Chill by Chill
Chill by Chill
Chill by Chill
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@بهنازنصوحی День назад
@Chillbychillchannel 22 часа назад
@sorushebrahimi1829 День назад
@Chillbychillchannel 22 часа назад
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel Mon ami(e) artiste incroyable, Ton talent et ta créativité sont vraiment remarquables. Tes œuvres transcendent l'art, la science et l'expérience ; elles sont quelque chose de vraiment spécial et extraordinaire. Chaque pièce que tu crées est remplie de détails complexes qui captivent nos esprits et nos sens, souvent sans même que nous nous en rendions compte. Chaque instant dans ton travail est riche en signification et en émotion, présenté de manière minimaliste et délicieuse, à la fois belle et agréable pour tous. On dirait que tu insuffles une essence unique dans tes créations qui résonne profondément avec chaque spectateur. J'espère qu'un jour je pourrai pleinement saisir la magie qui se cache derrière ton travail. Pour nous, tu es comme une étoile, voire une déesse.
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel Mon incroyable ami(e) artiste, Ton talent et ta créativité sont vraiment remarquables. Tes œuvres transcendent l'art, la science et l'expérience; elles sont vraiment uniques et extraordinaires. Chaque pièce que tu crées est remplie de détails subtils qui captivent nos esprits et nos sens, souvent sans que nous nous en rendions compte. Chaque instant dans ton travail est riche de sens et d'émotion, présenté d'une manière minimaliste et délicieuse qui est à la fois belle et agréable pour tout le monde. On a l'impression que tu insuffles une essence unique dans tes créations, qui établit une connexion profonde avec chaque spectateur. J'espère qu'un jour je pourrai saisir pleinement la magie derrière ton œuvre. Pour nous, tu es comme une étoile, voire une déesse.
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel Meu amigo artista incrível, O seu talento e criatividade são verdadeiramente notáveis. As suas obras transcendem a arte, a ciência e a experiência; são algo realmente especial e extraordinário. Cada peça que cria está cheia de detalhes intrincados que captam as nossas mentes e sentidos, muitas vezes sem sequer nos apercebermos. Cada momento do seu trabalho é rico em significado e emoção, apresentado de uma forma minimalista e encantadora que é ao mesmo tempo bela e agradável para todos. Parece que infunde uma essência única nas suas criações que se conecta profundamente com cada espectador. Espero que um dia possa compreender plenamente a magia por detrás do seu trabalho. Para nós, você é como uma estrela, ou até mesmo uma deusa.
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel 私の素晴らしいアーティストの友人へ、 あなたの才能と創造力は本当に驚異的です。あなたの作品は、芸術、科学、そして経験を超越し、真に特別で非凡なものです。あなたが創り出す一つ一つの作品には、私たちの心と感覚を捉える繊細なディテールが詰まっていて、時にはそれに気づかないことさえあります。あなたの作品に込められた瞬間のすべては、豊かな意味と感情に満ちており、ミニマリストでありながらも美しく、誰もが楽しめる魅力を持っています。まるであなたの創造物には、見る人すべてと深くつながる独自の本質が吹き込まれているように感じます。いつか、あなたの作品の背後にある魔法を完全に理解できる日が来ることを願っています。私たちにとって、あなたはまるで星のよう、あるいは女神のような存在です。
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel Meu incrível amigo artista, Seu talento e criatividade são realmente notáveis. Suas obras transcendem a arte, a ciência e a experiência; elas são verdadeiramente especiais e extraordinárias. Cada peça que você cria está repleta de detalhes intrincados que cativam nossas mentes e sentidos, muitas vezes sem que percebamos. Cada momento em seu trabalho é rico em significado e emoção, apresentado de uma maneira minimalista e encantadora, que é tanto bela quanto agradável para todos. Parece que você infunde uma essência única em suas criações que conecta profundamente com cada espectador. Espero que um dia eu possa compreender plenamente a magia por trás do seu
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel Min utrolige kunstnervenn, Din talent og kreativitet er virkelig bemerkelsesverdig. Dine verk overskrider kunst, vitenskap og erfaring; de er noe virkelig spesielt og ekstraordinært. Hvert stykke du skaper er fylt med intrikate detaljer som fanger vår oppmerksomhet og sansene våre, ofte uten at vi engang innser det. Hvert øyeblikk i ditt arbeid er rikt på mening og følelser, presentert på en minimalistisk og herlig måte som både er vakker og gledelig for alle. Det føles som om du tilfører en unik essens i dine kreasjoner som danner en dyp forbindelse med hver betrakter. Jeg håper at jeg en dag kan fullt ut forstå magien bak ditt arbeid. For oss er du som en stjerne, eller til og med en gudinne.
