott
Grace Wolcott
I am a filmmaker based in Missoula, MT, with a BFA in Media Arts - Digital Filmmaking from the University of Montana. I work as an independent filmmaker, media design specialist, and graphic designer. Please email me about job inquiries.
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Illicit Allure - Trailer
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New York Club Kids
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Music Video
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21st Century Blues
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Beautiful Girls
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Interactive Sound Booth #000001
2 года назад
Directing Reel
2 года назад
2 года назад
Your Face Will Get Stuck Like That!
2 года назад
Ghost Man
2 года назад
@summer2325 2 часа назад
I am also a ham.Han from China. BD4WBP Good wishes to you. 73❤We are a family.
@JSMachine1 16 дней назад
As a new extra (earned all three in the same day), I am fascinated by all the things you can do with this hobby. I don't even have any type of HF equipment yet. I look forward to building some antennas and getting a HF rig up and going.
@la7dfa 18 дней назад
This hobby will stay alive. The exiting propagations have always challenged and inspired people. Personally I like to challenge what I can reach beyond the horizon. Nice to see Lance W7GJ / WA1JXN here, I worked him on 50MHz EME when he was in Nauru, Pacific. It was the first contact on 50MHz from Norway, so was a special contact for me.
@mysteryham4065 18 дней назад
This documentary is very well done. Nice flow and very pleasing audio/photography. The slice of North American hams as focal points is interesting and fun. Great job!
@LU1VJK 19 дней назад
Grace, disfruté mucho viendo tu documental. Me encantaron las tomas, como fue fluyendo de manera natural el film en si. La presentación de los protagonistas, el sonido, pero por sobre todo me gustó mucho la calidez con la que presentaste el amor y pasión que provoca en muchas personas la radioafición. Espero ver más material tuyo en esta clave porque independientemente del tópico elegido para el documental, considero muy bien logrado el resultado final. Me recordó (y con eso delato mi edad) los films que veía en los noventas cuando sentía la calidez humana en el registro fílmico, sin necesidad de artificios. 73!
@mikewagar8631 Месяц назад
Very cool. I'm in!!
@AnthonyEarl Месяц назад
Awesome stories
@union310 Месяц назад
I found it interesting where the chap said the meetings were full of 65 year olds. That is the case for many hobbies. Keep it relevant keep it interesting but keep it fun and they will come.
@EssexCountyPhoto Месяц назад
Absolutely beautiful film. Outstanding soundtrack. Keep up the great work. 73 de 2E0HJN, Essex County, UK.
@fargoalspach557 Месяц назад
I play CB but have been thinking about upgrading.
@vidiman27 2 месяца назад
Such a beautiful Documentary.
@MerchantsOfMisery 2 месяца назад
Really nice documentary. I do hope to see more diversity in the ham radio community in the future because as a POC, it's a little unsettling to see ham radio documentaries or ham club photos and realize just how few women and people of color there are. I really wish the community was more self-reflective and made a conscious effort to address this problem but in my experience, any mention of this is met with significant hostility. Ham radio is largely still an ol' boys club and that really should change. I don't expect the community to change much though, which is why I'm planning on starting my own little club eventually. Every person in this documentary is an old white guy. No young folks, no women, no people of color. I'm not saying old white guys are the devil or anything like that, but we really ought to wonder why the ham radio community has such a lack of diversity.
@keimahane 2 месяца назад
This was wonderful. I have seen a lot of movement among younger Hams in Digital, POTA, SOTA and SHTF operating. They seem to be finding new ways to combine all of those ideas to create new ones, very encouraging to see.
@jetstreamx15 2 месяца назад
The word isn't evolve its develop
@ipduffy 2 месяца назад
Well done Grace!
@vinnagrrr2961 2 месяца назад
That was amazing! I wish it was like 3x longer. Currently studying for my tech license via a mix of apps and youtube. My ultimate goal is to make contact with the ISS, which luckily is possible even with a technician license. Anyways cheers from the midwest!
@OhYeah-qx9qn 2 месяца назад
I agree, ham radio is dying, but it's not dead yet and who knows how long it will live. But what I think is keeping it alive isn't a new/younger generation of hams, but preppers, for better or worse.
@WMSJacob 2 месяца назад
Grace, Your documentary truly captures what it's all about to be a licensed HAM! All the best on getting your ticket. I'll be listening for you on the air. 73s de N0JAG
@nicksower6064 2 месяца назад
Great Documentary - NB7K, AR SK 73
@KD5NJR 2 месяца назад
I’ll never forget it . Listening to Dr. Garriot from the Space Shuttle . Short pass over rural west Texas.
@maurocalderan7919 2 месяца назад
Beautiful documentary 💪💪💪 de IU3QWN
@urecorp777 3 месяца назад
@urecorp777 3 месяца назад
@Tiberius22495 3 месяца назад
Loved it. 73 de KI5PFA
@Brauma54 3 месяца назад
Love this documentary. I’m a fairly new ham. My hearing isn’t great but I intend to make DX contacts before I learn Morse code or go digital. I hope people are still sending QSO postcards
@Habacama 3 месяца назад
Many thanx Grace for this video about ham radio. Evgeny RA0CGT from Far East Russia
@CarlMadsen 3 месяца назад
This is awesome Grace. Good work. 73 de NØGFT
@juvenalmorais8407 4 месяца назад
👏👏👏👏🤝👍Boa sorte 73 PU 5 WCZ
@user-cw7kq1ry4q 4 месяца назад
Right State of Alaska true detective of state troopers
@user-cw7kq1ry4q 4 месяца назад
I bet George Jones has a high tech some place of billy and Jonny must be sat towers now it is ham good Jeff you are still not cancelled
@w.loczykij5354 4 месяца назад
HAM is not dying. It is becoming exclusive. It requires time, brains and some money - all of which Instagram warriors lack. We all rode horses - only some do now.
