call me zuzu!

wanderer lover wasn't that obvious

en dub and cn enjoyer!!

UID (GI): 616090703 (america serv)
@darth_dinosaur490 16 дней назад
"So easy to satisfy..." O_O STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!! >///<
@RandomChannel_710 20 дней назад
He's like an older brother playing with his younger sis 😂
@RandomChannel_710 20 дней назад
1:28 he looks so done 😂😂
@Scara.s-Waifu Месяц назад
How can i play whit scara?
@ieatkidsuwu 21 день назад
u need invitations to play againsts him in the tcg game
@krafuae Месяц назад
2:44 what?
@Leffydht Месяц назад
How do you play with him
@corkborks Месяц назад
wat detail ;0;
@Zeppelin_ 2 месяца назад
Okay but when he said you’re easy to satisfy with those bedroom eyes I melted😩🤚🏼
@scara_smooch 2 месяца назад
0:53 that heh lmao im wheezing- so easy to satisfy mmmm- I mean... 👀
@veronicaakatsa1535 2 месяца назад
@theultimatecookie394 2 месяца назад
Yo that first voiceline awakened my bloodlust for bullying against him coz I would've absolutely beat his butt emotionally if he actually existed-
@Genshin_Addict-real 2 месяца назад
I some how like this guy but also l hate this guy
@hutaoˬcat 2 месяца назад
What was the detail at the end??
@Minhee-park7998 3 месяца назад
Please someone tell me if it is in English version I am curious to listen to this in English 😊
@x_sph 3 месяца назад
just humm the english version in your mind (0:17) Kazuha / 枫原万叶: 追随着风向前行 Chasing the wind, we go ahead 踏入幻想的梦境 Towards a dream where fantasies spread 怀着万千思绪 期待新的风景 With countless thoughts, we seek the new scene 会是怎样的情形 Wondering what pictures there will be seen (0:32) Heizou / 鹿野院平藏: 探寻着风的足迹 Explore the wind's trace Scaramouche / 流浪者: 崭新的旅途开场 Brand new paths reveal Heizou / 鹿野院平藏: 搜集沿途的绝景 Collect wonders in every place Scaramouche / 流浪者: 不必在意方向 No need to steer your wheel (0:39) Heizou / 鹿野院平藏: 梦的乌托邦 辉映着理想 The utopia in dreams, our ideal gleams 悄然治愈心中的伤 Quietly healing the heart's seams (0:46) Scaramouche / 流浪者: 不轻易停驻 Never stop easily 就算感到孤独 Even when feeling lonely 约定抵达的终点 My Friend Head towards our promised destination, My Friend 只要微笑着继续向前 Just keep smiling and step ahead 就会再次相见 We'll meet again (0:59) All / 合: It's "Braver" for you to sing (1:02) Venti / 温迪: 乘着风 俯瞰辽阔的碧海 与原野 Riding the breeze, we overlook the vast sea and fields 任凭风 引领着恣意徜徉 这世界 Letting the wind lead, we freely roam this world (1:09) Xiao / 魈: 淅淅沥沥 温暖雨水 折出七色光 Gently patters the warming rain, reflecting a seven-colored light 仿若彩虹般绚烂的未来 就在眼前 Like a radiant rainbow, the future's in sight (1:16) Venti / 温迪: 往事如风 就让遗憾 随之消散 Let the gentle wind carry the past, regrets get swept away 自由如风 携着祝福 从容飞翔 Let the leisure wind bring the freedom, blessing you on your way (1:24) Xiao / 魈: 尽情放声歌唱 唱给无垠的蓝天 Sing your heart out to the boundless sky 犹如碧海般辽阔的未来 就在眼前 A future vast as ocean, right before your eyes (1:31) Xiao and Venti / 温迪&魈: 坚定地扬起风帆 去彼岸 With steadfast sails, we set forth to distant shores (1:36) Xiao / 魈: 身处汹涌的人潮 Admist the flow of restless crowd, 这世间喧闹纷扰 In this world, chaos cries aloud 眼神藏着话语 Words