A dumping ground for my gaming opinions: reviews, rankings, and more.

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Feel free to get in touch for any reason, although for business enquiries (particularly review requests), please note that my primary gaming medium is PlayStation. No Xbox, MMOs, or mobile games please!

Visage & PT: A Retrospective
Месяц назад
A Desperate Deconstruction of Stephen King's IT
2 месяца назад
The Best Anime You Shouldn't Watch
5 месяцев назад
The Male Loneliness Epidemic & Silent Hill 2
8 месяцев назад
The Idol: An Autopsy
9 месяцев назад
The Politics of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
10 месяцев назад
The Extremes of Horror Cinema | Terrifier
10 месяцев назад
The Ineradicable Horror of It Follows
11 месяцев назад
Cobweb is not a good movie.
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Death of the Author
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Bloober's One Good Game | Observer
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@abbybrown8252 40 минут назад
I've watched this series ten times and still find new things every watch. Your deep dive opened up a whole troves of perspectives I'd never considered. Like the red details for the red room, how Steven's character arc can be satisfying because he comes full circle (and not just anger inducing at his assholery), how Nell (my favorite) is also at fault for several things and her trauma doesn't justify her lashing out, and a whole world of Luke being capable of manipulation and not just a kicked puppy. It's also interesting how you view most of the ghosts as malicious or creepy when I only ever felt that way about Olivia or Poppy. Mr. Hill to me following Luke was more of a protective watching from a distance that is only scary cause you don't understand it. Like how bent neck Nell watching her younger self was her jumping through time and wanting to care for people important to her, not because she wanted to scare them; her desire to be with family was just too strong. I also think it's interesting how you walked away from the Luke Wedding scene with a completely different interpretation from me. I thought him taking the money to leave from Shirley was him regretfully resigning and deciding not to ruin Nell's day with his presence, not him prioritizing money over being with his sister. (None of these are critiques I'm just sharing cause I think it's genuinely cool how different the perspectives can be). Well done!
@MertKayKay 24 минуты назад
I never considered that Mr Hill was keeping a protective eye on Luke! I love that so much. Gives an entirely new perspective to his scenes. Thanks for watching and sharing.
@MsKnacci 2 часа назад
again, what a good video...... thanks for the subtitles!!!!!!
@MertKayKay 43 минуты назад
Any time! :D
@Senki207 3 часа назад
I'll add my two cents to this as a guy from the "other side" of the "male loneliness epidemic". My lifestyle isn't really compatible with settling down and starting a family, nor do I have an intense desire to be in a romantic relationship. So I consciously focused on cultivating friendships, some deeper, some more surface level. However, I've recently realized what makes male friendships fall apart after getting into a relationship or getting married. It's NOT lack of time. All my male friends blame it on lack of time or being too tired, often shortly after mentioning how their girlfriends / wives always seem to have time for their friends. One of my friends even told me that he'd rather just hang out with his wife at home than go out with his friends to talk about work and sports. He also complained how his wife and her friends "gossip" about their respective spouses and how he would never "dishonor" himself with speaking ill of his wife to his friends. This is what led to my realization: men often don't spend time and energy on their friendships because hanging out with their friends gives them no emotional catharsis. They don't share their problems (aside from practical problems) and even if they do, it's often only met with "pff, tell me about it, huh." or "it is what it is, that's just life, stop complaining and have another beer." And... I get it. I wouldn't spend a lot of my special free time on those kinds of interactions either. They're important, sure, not every conversation can be soul-shakingly deep, but if ALL interactions in your platonic relationships are shallow, you feel like there's no point in spending your time on them. But the only way to get below surface level is opening up. Taking that first step. Being vulnerable. Real friends don't reject vulnerability, and who knows, maybe it'll give them the courage to open up as well... And to the people thinking "why bother with all that, my spouse is all the emotional support I need", I ask: do you think it's fair to put that kind of responsibility on a person? Being your SOLE real connection? And if someone objects with "but it's HARD being vulnerable and it's scary" - that's the whole point! You SHOULD do what scares you if it's ultimately better for you and the people around you. I've heard guys say that "I'd rather fight a bear than cry in front of my friends" - Then obviously the real bravery would be to open up to your friends, bragging about fighting a bear is just empty bravado. And one of those activities you can do in a comfortable pub chair without the danger of having your face ripped off.
