Dork Day Afternoon
Dork Day Afternoon
Dork Day Afternoon
A Table Top Roleplaying Game Actual Play Podcast.

Two Past Midnight

DDA's actual play campaign of Twilight: 2000. Twilight: 2000 4e is a role playing game about a "World War III that never was" by Free League and published in partnership with GDW and Amargosa Press.

Our character's begin the campaign lost and stranded in a war torn Poland during the year 2000. Join us each week to hear how they keep body and soul intact as they search for a way home. The balloon has gone up and the clocks have stopped, but time marches on...

Encore of the Lost is currently on hiatus.

DDA's play through of the Extinction Curse adventure path written for the Pathfinder Second Edition game system, published by Paizo, Inc.

Join us as we gracefully stumble through circus crowds and the Pathfinder Second Edition rules. Our intrepid adventurers put on a show...while putting on a show...while trying to unravel ancient mysteries.

Hey, it's field day! Who couldn't use a laugh?
E109-Land Nav-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
Месяц назад
(Video) E106-Let Me Be Frank
2 месяца назад
E106-Let Me Be Frank-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
2 месяца назад
(Video) E105-Rhinestone Cowboy
2 месяца назад
E105-Rhinestone Cowboy-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
2 месяца назад
Rogues of Vättern
2 месяца назад
E102-Fire Sale-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
2 месяца назад
E101-Eat Pray Rub-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
3 месяца назад
E99-Slings and Arrows-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
3 месяца назад
E97-Cruise Control-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
4 месяца назад
E96-Article 118-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
4 месяца назад
E95-Here's Johnny-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
4 месяца назад
E1-Rod, Reel, & Fist Actual Play
4 месяца назад
E93-Die Before I Get Old-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
5 месяцев назад
E92-The Devil You Know-A Twilight 2000 Podcast
5 месяцев назад
@Kevlar-78 День назад
Damn. !! RIP Clark ! Brutal
@DorkDayAfternoon День назад
When you commented on episode 21 I was like, "Oooo, about to hit 23."
@el_switchblade 2 дня назад
"Can't rain all the time" The Crow
@Kevlar-78 3 дня назад
lol. Every game “You sadist !” 😂
@DorkDayAfternoon 3 дня назад
@Grimthot 4 дня назад
Strange to see the faces behind the voices 😊
@innezka 6 дней назад
only Emmett can threaten someone with imminent death by saying "you're my buddy now." poor guy's survival chances just dropped below 10%.
@Kevlar-78 8 дней назад
Some day I will catch up to the current episode. Haha. I guess I have e the luxury of being able to listen quite a bit during my work day so will get there. Enjoying it though !
@Kevlar-78 8 дней назад
That laugh. For the common wood pigeon. 😂😂😂
@DorkDayAfternoon 8 дней назад
@DorkDayAfternoon 8 дней назад
It's fun to see new listeners reactions to events like these as the progress. Thank you.
@n.t.s. 9 дней назад
Up until we were told otherwise, I was absolutely sure that Jeremiah knew what Ellis was after. Stellar play, for *not* knowing.
@DorkDayAfternoon 9 дней назад
@@n.t.s. i wanted to make sure he got credit for his bull shittery. Lol -adam
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
Okay - last comment because this confused me on the AARPG podcast. How do ammo dice work with a ROF 1 weapon ? They can use one, but don’t they then roll again to determine ammo spent ? Seems weird …
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
The amount of ammo used is equal to 1 plus whatever was rolled on all the ammo dice total with the attack roll. ie lets say you attack with 1 ammo die, and roll a 4 on the ammo die. That means 5 rounds were shot. You can roll an amount of ammo dice up to the ROF of the weapon, but not more than the number of rounds left in the weapon minus one. So capacity matters with rof also. ie If a rof 1 weapon only has 1 round left, no ammo dice may be used. Not sure if this clears it up.
@Kevlar-78 9 дней назад
@@DorkDayAfternoon Ah okay. So if it’s a ROF 1 (let’s say bolt action) you can use one ammo die and (assuming you have the rounds available.). You roll a 4 on the ammo die. So that’s one for the main dice plus 4 from the ammo roll for 5 total spent rounds ? Narratively it’s like you are racking and shooting racking and shooting etc 5 times ?
@DorkDayAfternoon 9 дней назад
Exactly. But as a side note the slow aim sniper shot cannot be used with sny ammo dice.
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
Hahaha. It was lice and now ants 😂😂
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
Love that you keep the rules discussion and questions in there as it really helps someone like me who is going to be running it. You do a great job as referee by the way.
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
Thank you! We always thought the rules, other than because its a game, are important to the drama of the story.
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
@@DorkDayAfternoon And believe me, it helps so much when you are trying to learn as a third party listener. I would have some of the same questions the players have (especially this early in )
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
Funny I somehow accidentally skipped to episode 113 and can tell already the production quality increase over time. 🍻
