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@QuinterosFinance 54 секунды назад
He is growing up.
@Macygivens556 2 минуты назад
Its always the closeted liberal racists who have something to say when it comes to people who they arent even the same race as them and get offended on their behalf like their some kind of martyr fighting for their rights speaking for them when its all bs feelsgood facade act they put on, so weird nobody calls them out for it
@denniskimpton9981 4 минуты назад
All right I'm done with the ridiculous print you're putting out the whole world knows that Israel hired Black Rock to take Trump out because Trump called Hillary out about Epstein's Island on stage and Epstein island is in fact and Israeli spy asset that's right he was selling little kids to princess presidency and CEOs with the okay of Israel so they can gather information and blackmail material
@bobcarter5205 7 минут назад
Donald Trump and his MAGA ZOMBIES do not like facts! Why? Because facts don’t lie. Research these Biden / Harris stats for truth ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET: inflation has GONE DOWN eleven straight months IN A ROW from November 2023 to September 2024. Not a single month in the last eleven months has inflation increased. Under the Biden / Harris Administration the DOW Industrials stock market reached 40,000 points for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY. Also, the stock market has stayed WELL ABOVE 40,000 (currently at 42,000) for SIX STRAIGHT months. The Federal Reserve has REDUCED THEIR INTEREST RATE BY .50 PERCENTAGE POINT because the Biden / Harris Administration lowered the inflation rate consistently for so long. Under the Trump Administration the FEDERAL RESERVE NEVER lowered the interest rate AT ALL, NO NONE AT ALL during the four years Trump was throwing ketchup at the walls in the Oval Office. Also, in case you didn’t know it already, when Trump was President the stock market plummeted six straight months in a row on three different occasions (18 months total) while stumbling through 4 years of Trump’s Presidency like a scene from an episode of a soap opera. In four years you couldn’t name a single thing Trump had done as President EXCEPT raise the deficit by $7 trillion dollars and gave tax breaks to the richest people in America! Then Trump recently faked a news story about a NOTHING SANDWICH of a news story just to get a few more votes in November. RESEARCH THE FLORIDA “GOLF COURSE” INDICTMENT!! Or you can stay ignorant if you like! No bullets in the rifle in the Florida / Trump non event!! There was NO ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT!! Proof?? Even the Courts knows this was no true “assassination attempt”. Notice the Federal Court is only charging the FELON / ADMITTED MAGA man that had a gun NEAR Donald Trump with illegal GUN POSSESSION. Nothing, nothing at all about firing a gun AT ANYBODY!! This is just a FAKE attempted assassination drama, AGAIN! Both times MAGA people were involved. EXACT COPY of last BULLSHlT fake fake fake assassination attempt but this time without the two bodies. Apparently these MAGA ZOMBIE idiots are showing America a slingshot is deadlier than an assault rifle with a 30 round clip. The old convicted rapist Donald Trump is probably using this DRAMA so his pitiful campaign can stall for time, so Trump doesn’t have to speak in public through the fog of his own mental illness. By the way: where was Lora Loona at the time?
@martyhanson1179 10 минут назад
I think we should use tiny libraries for drop-off ballots
@eprofessio 10 минут назад
Sam Altman is an evil wanna be genius.
@horton12545 14 минут назад
All because he endorsed the Donald. It was easy to predict some kind of dirt would be manufactured.
@73chengosaro4 15 минут назад
The whole world is mocking Israel in the knowledge that their god is the US --- remove the US from their plans and you get A SUBDUED CHICKEN
@AmerQuin 16 минут назад
And so the illusion of a fair election begins!
@willys2747 20 минут назад
A Mulally only got lucky by putting everything including the blue oval as collateral for a line of credit right before the financial crisis of 2008. This gave him the cash flow to survive the crisis, while GM and Chrysler went bankrupt. Ford didn’t really do anything significantly better than GM.
@HondaRidea 21 минуту назад
Wheres that hammer guy? 🔨
@kurtisjohnson5456 22 минуты назад
They should be illegal but if used they need to be videotaped 24/7
@nonconformist9991 25 минут назад
If you silly peasants keep complaining they will give us something to really complain about.
@momanslm6289 25 минут назад
Why do I get the impression that Space Force will be a bunch of loud, undisciplined, Lizzo type guys, accustomed to playing video games and at age 40 will still live with their moms? Basically Air Force dropouts who see themselves as super heroes.
