Gotham Atheists
Gotham Atheists
Gotham Atheists
This is the official RU-vid channel of the NYC based Gotham Atheists meetup.


@Stadtpark90 День назад
Religion has three main layers of initiation in my opinion: 1. teachings to preserve the culture / define culture and how to lead everyday life / a life well lived in the eyes of „God“; (Religion as an OS for civilization (according to Joscha Bach) 2. Remembering the Cataclysm / The Flood and The Angels Fiery Sword (=Solar Event; see Suspicious Observers channel), that drove us from Paradise / ended the Golden Age (Atlantis; see Randall Carlson on the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis; his lecture on Halloween/ The Days of the Dead) and plunged us back into the Ice Age first and then equally violently catapulted us out of it (something had to melt the ice abruptly)/ and disrupted the previous cycle of civilization (Tower of Babel) - (see also Graham Hancock‘s „Lost Civilization“) 3. On an individual level take away our fear of death via „Dying before Dying“ (see Brian Muraresku‘s book „The immortality key“ about the use of psychedelics in Mystery Cults, that induces an experience of „Ego Death“ with profound / often life changing results) Thus the Passion / Death and Resurrection story has two layers: the evolutionary population bottlenecks caused by cataclysms as a common trauma for humankind, which explains our common obsession with „The end of the World“, and the individual layer of a psychedelic experience shared via bread (ergot=LSD) and (spiked) wine, that may have lead to a believe in an undying soul. - Which in itself helped overcome the common trauma and rebuild civilization and keep it going, by taking away the fear and focusing us again back on Nr. 1: our common effort to perpetuate human civilization on this planet. I myself stopped believing in an undying soul, but I guess I consider myself „culturally“ religious in the above mentioned ways. I think Jordan Peterson is right, when he warns us (atheists) not to throw out the baby with the bathwater: there is a good reason to keep the myths and legends: he does a good job of reading the texts individually psychologically, and as mentioned above: I think there is a case for reading them collectively as deep history. „Hamlet’s Mill“ has it almost right, but it mistakes the map for the territory: as if the precession of the equinoxes / The Great Year was the thing that needed explaining, and therefore myth is more often than not about astronomy. It’s the other way round: the events were truly cosmic: a comet / asteroid impact; maybe plus a micro nova / CME and solar flare (far bigger than the Carrington Event) resulting in the burning of the world (ekpyrosis) and the flood (cataclysmos), resulting in the events of the younger dryas: ending of a short warming period (paradise / golden age) by plunging the world back into the ice age, and then again catapulting it out of the ice age again. The Great Year is just the calendar for the roughly 12000-13000 year cycle (see Suspicious Observers channel); in itself it never was the important thing, but the pointer to the important things. - Thus the myths describe more than the Great Year, but also the events themselves. P.S.: for continuing civilization it is mainly layer one that is important, for personal growth and fully and consciously and courageously partaking layer three might be very helpful; but every 12000-13000 years, it becomes important that we didn’t forget to teach layer two. There is a reason the Bible starts with the fiery sword and the flood and the interrupted Tower of Babel (Human Civilization), and that it ends with wiping away the tears and seeing a New Earth and a New Heaven: because the surface of the Earth undergoes cataclysmic changes - not only in geologic timespans, but even in time spans of the human species. - Maybe even the Heaven changes (Earth Crust displacement theories / the rotational axis of the Earth flipping over, because the heavy icecaps want to rotate at the equator, if only the Earth Crust was unlocked (hypothetically through magnetic insult / a weakening geomagnetic field getting hit by a gigantic magnetic event (Solar Outburst) leading to a change in the viscosity of the semi-fluid layer the Earth Crust sits on). - This of course is considered pseudo science / humbug (- even more controversial than all the rest of what I said). Who knows? It’s a damn good story. „All of this has happened before, and it will happen again. So say we all.“ (Battle Star Galactica)😢 P.S.: The anachronism aside: the esoteric / Rosicrucian reading of INRI is „Igne Natura Renovatur Integra“: through fire nature gets wholly restored; (and conversely human civilization wiped out). In other words: „God gave Noah the rainbow sign… - no more water, but fire next time.“ (Thanks to Randall Carlson’s esoteric side / talks, which at first I didn’t like; but truly it is still about the same thing after all: cataclysmos (the flood) and ekpyrosis (the burning of the world) did actually happen, and human myths and legends remember it, and you can find the layer of ash in the ground in North America, as well as geologic signs of giant floods.)
