@moyamorris2287 5 дней назад
May God Bless you and your Husband.
@emelianorombo8710 8 дней назад
@philly2fl628 9 дней назад
I had a dream early 2010 of me being in a bar in kinda a secluded desert like area & it caught on fire, so i left the bar & intuitively i knew one of my friends had died in the fire but at the same time i said to myself he couldn't of died in the fire because he died in a motorcycle accident in real life, the cops showed up in the dream & asked me "what happened" before i could respond a white dove appeared out the sky to my left & spoke to me telepathicly into the essence of me & said "dont tell them what they already kno" i literally woke up immediately & said WTF
@MrZeuqsav 22 дня назад
Most christians believes Jesus name only, but not his teachings, He instructed his apostles, "Go, and make disciples in all earth, and teach them to do the same what I teaches you, You are not part of this world, So, does the christians understand this?
@Michael-kd1ud 24 дня назад
JW’s not he’s
@Michael-kd1ud 24 дня назад
You just said the most important part of your message, if I hadn’t married him I wouldn’t be the Christian I am today. I’m sure it’s been hard on you, but you chose this, try being the child of he’s. I wasn’t asked and I didn’t have the choice. I was born into it, and I was bitter over it for years until I realized I wouldn’t be the Christian I am if I hadn’t been put in it. We have been refined through our struggles, just pray the lessons not be wasted. Yes you chose it, yes it might have been different, but I do not believe in mistakes in Gods Kingdom. You have a purpose and a mission. Continue to help others even if he never changes, it’s not your place or ability to change or save him. And above all praise God you are not lost as he is. God bless
@amberclark2129 Месяц назад
I just started watching your video but I have to say God bless you, sister. I have dad and cousins in this and I’m praying for them and I will pray for your husband to know Jesus as lord and savior and to be free of the yolk of WTBS🩷
@jillrojo86 Месяц назад
Why did u have 3 more kids with him then? Love is unconditional, if u r gonna stay married accept him for his individual beliefs. Religion is a bunch of bs. He thinks you are a worldly bad influence and unbeliever as well. He thinks his beliefs are the truth. Instead of making making a shitty video behind your husband's back, just divorce him.
@freshfocusdigital Месяц назад
Veey true! My son exclaims "Jesus" easily and the JW around us have ab issue with it. I try my best to keep us farrrrr away from theor double standards and ignorance! I keep praying for them
@shawnmcanthony5724 Месяц назад
Jehovah god is the almighy of course he knows everything. Just like he knows for a fact jehovah witnesses have the TRUTH. FACTS coming from someone who was disfellowshipped as a teen. Then went through a divorce. Engaged in SPIRITISM which i thought was a relaxing exercise. Been back as a J JEHOVAH WITNESS jehovah has blessed me with the love of my life been married for 22 years. YOUNG PEOPLE ANY ONE WHO LEAVES JEHOVAH WILL REGRET IT LIKE ME FACTS❤❤
@shawnmcanthony5724 Месяц назад
If jehovahs witness doesnot have the truth there is NO truth IT DOES NOT EXIST. This is coming from someone who was disfellowshipped as a teen because i engaged in fornication which the bible condemns. i viewed women only as pleasure. Came back in my twenties jehovah has blessed be with the love of my life been married for 22yrs.. Any one who leaves Jehovah will REGRET like me ❤❤❤
@mkaxxchooh Месяц назад
Glad you’ve been married for 22 years. But the one thing you both will regret is getting back to that religion. Repent and come to Jesus, Jesus who is God before it’s too late. You and your spouse can make it to heaven if you both believe Jesus is God and accept him. Heaven isn’t only for the 144,000 lol
@eedwards5129 Месяц назад
Being "in love" does not make a relationship a good match. What about the practical aspects? JWs don't allow certain medical procedures. What about your children? What if you are unconscious and need something. Sorry, but your father was right and it has nothing to do with your religion.
@JigsawPuzzleConnection Месяц назад
Shocking. I thought JW's did not associate with those outside the JW church.
@claudiaschneider5744 Месяц назад
Even if that dude has converted to Jesus - he could still be a narc sicko - religion and faith does not change a humans mind set - at all. Good luck to you.
@ebear6555 2 месяца назад
what r the rules for a JW wife work outside the home
@pattynellis7347 2 месяца назад
How can you raise kids when ones a JW and one not , what about holidays and bdays for the child seems impossible
@jerryjamify 2 месяца назад
All church organizations teach lies and false doctrine including the JWs witnesses
@randymcgee2603 3 месяца назад
my husband and I are jehovah witnesses, we have a amazing marriage, I became one first never pressured my husband or nagged to to go to the meetings, he started going on his own
@HenriettaMRiley Месяц назад
You know what you just said wasnt being totally truthful. Fortunately for you your husband did become a cult member also, otherwise the consequences that tens of thousands of 'split' marriages within the society have monumental problems usually caused by the JW. But of course the JW sees it as 'doing the right thing' and their own little self deluded world of persecution.... Its a shame to be honest your husband didnt run a million miles, because all i see in the future for you both unfortunately is pain. Its a horrible, horrible society.
