Jacob Elijah Unica
Jacob Elijah Unica
Jacob Elijah Unica
Telling tales through the Art of Cinema.
2020 in One Minute
3 года назад
4 года назад
Amazing Spiderman 2 is not that bad...
4 года назад
Show Reel 2018
6 лет назад
@shazanakhan9807 Месяц назад
Todays 29th day of my waterfast and ive done 8 days dry fasting in this. 18.7lbs down, I am doing 40-49d, gw 100lbs, cw 124lbs, so i want to lose 24lbs. Then i will refeed on liquids for 20d like broth, soup, protein shake, kefir, just to wake up my bowels n stomach. No heavy solid junk food I don't actually crave foods.
@jwscheuerman Месяц назад
Just found your video now and, in my experience, the best way to avoid feeling terrible on day 2-3 is to go into the fast already in a state of nutritional ketosis. That way, you avoid the transition between depleted glycogen and ketone production, which contributes a lot to feeling exhausted. You also ate a massive bolus of carbs to break your fast, which was a big mistake and contributed unecessarily to your risks. You also have no idea what BMI is, as there's no way you can increase BMI while losing weight unless you also shrank in height 😂 Constructive feedback: don't jump into something like this while completely lacking even the most basic knowledge on the topic. Edit: just saw your correction on BMI in comments, but there's no way that your fat increased during a 10 day fast. You literally had zero circulating insulin for 10 days, and it's impossible to gain fat in the absence of insulin. Please learn the basics of human physiology before spreading misinformation to the public. Jeez.
@karimeuxa2629 3 месяца назад
3 mins in and the production is good quality, hope ur doing good bro
@AzheerObessed4 4 месяца назад
Will you gain your weight back
@hawknet9933 10 месяцев назад
Wearing a mask in the car alone?
@jacobelijahunica3012 10 месяцев назад
More like a shameless plug of a company I used to own 😂😂
@JokerChany Год назад
So this is the only video that's recent that i could find about spiderman 2 that's a review. A lot of people after seeing the newest spiderman started really riding the andrew train and i got to admit I've been riding it a bit longer than most but I was really glad he finally got a moment to shine again as he's a great actor who clearly has a huge passion for the character as he really does embody comic book peter really well not being to quippy as tom and not as serious as Toby I really think he's by far the best spiderman for just a fan who likes a good middle ground. He also has the best personality in my opinion at least until the new spiderman movie comes out. I just finished watching amazing spider man 2 and personally I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. A lot of the moments work really well but it suffers from spiderman 3 syndrome where there's to many things cooking. However I think that if they just made it longer which they couldn't at the time due to simply 3 hour movies not being common since endgame wasn't a thing yet it would have been so much better. As it stands is a good spiderman but just is a kind of nothing special burger. Other than characters and by that I mean Gwen and Peter and even a bit of Harry in there. I think it's much better than Tom's first 2 movies and on par with the 3rd Tom movie and the 3rd Toby movie. I think it just needed to maybe be broken up into parts or have some things moved around and let things bake properly a bit more
@welp666 2 года назад
you should have taken multi vitamins, black coffee(no cream&sugar) and sleeping pills supplements(optional) make things easier. but thats ok if you have your own ways to do it
@misoukihanyu5341 2 года назад
I came for the Water Fast results, I stayed for the background music. Damn, you definitely have tasteeee!! Interstellar & Gone Girl OST, those are my favorites soundtracks eveeeer!!
@sahbabby7330 2 года назад
keep it up i like your channel
@ogulcanmdev 2 года назад
Video of what will happen if you don't drink water during water fasting. I'm on the 12th day and I drink at least 5 liters of water a day, I haven't experienced any of these problems, I also do walking and light weight training. When you look at your lips, it is obvious that you did not drink water, if you do it again, make sure you drink water.
@williampagan9563 3 года назад
You felt better when you listened to what?
@jacobelijahunica3012 2 года назад
@rebellionpower 3 года назад
How tall are you?
