The Big DEVIdE
The Big DEVIdE
The Big DEVIdE
@_ofg.116-80z Час назад
He could've been crazy or gay or violent or a cheater ? Like the first thing you think is its the woman's fault? I think men who are this harsh on women have been rejected by women and hurt a lot You didn't get the girl you really wanted So now you're just bitter
@corijenkins7268 3 часа назад
Maybe he died...so yeah.
@luckystar50059 3 часа назад
Lmao maybe she smart and decided he wasn’t good enough or maybe he did something wrong so maybe she just smart
@justmebeingquirky 7 часов назад
In His eyes. He can't speak for all men
@chanda-aime6388 11 часов назад
Who cares what the wrong man thinks?!
@moonshadow-nightshade 11 часов назад
This is BS!! The double standard that some people have is ridiculous. I know a guy who told that his wife and I were better people than him because we helped to raise our step children. He said if the situation was reversed he didn't know if he would have stepped up and took that on. Everyone has baggage. If you can't handle that get ready to be alone.
@karimtilley8958 4 дня назад
I need my wife to pray for me! That's one of my main qualities I need in a woman.
@Thebigdevide 3 дня назад
Amen! A woman that prays🙏🏾‼️🔥 Make sure you hit that subscribe button. We have more great episodes coming out!
@Thebigdevide 4 дня назад
Thank you tuning in! The premier will end promptly at 12:30pm! 🎉
@IRejectUrReality 6 дней назад
This was a good podcast. Her response to the story about Eve could have been corrected with 1 Timothy 2:12-14. Specifically verse 14
@socool245 8 дней назад
Is he married?
@Thebigdevide 7 дней назад
@@socool245 which one you’re asking about?
@socool245 7 дней назад
The man with the hat
@daricocooper4963 8 дней назад
I don’t think either sex should speak on the other. I can’t tell a woman how she should be because I have never been a woman and vise versa for women.
@heka6564 8 дней назад
Black men have never been traditional they have been incarcerated Black women have had to learn how to never rely on a man because yall have sucked and not been men You don’t know what traditional is
@katrinayjohnson6578 8 дней назад
Amen tell them
@3970carol 8 дней назад
That is true for some. When I was 22 yes I went for a job interview and I was so vibrant and ready for the questions but at the interview a member of the panel asked me, “Who are you?” I froze. Well that changed from that day. I was given an assignment to get to know me and return for the interview in 1 week. It’s similar. Nothing is wrong with questioning ourselves and answering them. Nothing is wrong with being in touch with who we are. We get better results in our lives when we know who we are, our fundamental values, and purpose. I love this discussion.
@starrcooper19 8 дней назад
Sky up right to loneliness is what it sounds like 😂
@ck-ib2xb 8 дней назад
A woman is to submit herself to her husband ONLY after he submits himself to GOD.
@MadaiuYsnahc 8 дней назад
How can women be traditional wives when they are expected to work and pay half the bills?
@Thebigdevide 7 дней назад
@@MadaiuYsnahc who expects women to work?
@Qwinbee7 8 дней назад
We too busy worrying about what men want or woman want, there are 6 billion ppl on the planet, worry about what you want in a mate and worry about what that person want. Your only goal is to please that particular person, if you are modern, find a modern man, if your are traditional find a traditional man.. the problem is when you want 50/50 on the bills but wond do no house chores or help with the kids. Find a lane and stick to it. Marriage does not work when one side is lazy and selfish, either male or female , in 2024 no one is staying in a miserable relationship.
@Thebigdevide 7 дней назад
@@Qwinbee7 actually over 8 billion…nonetheless, appreciate your comment. Make sure you’re subscribed and notifications are turned on for more conversations and full episodes.👍🏾
@tmarie9413 8 дней назад
It’s funny how a man can say he “protect and provide” and end the conversation for a husband. But if a woman say I cook and clean, he will say that’s not good enough? You actually don’t want a traditional woman, stop pretending that you do💯
@daricocooper4963 8 дней назад
Good point sista
@Thebigdevide 7 дней назад
@@tmarie9413 who has said this exactly?
@tmarie9413 7 дней назад
@@Thebigdevide All women has said it since this weird topic surfaced, and guess what?? There is no right universal answer for women & most men asking it are clowns 🤷🏽‍♀️ A traditional man will accept cook & clean… but non traditional men cannot and do not. That’s why most get nothing.
