末世先鋒 K4J
末世先鋒 K4J
末世先鋒 K4J

於2007年7月正式註冊為加州和聯邦政府所承認的非營利機構,於2011年11月正式運作。 事工主要的服事對象是全世界華語族群。
耶穌基督是彌賽亞,是君王。我們渴望見祂的國度在全地擴展。 我們所有的資源是要被神使用,為要持續擴展並實現耶穌的國度。

翻譯西方著名聖經末世信息學者的研究與著作。 研究匯整有關末世徵兆趨勢並符合聖經真理的資訊, 製作成多媒體信息。

末世先鋒官網 WWW.K4J.US 網站主要提供定期更新的部落格。根據不同的主題,結合時事新聞、 考古發現與末世徵兆相關的特會信息,以聖經的眼光來分析並提供多方 位的報導。我們目前已發佈 《都靈裹屍布》、 《連環四血月》等12個不同專題的系列文章。

FACEBOOK.COM/KINGDOM4JESUS 推出“每日新鮮好話語”欄目:邀請多位不同風格年輕畫家, 每月按主題為我們創作不同的作品並附上聖經話語。 我們希望藉此鼓勵造就信徒生活,並吸引慕道者加入。 除此之外,我們也會即時發佈最新的時事信息和部落格文章。

RU-vid 影視頻道,針對不同主題的信息分享,以及世界時事先知性報導,更有活潑幽默的聖經知識類節目以及時事評論類節目。我們希望讓觀眾不僅能瞭解關注世界時事,且能用聖經真理和末世預言的眼光,解讀事件表面下隱藏的屬靈意義和可能發展的趨勢。