@valkyriesardo278 3 часа назад
I've never seen the 2018 film adaptation of the book but it most certainly is not the TV debut. "The Haunting" is an excellent 1963 film version starring Julie Harris that I watched on TV during my forgotten childhood. That movie is the reason I read Jackson's novel and the film is a remarkably faithful adaptation. Jackson's story managed to scare me silly more than anything else in my 70 years. She makes no attempt at jump scares and gore. She never claims that any of the perceived phenomena are real. Her characters seem convinced, but Jackson creates doubt about their sanity. Like the monster in the closet and the ghost under the bed, we cannot quite convince ourselves what is real or imagined. The 1999 version with Liam Neeson is loaded with entertaining effects and strays very far from the book. The 1999 is currently free on RU-vid as is the 1963 on TubiTV (don't miss it). What you describe about the 2018 is an extreme departure from Jackson's book.
@Ana-ff2rb 6 часов назад
This made me both want to read every single King book ever and also never so much as utter his name
@daveme3582 6 часов назад
I was jacked to watch this since RLM sang its praises. Watched it last night and thought it SUCKED. Good looking movie Ill give it that. But wow the story was a mess. The motivations of the parents was never established. The sister's back story and why she is even kept alive is also mia. Her super human powers, yeah... Then the idea a group of kids just come into a house and bust *&$@ up. The ending monologue, what??? I digress.
@guslees7960 6 часов назад
Such a janky game, no doubt particularly when it comes down to bosses. But man is that world beautiful, and that sense of exploration is crazy. Quite a gem.
@SharpAsRavenClaws 7 часов назад
Only now I noticed that when you say Hugh Crane's full name, it's sounds like Ukraine.
@Hughmungus69 7 часов назад
Lake poonani
@MoondogAlice 7 часов назад
This doesn't have to do with anything, I just wanted to mention that, sadly, "empathy" didn't enter the picture for a whole after the Basaglia low was enforced. The psychiatric hospitals were closed down and the inmates were just... let go. A lot of families didn't want them back, so many of them didn't leave the abandoned hospitals until they were physically kicked out/the hospitals were demolished. Many ended up homeless and would get in and out of jail basically until they died.
@MertKayKay 7 часов назад
Thanks Alice! I really struggled to find much info available when researching the period so I appreciate the extra facts
@christinelette9943 8 часов назад
This was so enjoyable. Excellent listening fodder as I worked in the kitchen. I loved the original 1960's film. I also enjoyed the original book on which these are based. The audiobook is on RU-vid. I never considered the cake/redroom theory. It's interesting how wonderfully the base story lends itself to different interpretations.
@jaxxmiller4850 9 часов назад
Also, I hadn't seen Leverage when I watched this show originally, so watching this now knowing what I now know about Timothy Hutton makes me feel a little gross? Idk.
@ThePersephoneDiggen 11 часов назад
I love this show so much.
@jaxxmiller4850 15 часов назад
I loved the Haunting of Hill House, but Carla's role in that, plus Gerald's Game, plus Watchmen, plus Suckerpunch (to a lesser degree) made me realize that there is an uncomfortable amount of roles where she gets either gets SA'd or commits suicide. It's why I fucking loved her role in the Fall of the House of Usher, because she seems to get stuck in a victim role so often that seeing her get to show her teeth made me super happy. Idk if it's just me, but Gerald's Game especially made me feel far too uncomfortable to finish the movie. I feel like Stephen King doesn't always write female roles very well, and a cis het man writing a story that revolves entirely around a victim of SA and childhood trauma while choosing shots that seem more than a little male-gazey just didn't sit right with me at all. But I also never see anyone else talk about this, so I'm wondering if I'm just reading too far into it?
