Ryan Jamison
Ryan Jamison
Ryan Jamison
I make films (sometimes)
Reflections In The Last Of Us Part II
7 месяцев назад
Why Breaking Bad Became A Meme
Год назад
Phantom | Short Film
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Phantom Teaser Trailer
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Hive: The Bonus Feature!
2 года назад
Hive: Q&A (w/ Live Auction)
2 года назад
Hive | A Short Film
2 года назад
Hive (Teaser)
2 года назад
Crystallize | A Short Film
3 года назад
Ivy | Short Film
4 года назад
The Choice | Short Film (2018)
4 года назад
LAPSE (2017)
4 года назад
The Descent | Short Film (2017)
4 года назад
@cluckendip 9 часов назад
I always thought it was just a really serious show, so people used memes as a way to lighten the load.
@karllhungus7947 20 часов назад
both were shit endings
@Nonexistentialism 23 часа назад
Unlike Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead was pretty much killed by AMC. They demanded too much of Shawshank Redemption director, Frank Darabont and the show became directionless with his departure. It’s ironic how people were upset with Glen’s death considering it’s a pivot part of the comic, and the most interesting part of season 7’s introduction. I won’t lie I love the comic, but the show is flat out disappointing. I would say end at season 8, but you can’t because Negan understanding his failure is the most compelling part of the comic. They’ve warped the comic into something stupid. Rick was always supposed to die, Kirkman is quite open about the whole comic being writing in a single notebook before a single issue was ever published. It’s so crazy how you can have gold, and still fumble it
@Fall.0.Yamihere День назад
even better just make this video about breaking bad alone, walking made me skip allot of the video
@Fall.0.Yamihere День назад
walking was ass after the first couple of episodes
@liamrice8944 День назад
as someone who watched both recently for the first time I personally found TWD so much better than BB, I loved Breaking Bad in its early seasons the highs were really high but lows also felt unbelievably slow, while this happens in almost every show ever if it runs for long enough the Breaking Bad to me struggled much more just because of how unlikable every single character was they were all so unlikable in season 4 it was unreal. I'm someone who has loved watching movies and TV for a very long time and though I would not consider myself knowledgeable with film whatsoever I'd like to think that the best way to get through slow parts of a show is to be rooting for someone, having someone that everyone at home can go "come on you can do it" is beneficial during slow and drawn out seasons/episodes of a show. Whereas to me the drawn-out moments in The Walking Dead felt more fine because of the audience being able to root for a collective and after going back and looking at the seasons (season 8 mostly) I can understand even with basic knowledge that it was actually well done. Most people seemed to quit when Glenn died which I can understand in the moment but as someone who got to watch the show after it was completed his death barely made me want to stop watching, yes it was sad but I knew that the show was capable of redeeming a character like Negan and that they would be able to use deaths to propel the story into the right direction. TO ME Breaking Bad is a better show to watch and do other things while it is playing but The Walking Dead is far better at being masterful television. P.S the ones who live and Daryl Dixon are both better than better call saul
@jamigoddess 2 дня назад
Walter White is not scary - he’s so cringey.
@remuvs 2 дня назад
Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead are reminiscent of "wise men speak when they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something". Having Walt's cancer make a second swing was a brilliant decision as it then gave the main series a hard limit of how long it could go for.
@blakemcnamara9105 2 дня назад
This is a sign that we are in decline as a society.
@m4rt_ 2 дня назад
As someone who has only seen the shows during/after the memes, it's a great show, though I have no reference point for how it was before the memes.
@isaacgraham5727 3 дня назад
It’s funny I was actually one of a very, VERY small group of people who actually watched the pilot of Breaking Bad the night it aired. I honestly remember thinking “Huh, so it’s like Weeds except with an ugly dying guy selling meth instead of a sexy milf selling pot? That’ll never catch on.” And I stopped watching after that first episode because the show felt so “ugly and gross” in my words at the time. Didn’t go back to it until the break between seasons 3 and 4, and then I was along for the ride. So weird that it’s still so huge.
