Brave Dog Training Online
Brave Dog Training Online
Brave Dog Training Online
You wanna help your dog stop being aggressive or fearful and become the companion you know he/she can be?
Let's get on this journey together!

A few years ago, I adopted a fearful little dog, who brought me to my limits very quickly.
He was reactive toward other dogs and people (especially children), fearful of insects, grass, people, dogs, wind, any kind of animal,... and he tried to bite me multiple times without any warning.
But I loved him, and so I started a rush of education, internships, and books... until I was able to help him... and other great dog people
so this is how this incredible journey started :)
I'm so happy to present to you my training techniques, achievements, and of course, laughs

I'd also love to invite you to wwwbravedogtrainingonline.com, where you can find amazing online courses
and feel free to write to me about your dog, questions, accomplishments, and wishes: anita@bravedogtrainingonline.com
I'm so excited to hear from you soon :)
How to Stop Your Dog From Angering You
3 месяца назад