Unorthodox Kitten
Unorthodox Kitten
Unorthodox Kitten
Just some kitten spreading love and cuteness :Dh ❤️
ust some kitTen spreAding love and CutenessJ :Dn ❤️❤️
st some kitton spreading love and cutenessJu :Dh ❤️❤️
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some kitten spreading love and cutenessJust :Dh
ome kitten spreading love and cutenessJusts :Dh ❤️
me kitten spreading love and cutenessJustso :Dh ❤️❤️
e kitten spreading love and cutenessJustsom :Dh ❤️❤️
kitten spreading love and cutenessJustsome :Dh ❤️
itten spreading love and cutenessJustsomek :Dh
n mod(10) + \\lfloor \\frac{n}{10} \

4 |5 |36.|7 |8. |X|10.|37. |?
14|37|20|24|31|9 |13|37
4 |33|2 |16|10|34|1 |1

The External Reality of Finiteness .
6 месяцев назад
Everything is happening at the same time .
8 месяцев назад
Infinity, Singularity and The Rapture .
9 месяцев назад
@KrystopherMalus 2 часа назад
3:04 it was the jews!
@talkaboutwacky 5 часов назад
Wait until you realize you never existed
@KnakuanaRka 15 часов назад
Is there some background lore I need to know to understand that opening scroll? Guess I’ll check the other videos.
@patricktingley3333 17 часов назад
“Man this datura ain’t shi” 30 minutes later:
@alexanderkloiber333 20 часов назад
@victoriouswinner7745 23 часа назад
Dont buy no weed from the gas station
@jinzo457 День назад
I wasn't expecting the sound of the Nebelwerfers from Company of Heroes to be sampled but here we are
@brightam День назад
We’ve seen this now. Well I guess human know where to prevent this.
@SR_73 День назад
Down below is my theory, hope you're ready to read a lot, might be chaotic but it was necessary since I didn't wanted to forget any detail. The object was supposed to be an asteroïd that would inevitably destroy the earth, in an attempt to stop this, a group of scientist managed to create a form of simulation in witch humanity would live on forever (escaping the "finite torture" or the asteroïd crash) but this simulation witch didn't respected the laws of math itself went out of control, being way too powerful and morphing humans into what they wanted to be, eternal beings or "infinite infinity" like said in the description, destroying their own planet (or more) in the process. Now why not all the universe, well since light takes time to reach us, my idea is that all these galaxies vanishing and being replaced by purple light are the result of ancient intelligent species that discovered a similar technology that simply destroy existence in a certain range, the use of purple for when reality seems to break in the video could support this idea. Now its a bit off-topic at first but if my theory is correct, another terrifying thing is shown : humanity was alone all along, all previous species making the mistake, and vanishing. Now back to the main part, the first specie destroying its sector when noticed by the nearest intelligent one made it panicking (they saw the purple light appearing) and pushing it into recreating the simulation in hope of "escaping" whatever was going on, and after it vanished, the cycle continued until the turn of the last participant came : humanity, making the simulation where all the previous lives were waiting for them to join this eternal suffering, they tried to escape but it was too late, they joined since some of us believed in their existence and managed to recover the research to accomplish the prophecy despite all tries to hide it. Becoming something more than "human", beings that have been punished for playing the game of gods, burnt after discovering the new "fire" (a gigantic discovery if you didn't got it)
@giggity582 День назад
i love this! make more
@Generic_Noob День назад
This is how I think the story goes: The gods and the cycle: We know that the Gods tried to break a cycle (Found in the description of “Everything is happening at the same time.”) This cycle seems to be the maker/god of the Gods (Found in the description of “Everything is happening at the same time.” by saying “The cycle, their god”) The cycle is apparently one of fragmentation. It can be assumed that the cycle of fragmentation produces a group of beings way less powerful than the previous (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”) The gods, when compared to the beings of the previous cycle is something to be eliminated to continue the existence of these beings from the previous cycle (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”) The state of the beings of the previous cycle could be one of nonexistence, unbound by math or existence. I believe this since mere the existence of the Gods disturbs the existential silence, which could be nothingness This would suggest that IT attacking the gods was enacted by these beings of the previous cycle. IT: An object was moving which was erasing galaxies and concepts such as math and existence. (Found in “Existence no longer exists”) The interaction between the gods and IT probably is the war of the Gods