@Stadtpark90 День назад
@RightOnBro72 11 дней назад
Although I mostly agree with Dr. Richard Carrier, there are a few flaws in his arguments. In this otherwise-good speech, he says that books like Daniel, Isaiah, Zecheraiah, and others predict that the Messiah will be killed. That is entirely a Christian mis-interpretation. Of course, he treats Christianity as if it's just an extension of Judaism, but it is important to note that the Messiah or "suffering servant" doesn't have to die, and in most cases, it's not even written as a futuristic prophecy, but rather as an event that already happened in the past. Failing to mention this leaves the uninformed to think that Christians & Jews have the same idea of a Messiah, which in most cases isn't true. It would be extremely valuable to get source-references on where other religions, like Zoroastrianism, Egypt's Osiris rising from the dead, or even the Sumerian Inanna doing the same things coincide with what we see in the Christian Bible.
@malachickisawesome 20 дней назад
Hey all Scott here
@tonyfrederickson6692 3 месяца назад
I love this guy every time I listen to him, he make my faith in Christ stronger ,thank you
@wailinburnin 3 месяца назад
Imagine, we are probably looking at two more generations before this research is popularly known. The Road to Eleusis is the opening widely read book on this topic, it was spawned by interest in the history of psychedelics, the communion sacrament typically got you so high you couldn’t tell exactly what was going on during the induction ritual (ancient rave culture). That’s why they call them Mystery Cults.
@larrybolinao3776 3 месяца назад
The evidence of GOD ALMIGHTY EXISTENCE IS YOUR LIFE God create everything including you but you don’t believe in him that’s why we are in this chaotic mess.look at the Jews they are conscious about God but like you they don’t want to follow in fact they will fight back against God.unfortunately there are consequences
@larrybolinao3776 3 месяца назад
My friend you should know that God almighty knows about you and the very life and knowledge that you have are coming from him.but people like you will never accept him even if you realize that the life you have is from him Take note that everything you think always comes true because that’s how you are made.perfect and immortal.unfortunately you choose the way to death
@fillyfresh 4 месяца назад
11:20 you have blown yourself up. This underpins your theories and is simply wrong. Mystery schools did not evolve out of agricultural cults.
@hzoonka4203 4 месяца назад
Every christian needs to watch this and learn from it!
@eatfrenchtoast 5 месяцев назад
Important peice of video. Carrier's work will outlast anything made by theists this century.
@yeshaya24 5 месяцев назад
Total rubbish mithraism is not zoroastrianism
@yudan4302 Месяц назад
Mithraism is a derivative and syncretic cult that evolved from the Zoasterian belief much like every other religion that worships gods/goddesses and demi-gods from the pantheon. Look into the Hellenistic cult.
@MrXMOMO 6 месяцев назад
It's all made up. 100% . So dad but as humans we must face the fact that we ARE ALONE. TRUE TRUE TRUE
@BrianK49 6 месяцев назад
Comments are tolerated as long as they do not challenge this guy - otherwise expect them to be deleted - what a surprise OR - what a joke
@eatfrenchtoast 5 месяцев назад
Horse puckey
@paperclips1306 6 месяцев назад
Mithra is our sun god. In vedas mithra is sun god. We pray to him by his names (a standard practice of saying all names of each deity called stotra namas (names) ). Mithra is called surya. Each word is made up of syllables (dhatu : root words) which can describe the nature of the god.
@johnholmesinchesahead342 6 месяцев назад
The author purports to possess a unique secular knowledge - much in the same way that the ancients claimed to possess a unique religious knowledge. I also note that there are those who believe in his views and defend him - and there are those who deny and ignore what he believes. Interesting.
@Magik1369 6 месяцев назад
The archetype of the Higher Self. The Hero with a thousand faces.
@10.6.12. 6 месяцев назад
Think evolution thank XC.
@johndoss7953 6 месяцев назад
Here’s a tip: if someone who claims to be a historian does not take you to the primary sources (ie inscriptions, archaeology, literature, etc.), but makes generalizing statements (ie all mystery cults were like this, they all believed this, etc.), it’s a dead giveaway that they don’t know what they’re talking about
@odd9696 2 месяца назад
Is this comment against Mr. Carrier?