專題特會 末世先鋒每年舉辦多場專題特會, 每次都得到很大的迴響。2013年《都靈裹屍布的奧秘》特會,2015年1月《獸的印記 之DNA密碼》特會,2015年7月 《連環四血月之超級血月亮》特會,2016年2月20號等。我們希望從特會中的連結,讓基督徒更加了解聖經的預言和
14 дней назад
@sixwingsram День назад
This is such a wonderful example of petrified wood from the Ark. Interestingly enough, the Ark of the Covenant was said to have made of gopher wood as well, according to God's command, ❤❤❤❤❤
@xinlingxu3761 6 дней назад
@kingdomforjesus 2 дня назад
共生の職場です。 fooding.co.jp/
@xinlingxu3761 День назад
@RicoLee27 10 дней назад
No growth rings? Interesting
@shanyip2173 11 дней назад
@IgorTravelsTheWorld 13 дней назад
we have to agree on one thing, when one person finds so many things that thousands upon thousands of other people looked for and never found, it's suspect....
@Hope-kx9lz 3 дня назад
No, not at all if God is involved ... and He truly is.
@estherli9017 14 дней назад
@user-ip6zy4no9v 14 дней назад
@Iovezionlovesinim 14 дней назад
@joyceng3804 14 дней назад
@kingdomforjesus 15 дней назад
本歌曲是方舟姐妹創作於2024年年初,後經由楊航弟兄編曲合成,首次透過「末世先鋒」與大家見面。藉著歌中表達的面向良人的赤誠心意,來喚醒我們在靈裡深深的敬拜,讓我們再次被主的愛觸動,一同盼望耶穌彌賽亞的再來! 以下是方舟姐妹關於這首歌的創作經歷與感受: 『今年年初的時候,心裏總浮現出這句話:北風啊興起,南風啊吹來…我就跟聖靈說讓我唱出來,讓我唱出來!後來自己居然忘了…幾天後的一個晚上,聖靈突然讓我想起來,並打開了雅歌的出處,我順口就唱出來,唱畢,發現恰好那天是以色列樹木新年,而頭一天是立春。回看聖靈在幾分鐘內給合的經文,發現這不僅是情愛,更是一份盟約的宣言。這約必達成。屬祂的以色列看起來似乎在睡,但她的心在蘇醒,必不再錯過祂按時的迎娶,註定的相遇。所以,神的新婦唱起來吧,因為祂的話帶著能力,釋放祂的能力吧,因為天的四風被釋放出來了,在這個看起來寒意逼人卻已經是杏花初開的時代…』
@user-wt4rk6op2z 15 дней назад
@maximus2944 16 дней назад
Ron wyatt said that the angel look like a Jewish man with a beard .?
@Keziah-l5u 16 дней назад
@user-rb8nd6hw3n 16 дней назад
你的愛情何其美! 你的愛情比酒更美! 你膏油的香氣勝過一切香品!❤❤❤
@trinac9825 16 дней назад
從去年6月中領受到神在日本已經鬆好土 並 榮耀降臨異象 7月教會居然就突然要去四國做醫治釋放事工 到看到今年4月亞洲復興團隊到東京服事⋯現在又看到Paul長老 ⋯神真是信實的 👆🏻👆🏻 哈列路亞 頌讚榮耀國度權柄都屬乎 那坐寶座的 和 羔羊🐑 神都準備好好的🕊️
@lvshizhang0729 16 дней назад
@kingdomforjesus 14 дней назад
@lvshizhang0729 14 дней назад
@@kingdomforjesus 好的,感谢回复
@satutelor 17 дней назад
@michalwang6479 19 дней назад
@kingdomforjesus 16 дней назад
Ayumu弟兄回復:我猜您是在說京都的專為猶太旅行者的友客之家,名叫「Beit Samurai」(武士之家),他們會把一部分以色列客人介紹到我們家來。
@michalwang6479 16 дней назад
@@kingdomforjesus 是的,感謝您的回覆
@michalwang6479 16 дней назад
@@kingdomforjesus 感謝上帝在京都有這樣願意擺上的教會。哈利路亞!願老爸的祝福大大臨到武士之家,也大大澆灌祂的七靈,並將教 會一切的需要和資源豐富的預備
@kingdomforjesus 14 дней назад
@@michalwang6479 阿們!
@johncarr2333 22 дня назад
Definitely suss.
@Bugman-c2d 22 дня назад
You only have to scrape the surface to discover that Ron White is a fraud.
@user-wt4rk6op2z 22 дня назад
@PeterMadsen-y2w 22 дня назад
This must be a joke? It takes millions of years for petrified wood to form. Can you please explain how this could be done? Please get your facts straight before you post stuff like this on the world wide web. Have a good day.
@voiceofreason162 9 дней назад
I have images of petrified cowboy boots (Levi, 1950), a minors' lamp (1930s) , fossil wooden signs (1910) , a fossil bowler hat (1950s) fossil hammer (1800s) and more. All evidence of rapid fossilisation in the modern era. The concensus fossilisation takes millions of years, harkens from the 1830s.
@Truth-SeeTheTruth 22 дня назад
@user-fr3tk4qq3i 23 дня назад
@michalwang6479 13 дней назад
@tinywest1480 23 дня назад
LOVE AND SHALOM my brothers and sisters take care.
@Rebecca-Japan 23 дня назад
天哪 你们来大阪了 多说点多讲点吧 日本需要耶稣❤❤❤❤
@李M-y7q 23 дня назад
@Iovezionlovesinim 23 дня назад
Shalom 平安 TO JAPAN!
@trinac9825 24 дня назад
天父有極深的心意在日本 土已經挖鬆了 榮耀也已經大大降臨 哈列路亞🙏🏻🎯🌈🕊️
@travelvlogworldchannel2888 24 дня назад
@user-dc7dt7iz6q 24 дня назад
当天看了X上传的编辑后的一小时视频, 尽管有中文字幕,还是感觉缺了点什么。 有居住在美国、熟悉美国实情的Paul长老的解读, 对此次对谈有了一个确切的了解和把握。🎉感谢❤
@nathanhale7444 24 дня назад
That's what gopher wood is. It's a technique not a species of tree.
@andriesscheper2022 25 дней назад
There was no flood. there was no arc. It has been investigated and its a natural geological formation. Ron Wyatt was a fraud. Your bible stories were heavily corrupted over time. Your 'god' only exists in your imagination. Grow up! Get some real information. Don't try to prove mythical stories are historical. Oké, so you found petrified wood. I found that in my lowland country. But there even is no proof of Mozes, let alone Noah. So your story is intellectual diarrhea at it's best... 😂 😅 😊
@voiceofreason162 9 дней назад