@eclipsepayments 4 месяца назад
Good docu
@noahwolcott5262 4 месяца назад
Nice last name 👍 An AMAZING documentary. I was just wondering how much "modern" stuff was available for HAM and the community. This professional quality gives it a great rap
@Biff2136 4 месяца назад
Did Grace ever get her license?
@deepakpandey.. 4 месяца назад
I want to make a ham radio receiver can somebody help how to start
@sleeve8651 4 месяца назад
For the uninformed, Amateur Radio Operators, are and always have been unique personalities. In that with radio, there comes a wide variety of interests ! I would say that the majority, also exhibit a higher intellect, as many Medical Doctors, Electrical engineers, Attorneys, Railroad engineers, School teachers, etc., right down to the Blue collar factory worker, share a love for all things electronic ! Plus, when first established, and for decades after, Amateur Radio was considered a, " Service ", something today thru advancements in technology, ( Many discovered, and made by these Hams )have many times shelved that idea, to where it has morphed into what many now see as a, " Hobby " ! Still used in many areas for their well known Emergency communications response after severe weather events, local or World wide disasters, where local means have failed, likely Amateur Radio Operators can still provide for some type of communications ! As to the term, " Ham " as referenced here in the video, that was initially a negative reference to operators ! When in its infancy, Amateurs could be heard sharing the air waves with Professional, paid Ship to shore, and Ship to Ship operators ! That because of the Amateur Radio Operators, laissez-faire attitudes, they were looked up on by the Professionals, as poor operators, and using Morse code, they were called, " Ham Fisted ", which essentially means how the Amateurs sounded, when sending the Morse code ! A term thru the years, that has since been adopted by many, to affectionately reference Amateur Radio ! From Earth to Space and back again, for me after 44 years, still fascinates me ! And they are still creating new ways to communicate ! Also I should point out, that thru my time in Amateur Radio, it has opened many doors, and introduced to me, many individuals, I otherwise would have never had the opportunity to meet ! Truly the most amazing thing I have ever been interested in ! Congratulations on the production of a video, showing the human side of Amateur Radio ! Well Done ! Bravo ! '73 !
@thewheelchairprepper8070 4 месяца назад
@muskokovic 5 месяцев назад
Great documentary! Shows the fun part but also the reality of how its changing.
@GiantSequoiaNation 5 месяцев назад
That was powerful. KD2MOT
@pmcallah 5 месяцев назад
God bless HAM radio.
@akanimohosutuk928 5 месяцев назад
i am looking to get into ham radio. i need to research more about this
@Paulio91184 5 месяцев назад
I got my ham radio license last month (11/14/2023) And I'm having so much fun so far. I'm really proud to be part of this community
@Paulio91184 4 месяца назад
Update: Got my General on new years day 2024!
@travisbakeriii3053 2 месяца назад
1/19/2024 got my technician license. I am loving HF. I'm motivated to get my Gen soon. KD9ZMK, 73!
@MikeNovemberOscarPapa Месяц назад
Got my Extra last week! See you all OTA. 73
@marcelookunz-lu1fk 5 месяцев назад
Felicitaciones por el video! Muy interesante. Dejo mis 73 Cordiales desde la República Argentina!
@kylewebster7499 5 месяцев назад
So happy to have stumbled upon this Doc...very well done! Enjoyed it, and will be waiting for more to come!
@ryany4326 5 месяцев назад
I’m impressed with the effort in this documentary, but this documentary hardly encompasses Hams as a whole.
@matthewlangley5565 5 месяцев назад
First guy had a crap load of antennas. I Gurantee you he doesn't live in a HOA.
@jungleperry 6 месяцев назад
I can't understand how you make friends just saying hello, telling each other where you are what your equipment is and then 5 seconds of other chat and then 73, over and out. How is that a friend?
@jeremeytaylor2433 6 месяцев назад
I am 32 now and have been licensed since I was 17 and a junior in High School and have loved it ever since. The one gentleman is correct in most of the operators are older. I think there are maybe 2 others in my age group in my area that is licensed and that is concerning. People my age think its an antiquated technology and no longer useful when they can pick up their phone and communicate all over the world. I enjoy the hobby and hope I can continue for many years to come. W8VYR 73!
@adamcossy 6 месяцев назад
just got my first radio. excited to learn alot more about it. Great documenty
@herzogsbuick 6 месяцев назад
pretty darn cool. i grew up in the 90's, building circuits and programming computers, and ham was something i always wanted to do -- but i never knew anyone to learn from, and the equipment was out of my reach money wise and i didn't have the expertise to build it. i'd still like to learn, but at 37, it would be for fun, not because i'd budge the median age :-D thank you for making this documentary, the last time i was in montana my band played a record store in kalispell heh. beautifull
@ricki11cook 6 месяцев назад
This was fantastic! My late grandfather was an Amateur Radio hobbyist in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia. When I was a kid, I’d go & spend every school holidays there & hang out with him in his radio shack. Such good times! I’m now 40 & this documentary has now motivated me to go get my own license.