@Matzah1982 3 месяца назад
By being intimate with him (and thus becoming one flesh with him) and by conceiving a child with him you became unequally yoked with him so the only right thing to do in the eyes of God and for your child was to get legally married to him
@JillSimpson-zc6bv 3 месяца назад
I totally get you. Same situation but we are a lot older now. I just love him.ibtried t9 study but the doctrine was just so not right for me. So we agree to disagree but are kind about it.
@DavidSchneiderIP 3 месяца назад
My parents were missionaries in various countries in South America. I was born in Peru. As a teenager, I stopped going to church partly because of the hypocrisy, lack of brotherhood, and nonsensical teachings. After13 years of being a hippie surfer and professional guitarist, my girlfriend began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. We married, she got baptized, and within a year I also became a JW. I've been one now for 46 years, have a great marriage and we continue to be living the best life ever 😊
@HenriettaMRiley Месяц назад
I love the way you parroted "best life ever" like a drone. You know there is something wrong in the organisation, you know that deep down, yet due to your sunken cost fallacy, you cant bear to think that it is false. We will pray for you.
@gabbie921 3 месяца назад
That picture is beautiful. I felt emotional with you <3
@ExjwSmurfGirl 3 месяца назад
@kaywyatt5250 3 месяца назад
@rachelplumb4373 3 месяца назад
I'm an exjw who is now a Christian who attends church. My husband is still a jw. It's so hard. I pray they come to the Lord... all of our loved ones who are stuck in that cult. 🙏 RU-vid search street preachers who preach to Jws. Very helpful to know how to talk to them using the scriptures.
@billynomates5482 4 месяца назад
I too are married to a jw,she is lovely woman puts no pressure on me because she knows what type of man i am.I have had to be very firm with the elders and tell them I am not interested but they keep persting;I enjoy the look on there face when I say NO Not Interested.
@HenriettaMRiley Месяц назад
Good for you bro. Look after her, one day she is going to need you to rescue her from this terrible organisation/cult...
@billynomates5482 Месяц назад
@@HenriettaMRiley Hi why would i need to rescue her I thought the JW will fall with the rest of the religions .are the jw planning something.
@HenriettaMRiley Месяц назад
@@billynomates5482 who k owes what this 9 buffoons are planning from their forest in Warwick. What I mean mate is that this cult ruins lives, eventually as all of us have, your wife will go thru a bad patch in it which could be a bad experience for her. But with you as her rock she knows that you will be there for her always, she will need that.
@HenriettaMRiley Месяц назад
@@billynomates5482 No mate. Leaving JWs happens to alot of people and when it does it can be devastating. Thankfully you will be there to support her. As regards to those 9 men in a forest, who knows what they are planning...
@billynomates5482 Месяц назад
@@HenriettaMRiley thanks mate I hope that day comes,I will never trust those idol worshiped men either.i once prayed and asked if the blood rule is correct,the answer i got back is all lives are worth saving.i know its my own voice of reason.
@herminioaleman6637 4 месяца назад
GOD Him sefth say the Most Powerfull Force in The Universe is LOVE...Like you say ...Both of you are in Love ...Dont woried Nothing going to Break That force...Please dont let that Nothing interfere in your Mariage...
@herminioaleman6637 4 месяца назад
Wow...Dont know why your husband can praey to Jesus...cause in any praey that JW made always they get to the Father ( GOD ) throught his Son Jesus...so is Nothing wrong to Praey to Jesus...