@ikkimurrell1074 15 часов назад
honest to god, i am anime only and scenes with naked riko never even put a thought about loli stuff in my mind simply because kids usually less concerned with implications of nudity and because riko herself couldn't care less why would i see anything creepy when in riko's place i would do the same, simply because there wasn't internet or adults to tell me that it's bad and explain why
@biipo4064 18 часов назад
I think more in depth content warnings can be really important even if a game makes them optional. Im not really someone who typically needs content warnings some topics can be triggering for me but not to the point of setting me back for me those topics can be healing in a way to see a character going through something ive gone through and dont necessarily want that information to be spoiled but i also think there should be an option to see specific content warnings if you know certain topics are going to set you back or you arent ready to handle certain topics or you just arent interested in playing a game that includes certain topics for one reason or another. Maybe if games could include something in the game bio before purchasing the game like a scroll down with different tiers of content warnings. For some people the this game may contain disturbing content is enough but for others they may need to know if there are certain topics like graphic depictions of sa, abuse, animal death, etc. Just give people who want those warnings the options to get those warnings without having to go out of their way and visit another site that might completely spoil the game in order to find out what specific potentially triggering content is in a game. I think it could be important for parents too if they want to give their kid more freedom with letting them play games with more mature topics but maybe dont think theyre ready to explore all mature topics. A parent could be ok with their 15 year old playing a game about war that includes blood and gore or realistic depictions of death but might not want their kid to see things like sa. Overall more in depth content warnings cause no harm but vague content warnings could be the difference between someone "enjoying" a game and someone having a really bad experience with a game and making them weary of a hobby they once enjoyed or being exposed to something they arent ready or prepared to experience.
@Nerves_of_steel 20 часов назад
"Life, uh, finds a way"
@nathanjones8667 21 час назад
This is gas. Would you consider doing the other Flanagan series?
@MertKayKay 7 часов назад
Definitely considering them! But no concrete plans yet
@Nerves_of_steel День назад
Mark, I relate to Mark. Poor bastard.
@BrianMills-bn8wo День назад
MADISON made me jump a little but I wasn’t overly terrified. OUTLAST and VISAGE have instilled WAAY more fear in me than this game.
@BrianMills-bn8wo День назад
Ok, if you really think that the way the drawers and doors open in this game are a problem then it means you dislike realism and I don’t have a problem with the mechanics of it. It’s easy and not at all like you described. You just seem petty. No. This game is NOT scary to me. Yeah, I’m fully disagreeing with you I’m the one you mentioned. I’m 33 years old so I’ve been alive most likely longer than you have been alive and since I was a child I have been desensitized to Horror or anything scary. What people classify as scary nowadays is not to ME.
@MertKayKay День назад
Ok Brian lmfao
@Astrolionking День назад
I really don’t give a shit that it was bad I enjoyed the film anyway lol
@biipo4064 День назад
I think game developers should be able to include whatever content they want in their games. Just like books and other forms of media. I dont believe in censoring art in any way even if the topics are very taboo and dark. However if you are going to put certain content in your games you have to be ready to accept that 1. Depending on the subject matter you are likely alienating a lot of potential customers/playerbase. While there certainly is a market for dark themes in media theres also a lot of people who are not going to be into interacting with media including certain topics and 2. With most of these darker topics the presentation needs to be done in an educated or tasteful manner. When you are just throwing certain content into your game for shock value you are narrowing your audience even further and opening yourself up to more criticism. There are plenty of games and other forms of media that are just shock value with the most disturbing imagery the creator could think of thrown in while the actual dialogue and plot are thrown to the side and those pieces of media are typically seen more along the lines of fetishistic content and not some deep literary story. This game does not come across to me as a game that has much if any deeper value to it which is fine but these game developers cannot be disappointed or upset when people call the game out for what it is. Torture/gore/depression porn. There is a niche for everything once again but most people are not going to be into this type of content. It deals with matters that require you to walk on a very thin line between what is tasteful and appropiate yet gets the point across and just pure shock value the equivalent of going on liveleak or bestgore back in the day to watch suffering for entertainment purposes and it really seems like this game is more the latter. It is really rare to find a game that can incorporate these topics in a meaningful and tasteful way and this game certainly does not seem like it hit that mark and deserves to be criticized. I do think its weird that Sony doesn't allow 18+ content though and i had no idea about that. Considering some of the games available on playstation include things like brothels, gore, soft core porn so im wondering how those games managed to bypass sonys regulations on those things.
@Iilah-ah День назад
Joel dies too early
@caittails День назад
That’s ok, you’re allowed to be devastatingly wrong about the confetti monologue. 😂
@MertKayKay День назад
Thank you 🙏
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
53:09 I’ve seen similar sentiments but not from people who discount ghosts But rather we call it “supernatural” but it is indeed a part of the natural world. The spiritual plane is still a natural part of the universe, it’s just we are not a part of that particular part so we’re less likely to perceive it.