@user-hc4bg6vj3q 3 дня назад
Buffy The Vampire Slayer has also a great ending
@ChristophersRants 3 дня назад
Glenn and Carl are why I stopped watching the producers went so far from the source material and the disgusting manner that things went I felt like as a fan I was being told hey you love these two characters you are garbage for being a fan.
@CHICAGOTICA44 3 дня назад
One thing I never understood about WD is how it managed to look so high budget and low budget at the same time.
@todd3143 3 дня назад
step #1: keep the original showrunner step #2: step #3: profit
@frostshadow6222 3 дня назад
I started watching Breaking Bad becuase of the memes. My friends told me about it, but I started watching after I all my youtube feed was filled with breaking bad memes and I didnt even know the context.
@desmondfedaykin8872 4 дня назад
I feel like the show dwindled with the effort they put into the walkers. In the early seasons, a horde was a real threat that the gang had to fight like hell to survive, and some of them might not. In the later seasons, a single character could take out an entire horde by whipping a chain around, or just shoving the walkers to the ground moving on. I tried to watch the last season, but turned it off in the first scene when they showed our protagonists quietly sneaking around the unstoppable, tireless walking dead, because the walkers were napping. The plot was officially lost.
@robrick9361 4 дня назад
The Wire also had a great ending.
@tsernitos 5 дней назад
Just noticed 6:13 B Ryan A V O
@delqyrus2619 5 дней назад
"A show that ended just as strong as it began" - seriously? Breaking Bad began so freaking boring i never got myself to watch it. Some say it gets good a few episodes in but if it ends as boring as it begins i am glad i have never watched it. Watching that stuff must be pure torture. Why are you doing that to yourself?
@yeetosis9097 8 дней назад
Breaking Bad really is arguably the best show ever made,
@Delboy178 8 дней назад
Its kind of ironic to me that the experience of seeing breaking bad memes without context vs seeing them with context (watching the show) van be aptly expressee with the meme of dean norris smiling snd frowning. I finished the show a few days ago and Ozymandius is a phenomenal episode of tv but i was almost distracted by my ape like need to yell and holler everytime a meme appeared. All this to say, the memes do not ruin the experience of watchjng breaking bad but are now so deeply baked into its DNA via cultural osmosis that they can be a little jarring imo. I used to quote jesse screaming "he cant keep getting away with this!!" And ive never RVER been more emotionally distraught while quoting a meme before
@PuertoDaDon 8 дней назад
23:07 is the exact moment the Pope dude became Heisenberg!
@santsantacruz6258 8 дней назад
6:12 ahh I see what you did there
@stevenclubb7718 8 дней назад
it's usually pretty easy to tell early on if a creator has a story to tell or if something is an excuse to make as much money as possible. The Walking Dead comic was largely designed to tell every type of zombie story they could, so there was never a proper endgame strategy... and once the TV show hit, they took that to it's ridiculous extreme. When you start dealing with corporate mega-franchises, they're designed not to leave any money on the table and they're only going to stop when they start losing money... or, more likely, start endless reboots to try to regain profitability. Individual franchises might carve out a true narrative niche for themselves, but after Guardians 3 wrapped up its story, the producers will be discussing how to keep it going.