@markjackson5035 4 месяца назад
My friend, I have been a Jehovah’s Witness for 33 years heavily studied in the Greek and Hebrew… I would love to help you answer some of these questions in this video… first I like to answer the question was Jesus raised up in a physical body/or a spiritual body… in your video you pointed to the scripture at John2:19… that reads tear down this temple and in three days I will raise it up… now we know if we keep reading it says that Jesus was talking about the temple of his body… now many people will point to this and say … either see Jesus raised himself from the dead, or they will say see Jesus was raised from the dead physically… my dear friend, both positions would be incorrect biblically… now I know you’re thinking at this point that’s crazy… but hear me out let’s walk through this…. first in every scripture that speaks about Jesus being raised from the dead, it says God did it…. There is no scripture in the Bible that says or suggest that Jesus raised himself from the dead… and that’s what many claim when they read John2:19… that being said let’s put John2:19 to the side for a minute I will get back to it…. but everywhere else in the Bible when it talks about Jesus being raised from the dead, it says God raised Jesus from the dead …I could point to many scriptures that say this… but I will point to just one in this case Galatians 1:1 and it reads: God, the father raised him up from the dead… why did I pick this first?… because it says God, the father raised him from the dead….. I don’t know if you believe in the Trinity but if you do, this shows that the son second person of the Trinity did not participate in Jesus resurrection… now this should immediately show you that what Jesus said in John2:19… is talking about something different but again let’s put that scripture to the side and I will address that in a minute… now in this video you went to Luke24:39…. to point out that a spirit does not have flesh and bones…. But I would encourage you to read through verse 43 because it shows that Jesus was also eating food…. This is not a disqualifier of Jesus, resurrection, being spirit in nature why…. If we go to Genesis 19:2,3.. and Genesis 18:3-7… angels that appear to men eat food… most importantly, what is the greatest thing that makes a human human that would be procreation…. The point I’m trying to make is when spirit beings take on human form they’re truly in the human form … so much so that they can even have kids with humans…. As we read and genesis.6:1-4…… so why did Jesus point this out because after the flood of Noah, wicked spirits could not take on human form in the way Jesus did and the way the demons did before the flood. They had no experience of this…. The only experience they had after the flood, for example was Luke.4:33-8:29-9:39,42.. that’s the only experience that they ever had read those scriptures and many others… in other words, they never had a spirit being taken on truly human form… like Jesus did that was their experience… that being said let’s go back to Luke24:39… After you read that go to Luke24:31 and what do you read?… it says Jesus vanished from before them and if you want to go look up the Greek, it’s strong 855 which literally means that Jesus became invisible. That’s not the behavior of humans that’s angelic behavior….. and you will find nowhere in the Bible from Genesis to revelations. Were humans engaged in angelic behavior…. in other words being able to materialize and dematerialize …. Why is that important and showing that Jesus was not resurrected as a human because of what reread in1 Corinthians15:45… and it reads. He was put to death in the flesh and made a life as a life given spirit also read.1 Peter 3:18… There’s only two scriptures in the New Testament that tells us the nature/or type of resurrection that Jesus received, and it says he was raised as a life given spirit full stop…. Jesus was raised as a spirit being….. now you might be saying what about John2:19 that you keep saying you’re gonna get back to…. OK let’s talk about it. Most people don’t understand that they’re talking about what Jesus did after his resurrection. He was all already a spirit being…. the Bible tells us that God the father raised him from the dead….1 Corinthians15:45 and 1 Peter3:18… Tells us Jesus was raised as a spirit being… and acts 10:40,41 GOD Allowed him to appear after the resurrection in spirit form… namely, to Thomas…. Jesus did so after he became a life-giving spirit “HE “ raise his physical body up…. But that’s not how Jesus was resurrected.1 Corinthians15:45… tell us how that happened … and Galatians 1:1 the father tells us who resurrected Jesus… So hopefully that answers your question if you have any other questions, please reach out
@darrell6642 4 месяца назад
Usually women settle and marry because they are getting older and nobody has asked them by the age of 28. Women settle for a man who is not in their religion even though they know they are opposite of their religion. She means that they were in Lust, not Love.
@tonyfc8809 4 месяца назад
I love your videos, make more!
@braco0000 4 месяца назад
I was part of that insane cult for 18 years... Fortunately I woke up and my daughter was born out of that crazy harmful cult. Whenever you want I can tell you stories and realities about this sect. Information that can help you to make him wake up.
@Elroi3310 4 месяца назад
Don’t talk with your husband about doctrine especially the Trinity it only give them conformation that they are right . When I try to talk with them about doctrine I talk about the new covenant ( which they are not part of ) Or Roman’s 8 about being led by the spirit , instead of walking in the flesh , and those who walk in the spirit are All sons of god ( in their theology only 144k are ) So if they are not sons of God how can they walk in the spirit ? Peter would give you this advice : 2 Peter 3:1 In the same way, you wives, be in subjection to your husbands, so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, God bless you sister . Keep your eyes on Jesus ❤
@kevinerose 4 месяца назад
Does your husband have to go to every JW meeting? It is important to Jehovah that you support your spouses. Maybe he can go to church with you once a month and you can to to a JW meeting with him once a month? If they try to give him grief about that then he can tell them that it is important to Jehovah that we support each other in the marriage.
@wrightchoiceintupperware3053 4 месяца назад
Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Mothers Day, military, the flag, voting, everything we shared together for many years, we no longer do.