@Thebigdevide 6 дней назад
@@tmarie9413 interesting…come on the show and let’s discuss it further.
@laustin2832 8 дней назад
Whew may the good Lord make mics too pricey again. Fallacies flying around as free as flies on a carcass.
@19Efy 8 дней назад
😂😂😂 Amen !!!
@sue-elle7886 8 дней назад
How is he speaking for all women?
@dana102083 8 дней назад
Communication, resilience and emotional maturity.
@mainemermaid6596 8 дней назад
My beautiful, 20s aged, college educated, nieces with great careers, tell me that MOST men these days meet a woman and automatically assume that they're looking for a Sugar Daddy to pay their bills and buy them things (especially if they're pretty - It's assumed theyre stupid too). Independent women find themselves having to explain early on that they're not like that. Those women are looking for a partner to walk through life with (a Husband). It doesn't mean that they're not traditional in many ways. I'm retired now, and we've been happily married for 40 years. We had eachother's backs through college and careers (sometimes I made more money and sometimes he did. It all went into 1 account, and we discussed spending ahead of time with eachother, and still do) and we split our household chores. However, he did the more traditional male things, and I did the traditional female. We didn't discuss it, we just naturally gravitated that way. I happen to love cooking and cleaning, and doting on my hubby. (i.e. making lemonade to bring out to him when he's working outside). He loves working on cars, renovating our house, doing the lawn (I do the gardens), and helps me with the heavier work, like shampooing our carpets inside, putting up shelves, miving furniture. (otherwise it's pretty much my job to maintain the household). He does many little things just to make me happy too. I always made our lunches for 40 years (now, just his for another year until he retires too) and we both took the time to council and be romantic (take care of eachother's physical needs). A marriage is a partnership, and both people have strengths and weaknesses, so you adjust accordingly, and that means that sometimes the lines get crossed between what would have been just female/male roles years ago. Because of the womans libbers of the 50s, our economy is now build on a 2 income household, so unless a man is making extremely good money, it's impossible for a wife to stay home "barefoot and pregnant" as they used to say, even if the husband/wife wanted it that way. For those blessed with money and the wife wants to be a full time home maker, she needs a break from her routine too (like the husband gets vacation days, a wife and mother never has a day off). A husband needs to understsnd that and give her some breaks (Me Time) sometimes by taking the kids out for the day or overnight, etc. A marriage constantly goes back and forth with roles. If one is sick, the other picks up the slack and takes on their roles too. It's how life is, and how marriages work.
@Che-vn6vu 8 дней назад
Definitely onto something. They’ve been told what to expect but not what to give
@sexycspan1 8 дней назад
Depends on which woman you ask.
@helenc056 8 дней назад
Where do I find the rest of your podcasts?
@Thebigdevide 8 дней назад
@@helenc056 Hey. The episodes are on our page. Subscribe and turn on notifications to know when we post. This specific episode airs Wednesday.
@daniawania 8 дней назад
Stop talking about wives and husbands. Just stay single. You'll be fine.
@jinxie712 8 дней назад
That's why they changed it from wife to partner.
@SmilingArchaeology-bk2gy 8 дней назад
So prioritizing having your own, as a woman, over a man is a bad thing? So men want a woman who doesn't want to build herself up and be in a place where she can meet the type of man she wants?
@coldpizza9028 9 дней назад
My woman can! She holds me down. Cooks. Cleans. Does laundry. Allows me to help her because she likes it a certain way! She works her ass off. She WIFEY
@Thebigdevide 9 дней назад
That is dope! It still stands that a lot of WOMEN cannot name the qualities of a wife. Appreciate your comment, make sure you stay. Connected with us by hitting that subscribe button! 💯
@coldpizza9028 8 дней назад
@@Thebigdevidestraight up! I’m 25. She’s 23. They’re rare. But they are still out there! Good women and good wives are not synonymous terms.
@loishunter1140 9 дней назад
Send them to Saudi Arabia you will be a wife or get the big Chop! My students would tell me Ma'am I cannot read tonight I must cook for my husband he said no books tonight! I respected my women students, and we did all assignments in class!
