Dr. Garry Hill
Dr. Garry Hill
Dr. Garry Hill
Hello! I'm Dr. Garry Hill, a Christian, a preacher, a mentor, a missionary, and archaeologist. My goal is to prepare Christians to be able to better answer those who are struggling with or who are in direct conflict with this faith.

For more information my website is: www.searchingforcertainty.com
Old Testament Backgrounds: Persian Empire
2 месяца назад
Kings of the Bible Josiah
2 месяца назад
Old Testament Themes Assyria 6/18
2 месяца назад
Kings of the Bible Xerxes 6 25
2 месяца назад
Kings of the Bible June 11 2024
2 месяца назад
Old Testament Backgrounds June 11
2 месяца назад
Old Testament Backgrounds 6 4 p4 2
3 месяца назад
United Monarch 6:4
3 месяца назад
Old Testament Backgrounds 5:28
3 месяца назад
Kings of Bible 5:28mp4
3 месяца назад
Kings of the Bible Lesson 1
3 месяца назад
Introduction to Bible Geography
Год назад
World Religions-Islam
2 года назад
Minor Prophets-A Study of Joel
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 7
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 6
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 5
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 4
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 3
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 2
2 года назад
Is God a Moral Monster? Analysis # 1
2 года назад
@isaiah805 2 года назад
@haywardjeblomey6505 2 года назад
The problem you need to address is that you have an imaginary friend. You can have all the credentials available and still have imaginary friends. You are brainwashed to believe in your imaginary friend. It didn't happen by accident, and you didn't spontaneously come to the conclusion that there is a god. You had this belief beaten over your head, and the decadent promises made to you were too juicy to pass up. You devoted your life to a grand fraud because you were forced to believe it was the right thing to do. You write books tricking stupid people into joining your delusions. I can very easily walk you through the process of apostasy.
@SalemK-ty4ti 2 года назад
Can you explain why a loving god would command people to throw rocks at someone until they died just because they pick up some sticks on the Sabbath? I am talking about Numbers 15:32-36. The Bible only says this man was found to be picking up sticks on the Sabbath, nothing more than that. If anyone tries adding more to this story than I am going to ask them where did you get this from. Sorry I have to say this you would be surprised how many times Christian make up stuff like he deliberately went against a command from god so he deserved death, which of course wasn't in the story and would not be justified even if this was true. This is just one of many questions from the bible about the god and why I believe this god if he existed would be immoral. Thankfully there is no good evidence he exists. I know there is a ton of bad evidence for the god of the bible, but a ton of bad evidence equals zero good evidence. If a theist could show me just one piece of empirical evidence(AKA good evidence) I would of course have no choice but to believe. Until then I am going to hold off belief.