Apparently, an encounter called the battle of the gods end extremely quickly. The result being that the gods ceased to exist (Found in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) The end of existence for the gods was created by the gods themselves (Found in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) IT likely aren’t the gods’ creation since they seem to not know what IT is in “Existence no longer exists” Celebration orbs were launched in the Milkdromeda year 1924 (Found in both the video and description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) This would mean that celebration orbs weren’t a response to IT, as first contact came in 2032 but they somehow survived. The gods loses against this thing somehow but there exists pockets of existence which have anti-expansion technology around artificial stars (Found in the description of “Existence no longer exists”) This might be what the Taiga is The cycle (again): The cycle is apparently broken and the gods attempt to be IT. The gods would try to aim for a something to free themselves from their finite torture. (Found in the description of “Existence no longer exists .”) While some have suggested that it refers to life, I disagree, as the gods have been stated to be able to create infinite universes, I doubt that immortality would be difficult for them. Rather, I believe that the gods are trying to escape existence. If they do so and become non-existent, they would become IT by being in a state of non-existence like how IT is. Doing so, they would also break the cycle as existence is no more; the former beings from the previous cycle wouldn’t need to destroy existence anymore as it the Gods themselves have done so The rest of the description of “Existence no longer exists .” I have no hopes of understanding what it means though The Jump: During the War of the Gods, a Jump occurs We know that this jump refers to time travel to a different timeline (Found in the paper in the description of “Existence no longer exists”) We also know that this jump wasn’t effective (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”, with the jump described as “ineffective”) The Taiga: A section of space where existence exists (Found in “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) This section of space has order and mathematics, which is described to be a virus by the narrator in “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .” which are in non-existence somehow (Found in “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”) These beings try to analyze the Taiga and will be referred to as Non-existers for convenience The Non-existers: The non-existers study and write papers on the Taiga They seem to try and formalize the ideas of concepts, things, time, and understanding (Found in the paper in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) The specifics of the paper and the methods of the non-existers to obtain that knowledge is best understood by reading the paper in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”
@rganz2609 День назад
This is so well made
@MANTHELEXUS 2 дня назад
Putting a medieval serf in an IMAX theatre, giving him 2 LSD pills and playing this.
@armoredcasket330 2 дня назад
this cameraman is crazy
@redguydhmis 2 дня назад
Drifting time misplaced jumpscare
@redguydhmis 2 дня назад
Mojang: "we can't add more than 2 mobs per update" Average april fools snapshot:
@maxwellbrainerd7723 2 дня назад
@OmegaVideoGameGod 2 дня назад
Nothing is still something 🤣
@Fitsz 2 дня назад
aw great, man made horrors beyond ny comprehension. perfect thing to drink my root beer to at night
@ArvinTR-tx1ew День назад
Valerian root?
@Fitsz День назад
@@ArvinTR-tx1ew what
@ArvinTR-tx1ew День назад
@@Fitsz Nothing. I thought by root beer you meant beer that contains valeric acid. Looked it up and turned out that was not the case.
@Fitsz День назад
@@ArvinTR-tx1ew someone get this mf a root beer
@slimslendy2591 2 дня назад
Not sure whats fully going on, but at 3:35 it seems like footage of a katuyusha rocket artillery barrage with the weird red overlay. Strange
@TheGibbie 2 дня назад
Well universe, its been fun. You made some choice i wouldnt have made, probably wouldnt have made electrons so small, or invented drum and bass but it all turned out pretty good by the end. 9/10 would exist again
@tlpa 2 дня назад
this reminds me of the overarching story of vertigo 2
@siluda9255 2 дня назад
hey man you are a true psyker so you are aware of that reality, so could you reach out to my inner dimensional dream today or soon so we can discuss the future of mankind on the beyond realm ?
@CheckOutTv0 2 дня назад
Everybody gangster til the purple light show up in the sky
@GIGLR 3 дня назад
Dont let me catch you lacking in o block lil buddy boy
@WindyHeavy 3 дня назад
this concept is actually a small plotpoint in Cixin Liu's The Three Body Problem, used as a deception to get human scientists to off themselves.