@jacobelijahunica3012 2 года назад
@marvinlanderricks373 3 года назад
You need to research re-feeding too..good luck if you do it again
@marvinlanderricks373 3 года назад
Next time have you some Himalayan sea salt handy
@lisatd5824 3 года назад
Thank you your video it inspire me a lot. 💖💖💖
@EyyoWagwanBoy 3 года назад
how in the hell u only have 200ish subscriber???? +1 from me
@Truecrimeresearcher224 3 года назад
I have done 5-7 day fasts. As long as you use electrolytes like pink Himalayan salt it helps
@Truecrimeresearcher224 3 года назад
I was 170 and gained like 35 pounds over the last year. Quarantine be rough
@RudolphManor 3 года назад
Don't eat no solid foods especially chicken after a 10 day water fast. 💯 Or you'll suffer from the refeeding syndrome where you eat so much food to the point that you can have adverse effects from your fast. 💯
@TheDtjlane 3 года назад
Extremely sedentary, no electrolyte intake, not a lot of exposure to sunlight, unhealthy diet prior to beginning.. yeah, that sounds like a painful fast; takes some will power to get through that. If you were doing it for weight loss, I would suggest 2-3 days of fasting per week (mon-wednesday?), adding some potassium and salt to your water and going for at least an hour walk in the sun per day... when you were eating, it would be better to watch your micronutrient profile to ensure that you are getting everything you need.
@shreyakapil6578 3 года назад
I am on a day 2 of my water fast. Day one was alright but I am kinda struggling today like I am feeling really tired and weak. I am kinda thinking about food alot but it's mostly tiredness that is an issue.
@basketball.brewer2590 3 года назад
Try to start working out your most likely losing muscle
@businessmanph 3 года назад
High bp affects delicate capillaries eyes ears etc.
@jcruz6453 3 года назад
Please tell me you had salt, potassium, magnesium supplement.
@irenebuford8930 3 года назад
It was worth it for you because extra weight can cause the things you mentioned like high blood pressure and diabetes... I just watched a video yesterday of a 25 year old lady that was 340 pounds so she died from blood clots caused by her weight... You are young, but to much weight is not good.. Excellent video..
@aA2GuNZz 3 года назад
Fasting is the best, the risk is actually very very minimal or none at all, just listen to your body
@scottyfett7273 3 года назад
yehh its worth it. think about hot ladies!
@unusual3372 3 года назад
@Fazman81 3 года назад
Dude you literally did everything wrong. You never jump into a 10day fast, thank God you didnt die. Haha You do need autophagy at your age, we need it once or twice a year to stay healthy. Were you even taking electrolytes? Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium? I started fasting last month and started getting headaches too. I started taking Himalayan pink salt and my headaches have gone away. Next week Im doing a 5 day water fast and will taking electrolytes as well. I eased my way into it, first a 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, hr fast first every week. Now Im ready for the 5 days fast then 6 and so on until I hit 14 days.
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
You're completely right, that's also the point of the video which I'm starting to think a lot of people are missing. It's a learning experience. But I must say, I appreciate the advice, I'm considering doing it once again but since everyone here seems to know a lot more and keeps mentioning then I probably won't have a terrible time this time around haha
@Fazman81 3 года назад
@@jacobelijahunica3012 I didn't catch that until the end of the vid. Haha Yeah man check out Dr Jason Fung and Dorian Wilson. They have great info on how to fast the right way. I researched it for like 3 months beforehand and started intermittent fasting first. Its a good idea to lower your carb intake for a few days before your fast so you are already fat adapted. Makes things a whole lot easier. Good luck with your next fasting attempt.
@Fazman81 3 года назад
@@KAIZENURAMESHI Nope you could literally die if you dont fast right and break your fast right. The dangers are worse the skinner you are. Obese people like myself dont have to worry much while fasting as long as we are getting water and sodium. The real danger is breaking your fast the way he did.
@sagemoonchild333 3 года назад
It would've been a lot better for you if you consumed electrolytes. Even a teaspoon of salt in a half gallon of water, would've helped. You wouldn't get the headaches. Most of the heart issues people experience come from a huge electrolyte imbalance. I also fasted for 10 days and my stomach got full faster when it came time to break the fast. My hunger stopped after day 3. I would think about food, but I didn't have the physical hunger associated with it. But I'm older and more overweight than you. I had high blood pressure and it went from 140/90 to 116/82 in just 5 days into the fast and remained that way even after I broke the fast. I lost 20 pounds in the 10 days but gained 5 back due to water retention. So we lost the same amount of weight in that time. I think it was very beneficial to me and I'm about to do it again soon.
@vinsa.3634 3 года назад
I think best time to start water fasting is do intermittent fasting 4-5 days first, so your body avoid shock for not taking food for a long period of time.
@Under_Growth 3 года назад
Thats the face of a man that was recently dumped by his girlfriend
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
Hehehe that's a good one 👍, you probably meant this as a roast but that's funny af 🤣
@lilliediane2110 3 года назад
All of things you listed are the reasons why it was worth it even at 22 years old. Prevention. The cons are all in the mind.
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
You're probably right, it's something I just learned throughout
@isaiahchilian 3 года назад
Congratulations on completing your fast! I do think if your sleep schedule was more stable you would have felt a LOT better. Sleep affects your mood too!! :)
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
I agree, that was a huge factor for my productivity throughout the days
@jetshark970shark4 3 года назад
You fasted without being active. You stayed in the house and didn't get any Vitamin D...