hidden in eyes are telling 诉说着秘密 Secrets in mind 掩埋于风中无人觅 Buried in the wind, where no one can find (1:51) Heizou / 鹿野院平藏: 你的叹息声很轻 Your sighs are so soft Venti / 温迪: 伴随悲伤的回忆 With memories of sorrow Heizou / 鹿野院平藏: 不愿就此漂泊如浮萍 Refuse to be a duckweed lost Venti / 温迪: 能否期待奇迹 Hope for a miracle tomorrow (1:58) Heizou / 鹿野院平藏: 追随风的低语 Follow the wind and hear its whispers near 我会去拥抱你 I'll hug you and wipe away the tears 给你力量把烦恼通缉 Back you up, let's have troubles cleared (2:06) Kazuha / 枫原万叶: 一次一次 曾经落寞迷失 Time after time feeling lost and blue 重复的哀叹迷茫 如此相似 Repeated sighs with confusion grew 别在犹豫不决 Don't hesitate this time 这一次 迎着风把一切改写 Into the wind, rewrite everything (2:18) All / 合: It's "shining" for you to sing (2:21) Scaramouche / 流浪者: 折翅的鸟儿也梦想着挥翼飞翔 Birds with broken wings still yearn for the sky 以全新的姿态去勇敢拥抱朝阳 Embracing the sunrise, with courage they fly (2:28) Venti / 温迪: 让我们肩并肩 一起向前奔跑 Let's run forward shoulder to shoulder 向彼此敞开心扉吧 去迎接新的希望 Open our hearts, greet the hope together (2:41) 风会带来希望啊 Seeds of hope, will be brought by the wind (2:50) Kazuha / 枫原万叶: 打破了时间的封锁 Breaking the chains of time 与你相视而笑 We share a smile (2:54) Xiao / 魈: 跨越过空间的阻隔 Across the gap of space 朝你全力奔跑 I run to you mile after mile (2:58) Scaramouche / 流浪者: 心中温暖涌动 Warmth fills our hearts as we hold hands tight 牵着手我们一起 放声唱 Together we sing in delight (3:06) All / 合: It's "Braver" for you to sing 乘着风 俯瞰辽阔的碧海 与原野 Riding the breeze, we overlook the vast sea and fields 任凭风 引领着恣意徜徉 这世界 Letting the wind lead, we freely roam this world 淅淅沥沥 温暖雨水 折出七色光 Gently patters the warming rain, reflecting a seven-colored light 仿若彩虹般绚烂的未来 就在眼前 Like a radiant rainbow, the future's in sight 往事如风 就让遗憾 随之消散 Let the gentle wind carry the past, regrets get swept away 自由如风 携着祝福 从容飞翔 Let the leisure wind bring the freedom, blessing you on your way 尽情放声歌唱 唱给无垠的蓝天 Sing your heart out to the boundless sky 犹如天籁般清澈的回响 就在耳边 Melodious echoes, by our ears fly 坚定地扬起风帆 去彼岸 With steadfast sails, we set forth to distant shores 清风会伴你身边 Gentle wind will accompany you along the way 到永远 Forever and a day
@Minhee-park7998 3 месяца назад
@x_sph I have been doing the same...but bro you didn't have to put the whole lyrics 🤣...thanks I really appreciated your help
@x_sph 3 месяца назад
@@Minhee-park7998 you're welcome i actually had the lyrics copied so it was easy
@Sylvia0122 4 месяца назад
Love this!!!!
@Handuk. 4 месяца назад
I keep playing this in a loop, i love it so much 🫶
@scaramineforever 5 месяцев назад
ur so bratty cute kuni!!
@Me_as_Antarctica 5 месяцев назад
You using Raiden card💀💀💀💀
@xx_CHOCCO_xx 6 месяцев назад
IT'S HAPPENED, ANEMO FANS!!! THEY'VE BECOME A BAND!!! OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! I rate this video:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Absolutely amazing, wonderfully executed, and just overall great! Keep up the good work!
@turkeygobblegod 6 месяцев назад
bro is genuinely me ☠️🙏
@cqttcarkitty 6 месяцев назад
His little "heh"
@MaggieJiang-j1o 6 месяцев назад
Do you guys prefer 5wirl with Scara or Aether???
