Pnw Outdoors
Pnw Outdoors
Pnw Outdoors
LIKE&SUBSCRIBE Don’t forget to hit that notification button to stay updated! My Names Zach I Have a dream of becoming a future Content creator for outdoor lovers and car enthusiast. Spend alot of time shed hunting, Fishing and wheeling the pnw so check out the channel !
30 Day Toyota Build 👍🤙
2 года назад
Destroying All Stock Toyota Axles
2 года назад
@DanielAlvarez-xl4qy Месяц назад
Quick question does the cable with the green color peice commect anywhere??? My 1995 4runner doesnt turn on the blower for the heat or ac n it looks like the same as your truck 🙏
@notsure180 4 месяца назад
The surging idle is happening on my 88 pickup with 22re. I did the alternator myself (and drained the coolant). I saw a comment about air in coolant system could cause. Idk. Im not a mechanic by any means, but I have DIY'd it for 25k miles so far (4 repairs)
@jessematherly5617 5 месяцев назад
Disassemble the IACV, clean it, reassemble, adjust the nut, make sure there is no air in your coolant system because the IACV reacts to the coolant temp in order to flex and adjust idle, replace the gasket and you should be good. This exact thing happened to mine at 280k miles, I did this, and after a bit of trial and error on adjusting the nut, it's been fine. I'm at 305k now and it hasn't come back.
@dundeeecroc 6 месяцев назад
Need Skinny tires, 9.50's
@rayss3323 9 месяцев назад
How did you determine which line to interupt? I was thinking the return line since I assume its under less pressure. Thx for posting this.
@araw8 Год назад
I am interested in running my hand made push button start on my tayota taco.prerunner 4x4 access cab kool keys
@gavin8716 Год назад
And new tires
@DirtyRottenBikes Год назад
Just fix it the CORRECT way and replace the Idle Air Control Valve - it's only $100 part!
@rmiller2179 3 месяца назад
Some eedjits work harder at taking a shortcuts
@tannerhenry5852 Год назад
Can you answer my question of which wire is the signal wire? I’m having the same issues an just want to be clear which is which
@Harryhomo1122334455 Год назад
What size fuse did you use? I have this same setup with a 30 amp fuse, I am wondering if that is too big or what
I want to race you
@kingofshadows9268 Год назад
Hell yeah 👍
Lol east evens
Should have ask if I wanted to go lol
It's not that bad lol
Tires bro tires and a ls ?
@samblacklock9593 Год назад
Just bigger and better wheels
@masonharris12 Год назад
You need better tires
@kingofshadows9268 Год назад
Hell yeah 👍👍
@PnwOutdoors541 Год назад
Gonna Be sending out free stickers soon To those who are subscribed and wants stickers! Stay tuned for more info
@kingofshadows9268 2 года назад
Hell yeah
@joshgriffeth7445 2 года назад
Damn that samurai is sick! I like the others rigs also but more of a samurai guy myself😅
@deanbalai6490 2 года назад
how did you connect the wire to the starter signal wire on the starter?
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
What I Recommend is get some connectors that will go directly on starter, clip old connector, splice and heat shrink new connector in place and then it’s back to plug and play! Hope this helps.
@jer_lifts 2 года назад
Yeah let’s hear what you got done to this little monster, looks sick
@jdrayco2187 2 года назад
You bad guy 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Comment What you guys Like too see! Stay Awesome🤟
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Comment if you want to know what’s done to this samurai🇺🇸🤟
@BIGFOOTJEEPER92 2 года назад
What's up with you guys and your breaks ?
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Mine are Perfect haha, one Mishap taught me a bigger lesson! But ya I take losing brakes serious for anyone now!
@BIGFOOTJEEPER92 2 года назад
@@PnwOutdoors541 good damn xjs lol
@guachingman 2 года назад
here from matts, where is the recovery vids come on! :)
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Will have some much more awesome content shortly! Crash gave me a little set back but still moving forward!👍
@Chasingvugs 2 года назад
Yo so my truck was fine until today it shit out on me….before I only had high setting now nothing I am assuming it’s this part or relay. How did you figure out it was this piece?
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
I often notice some heater switches Go bad out of the box. I’ve personally had a couple burn up on me right out of box.
@zacksmith498 Год назад
Mine burnt up on me pretty bad my plug on the wiring harness is fried any suggestions I can’t find the plug for sale for the life of me
@rufinolara747 8 месяцев назад
​@@zacksmith498try the junkyard
@Mike907-tc4xt 5 месяцев назад
@@zacksmith498 Exact same thing happened to mine. I cant find this part anywhere. Did you have any luck finding one?
@lesdeliresdadrien 2 года назад
Belle vidéo, merci pour le partage 👍🏻
@BIGFOOTJEEPER92 2 года назад
I disliked it cuz I don't like seeing my yota buddy's get hurt or almost die
@reinaldocenteno8685 2 года назад
Si. Satisfacción de la Familia vibo en Vega Baja puerto Rico el apoyo de Reinaldo centeno Barreto amigo me gusta que bueno
@reinaldocenteno8685 2 года назад
Hola soy Reinaldo centeno Barreto amigo. Me gusta mucho. Seguido Fam Gracias
@reinaldocenteno8685 2 года назад
Buenas tardes saludos hola Reinaldo centeno Barreto amigo. Me gusta mucho. Fam.
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
For whoever is wondering brake master decided to lose all pressure at the top of hill, the speed picked up so fast I could not get it into gear unfortunately If you have a rig without emergency brake FIX IT! and thank me later!
@deanmiller9716 2 года назад
@jeepcommiehunter5204 2 года назад
Rev limit asshole
@jeepcommiehunter5204 2 года назад
Oops rookie
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button story time will be soon!
@trashpandaautomotive 2 года назад
@ParablMedia 2 года назад
Where is this at??
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Southern Oregon!
@ParablMedia 2 года назад
@@PnwOutdoors541 I’m from GP… what mountain?
@red_kid6176 2 года назад
@@ParablMedia east evans, it’s in wimer
@jamy41 2 года назад
Holy Crap! This guy smoked himself retarded...
@thefugates6658 2 года назад
Looks fun
@PnwOutdoors541 2 года назад
Tons of fun!
@seanqualey2417 2 года назад
LMAO OMG are you kidding me lol wow never do that to the throttle body stay away from this kid
@chickennuggets-rm5oh 3 года назад
Bro that's your car and you have 600k? Your a youtuber get a huge truck like me. Edit: point out your location on the map you pleb.
@flakes4327 3 года назад
What’s the tune
@rebekkahmilton2705 4 года назад
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@maxbarrett5973 4 года назад
The crawler sounds like a race car LMAO LOL!
@bobbertthebuilder4856 4 года назад
Dude that game volume i couldint even heat you
@jwcoop3905 5 лет назад
Bro it don’t work on mine