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
You're right, that's something I shouldn't have done but I guess it's a learning experience for me
@NamNguyen-wl8lv 3 года назад
we do these if/omad... but we forget that we are so privilege to have food and fresh running water at our fingertips.
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
I agree, and after doing this entire fast I just gained a whole new perspective on food in general
@NamNguyen-wl8lv 3 года назад
@@jacobelijahunica3012 yes, we do take so much for granted, fresh water, food at our fingertips, clothes....too much clothes..you get the idea. want want want... but do we need need need?
@annaqueen7246 3 года назад
People who are saying he need electrolytes is propel water ok to use?
@johntheodore8047 3 года назад
Wagwan biggup from the Peg uno. This is so informative cuz, keep dem videos rolling. Much love, safe innit
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
My man, thank you sir
@nikolai8150 3 года назад
I was hungry i wanted to eat fried food I remembered that it's a water fast so i tried deep frying water n it went bad T_T
@clickmcclick2675 3 года назад
yo it was a good 1st fast... try to fast 4 days.. enough for autophagy. after that digestion microbiome changes significantly... electrolyte issues.... day 5-10 is a different story than day 1-2, and 3-5....
@Bobber256 3 года назад
Your face looks better after the fast (not that it looked bad before)... in sense of a bit more definition. Well done, Jacob EU.
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
Thank you haha, I appreciate it and dw it's all good lol
@Te3time 3 года назад
one time I did a 5 day fast cold turkey and my heart was racing like crazy too also my legs hurt a lot didnt rlly have a problem with hunger or thinking about food though now I only do 2 to 3 days every once in a while
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
That's pretty wild, ya I agree, do small fast first and then get into it which is something should've done lol
@woheni 3 года назад
I really want to try but I have an eating disorder so I shouldn’t😣 I still want to do it
@beastmode3370 3 года назад
I eat once a day like 4pm to 7pm. I drink black coffee and plain tea 🍵. I prepare myself by eating no fast food or carbs at least 2 weeks before long fast. I love fasting in my opinion.
@woheni 3 года назад
Good luck!👍
@pepegahaus4133 3 года назад
@cecepham123 3 года назад
Amazing video btw heheh 🤗🤗🤗🤗
@cecepham123 3 года назад
Bro ..next time try adding pink salt and potassium to your water.. you will feeel much better during a prolonged fast
@pepegahaus4133 3 года назад
I instant subscribed lol, i love ur vids bro, im currently on my 3rd day.. :)
@princessgilolymo8156 3 года назад
Have try yesterday but havr got into temptetion!!!
@dixyf 3 года назад
You ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT attempt this woh doing a thorough research! You have to take electrolytes when you water fast!!
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
Yes, you're completely right. And I only learned that right after hahah
@littleshort95 3 года назад
Yeap, I take electrolytes and I admit that I don't get headache at all. That thing literally my savior.
@dixyf 3 года назад
Dude, next time use electrolytes. You’re electrolytes depleted that’s why you feel like crap. And YES!! PLEASE GO OUTSIDE! don’t lock yourself in a room the entire time!
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
I only found about everything I could've done after lol. And yaa, I could blame the pandemic for staying inside but I gotta admit it was partly due to my introvert nature. All jokes aside, you're right that's something I definitely would keep in mind if I decide to fast once again
@TheBearManChronicles 3 года назад
How can you consume electrolytes while fasting though?
@elvisleeboy 3 года назад
@@TheBearManChronicles A sprinkle of quality salt (Himalayan pink rock salt for example) in water will not break the fast or block autophagy and it will prevent headaches.
@Infinite.168 3 года назад
You need to take electrolyte drinks. Take potassium to keep the heart functioning well ,sodium and magnesium to helps the headache and muscles. If u want to change your life for a better life i suggest u to watch dr.Berg .
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
Cool thanks for letting me know, ill check them out 👍
@Melissa-qc1mf 3 года назад
@@jacobelijahunica3012 snake juice!
@marcellowoodford4048 3 года назад
Dr Berg's an ASS-Quack...Check-out Sten Ekberg and doc Fung-Far More Genuine!
@datdrink3300 2 года назад
It’s apple cider vinegar good to drink on fast ?
@kam0406 2 года назад
I wish I could upvote this 100x! It makes fasting so much easier. Without it, you will suffer.
@minahilkhan6659 3 года назад
Peecun pie
@jacobelijahunica3012 3 года назад
Yess exactly haha 😂