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school girl jumping on tanks
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How to kill a Maus in 2023
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@thealmigthyrizzlersaurus 3 часа назад
what happened to the girls after their tank is down
@Ratatouillesky 12 часов назад
Katusya can't speak Russian speak fluent Russian
@Asinoko 2 дня назад
@Jake_in_StateFarm 2 дня назад
0:13 You're welcome
@himikosamadayo 3 дня назад
@caoswar7957 3 дня назад
Anime recommended for War Thunder and World of Tanks players 😂
@Catcrountryball 4 дня назад
@mintoviutd3811 5 дней назад
Anime says no to logic
@theghost9lowriders113 6 дней назад
only one thing i dont see is right the hill are the main enemy of the german tanks
@MrGoose2627 7 дней назад
@Yuzoru_sama 8 дней назад
@LNgKhoi 9 дней назад
Tfw an anime show has some better armored tactics and maneuvers than lots of movies....
@LeviJungkind 10 дней назад
dang a Panzer 4 can do a menouver that is impossible going backwards and the more faster enemy tank cant going forward dang, the lots of bumps did not off set the gun
@LeviJungkind 10 дней назад
Why are you shooting your machine guns, the only thang you are doing is giving away your position, what was stupid, driving over a amphibs tank is a great idea guys. the show even was kind enough to show why that is a bad idea. I CANT STRESS ENOUGH ON HOW YOU CANT FIRE A SHOOT FROM YOUR CANNON ACCERATLY, (YOU MISS) WILE MOVING IN WW2 TANKS. I also hate how when a tank gets hit it does a kick flip. ALOS when the tank roles and flips back over and keeps on going as if nothing happened, one, the crew would be incapacitated most likely when that happens BC they don't have seat belts and the loader is standing along with if they were still not nocked out after it would take a second to get your barring. one, when your tank is hit, i don't think you will be putting out a white flag, one if you were the person shooting you don't know if their crew is dead or not so you shoot again, so they don't return shoot you, 2 because of the fact i just stated if you are the tank hit you want to jump out and into cover and 3 the flags are so small what if the enemy tank does not see them and 5 whet happens if the crew were killed on the first shoot, does the tank shooting keep shooting. why did the amphibious tanks leave the water, that was their advantage and their guns rant a 75mm which was hard to pen a enemy tank it was like a 380 Cal or something, the ammo is like the size or their arm at best, you aren't a tank killer, you have a advantage in the water. tanks don't reverse that fast, they don't EVEN GO FOWARD THAT FAST. Tanks have tracks not wheels they don't drift damn i didn't know that the Pz. 4 had a tervse rate of 4 sec 360 degree in reality it had in stead it could terverse 4 secs for 12.5. tanks are hevy the hatches are hevy, they dont jump into the air
@THEncrtrooper 10 дней назад
I love how accurately der Film depicted deafeningly loud sounds, especially in this scene.
@leekent3587 10 дней назад
just the poof of smoke after her tank gets eliminated just makes the clip even funnier xD
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
ahh another 10 IQ down
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
tanks dont drift
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
smoke gernades dont exsist in this aperantly
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
and physics
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
they are disregarding any and all tank fighting tactics
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
when your track is down you can still turn
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
when your tank is hit like that you jump TF out BC what if them enmey does not see the white flag
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
yet, they are in the matrex not, dodging KV2 shells idk how this is not the matrix
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
i think it is funny haw the person that is really good is really just a avrage tank gunner
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
how come their aim is trash, it is not that hard to aim and shoot a tank the only hard part is juging distance
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
they were being spart on their method of seek attack in the forest but the Mark 4 had no armor it could barley hold up agenst rifle shots. if you have a well hidden ambush possition that the enmey does not know about, stay there
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
i think it is fun how in the intro the tiger 1 turret spins at like a 5 sec 360 turn how in reality it was like 8 and why did they rush like that, you would want to go in the bushes slowly not full speed tanks arn't powerful enough to lift each other, or at least those 3 involved pr yeet it when hit with a AP shell they are stupid to run through like that when you find a enemy and shoot at em, and only run like that if you want to die BC they will chase you down dont waist ammo on a shoot that you know that only requires 1 tank to get the kill not 3 the running a line is a stupid idea, just have a artily round land in the middle ww2 tanks cant go full speed and shoot aceratly, you sould not go full speed that close, or els some one will chrash, T-34-85s did not go that fast and lastly i alredy wnt over that stupid idea of being that close
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
this makes my head hurt, i have alredy lost 10 IQ by watching this, i was wrighting theses as i was watching
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
ugh, this show competly disregards any and all tankfighting tactics, every law of physics in the book and every comen sence
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
tanks dont drift
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
BC armor pericing makes a tank flip
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
how are this bad at driving, shooting, and tank commanding
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
how come my brother did not shoot?
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
and fire acceratly whe airboren 5 feet into the ait
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
BC tanks jumb
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
and the realitivly weekly armored T-34-85 takes like 3, 4 shoots
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
and the germans supeior sights, and trained crews are ass and the russian less superior sights and trained crews are S
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
damn, hit the track causes a exploation, Armor pericing (AP) does not really expload after hitting a track
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
uhuh. BC the KV2 does not have enough drop to make that sniper acerate at that far of a range
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
them all driving in a line, call arty on them and they all blow up in 1 well placed shoot in the middle
@LeviJungkind 11 дней назад
yah guys, the T-34-85 has a crazy fast reverse speed and turn ratios, lets see what other in accories i can see
@denbaker7358 13 дней назад
Is this from a movie of arpeggio of blue steel?
@Iskelderon 13 дней назад
My brain switching between all three language skills would've overheated if the clip was any longer.
@Michael_Solodov 14 дней назад
Обычно немцы наступали обратным клином так, что сперва в бой вступали левый и правый фланг и построения, а затем центр. Но эта тактика применялась в основном в начале войны, когда Блицкриг был ещё успешен, а потом были Битва за Москву, освобождение Киева, Курская Дуга и уже потом была Битва на озере Балатон, что считается гибелью Панцерваффе Германии, как рода войск, ведь тогда Рейх лишился около 300 танков разных типов, в этой же битве СССР потерял уничтоженными и повреждёнными до 170 танков и САУ - это то, что я наскоро нашёл в интернете...
@Michael_Solodov 14 дней назад
Почему Катюша на немецком говорит, если она, ну, русская вроде как?
@The-SCP-Foundation. 16 дней назад
@The-SCP-Foundation. 16 дней назад
0:38 couldve been avoided if bro angled....
@零式艦上戦闘機52型 17 дней назад