@ferkotrnka7529 3 дня назад
i hope Emortalmarcus will watch this channel
@cartoonuwucatboy4264 3 дня назад
Amazing <3
@zzeroara9511 3 дня назад
more people need to make projects in more types of media about scary stuff like this, where something just goes through the universe and wipes out everything. this and iron lung are the only good+notable ones i can think of tbh
@DGP406 3 дня назад
''math never existed'' man can you please forward that message to the IRS
@tracydavisjr700 4 дня назад
Step 1 you decide to end the world Step 2 become a eldritch monster
@tracydavisjr700 4 дня назад
the unknown is a terrifying concept of which we know very little about
@mastersword48 4 дня назад
Do drugs kids
@paulcheng7111 5 дней назад
4:04 I wonder why the sounds of katushya rockets can be heard
@jdcleif8490 5 дней назад
Hmm I may be stupid but I think that the taiga and sort of existence as a whole doesn't really exist as "something" as much as it is a byproduct of conceptual or axiomatic derivation or whatever. It's not physical I think, but it's not exactly a simulation. It sort of shares some similarities to string theory maybe. From what I can understand, everything we know can basically be derived from something. What is here? Not there or something. By iteratively applying this to something(idk), we can get some sort of existence. The taiga being our closest structure probably means that it's the not really existing thing, and our existence/universe is derived from it. However, within the taiga, we probably get axioms, existences, and timelines going a number of ways from the pure taiga, and some concepts have less of a/more screwed up direction and are maybe the whole of the taiga. Maybe we know our universe exists because the taiga doesn't or something like that. I don't really get it. Anyways though this whole ("analog horror?") series is great because it's my worst nightmare: math.
@natedawg906 5 дней назад
Holy hell that was brilliant, well done
@ronan585 5 дней назад
*M̸̝͛̒͛̆̀̀̑͘͝Ą̶̩̜̩̰̻͇̂͌̂̿̍́̀͜͝T̵̫͙̤̤̠̟̹̪̑̿̃̉̈́̆̄̓̎H̷̠̲̪̬͐̓̏ ̴̧̨̳̲̪̻͉̈̽͛̏̉̿͝N̷̢̻̳͕̾Ȩ̸̜̤̺̅͐ͅV̵̛̖͔̙̤̎̾͒͆̾͜Ę̵̘̫̙̗̦͈̌̑͑̎̆̕͝ͅR̶̝̫̜͒̀ ̴͔̫̾̏͋͝͠E̴̼̮͎̙͕̠̗̲̍͗͘Ẍ̷̜̮̜̤̭̩͚͍́̐Į̶͍͍͙͇̪͙͉̒̔̏̿ͅS̸̟̓̈̅̾̅͝T̸͈̈́̓E̴̢̢̨͔̲̞̿D̸̪͈̙̠̳̆̾̓͑̐͠*
@thesillyone-l6p 5 дней назад
8:53 omg comma jumpscare
@CityBoyGrapeJuice 5 дней назад
type shi
@Provo_N 5 дней назад
Britain no longer exists .
@jogoegel1279 5 дней назад
who the fvck let the dogs out?
@andrewsmcintosh 5 дней назад
Very impressive, well done. Analog Cosmic Horror with a dash of The Caretaker.
@wasntwas 5 дней назад
Who the fuck opened the box again? We already got plauges after a few days of its existance what the fuck did you think would happen after years or unopened festering existsnce? Stupid, horny ass Gods found out again...
@0hvist 5 дней назад
Counter-offer, I eat two air-fried Grilled Cheeses made by my youngest sister and think of this whole ordeal as a weird music video.
@TheCentriole 5 дней назад
What happens when you accidentally divide by zero on an old texas instruments ti-83 calculator at 3am at mcdonalds (almost got killed!!!) (Not clickbait!)
@valenking4862 6 дней назад
Yes,i would like what this guy smockes please!
@RFdiamond 6 дней назад
The atmosphere really gives off Phil Tippett Mad God vibes for me, love it.
@SR_73 6 дней назад
"we did it... The mcdonald ice cream machine is fixed... Wait what's happening, WHY EVERYTHING IS SHIFT-"
@almondmilk5315 6 дней назад
What was the music in the background?
@lolerlose8591 4 дня назад
Lullaby of leaves
@almondmilk5315 4 дня назад
@@lolerlose8591 thank you
@Powderheimer 6 дней назад
8:55 somebody farted