@ResoluteCS 8 дней назад
I wanna go to an alternate universe where Breaking Bad’s original season 1 played out and Frank Darabont’s Walking Dead played out…
@jackpackage4278 8 дней назад
What makes the story so bad and ridiculous is the points it tries to make. It’s clearly a story about vengeance and the effects of pursuing/getting it has on the people on around you. Abby gets her revenge against Joel after hunting him down for a long period of time. Ellie is allowed to live but now wants her own revenge on Abby. The whole game she must kill hundreds of ppl, does anything she can to get what she thinks she’s owed, probably ruins hundreds or even thousands of lives through collateral and then at the very end she spares Abby. That is just some bullshit man. Not just from Ellie’s character perspective but also the player. We had to watch Joel getting murdered brutally while we couldn’t do anything and then finally our revenge is at hand and Ellie decides to be “the bigger person”. To me personally, this story isn’t only terrible, it’s insulting. I’m a big believer people can like or not like whatever they want but I myself will never understand how anyone enjoyed this game. Plus Drukkmann endlessly defending his decision to kill Joel, I absolutely guarantee they won’t do the same thing in the show. Joel won’t die until the end of season 2 mark my words and idk I find that so cowardly by Drukkmann because he was so self righteous about his decision being the right one.
@doncaguamo4810 8 дней назад
Sorry for all BB fans but six feet under have the best final ever
@bencegaming1716 8 дней назад
I have been writing as a hobby for a few months now, just short stories and all, taking inspiration from games I've played and movies I've watched, ending the story has always been a problem for me, I get a good start, the content of the story is plentiful, but I just can't fit the ending anywhere, it always feels like there is more to add, writing is really the only time my imagination runs wild like that. Once I heard the quote you used in the beginning I have always tried to end the story, even if I have to cut out the a little bit of fat from it. This video is a masterpiece of an essay
@user-gn6xx6vt4l 8 дней назад
I haven't finished breaking Bad because I just found myself getting bored and then leaving and coming back 3 months later and seeing the show say "oh my gosh the craziest thing is going to happen
@aglioeolio8494 8 дней назад
Yeah the show is not for everyone, if u get hooked instantly and didn't budge off then it's your typa show.
@aglioeolio8494 8 дней назад
And I literally did this too, stopped watching the show at start of season 4 for some reason. Then few months later I watched it back til the end...glad I finished this show. What a masterpiece.
@kidaicarasmurphy4938 8 дней назад
IM definitely not going to watch THIS movie
@nameless5413 9 дней назад
Tapistery was the best ending for show i have seen. sure technicaly it was penultimate ep of TNG but still
@SMACKu2b 9 дней назад
I stopped watching at season 4 of Walking Dead. Just couldn't stomach it anymore. Every new character they introduced was just a fucking insufferable little bitch.
@bradensorensen966 9 дней назад
Arguably Breaking Bad ended BETTER!
@pissqueendanniella4688 9 дней назад
mate you are a real trooper for watching the walking dead past the second half of season 2. That's where I fell off, when they were spending like the ENTIRE season at the prison and 17 seasons at marshal's farm and even back then it felt like they were tryna milk every single red pence outta every.single.storyline. Then the other thing that turned me off was some time before the mid season (s02) and i cant say when exactly i noticed this but i noticed that the action sequences where they fight a small mob of zombies were becoming so tired an formulaic that like it even seemed like the actors were like "ooooh-kay..now we have to fight the zombies. again. woo."
@smokebomb024 9 дней назад
I thought season 2 was really good, and I still think it is but I think it’s jarring for people binging the show because it has more episodes and paced slower than s1, but paced slower isn’t always a bad thing. In my opinion the show starts to falter in season 4. I would definitely recommend to keep watching at least the rest of s2 and s3 cuz I promise it’s good
@aglioeolio8494 8 дней назад
​@@smokebomb024 yeah s4 a bit slow but still enjoyable at least but s5 lit the fire again and change the tone
@IBIGBEATzZIIHD 4 дня назад
​@@smokebomb024 Season 2 is really bad tbh. Not many redeeming qualities about it. Slow story-telling is fine, but season 2 had nothing to say. 90% of it felt like filler, even at the time.