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
Thank you! Once we started a patreon thats what we used it for. Increasing the quality of our audio equipment. Plus learning as we go how to produce it.
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
And sorry one more comment - are you still playing Twilight or have you moved onto another game? (I assume these were recorded awhile ago ?) it looks like in the playlist you are still playing ?
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
We are still playing yes.
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
@@DorkDayAfternoon Super cool. 🍻 I have a lot of catching up to do but really enjoying it so far.
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
So do you re-roll existing 1s on ammo dice when you push or do those original 1s stay for the reroll ?
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
When you push a roll any die with anything other than a 1 or a success is re rolled including the ammo dice.
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
All 1s from the first roll become part of the pushed roll.
@Kevlar-78 10 дней назад
@@DorkDayAfternoon Got it. So if you already have one or two from the first roll, you already know that the reliability will be dropping hit or miss with the re-roll (and potentially more if more ammo dice are re-rolled) ?
@DorkDayAfternoon 10 дней назад
@Kevlar-78 Precisely
@n.t.s. 10 дней назад
Every time I wonder if maybe the storyline has plateaued, this crew comes up with yet another jaw-dropping roleplay moment. Utterly aghast/delighted at how you guys sculpted the Showdown at the V-Hole into something epic. Probably broke into my top-3 moments of the whole campaign. *Shia LaBeouf standing ovation*
@Kevlar-78 11 дней назад
Just found this man looking forward to learn
@innezka 12 дней назад
bruce is on the fast track to becoming Emmetts buddy. we all know how that goes
@brianpolen2167 11 дней назад
Life long Friendship 😅
@michaelmetzger7198 12 дней назад
Bruce.....gotta love him.
@Doubledb519 18 дней назад
Sorry for the second comment. Do you seed your deck with cards that you want to see come up, or do you just go with what you draw?
@DorkDayAfternoon 17 дней назад
Generally just go with what comes up. Sometimes tweaking it slightly.
@Doubledb519 18 дней назад
Oh Adelbert. He also made an appearance in our game. I suspect he’s an SOB no matter what the scenario. In our game he’s looking for the Black Madonna and enter that module into our session.
@michaelmetzger7198 19 дней назад
Did not think Emmett would do it.
@peterchen9021 19 дней назад
When "God", the avatar (player) said to do it... On top of that the dice gods also agrees.
@Doubledb519 20 дней назад
I’m late to show but as a person suffering from PTSD I wanted to share a story. My PTSD has been loud lately and while at Target today, I found myself with a tube of Super Glue in my basket because I felt as if someone really needed it. Thankfully I realized it was the PCs in this show before I bought it and I put it back on the shelf. I wanted to thank you guys for having the PTSD announcement in your shows as it does help remind me that this is just a game and any of the PTSD symptoms that arise from the show are not a real threat. Great show and keep up the great work.
@DorkDayAfternoon 20 дней назад
Thanl you for sharing your story. I am glad in recent years it has become more acceptable in our society for people to be open about struggles with PTSD, especially among the Veteran community. It is an issue that is near and dear to us. -Adam
@Skanah_ 26 дней назад
"I knew he was a biter" "Oh he's not a biter, he just does that when you pet him" As a service tech whos always in peoples houses: two things i hear all the time is "oh he's never bitten anyone" and "thats the first time he's ever bitten someone" 😂
@DorkDayAfternoon 26 дней назад
@@Skanah_ Bentley LITERALLY never bit anyone. When he barked at people coming in the house, it was because he would try and lead them to the treaters. Which he would point to with his tail. He would only "growl" at my wife and I when we rubbed his belly. Then he would cry and whimper when we stopped. -Adam
@innezka 26 дней назад
asking if the tiger was armed was a valid question. arming it with a firearm is the only way for a tiger to have a fair fight against emmett
@NemoOhd20 26 дней назад
it had four daggers in each paw and 4 in its mouth.
@NemoOhd20 27 дней назад
I got a fever and the only prescription is more Tiger!
@michaelmetzger7198 26 дней назад
Here kitty-kitty-kitty
@innezka Месяц назад
Emmett is going to be very upset when he finds out the fireworks he ordered wasn't delivered but instead crashed en route. fourth of july is ruined now.
@innezka Месяц назад
When lost, the north star follows Emmett.
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
If you'll recall last episode when Burce said to Murph something to the effect of we better not poke around too much here or two people will own my ass instead of one 😂 turns out it was Murph instead of Bruce but that guys a prophet so far
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
@n.t.s. Месяц назад
I would just like to point out that the state of Kentuckiana is potentially in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968, and that serious sanctions may be called for.
@peterchen9021 Месяц назад
nuclear weapons are actually very hard to set off. The one at Tybee Island that was jettison from a B52 is still there (in theory intact) after over 60 years