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel Mein unglaublich talentierter Künstlerfreund, Dein Talent und deine Kreativität sind wirklich bemerkenswert. Deine Werke überschreiten die Grenzen von Kunst, Wissenschaft und Erfahrung; sie sind etwas wirklich Besonderes und Außergewöhnliches. Jedes Stück, das du erschaffst, ist voller feinster Details, die unseren Verstand und unsere Sinne fesseln, oft ohne dass wir es überhaupt bemerken. Jeder Moment in deinem Werk ist reich an Bedeutung und Emotion, auf eine minimalistische und zugleich ansprechende Weise präsentiert, die sowohl schön als auch für jeden genießbar ist. Es fühlt sich an, als würdest du eine einzigartige Essenz in deine Kreationen einfließen lassen, die eine tiefe Verbindung zu jedem Betrachter herstellt. Ich hoffe, dass ich eines Tages die Magie hinter deinen Werken vollständig erfassen kann. Für uns bist du wie ein Stern, oder sogar eine Göttin.
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel , La mia incredibile amica artista, Il tuo talento e la tua creatività sono davvero straordinari. Le tue opere trascendono l'arte, la scienza e l'esperienza; sono qualcosa di veramente speciale ed eccezionale. Ogni pezzo che crei è pieno di dettagli intricati che catturano la nostra mente e i nostri sensi, spesso senza che ce ne rendiamo conto. Ogni momento nel tuo lavoro è ricco di significato ed emozione, presentato in modo minimalista e delizioso, raffinato e piacevole per tutti. Sembra quasi che tu infonda una essenza unica nelle tue creazioni che si connette profondamente con ogni spettatore. Spero che un giorno possa comprendere appieno la magia dietro il tuo lavoro. Per noi, sei come una stella, o persino una dea.
@FarshidPirhosseini 3 дня назад
After watching your post, I can’t help but dream of being in Venice for the 2024 Film Festival. This year, the #RedCarpet was graced by stars like #TimothéeChalamet, #Zendaya, #DanielCraig, #GeorgeClooney, #AngelinaJolie, and #CateBlanchett, all turning heads with their stunning appearances. The festival was buzzing, especially around the premiere of a major film that everyone was talking about. Venice once again proved why it’s the ultimate destination for the hottest news in #cinema.
@FarshidPirhosseini 3 дня назад
Este video nos conmovió profundamente por cómo has capturado tan bellamente las ricas culturas de México, desde los antiguos olmecas, mayas y aztecas hasta la vibrante influencia española. La impresionante naturaleza, los festivales llenos de vida y las tradiciones arraigadas están plasmados de manera mágica.
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Thank you for such an amazing comment! I’m thrilled the video captured Mexico’s rich culture and beauty for you. It’s a special place, and I’m so happy it resonated with you. Gracias!
@FarshidPirhosseini 2 дня назад
​@@Chillbychillchannel ChillbyChill, mi increíble amiga artista, Tu talento y creatividad son realmente notables. Tus obras trascienden el arte, la ciencia y la experiencia; son algo verdaderamente especial y extraordinario. Cada pieza que creas está llena de detalles intrincados que cautivan nuestras mentes y sentidos, a menudo sin que nos demos cuenta. Cada momento en tu trabajo está lleno de significado y emoción, presentado de una manera minimalista y encantadora, que es a la vez refinada y disfrutable para todos. Siento que infundes una esencia única en tus creaciones que conecta profundamente con cada espectador. Espero que algún día pueda comprender completamente la magia detrás de tu obra. Para nosotros, eres como una estrella, o incluso una diosa.