@kentcarlson1841 25 минут назад
Gee guess can't do the late night ballot stuffing with illegals votes to bad good for the Mayor all you cheating liberals
@norcaldeemichaels 30 минут назад
Why do people even engage with the government on these types of issues? Don’t pay the fines, and simply ignore them. Be a good neighbor to your neighbors, and a good steward to the land so there’s no pollution or runoff issues, and carry on. “Free men don’t ask for permission”
@Qingeaton 33 минуты назад
WIKI warning shows the left can only lie.
@christopherbasham1551 33 минуты назад
I support reparations for African Americans paid for by Africans, the people that enslaved them.
@dkern-kb6sy 35 минут назад
We already knew we had a complete idiot in the white house that also hired an administration to help him in his systematic killing of the population. The problem is ; what are yuh' gonna' do about it ?????.....
@fan.80s_90s 37 минут назад
So who is stealing votes now? The Republicans.
@SeniorMoostacho 39 минут назад
Arrest her for Insider trading. So much Swamp in the US Govt.
@tinahale9252 40 минут назад
We certainly are having a clue now and it's only going to get worse.
@winstonhewett6679 41 минуту назад
GIGO! Never in my home!
@carminecalucciCVO 49 минут назад
How much are we supposed to take? These two have taken such an advantage of the United States! Sickening!!
@armageddonready4071 50 минут назад
Some people think that cheating to win, makes you a winner. When it actually makes you the worst type of loser.
@brianadams1318 50 минут назад
Washington is honoring native Americans not brining them down Washington is proud of their native roots bring it back, for example they took people of color off all product in the grocery store now only white modles only exists so how did this help
@freddix3121 51 минуту назад
Israel give the order and American troops come running.
@chrismoney305 53 минуты назад
She is not black, even if she is black we want Trump 😂😂😂
@thumb5413 53 минуты назад
Israel is the tip of the spear that fights against radical Islam. Thank you and may God bless and protect you from evil.
@barrymackaben6534 54 минуты назад
excellent discourse on the Boeing problem
@johnaltobello5095 56 минут назад
Nobody proofreading the ballots before being mailed out?
@pauljones4692 Час назад
Dropboxes are a Democrats best friend voting 6 months ahead of the election is also a way of cheating no wonder why the Democrats refused to go back to the way voting was you vote on election Day and it ends on election Day not two months after election day not 6 months before election day I get it a lot of you people on the left are leaky traps
@calvinang1 Час назад
Who cares?
@charlesbusch8739 Час назад
If rejected is it checked to see if the votes are the same for all canidates? If different is the voter noified. Do they investigate who submitted the duplicate vote?
@ElinorTaylor-jo8sr Час назад
Come on guys, it was a mutual affair. RFK jr is no victim here. Plus she wouldn’t have even come out about it if he hadn’t bragged about it with friends of the New York Times CEO. I’m disappointed in RFK. It shows extremely poor judgement to get involved with something like this while on such an important mission.
@FrankStein1 Час назад
Communist Cali at it again!
@kryptokrypto702 Час назад
First the mayor with federal corruption charges and now this. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Threy are guilty AF no matter what they say. They knew their position, they abused it.
@Dhhvhjbcghbbb Час назад
Clear case of election interference. And right out in the open too!! So what's going to be done about it?!
@popeshop5863 Час назад
FCK Commiefornia
@RockyDaiźÙSMÇ Час назад
@kinngrimm Час назад
Altman is just another suite who uses the believes, hopes and dreams of others to fill his own pockets, not even a sellout as for that he would have needed to believe in open/free soruce in the first place.
@tedbeach4766 Час назад
I have sympathy for the family. But Ashley was wrong. She listened to a bunch of idiots. And one of them was a big fat orange one.
@Patendyck76 Час назад
What if it's a Russian false flag to lull the western low IQ brigade into thinking the same as you lot.
@jaysonp9426 Час назад
Did you really start with "This handsome little fella" I support Ukraine but let's not act like a killing machine is cute.
@user-zu5do6ri6r Час назад
We're allowed to display gang signs now?
@user-zu5do6ri6r Час назад
Makes sense. Considering that Kamala was not elected by her party.
@mikewashburn1207 Час назад
Allot of whining Maggots out there! The Cheat Con Don has his sheep brainwashed! And we’re Ready for his steal attempt! Losers never stop losing and Cheaters never stop Cheating !
@jeremywatkins9083 Час назад
Its crazy how you can call people racist without a lick of proof
@jeremywatkins9083 Час назад
Shes not black im black my daddy black she aint wit us
@brodeystanfield6390 Час назад
Get rid of all the ballot boxes
@svenweihusen57 Час назад
Why? Mail voting is legal so why should ballot boxes be illegal?