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
My assumption is it would not have "hair trigger", but the players or characters didnt know that. Lol -Adam
@joenapalm4841 Месяц назад
Aren't chaps, by definition, assless?
@brianpolen2167 21 день назад
Yes but when you say assless chaps it creates a mental image of not wearing jeans underneath 😂
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
Id love to see Murph pick up the Killer specialty that would be cool
@glennseymour9819 Месяц назад
so how do I get an invite to your discord ? Just swapped over to youtube after using spotify for the first 95 episodes. Much handier this way.
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
Let me know if this doesnt work. The link for these should be in the description.
@glennseymour9819 Месяц назад
@@DorkDayAfternoon It says "Invite Invalid"
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
@glennseymour9819 Месяц назад
@@DorkDayAfternoon That's it. Thank you.
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
I love the detail that the M60 stats have it has one point of reliability lower than most other weapons because by that time period the M60 had gotten a bad reputation for malfunctioning. What I understood was that it was mostly because the ones that were still in service had been beat to shit and no amount of maintenance could keep up with their age
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
My god i was prepared to lose someone after that cliff hanger you devil Adam 😂
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
That sneaking segment was the most tense part of the whole series do far for me. Most other tense segments it felt like everyones life was in their own hands but this time around it felt like all the weight was just on those sneak roles and it could all fall apart any time. Also holy shit that flashback totally shocked me, and switching back to CONUS afterwards was *chefs kiss*
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
Really digging Valentine. Very interested to see where this goes he's a whole new type of character for the crew
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
LT: "i know a guy, but i don't know that you want to owe him" *Always Sunny theme song plays, title of episode reads "the gang becomes indebted to the russian"*
@n.t.s. Месяц назад
I, for one, am not surprised that Jacob’s survival can essentially be attributed to half-remembered G.I. Joe PSAs…
@Skanah_ Месяц назад
"Imagine you're in a country where the authorities treat some people differently based on how they observe them" fucking laughed my ass off at that whole conversation 😂
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
@@Skanah_ lol
@innezka Месяц назад
emmetts old unit, the 25th infantry division has the nickname "tropic lightning." originally due to the design of their insignia, the name took on new meaning during the gulf war when Emmett strapped a car battery to Saddam's general's junk.
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
@brianpolen2167 Месяц назад
😅Thank You !
@innezka Месяц назад
@@brianpolen2167 gotta represent. During my brief time in the army i served with the 25th also however i was with 4th brigade out of Anchorage Alaska rather than one of the brigades out of Hawai'i.
@brianpolen2167 Месяц назад
@@innezka that’s awesome! 🫡
@NemoOhd20 Месяц назад
@@innezka did they tell you that you were going to Alaska? or did you sign thinking you were going to Schofield Barracks?
@innezka Месяц назад
the first russian Emmett ever defeated in unarmed combat was a siberian tiger.
@innezka Месяц назад
When Emmett goes out to eat, the servers tip him.
@innezka Месяц назад
the only Acid Emmett drops is Sulfuric.
@Stef-ih5pz Месяц назад
Nice ep. I started listening late but am now up to date after listening to an ep a day for a few weeks! Your play through has been very useful in rules interpretation and me running my own campaign at my rpg club. Thanks and keep up the good work....
@DorkDayAfternoon Месяц назад
Thank you! Glad you ar caught up. I just finished editing 107. It's fun. Lol -Adam
@NemoOhd20 2 месяца назад
Spc vs Cpl is essentially command vs not command. It isnt combat arms vs others. If you happen to be an E4 in an E5 slot and serving as a team leader in a medical unit, you are a corporal. It is a sign you are serving as a junior NCO. There are definitely more of them in combat arms though.
@Bearwiffa228 2 месяца назад
Man, Those threads coming together.... That was so good thank you.
@DorkDayAfternoon 2 месяца назад
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. I had a few more threads I thought about connecting, but ran out of time this session. -Adam
@n.t.s. 2 месяца назад
Glad I was able to be present for even part of this special episode. Congratulations, guys, on two years of the best roleplaying out there!
@DorkDayAfternoon 2 месяца назад
We really had a blast with it!
@thepitgamingshop8291 2 месяца назад
Freakin awesome! You guys rock! Have kept me on the edge of my seat for 2 years now! Long may it last! Such inspiration for my own T2K. Hoorah!
@DorkDayAfternoon 2 месяца назад
Thank you! If my wife and I ever figure out our England trip, I will have to swing through. :) -Adam
@Charger8117 2 месяца назад
Well done fellas
@DorkDayAfternoon 2 месяца назад
Thanks for joining us!
@chrisleslie01585 2 месяца назад
Thank you for being there!