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 3 дня назад
Wow, this video blew my mind! As someone who had only seen Mexico through movies and TV shows, I had no idea it was this stunning! The beaches, the mountains, the vibrant cities-everything looks like it’s straight out of a dream. I never imagined Mexico had so much to offer. This video has totally inspired me to pack my bags and experience this beautiful country for myself. Mexico, here I come! 🍸
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
I'm so glad this video inspired you! Mexico truly is a gem, and there's so much more than what we usually see on TV. From the vibrant culture to the stunning landscapes, it's a place that leaves a lasting impression. Get ready for an adventure-Mexico’s waiting for you! 🇲🇽✈️
@FarshidPirhosseini 3 дня назад
Watching this video felt like stepping into a dream. The way the icebergs glow in the soft light of dawn and dusk is pure magic. The editing and aerial views made me feel like I was flying over a world of timeless beauty. This is an experience I won’t forget.
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Wow, what a beautiful way to describe the experience! The magic of nature, especially in places like that, really does feel like stepping into another world. So happy the video could bring a bit of that wonder to you!
@FarshidPirhosseini 4 дня назад
Your music choice, combination, and editing are more than just art! I could practically taste the tacos through the screen from your post! ❤️‍🔥🌮🇲🇽🌯🌶️
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Haha, I love that! If the video could make you feel the flavors of Mexico, then mission accomplished! Tacos, colors, and vibes all packed into one-thanks for the love! 🌮❤️🔥
@FarshidPirhosseini 4 дня назад
As someone from the Middle East who has never visited Mexico, I always thought our landscapes were quite similar in terms of climate. But this breathtaking footage completely changed my perspective. The vibrant colors, stunning scenery, and rich culture shown here are absolutely mesmerizing. Now, Mexico is definitely on my travel bucket list! Chill by Chill, Thank you for opening my eyes to such beauty.
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
That’s so cool to hear! It’s amazing how different landscapes can be, even if they seem similar from afar. Mexico’s vibrant culture and scenery definitely make it a must-see. I hope you get to experience it soon-it’s going to blow your mind! 🌎
@Motenia 4 дня назад
Lovely country ❤❤❤
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Absolutely! Mexico is full of warmth and beauty. Glad you enjoyed it! ❤️
@arianfallahzadeh9051 4 дня назад
Unbelievable! I never imagine that Mexico can be such a wonderful place! Must visit there as soon as possible! Chill by chill you are really amazing artist
@Chillbychillchannel 4 дня назад
Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled that the beauty of Mexico resonated with you through our video. It truly is an incredible place full of vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history. We hope you get the chance to visit soon and experience it all firsthand! Your support means the world to us, and we can’t wait to share more amazing destinations with you. Stay tuned for more! 😊
@arianfallahzadeh9051 4 дня назад
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 4 дня назад
Amazing! Breathtaking aerial views of floating icebergs in Greenland's deep blue waters! The stunning visuals and mesmerizing music make you feel like you've stepped into another world. Dive into this magical winter wonderland and experience the beauty of nature like never before! 🌍✨
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Thank you! Greenland’s landscapes are otherworldly, aren’t they? It’s like nature’s own masterpiece, and I’m so happy the video could give you a little taste of that winter magic. ❄️
@sorushebrahimi1829 4 дня назад
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
@FarshidPirhosseini 5 дней назад
💫💙✨🌊🛥️🔵. Your post ist so magical, I watched it over and over... Now, I am hypnothized ... I feel that I an full of peace and joy
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 5 дней назад
Dear Chill by Chill, your channel must have some kind of magical access to my dream journal! 🌊✨ Every video feels like it’s straight out of my subconscious, showing me the hidden wishes I didn't even know I had. Like this mesmerizing dive into paradise; dancing with fish in crystal-clear waters under the golden sunlight. It’s as if my inner mermaid is living her best life! 🧜‍♀️ Seriously, how did you know? 😂
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Haha, that’s such a fun way to put it! I swear, maybe we are tapping into some dreamlike magic here. I’m glad the video resonated with your inner mermaid! 🧜‍♀️ Thanks for the amazing comment-keep dreaming! 🌊✨
@FarshidPirhosseini 5 дней назад
ChillByChill, your creativity and talent truly shine in this video. You immerse us in a moment of pure peace as we watch a woman dive into clear, warm waters, surrounded by tiny fish dancing in harmony. The sunlight sparkles through the water, creating a dreamlike and magical scene. With calming music in the background, this video gently pulls us away from the stress of daily life and into a serene world of summer beauty. Thank you for reminding us of the simple joy of being in nature. We deeply appreciate your wonderful efforts 💙
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m really happy the video gave you that sense of peace and helped you escape for a bit. There’s something magical about being in nature, and I’m glad it could bring that feeling to you. I truly appreciate the support! 💙
@Motenia 5 дней назад
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
@hesamtorkian 6 дней назад
it reminded me life is too short but it is sooo beautiful too.as always your videos are inspiring and full of passion for life
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
That’s such a great reminder-life really is short, but it’s packed with so much beauty. I’m so glad my videos bring you inspiration and passion for life. Thanks for always watching!