@AdamTorkelson День назад
Another tip: if someone criticizes what is obviously a short introductory lecture for the general public and not a series of classes at a university for students, and has no clue that the 700 page book the speaker wrote on the subject was peer reviewed and what that means...then the critic has no idea what they are talking about.
@johndoss7953 6 месяцев назад
The amount of false statements in this video is staggering
@johndoss7953 6 месяцев назад
A lot of errors in this video
@HFH-Official 7 месяцев назад
All i heard was a bunch of assumptions.
@J.Kenyatta 7 месяцев назад
He's telling half-truth. Horse was the original name for what he's calling osiris. The greeks name ancient egyptian god horace osiris
@SapphicTwist 8 месяцев назад
Very good overview, though unlike the other mysteries, Christianity is a composite of religious antecedents and the specific historical/political circumstances of first century Palestine, where it became necessary to purge the Jewish character of the Jesus movement to escape Roman antisemitism. To me, the gospel accounts point to real historical memories/sources, otherwise, why is the evidence of antisemitism so obvious? Minus actual memories/sources from Palestine, it would have been much easier for Christians to tell a straight-up mythological story (see Mithrus), and avoid any association with Jewish sedition...would it not? In that sense, Christianity was saddled with a history that the other instances of syncretism were not...
@deocyasol9406 8 месяцев назад
This guy talks as if he was really there. hahahaha. But the authors in the Bible?, he don't believe them! what a crap.
@Paul-c4i8y 8 месяцев назад
Interesting talk, thank you
@elijahspropheticcuptheseer6164 8 месяцев назад
Honey Bee, great points I was thinking of also. Besides the Mikveh, Judaism has never believed in ha Satan as a fallen angel. Much of what this man thinks is truth is ignorance. Ha Satan is just adversary. Even the Angel mentioned concerning Balaam was called a Satan or adversary. Lucifer was a Latin word that crept into the Latin vulgate. Most of the idioms and language of the Bible is lost to western mindsets.
@jgarbo3541 8 месяцев назад
Passion=Jihad? Baptism=symbolic passage down Fallopian tube to birth, rising from vagina into the new world?
@robertstephenson8311 9 месяцев назад
This guy is way out on his thesis. He starts to late. Basically, nonsense.
@conorhenderson8537 9 месяцев назад
Dionys or Bacchic mystery faith doesn't have baptism evil act against dead any. It's for those in the cult mystery who died before they could be initiated so they couldn't lose those their special place in afterlife. Doesn't mean they are "damned"? of course not. It just means and is that person that was in the mystery faith stays dead and goes on to afterlife heaven or hell. Not to be resurrected and onward forever as a blessed son and daughter of that God and His Christosian not "christ"? but Betterrrr A Christos or Khristos or Cristus (that which jesus the antichrist as he is cant even dream to be or match.) . But, they never did that would've been against that in harsh detail. The D/B Mysteries is for the initiation contrast to outsiders. Paul knew of this and condemned it in his own idiot self hypocrite own mystery cultianity way but he speak of it in negative passing 1corint 15:29 and spoke in the sense of christians who got christianity by those who died to bring it to them. And, they got baptized in rememberance to them for honoring those who brought it to them. Thus, Richard you are mistaken on that.
@conorhenderson8537 9 месяцев назад
christians which ever didnt do that early/late never did. And, apparently thanks to paul were against it. Only luvifeiran antichrist satanist kulllltttts like mormons/jws/satanists ever do evil like that in their rebellion and Deception agaisnt jesus and yahweh here and for devil satan here. Thus again richard carrier you are very wrong there.
@blackhawk7r221 8 месяцев назад
Are you speaking of the very common “cleansed by the waters” trend with the ritualistic washing away of evil? That’s pretty much global, and thousands of years older than Christianity.
@conorhenderson8537 9 месяцев назад
Bacchic is NOTTT phoenician either. Its Roman and Greco but Not Phoenician.
@conorhenderson8537 9 месяцев назад
There's no mysteries of Baal at alll At all. Carrier you either are Lying or dont what you are spewing there. Baal has NOOOOO mysteries all proof for you to the contrary.
@conorhenderson8537 9 месяцев назад
ok wrong there richard. God is God then more so then now. It wasnt henotheism it's monotheism. Judaism henotheos was slide rejection of other Gods overtime prior and during the start of monotheism for them. Angels are angels and people are just people.