Moses: By people group. Midianite pottery, also called Qurayyah Painted Ware (QPW), is found at numerous sites stretching from the southern Levant to *NW Saudi Arabia* , the Hejaz; Qurayyah in NW Saudi Arabia is thought to be its original location of manufacture (note that). The pottery is bichrome / polychrome style and it dates as early as the 13th century BC; its many geometric, human, and animal motifs are painted in browns and dark reds on a pinkish-tan slip. "Midianite" pottery is found in its largest quantities at metallurgical sites in the southern Levant, especially Timna. That places a location for a people group: NW Saudi Arabia. That places Sinai. And the Midianite people. Now Moses as a person OUTSIDE the Bible .... Professor Hubert Grimme. In this connection, it is interesting to note how Queen Hatshepsut came into the record, and first interested the student of apologetics. The eminent archaeologist Flinders Petrie, found a tablet on the slope of Mt Sinai which was written in an archaic script that baffled Professor Hubert Grimme . . . made out two words . . . With this key, the tablet was quickly deciphered, and was ascribed to Moses. The text as it appeared follows: "I am the son of Hatshepsut overseer of the mine workers of Sin, chief of the temple of Mana Jahuaof Sinai--thou, Oh Hatshepsut, wast kind to me and drew me out of the waters of the Nile, hast placed me in the temple (or palace)." On the reverse were directions for locating the place where the writer reported he had buried certain tablets of stone, which he had broken in anger. (Reproduced in 'Dead men tell tales, Harry Rimmer, Eerdmans; Thirteenth ed edition (1974)) Corroboration: The Oppression and Exodus Story as told by the Sinai Inscriptions: a. Starting in 1905 AD, sixteen ancient Hebrew inscriptions from Egypt were discovered by Hilda & William Matthew Flinders Petrie at four sites: Serabit el-Khadim, Wadi Nasb, Wadi el-Hol and Lahun and, 1905 AD. b. The Petrie’s knew it was a script but were unable to decode it so they lay collecting dust for 100 years until they were translated for the first time in 2015 by Dr. Doug Petrovich. (First inscription found 1905). Labelled Sinai 357, 353, 360. Given date (c) 1480 BC. "He (Moses) sought occasion to cut away to barrenness our great number, our swelling without measure, but the quiver of our brothers was thoroughly despised, so he performed terror (10 plagues) against their quiver (meaning sons) and brought about a cry of wailing (death of the first born/the wipe out of the Egyptian Army, 600,000 chariots plus footmen). TRANSLATION OF SINAI 349 tablet. And another. "Our bound servitude had lingered. MOSES then provoked astonishment. It is a year of astonishment because of the Lady." Hilda & William Matthew, Flinders Petrie, Serabit el-Khadim, Egypt, 1905 dig. This inscription was thought to have been made by miners in the Desert of Sin. The 'Lady' is Baalat. Better known as the Golden Cow Israel worshipped. And, in this case - unlike the other artefacts, was written by Hebrews about Moses, and the plagues, written on stone tablets, part of a large collection. The stele, inscriptions on stone, and archaeological evidence is not in the naysayers' court. And the most recent transcriptions of Egyptian was published in 2016 confirms it. All outside the Bible. They're out of touch, out of date, and, most importantly, wrong. Add The Beni Hasan Tomb (a painting in the tomb of Rekhmire showing slaves making mudbricks), in Egypt, and Papyrus Anastasi 5, and the Instruction of Merikare (cf Nahum Sarna article entitled: “Israel in Egypt,” published in a volume edited by H. Shanks and entitled 'Ancient Israel (2nd ed. 1999) are important pieces of evidence regarding the fact that there was some sort of an Exodus. So... Moses name was found written on stone. As for debunking the site, it wasn't investigated, it was assessed based on 6 artefacts taken from the area. That was done by Lawrence Craig. He wrote a 5-page report but never visited the site. I've got that report. It wasn't Noah's Ark before he got 3 paragraphs in. They were provided by David Fasold, a marine engineer in 1980. All he examined was the minerals, and that's it.
@shunemlee9055 27 дней назад
@xiaoyangyang4104 27 дней назад
@taneccleston1322 27 дней назад
@710429mary 27 дней назад
@kennyfang5191 27 дней назад
@Iovezionlovesinim 27 дней назад
TODAH 謝謝薛懂 幫助我們這些懵懂可以聽懂川董。如果換馬做副手會如何?
@mulanhuang7894 24 дня назад
他倆都是領導人的典型人物 在不同的領域
@Iovezionlovesinim 27 дней назад
@meilinglee8461 27 дней назад
@styuns4061 27 дней назад
@user-uv3tw4nd8m 28 дней назад
Resurrection and rebirth ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-x9WOAKb0lEo.html
@InfallibleProof 29 дней назад
@末世先鋒 K4J Is Henry Gruver's wife still alive. I live in Arizona and trying to get in contact with anyone that new Henry just to talk to them about the Ark of the Covenant.
@kingdomforjesus 16 дней назад
She was received by God.
@sandracarreiro3380 Месяц назад
@svoncampe Месяц назад
@michalwang6479 Месяц назад
抱歉打擾長老:請問長老賽十一:2神的七靈在七十士譯本中是七個嗎? 請問是否有原文?抱歉我有點打破砂鍋問到底
@michalwang6479 26 дней назад
@kingdomforjesus Месяц назад
登錄www.k4j.us,進入「蝗蟲野蜜圖書館」,免費下載第34號文本。 《但以理書》系列視頻觀看鏈接: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dD3BWgqmWco.html
@tinywest1480 Месяц назад
BE BLESSED my brothers and sisters LOVE AND SHALOM.