@wrightchoiceintupperware3053 4 месяца назад
I am in your shoes. My husband wasn't a JW when we got married. there is no defending yourself, no changing their minds. Hard is not the word for it. I long for my husband and I to go to the same church, I pray every day that God shows him the right way, we have been together 14 years, he has been a JW for 4 years. good luck it is a struggle. You cant talk to them about JW's.
@maccarnes8736 5 месяцев назад
If you truly would read the bible you would leave the Jehovah Witnesses. Ask God to save you and receive the Holy Spirit to guide you. According to the RU-vid reasoning that you are saying, you are justifying why you are a JW. Read the bible and learn the truth.
@anthonyr5869 5 месяцев назад
Good god, you are an attractive woman what are you doing in this situation
@Im-a-lady 5 месяцев назад
So God knew satan would deceive Eve?
@RoniShawn 5 месяцев назад
@sweethoneybee8518 I have developed a really great friendship with my mom’s caregiver that comes everyday. She’s JW. I’m a follower of Jesus. Not religious, not interested in organized religion. My question is, will they allow her (her actual name is Honey) to be my friend outside of my mom’s home?
@DrIBeSwervin 5 месяцев назад
My wife is a pregnant JW, and im studying, 😅 i told her that if she loses blood and it jeopardizes her and my son's life during labor i will give her blood, because ill be damned to let both die to then watch a governing body update next month and they get new light regarding blood transfusions, she got quiet, with no protest. Also tell the elders you need money in these economic times, and see what happens. No protest. It's all good in theory but when real life shit happens things get real. She said someone is in trouble for having a gun in their home. I again said so I guess if someone breaks in and assaults you I'm going to stand and watch and call a brother the next day, no I'm protecting you. Again no protest.
@freshfocusdigital Месяц назад
Sorry they will have influence over u befor u know it
@mikekeyes78 5 месяцев назад
I remember I woke up from jws during the time of dating another jw woman I tried to wake her up relationship ended she got married in 6 months to someone else and I left and started my brand new life
@mrs.camillewarrenempress3115 5 месяцев назад
Was you a witnesses or not because you are not it’s because you put her at risk speaking form a spiritual sister. It’s not always good for us to be in a relationship or married someone outside our faith due to problems in the long term because it’s nothing in common That why milk it’s important to pay more attention to the red flags once’s it is their completely
@user-kc8qm6nf1s 5 месяцев назад
Hey there i was hehova wetness
@user-kc8qm6nf1s 5 месяцев назад
Hey there beautiful lady
@geraldlatchman4583 5 месяцев назад
I can relate to that, let me tell you, a very stunch jw lady, wanted for us to get married, but what I knew about Jesus Christ, I just couldn't do it 😢
@josephtucker9612 5 месяцев назад
Your husband and Jesus worships the Father. Rev 3:12 says “...I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem that descends out of heaven from my God, and my own new name.” The name of Jesus' God is not Jesus. The trinity is a 4th century apostasy. Would Jesus leave it to corrupt manuscripts that were corrupted centuries after his death to teach the nature of God had changed into a trinity? Would Jesus leave it to false reasoning to support a triune god that the Jews have never known? Why has the Jews never worshiped a trinity? Did the Jews worship the wrong God for thousands of years? If you studied the bible with a Jehovah's Witness you will find the bible does not support a trinity.
@robbarton2391 5 месяцев назад
you can only keep on praying he gets revelation from god and wakes up to the watchtower.
@cain2655 5 месяцев назад
very similar story she told me she was pregnant so we got married but months later I found out she was not pregnant. The only good thing that came from the marriage was three beautiful children. We divorced 12 years later I had the pleasure of raising all three of my children, not as Jehovah's Witnesses. It's unfortunate, but she was never a part of their life. They are all good people.
@cain2655 5 месяцев назад
I was born in Jehovah's Witness. I left the cult at 14 years old at 18 years old I was at a black sabbath concert. I met this girl there we ended up, leaving the concert together and going to her house. We slept together. I had only known her a matter of hours the next morning while at her house, I noticed watchtowers and wakes and JW literature everywhere I got talking to her. She told me she was baptized JW I did not tell her for about a week that I was born HW I wasted 12 years of my life with that person, it never did work. It was a very bizarre situation looking back on it now.
@mrs.camillewarrenempress3115 5 месяцев назад
That why I don’t give my heart too much to other people nowdays no one cannot be trust especially with multiple diseases spread around informally that why you got to pay more close attention to the red flags daily Speaking from a Jehovah witness I am also baptized myself before coming into the truth made some error but I haven’t been involved with anyone now 10 years and celibate just waiting on the right one to come to my way as a sister …
@kennynoNope 6 месяцев назад
JW worship the devil it is a cult of man made nonsense