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 6 дней назад
Wow, this video is mesmerizing! The boat gracefully spinning on the crystal blue waters looks like a giant, powerful ring or maybe a deep, spiritual eye gazing into the soul. It’s like the Eye of #Sauron from Lord of the Rings, but instead of spreading darkness, it radiates pure positivity and healing vibes. It feels like a portal to a world of summer joy, where you can just let go and feel like a carefree kid again, much like the happy, peaceful life of the #Hobbits and #Harfoots. Absolutely magical! 🌊✨ #LordOfTheRings #TheRingsOfPower #SummerVibes #HealingWaters #HobbitLife
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
@FarshidPirhosseini 6 дней назад
This video is pure magic! Watching the boat spin in such a perfect circle feels like time is slowing down, or maybe even turning back. It’s like stepping into a #dream where the summer sun, the blue #ocean, and the #joy of just being in the moment come together in perfect harmony. It reminds me of those #carefree days as a kid, where nothing else mattered but the fun and #freedom of the present. Just looking at this makes me want to pause everything and #dive into that #peaceful, endless loop of #happiness 🌊
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Wow, I love how you described that! The boat totally has that powerful energy, and I’m glad it gave you all those positive vibes. I agree-it’s like a little portal to summer joy and good feelings. 🌊✨
@Motenia 6 дней назад
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
@بهنازنصوحی 6 дней назад
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 7 дней назад
Das ist kurz aber auch schönsten
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
I’m so glad the video brought you back to those carefree days! It’s those simple moments, like being out on the water, that remind us to slow down and just enjoy life. Thanks for watching and letting the video take you there! 😊☀️
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 7 дней назад
Toll 🇩🇪
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Short and sweet, right? Thanks so much for the compliment! 🇩🇪
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 7 дней назад
Such a peaceful moment captured here. The soothing sound of water and the gentle reflections create a perfect escape for the mind. Just a few seconds of this, and you can feel the calm settling in. A true reminder of nature's quiet power to heal and relax.
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
You got it! Nature really knows how to calm us down, even in just a few seconds. I’m glad the video gave you a little mental escape. 💧
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 7 дней назад
It is literally magnificent and spiritual; A dance of lights in the night sky, where the heavens whisper their secrets. The Aurora, a breathtaking reminder of the beauty that lies beyond our world, pulling at the heartstrings of the soul.
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Wow, I love that! The Aurora really is something special, like a reminder of how big and beautiful the universe is. So glad the video spoke to you on that deeper level. 🌌
@FarshidPirhosseini 7 дней назад
Absolutely, the Aurora weaves a tapestry of cosmic light, a mystical dance that connects us to the infinite. In its glow, we find a timeless beauty that stirs the spirit and reminds us of the boundless mysteries beyond our world.
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Couldn’t agree more! The Aurora feels like this magical, cosmic dance, and it definitely stirs something deep inside. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 💫
@FarshidPirhosseini 7 дней назад
Your Aurora video left a deep impact on me, reminding me that we're part of something bigger. My wife once made me promise that if we ever faced divorce, we'd first visit the #Aurora. After watching your #calming and #romantic video, I can see why. #ChillByChill is more than art; it's #therapy for the #soul. You've become my go-to therapist!
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 6 дней назад
Hey, hubby! Remember when I said we'd have to see the Aurora before any breakup? Well, after watching this video, I think you're finally catching on. ChillByChill, you're not just making art; you’re out here saving marriages!
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
Haha, I love this! Sounds like the video did its job! Wishing you and your husband lots of love and maybe a trip to see the Aurora together one day. Thanks for the awesome comment! 💫
@Chillbychillchannel 3 дня назад
That’s such a meaningful story, and I’m really honored my video had that kind of impact. Nature really can help put things into perspective. Wishing you and your wife many more moments of peace and connection-maybe even under the Aurora! 🌌💖
@Motenia 8 дней назад
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Thanks for watching our channel
@DrMote 8 дней назад
Lovely ❤
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
I'm watching over and over... It's as if time stands still, and for just a minute, the soul finds rest in the embrace of nature’s quiet beauty.