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
37:39 ngl I thought her throwing the gloves away meant she no longer has her powers
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
23:27 every time you bring up Abigail it hurts
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
21:32 it actually does look like Luke is smiling in the drawing though Anyway on thought of “random child drew this” while it’s possible the child also would have been told **what** to draw so like???
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
21:32 it actually does look like Luke is smiling in the drawing though Anyway on thought of “random child drew this” while it’s possible the child also would have been told **what** to draw so like???
@Amdavis26 День назад
I’m so confused 😭 what’s going on?
@Amdavis26 День назад
I’m so confused 😭 what’s going on?
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
3:45 I def took it as the ghosts being real too. I feel like a lot of the ghosts really are there but they’re there both cuz the house is haunted and cuz their attracted to or exacerbating the problems in the family
@SebastianSeanCrow День назад
1:43 one of my fav facts about this show is that it’s supposedly based off the same book as the House on Haunted Hill with Vincent price. Fascinating
@melissastruxness512 День назад
Honestly I disagree about your reaction. This tv show got me from the beginning. I absolutely LOVE this show. I have watched it easily 20 times. It's perfection. As for the ending I think he meant it to be a bad ending but changed his mind for some reason. Those people are still in the red room. But the way he ends it I will give it a good ending just because it makes me feel better lol. That tv show was perfection and the child actors were PERFECT
@HG-gj9lh День назад
The only thing I would add to your analysis is one thing with Luke that hit me hard when I realized it. After Nell dies and he’s gone through everything with his friend and getting mugged, he’s complaining of feeling really cold and stiff, he’s suffering and his siblings assume he’s been using. But, it was revealed at one point that he and Nell shared a twin connection that would sometimes manifest by one feeling whatever the other is experiencing. We know he wasn’t using, so the coldness and stiffness he’s feeling is actually him feeling what is happening to Nell’s corpse as rigor mortis sets in and her body turns cold.
@MertKayKay День назад
I actually do mention that ;D when I talk about the twin thing!
@you-5-iver804 День назад
Season 3 is worse imho. The concept art for it had soooo much more story and potential. Season 2 was better for Clem's character.
@TheBabblingBabs День назад
I am noticing a trend of Bloober just not liking people who struggle with mental stuff (including addiction in that)...This makes me very nervous about Silent Hill 2 and Angela honestly <_<;
@NopieOpie1 День назад
This is an amazing analysis and you are brilliant
@MertKayKay День назад
Thank you Opie! :D
@DaysieRose День назад
Just finished the show. I love it. I have tears on my cheeks. Have you ever watched Six Feet Under? I'm getting intense SFU vibes from this show, all the way down to the gay middle child living in the mortuary guest house. If you haven't seen it, I think you would like it. Also kind of an untapped market elder millennials will click on immediately, myself included, should you post content about it. I love your channel! 🤩
@MertKayKay День назад
I have never heard of it! Thanks for the recommendation!
@DaysieRose 20 часов назад
@@MertKayKay It's on HBO Max here in the States. Or I guess it's just Max now.
@JaundieDaTuxxy День назад
It’s sad to think that if I had read Lolita at the same age as you I probably would’ve understood a lot
@barbiebreen День назад
This is perfect... you're perfect
@Astrolionking День назад
Moonkight is a much more fanatical verison of DID and I KNEW it involved DID but somehow a fantasy series depicted DID and the main character finding out he has DID WAYYYY better than this bullshit.
@RealBradMiller День назад
1:08:11 The way Mrs. Dudley is framed here, I never noticed!! Have thoroughly enjoyed your insights. Jfc. Need to learn not to write more than a paragraph because an ad is going to pop up and clear the text box... Just take the comment for the algorithm. Cheers!! 😡🙄🤗
@RealBradMiller День назад
And I know this is a YT problem, not a creator caused issue... The UI just gets worse, never better, how frustrating.
@Astrolionking День назад
As someone who practices tarot reading as a spiritual practice… that “bullshit” comment was kinda rude. Unless you meant for horror media bc I do agree using tarot for horror media is fucking annoying and people never know what tarots actually are.
@SabertoothedTiger69 День назад
3:01:08 I see it. Rituals, preying on children and those who are vulnerable, and the people involved knowing something is very wrong but they can't or won't do something about it, but instead, pass these things down to their own children. I was raised christian and am now an atheist with a parent who aspires to be like the people of Derry
@archercheney5999 День назад
i think the red door, in a way, *was* hugh’s red room. idk
@GamingWife42 День назад
1:12:50-something....Am I hearing The Crones music from Witcher 3??