@smokebomb024 4 дня назад
@@IBIGBEATzZIIHD I feel like you’re missing the point if you think s2 didn’t have anything good, the barn scene for one is still one of the best scenes I’ve ever seen in a show
@IBIGBEATzZIIHD 3 дня назад
@@smokebomb024 It is one of the few decent scenes in the entire season. It is beyond obvious that (and this is the real story) AMC cut budget by a significant margin while increasing the amount of episodes that had to be produced for Season 2. They even fired Frank Darabont, the creator and director of the first season. Luckily he won a settlement of $200 mio on a lawsuit that sprung from that. I am not "missing the point". I just can't overlook obvious filler content in a season full of filler content. Not to mention that all character drama in that season was incredibly forced and unbelievable.
@matthewcheung7888 9 дней назад
Breaking Bad did what Walter never could. Quit while they were ahead.
@Schrodinger_ 9 дней назад
The Shield and The Wire had better endings than Breaking Bad, IMO.
@Adamkleyman-id6js 9 дней назад
Bro made me feel old when he said breaking bad aired A decade ago
@Adamkleyman-id6js 9 дней назад
Not to mention the memes are still coming from it
@napolieanbonerpart 9 дней назад
i will subscribe to you if you review dirk gentlys holistic detective agency
@napolieanbonerpart 9 дней назад
it is amazing please trust me
@napolieanbonerpart 9 дней назад
hey ryan, can you make another video on breaking bad, i think M.A.S.H might be better then breaking bad in a few aspects but i just wanna know from an unbiased opinion
@kylemeyer6438 9 дней назад
But in all honesty the first 7-8seasons of the walking dead is peak tv
@axe863 9 дней назад
Breaking Bad >> Walking Dead >>>>> GOT
@cwooo8476 9 дней назад
35:50 EVERY MARVEL writer needs to hear this. It’s so true. Enough of this “moving timeline baloney.
@ashig_1 9 дней назад
I watched TWD up to season 10, which I think was the ending when the girl with the pink frilly things came in then I just realized Jesus Christ this is terrible. I stopped watching when glenn died in s7 for like 2 years I think I came back when season 10 came back watched up to there then just said jesus christ it needs to end and the spinoffs are too many I stopped watching arrow/supergirl/flash due to the spinoffs that u need to watch them all for the lore I wannaget back into TWD But I cant cause I wanna watch it all with all the lore but I just cant sadly.
@Smiling_Tears 9 дней назад
Breaking Bad Spoiler Warning---That's okay I watched the show Walking Dead Spoiler Warning---That's okay, I didn't watch the show (seasons 1 and 2 were good...I don't remember much after that. I stopped at the season with them at the abandoned prison (?) building or something.
@TheWalkingFamily1 9 дней назад
No disrespect to the video, but it kind of ruined the walking dead for me.
@user-ns7pu2fe9f 9 дней назад
4:24 nah what the hell is this you look like you came from the movie Trolls my guy
@cogahan3105 10 дней назад
Another important point are the quality of the Spin-offs. Better Call Saul is so insanely good, it's the only Spin-Off ever, to my knowledge, to have people have genuine debates on which one is better: BB or BCS. I never saw this happen before with any spin-off before. At best, it always was "(Spin-Off) is great, but I _like_ (OG). (OG) is just better overall", but BCS somehow was so good that people dare to entertain the idea of it being better than BB, and I think that is unrefutable proof of its quality. I'm not sure how good the Walking Dead Spin-Offs are tbf (and which ones are even out at this point), but considering how Walking Dead "ended", I can't for the life of me imagine them being any good, and being better than Walking Dead is not a very high bar at this point
@aketsuuu 11 дней назад
I see a lot of suggestions that TWD could have ended when Rick and his group first made it to Alexandria, but I personally disagree. Ignoring the fact that the comics clearly had a continuation, it may have been best to extend Season 5 a bit and end on the scene where Alexandria comes to help Rick after Carl has been shot. It'd be a good culmination of everything and proof that that group was ready to continue surviving, that our worries about the characters could be mostly put at ease. It may have had to have been written a bit differently in the lead-up, but otherwise I'd say it would have been a golden ending point.
@partogihutapea8632 12 дней назад
"Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending" Me : You hear that Isayama?