@blackhawk7r221 8 месяцев назад
Interesting. Does your research on the Hebrew acceptance of monotheism coincide with their influence/domination by the Babylonians? It would seem that at that time period, the Hebrews suddenly adopted many of the far older existing Annunaki myths. What’s your take on that? I am truly curious, since VERY few people even accept that the ancient Hebrews were once polytheistic.
@pwcrabb5766 9 месяцев назад
Deeply annoying style of presentation.
@mateusshoeman2092 9 месяцев назад
All these questions...it's hard to give a lecture and to be disrupted so much. No one is more important than the American.
@mateusshoeman2092 9 месяцев назад
Is would be great if people could shut up and listen.
@reccocon3442 9 месяцев назад
Hope he finds GOD and fast. He's missing out.
@pariaheep 9 месяцев назад
How can you talk about "mystery cults" without mentioning the strong drugs that were taken as a "sacrament"? N o w h e r e I see this emphasised by all these scholars, leaving us clueless.
@MartaSpendowska 9 месяцев назад
DCA Hillman talks about it in “The chemical Muse.”
@Biblical_Mystery 10 месяцев назад
What a beautiful testimony! Your journey reflects the amazing grace that Jesus extends to all of us. It's heartening to see how, through your faith, you've not only found personal redemption but also built a loving family. Your story is a powerful reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and that His transformative power knows no bounds.
@deocyasol9406 10 месяцев назад
This Dr. Carrier, young as he is, gathered his issues, knowledge and his philosophy from the writings of people who probably were wrong. I would believe him if his issues are coming from his ideas and own experiences. It is easy to contradict and throw in your own to something that everybody don't seemed to agree already. That should people to ask this guy, "so what's new?"
@deocyasol9406 10 месяцев назад
I am a Christian (Roman Catholic). My concepts of religion is simple. In history as written by historians (Mark, Paul, Peter, Matthew etc.) there was a baby supposedly born to a virgin. The baby grew up to be mystical ultimately crucified because he preached to his followers weird principles and theories about a supernatural being. I believe the historians, in such a way that I believe the astronomers and scientists about the origin of the Universe which turned out to be wrong and erroneous. Do you have problem with that?
@blackhawk7r221 8 месяцев назад
You are merely a product of your indoctrination. You would feel just as strongly if you happened to be born into the Hindi faith, or Buddhist, or Muslim.
@A524N200 10 месяцев назад
Can someone help me with the title of the book were this topic is develope? Thanks.
@smallsmalls3889 10 месяцев назад
Sex pest Carrier.
@CatrinaDaimonLee 10 месяцев назад
you jerry lee lewis fan you
@gospeljoy5713 10 месяцев назад
Resistance is futile. See he is stuck ib the past. Christianity is reality to thousands of people around the world. Some seek allah and yeshua comes in a dream to them. Jehovah is real. RU-vid spreads the gospel with millions of views.
@CatrinaDaimonLee 10 месяцев назад
that's where you're wrong
@karenr9503 10 месяцев назад
This guy is a spiritual dope, and no one listens to him anymore.
@CatrinaDaimonLee 10 месяцев назад
that's where you're wrong
@peteryoxen4485 10 месяцев назад
Although I came to this lecture four years late,it seemed to me to be as refreshing this morning as it was then.Thank you.
@raycosmic9019 10 месяцев назад
Life eternally actualizes infinite potential, because only Eternity can fully embrace Infinity. Empty of ego (separateness) = Full of Life. Being aware of being aware is beyond temporal limits.
@TV-oc4ml 10 месяцев назад
Too many idiots interrupting Richard
@deocyasol9406 10 месяцев назад
This dude is a history revisionist. hahahaha. Even if Jesus was not a son of God but definitely he is a historical character. Of course Jesus was not a Christian or he did not practice Christianity. His movement or ministry was not called Christianity until after his death. Every body knew Christianity is derive from his "title" or what his follower called him ,The Christ. How can you believe his dude he can not even straightened his story. hahahaha.
@CatrinaDaimonLee 10 месяцев назад
that's where you're wrong
@eatfrenchtoast 5 месяцев назад
The timelines don't match up. Timeline they didn't establish until 700 years after the alleged fact btw.
@eemer2437 10 месяцев назад
So cool to see this presentation by Dr. Carrier. Thank you so much for your work in helping connect the dots for so many people.