@MertKayKay День назад
;) good ear
@YouTubeChannel-ru8ed День назад
1:26:24 I’m so happy someone pointed that out he’d use event heard anyone talk about that. Nell is so happy to have her dad while Olivia is void of emotion when you’d think she’d be happy to have her husband back. To me she really only wanted the twins so her looking at Steven like that makes little sense to me in the context of wanting him dead but I think she’s more angry that Steven was able to save Luke but like, to me Olivia stopped being fully Olivia the minute she looked up at Hugh or Poppy after she committed su*c*de. And the Olivia that’s been following Hugh and was seen by everyone was the Olivia that Poppy changed her into. I haven’t watched but maybe bits of the real Olivia showed but idk. The real Olivia would be frightened and devastated to have seen her daughter die and her husband and other children be in the positions they are in. To me the real spirit of Olivia isn’t showed after she dies. 1:27:41 to me Olivia always looks the same because that’s how everyone including us remember her as, Hugh sees her as the loving wife he remembers when they are out of hill house, but in it, it’s the version that poppy made her into. I think Hill house may forever live within them to me. Idk
@sillyd0g День назад
the biggest thing that bugs me about how hannah is written is how committed and calculated the whole premise of the show is. suicide- especially in teens - isn't a decision you make while thinking rationally or logistically. the fact that hannah's suicide note is this elaborate arg-like project that had to have taken at least a few weeks to plan, write, edit, and record (not to mention the time it would have taken her to introspect about her life and pinpoint an exact reason for 13 different people), and its pretty unrealistic to imagine a mentally unwell teenager not only committing to and pulling off this scheme but also remaining steadfast in her plan to end her life over the entire course of doing all this. (and yeah she reconsiders briefly before going to talk to mr porter but she goes in already having decided that this meeting will decide whether she lives or dies, and then doesn't even give him enough information for him to know how dire the stakes of the conversation are) not saying its impossible obviously but it just feels so far fetched for this kid in crisis to be so clear-eyed about her decision and all the minutiae of what led her to it. not to say that suicide is never calculated or that nobody who does it is fully committed, but hannah doesn't fit the profile of a chronically suicidal person. she fits the profile of a fairly normal teenager who finally cracked under all the very real everyday traumas of teenage girlhood. thats not a dig, i too was once a suicidal teenage girl and its genuinely fucking harrowing but its not like this show portrays it to be. at the end of the day it comes across less like a grounded, honest portrayal of teens in crisis and more like the power fantasy of one of said teens in crisis, imagining how bad everyone's gonna feel and how sorry they'll be when she dies and its all their fault. and while im not saying media like that shouldn't exist, it definitely shouldn't have been a big budget netflix series marketed to hell and back to the exact audience most likely to be influenced negatively by it. i also just think its kind of unbelievable that every single reason revolves around school and her classmates and the only adult to get a note is the school guidance counselor, who she essentially just blames for not saving her. obviously school is where a lot of teenagers' biggest issues arise from but seriously?? nobody in your family?? only ONE adult?? and all the reasons you killed yourself happened at this one school???? you're telling me marcus being kind of douchey that one time was enough to warrant a "you caused my suicide" tape but her parents were completely blameless in their 17(?) years of raising her?? bro i couldn't have asked for more supportive loving parents than my mom and dad but i had fights with my mom in high school that i STILL look back on and think "man that thing she said was fuckin hurtful". its like they couldn't envision this girl having a life outside of high school or hobbies outside of collecting grievances to write and record suicide tapes about. its fine to write a character whose misery is so acute that all they do is go to school and think about killing themself you can totally do that, but if you're going to do that don't write hannah as this eternally correct beautiful perfect victim. give her some flaws, make her a buzzkill , make her boring, make her withdrawn or spiteful or hard for other characters to be around sometimes. and don't demonize other characters for not always treating her with a level of grace and kindness no teenager on earth is emotionally equipped to posess all the time. i get sending a tape to bryce but its like girl if we're putting the offenses of people like jessica or marcus or sheri on the same level of responsibility for your suicide as your rapist maybe take a step back and get a little perspective because that's fucking bananas