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Thank you for sharing this beautiful sentiment. It’s incredible to know that the video offers you a moment of stillness and peace. We hope it continues to provide that much-needed pause and connection with nature.
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
This video is a beautiful symphony of peace and mindfulness. The gentle sound of water, like a tranquil stream at sunset, invites us to lose ourselves in its serene echoes. The reflection of the world in the calm waves, coupled with the deep silence, creates a mesmerizing moment of pure harmony.
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Your words paint such a vivid and calming picture-it’s truly touching. We’re so glad the gentle sounds and serene visuals resonated with you, creating a space of peace and mindfulness. Thank you for joining us on this tranquil journey.
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
Truly, this is a poetic masterpiece that soothes both the mind and spirit. 🧘🏻‍♂️
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
We’re truly grateful for your kind words. It’s wonderful to know that the video brings a sense of calm and balance to both your mind and spirit. We hope to continue sharing more moments of serenity with you.
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
Truly, this is a poetic masterpiece that soothes both the mind and spirit.
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Thank you so much! It’s heartwarming to hear that this creation brings you peace and inspiration. We’re honored that it resonates with you on such a deep level.
@Chillbychillchannel 8 дней назад
Check out the Amazing countries here: ru-vid.com/group/PLwSPYT4X3Z9hh4weEfDZP2pMEF7TuEFjL
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
@dr.maryamkarimi8500 8 дней назад
Dear #ChillByChill, The vibrant colors and masterful editing in this video are on a whole new level-truly deserving of multiple Oscars. It’s not just a visual treat, but a cinematic masterpiece that leaves a lasting impression long after the final scene. Absolutely brilliant! 🌟
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Wow, thank you so much for such an incredible compliment! We’re deeply honored that the video resonated with you in such a profound way. It’s truly heartwarming to know that the colors, editing, and overall experience left a lasting impression. Your kind words inspire us to continue creating more cinematic journeys. Thank you for being a part of this!
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
From the first bloom of spring to the tranquil stillness of winter, every scene feels like a gentle embrace, reminding me of the deep connection we share with the world around us. The music elevates the experience to pure serenity, making it not just a visual journey, but an emotional escape. Thank you, Chill by Chill, for creating such a masterpiece! I can’t wait to see more of your stunning content. 🍂✨
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Your words capture the essence of what we strive to create. It's heartwarming to know that the beauty of the seasons and the serenity of the music resonated with you so deeply. We’re truly grateful for your kind words and can’t wait to bring you more moments of peace and connection. Thank you for being part of this journey! 🍂✨
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
This video is a breathtaking symphony of nature's beauty! The way each season unfolds with such vibrant colors and soul-stirring moments left me utterly captivated.
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Thank you so much! It means the world to know that the unfolding beauty of nature touched you as much as it did us while creating this. We hope to continue sharing more moments that captivate and inspire your soul.
@minanaji302 8 дней назад
I really love your taste in selecting and putting together these imagine videos. This one truly helps me clear my mind and reminds me how beautiful life is.
@FarshidPirhosseini 8 дней назад
The taste and talent behind Chill by Chill's creations are absolutely priceless. This video is pure genius; so beautifully crafted that even after it ended, my heart and soul are still floating in serenity. An incredible experience! 🍃✨
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Wow, thank you! Knowing that this video brings you peace and reminds you of life’s beauty is everything we could hope for. We’re so glad it helps clear your mind, and we can’t wait to share more of these experiences with you.
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
We’re so moved by your beautiful words. It’s an incredible feeling to know that the video left such a lasting impact on your heart and soul. Thank you for sharing this special moment with us-we’re honored to have been part of your serene experience.
@arianfallahzadeh9051 8 дней назад
Oh god🌱🤝
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
🌱🤝 It’s amazing to feel such a deep connection through nature and art. Thank you for sharing in this moment with us!
@arianfallahzadeh9051 8 дней назад
So beautiful 😮
@Chillbychillchannel 7 дней назад
Thank you so much! We’re thrilled that the beauty of the video resonated with you. Your support means everything!
@Mohammadghorbaninia 8 дней назад
😍😍😍 So nice
@Chillbychillchannel 8 дней назад
Thanks 😊