@AndreiArhiri-g4z 11 дней назад
What Alfa male podcaster is she trying to pacify with this ? Oh look I'm submitting to you but to show you are a good Leader you should kinda submit too ... that how you end up with a guy that you need to fix and that you have to walk on egg shells around , I want a woman that can talk to me not servant that I may or may not reward by not treating like shit if she pacifies me and that can take her own fuking decisions...I'm not her dad , and even then if someone told my kids should submit to me I would be like ishhhh...not even obey or listen to ? Fuking submit ?
@marcellacrier7283 11 дней назад
A piece of advice is to learn how to live with yourself first.
@Thebigdevide 10 дней назад
Completely agree! Appreciate your comment. Make sure you hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for our next episode drop….which is at 12pm today. ‼️🙏🏾
@monta247 11 дней назад
Man you are not on the street or at the park. With the cap, Take it off or straighten it up
@Thebigdevide 11 дней назад
@@monta247 Appreciate the detail to attention! The hat remains‼️🔥 Make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications ✅
@karimtilley8958 11 дней назад
Men do not summit to the woman.
@blakdavisboy 11 дней назад
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 submission definitely goes both ways. Lead by example is another way to put it. If one mirrors a leader there's two leaders! Two leaders are better and stronger than a leader and a follower. I don't want to possibly lead you off a cliff! I want your leadership abilities already activated to help detect all possible cliffs ahead!💪🏾💪🏾
@Thebigdevide 10 дней назад
Appreciate your comment! Make sure to hit that subscribe button and stay updated on our next episode drop…which is at 12pm today. 🔥💯
@skinnyminnieog 16 дней назад
Here from TikTok, just subscribe to the channel, much respect💯✨🙏🏾
@Thebigdevide 16 дней назад
@@skinnyminnieog we appreciate you and the support‼️💯
@Mizisla 17 дней назад
It go both ways
@Thebigdevide 17 дней назад
@@Mizisla Thank you for your engagement! Hit that subscribe button & Stay connected with us.
@melmelody 18 дней назад
Nice episode
@IRejectUrReality 18 дней назад
She's obviously ok being single
@Thebigdevide 18 дней назад
@@IRejectUrReality what makes you say that?
@IRejectUrReality 18 дней назад
@@Thebigdevide nobody is committing to someone who thinks the role of a wife/husband is dictated by how much money you make. Those new requirements she listed in the video aren't hard to find; if she prioritizes them in the beginning instead of looking for superficial and materialistic qualities. But we've learned a woman's standards change depending on the situation. That's not a standard. Women will treat a man, they make more than and choose to be with, a certain way and treat a man who makes more another way. Like I said no one is committing to that. Ive been married and have been the breadwinner for 80% of the time. Never once did our roles or attitudes about our roles change depending on who was making more.
@Thebigdevide 18 дней назад
@@IRejectUrReality respect! Be sure to tune in today @12p for the premier of this episode. Turn on your notification so you don’t miss it.
@IRejectUrReality 18 дней назад
@@Thebigdevide ok. And I'll also hit the subscribe button for you
@Lisa-uf7wv 18 дней назад
No air space?!?! lol damn girl, slow down on the dating and let the vaginal muscles constrict a little.
@aspen34 19 дней назад
i was looking for build a bear videos but this works i guess
@Thebigdevide 19 дней назад
@@aspen34 Haha! It was meant to be! Stay connected with us by subscribing and turning on post notifications 🔔
@Knicole000 20 дней назад
She said “Like a racehorse.” 😂
@kclmnop4372 20 дней назад
I love how every single video involving a womans preferences gets a bunch of comments berating the woman and saying shes gonna die alone lol... She literally just said she wants a good guy with a hammer 😂 not THAT rare, is it?
@Thebigdevide 20 дней назад
@@kclmnop4372 Thank you for your comment! Those types of people are typically the ones that do not meet the expectations…Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications. We’re dropping this episode this Friday!
@Chosenshines 20 дней назад
Loves GOD. Empathetic. Funny. Role model. Loving
@nguretis 20 дней назад
Want all the are gaps for what's going on down there? Why don't you tighten that thing up do some kegels
@steve86734 20 дней назад
2in x100 is 200inches bay-beee 😎
@Tommy-jl9dm 20 дней назад
No wonder the west is going to crap . Send them back !!!!
@user-sk9hh9cx7d 20 дней назад
She must have never seen that racehorse orno they made in Europe 🐎. She Don't know what she wants
@jfox3508 20 дней назад
He would also be 600 lbs