@aetherherrscherofnasigoren1417 3 месяца назад
Why not both? Scara (before fighting him) Aether (anemo element) YUUGOU SHOUKAN! Wanderer, the Hat Guy
@x_sph 3 месяца назад
well before scara was out it was 4NEMON, when he's out it became 5WIRL, then they added aether which makes it 6REEZE
@j33ly48 6 месяцев назад
“Need an excuse for losing?! This will help!!” DYING
@alunsinus_prime 4 месяца назад
I didn't understand that line, what does it mean? /gen
@beashemmad.sayson545 17 дней назад
@@alunsinus_primeread that again
@min.4044 6 месяцев назад
HES SO SILLY Wins: ooo yay that was so fun hah!!! Loses: Boring game. Hmph. Meaningless
@mariangilgamesh2597 7 месяцев назад
I'm easy to satisfy when he talk
@KokichiLikesToes 7 месяцев назад
When I looked at the thumbnail, my depression cured right away 😩
@lovenlossinn 8 месяцев назад
i love him
@aoi_5aki 8 месяцев назад
Bro's the definition of tsundere 😂
@rachelwalmart 8 месяцев назад
wanderer has two moods: "Heh." and "Ha!"
@scara_smooch 2 месяца назад
@DazaiOsammu 8 месяцев назад
He is amazing! I love Scaramouche so much
@Tighnari_1 9 месяцев назад
I love listening to this song, it brings me so much joy ❤
@acidrain7 10 месяцев назад
looking at wanderer's expression pre-ff match is so funny, it rly looks like he rly doesn't want to play at all
@ecrnm0b 10 месяцев назад
dude has valorant gamer ass rage💀
@ecrnm0b 10 месяцев назад
"i've had enough😡😡"
@anthonybear45 11 месяцев назад
As a wanderer main, I can confirm these voicelines indeed cured my depression for now
@hiqjix 11 месяцев назад
bro is such a sore loser I love him
@0lycm_ 11 месяцев назад
1:55 the thunder ballsac... had me
@amgis69 10 месяцев назад
@0lycm_ 10 месяцев назад
@@amgis69 lolll same
@kysim 8 месяцев назад
@jettsteel7305 4 месяца назад
@GreenIvy160 Месяц назад
@csm3825 11 месяцев назад
I purposely lose to him to see his reaction in winning. I thought he's gonna insult me for losing but I am surprised that he's happy and have fun. It made my heart melt.
@starr_xy 11 месяцев назад
1:52 bro was giggling and kicking his feet💀
@Honda_Kiku 9 месяцев назад
Teehee’ing, even. Mayhaps. Even writing about crushes in his diary. Possibly.
@catzuyuuu 9 месяцев назад
@@Honda_Kikuscara writing about crushes in his diary? MF IM HIS BIGGEST CRUSH HES WRITING ABT ME IM TELLING YOU
@Honda_Kiku 9 месяцев назад
@@catzuyuuu NO HE’S WRITING ABOUT ME!!
@cqttcarkitty 6 месяцев назад
@kittycatzapocalyse 5 месяцев назад
@@cqttcarkittyguys come on look at my name he’s clearly writing about me 😓😓😓
@nt_md 11 месяцев назад
He's so salty lmaoooo~
@ListiArt 11 месяцев назад
Ei gonna be crying if she sees this
@yashi_hanakokoro9692 11 месяцев назад
ANEMO BOYS DEBUT SONGG?!!! 😭💚💚 this is literally my happiness
@noobscoopsies1100 11 месяцев назад
1:42 That face hit diffrent if you remember what he done in the past lmao.
@rachelwalmart 11 месяцев назад
What's the detail?
@sadtoasties 11 месяцев назад
It changes appearance when he enters the other state. (He loses his hat)
@ziephel-6780 11 месяцев назад
He relives his divinely defeat in the Joururi Workshop.
@lavenderdreamss 11 месяцев назад
I've been behind as hell in Tcg, saw someone playing on Pinterest, immediately goes on Genshin to see if it's actually real and then immedately plays it. The sad thing is that it for some damn reason took me 4 TRIES, to win against this mf. Why is bro literally attacking my ass 3 FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW with the Electro Hyposthesis. Like, dawg...
@11sims2fan 11 месяцев назад
What a sore loser <3
@infamousboykisser Год назад
Y'all is it just me or does miaojiang (venti's cn va) sound more masculine here
@proj8563 11 месяцев назад
@ausya004 11 месяцев назад
Yes It's not just your imagination This lady is amazing
@emmyrxse 11 месяцев назад
Yepp she's singing in venti's voice. Talented queen
@H-GHN Год назад
#OfficialVA #GenshinAnemoBoi
@icanseeyoulooking Год назад
@Kentomin 10 месяцев назад
It's 5wirl and 6reeze
@aetherherrscherofnasigoren1417 3 месяца назад
​@@Kentomin if 7th anemo boy will be released, it will become 7yphoon/7ornado