Dr. Thomas R. Verny
Dr. Thomas R. Verny
Dr. Thomas R. Verny
Hello and welcome. As a psychiatrist, I have had a lifelong interest in memory and the mind. At the beginning of my career, this took me into establishing the science of Pre and Perinatal Psychology. About seven years ago I developed an interest in cellular memory and cellular intelligence. I started to read scientific journals and books on this subject. All in all, I must have read more than 5,000 papers which eventually led me to write the book that you see before you, The Embodied Mind. I hope that you find the information here of interest. Should you have any comments or questions about this work or anything else please do not hesitate to contact me on my website: www.trvernymd.com. Thank you for your support.
Interview with Dr  Verny
7 месяцев назад
Victoria Rose, birthing luminous being Interview
9 месяцев назад
@DrSRanjanMBBSAcupuncturist 13 дней назад
18:00 US Government-funded Remote viewing Study. 500 Actionable observation. There is Documentary Film, Third Eye 👁️ Spies 2019 by Stanford | CIA Physicist Russel Targ who studied Psychic Abilities for 20 years.
@realvanshouse 25 дней назад
Thank you, great interview. I am lecturing today on "Pastoral Counseling" and am talking about "The root cause of most problems: Rejection". I am quoting you and your study. Thank you, Doc. I wonder what you think about Jesus Christ and John the Baptist's first meeting in the wombs as Mary and Elizabeth visited. Luke 1:41 and Luke 1:44. Interesting: I am one of identical twins and many times already. We live 1400km from each other and almost incalculable times we have worn the same clothing, eaten the same food at the same time, and watched the same movies on "movie night". Many times over when we visit each other, we have been caught standing with the exact same posture without thinking. Even today still we can't shake hands when we greet because it feels too strange to us. It feels like we are shaking our own hands which is more than a physical feeling. It's hard to explain. We normally give a playful punch ;-) Thank you for the video and your study.
@Jewelmind Месяц назад
Thomas should make those shirts and sell them
@IskanderYacub Месяц назад
Thank you. 32:20 but what is she on about. Most of the Jab Neh Sayers *) are Christianity, Muslim or spiritual inspired grown Men & Woman (sorry, low numbers from LGTBQ+ governmental managed groups and Social Studies Academics). What she focuses on is what I call Western Liberal Alumni perspective or thinking. 80% of academic science, mostly social studies, can’t be replicated. I’m missing a disclaimer of Bias. Tja🤡 *) most arguments of them are in line with The Great Barrington Declaration (is an open letter published in October 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns). As specially the Government Censorship of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (read his statement from March 27, 2023) on X and the MSM the character assassination of John P.A. Ioannidis , Professor of Medicine (Stanford Prevention Research), of Epidemiology and Population Health and by courtesy of Biomedical Data Science.
@bigstep9276 2 месяца назад
Thanks for talking about it. Ive had precog dreams come thru. Lately, been taken it seriously, open to learn more about it.
@taylorwild7624 3 месяца назад
Such a lovely interview with two present and compassionate individuals.
@NEObycejnyZivot 4 месяца назад
so great and so human 👏👏👏
@alexandramcleod2079 5 месяцев назад
I can’t hardly wait to read Dr Mishloves work that win the Bigalow . NTA is an incredible YT channel
@Ellax0x1 5 месяцев назад
Chemistry of fetus what about the chemistry of the semen that goes inside the uterus when you plant a flower you’re gonna get what you put in.
@Jewelmind Месяц назад
Hmmm, intresting. Yes. Very much so
@omnisoul7676 5 месяцев назад
In my experience, it was trivial but it came through clear with details, and it happened exactly the way I seen it.
@carolynanderson5033 5 месяцев назад
if we ruin the planet in our lifetime will it be ruined for reincarnated lifetimes.? hard to express this question but I've wondered.
@prosperiawellbeing 6 месяцев назад
@prodbyANIMA 6 месяцев назад
Amazing video
@Beyondabsence 6 месяцев назад
In my homeland Brasil, there are quite a few remarkable mediums who receive messages from the deceased, thousands of letters full of details, personality traits, names of family members, private conversations being revealed. It's astounding. They do not charge money. The sessions are open to the public. Families from all over Brasil come with the hope to receive a message. The mediums have no control over. The "phone call" always starts from the other side. My grandfather and, most recently my mother, came through.
@cumeniraquelalanizbaylon5771 7 месяцев назад
My first baby passed away on Augoust 2020. I had a stillborn baby at 31 weeks. After 4 years I am gettint ibformstion by my next pregnancy. One of the things that I done is bought your book in spanish is "La vida secreta del niño antes de nacer". Thank you so much for your investigations and for share difficult experiences related for baby losses.
@easybirth 7 месяцев назад
So glad to catch this talk. You have been a mentor to me for 20 years and every birthing family should hear it!
@AlexRadeffandDonkey 7 месяцев назад
Excellent insightful, informative interview !
@michaeledgarhorsky1139 7 месяцев назад
@michaeledgarhorsky1139 7 месяцев назад
💙💜❤️ Jablonec nad Nisou ❤️💜💙
@michaeledgarhorsky1139 7 месяцев назад
❤️💜💙 Hallo from Bohemia 💙💜❤️
@tw750 8 месяцев назад
Dr John Sarno discovered this in the 1960s. He wrote several books such as, "Healing Back Pain". He called the condition Tension Myoneural Syndrome. I enjoyed your story of how you healed!
@jacobbadi8179 8 месяцев назад
Yes I love the way Dr Bruce explains cell behavior. I have innovated it as circadian rhythm of cell functions.
@moniquevanlieshout1111 8 месяцев назад
Amazing information I love it thank you so much to you both for all you do .
@texwiller7577 8 месяцев назад
This paper and this Interview should be the breaking news on every media for YEARs!!!! Thank to you both, guys
@swissoldo 8 месяцев назад
At least your podcasts don't get old quickly, one can watch them with interest even after years. There are a lot of things going on, a lot of information and one has to choose priorities, what else to watch, listen to or read. Thanks, Thomas.
@mortalclown3812 8 месяцев назад
According to more than a few opinions, re: channeling represented as material arising via separate/non-physical consciousness, is delusional at best. The subject still intrigues me, tho I've definitely seen ludicrous examples of it. (Tbh, I'm amazed that JZ Knight/Ramtha wasn't enough to end the discussion once and for all.) Channeling may be unproven, but it seems it's one of the 'noetic sciences' where there's still room for open-minded skepticism. Besides, I do believe in the continuation/ connectedness of human consciousness; therefore I can't rule out the possibility that material can be transmitted between here and the next dimension. Fwiw, I recommend Arthur Hastings' book on the subject. There may be a white crow in the mix after all. Paz y luz
@mortalclown3812 8 месяцев назад
And I just discovered your channel tonight. It probably popped up on my feed because I've been listening to Jeff Mishlove. (Enjoyed your conversation with him very much.) Happy trails, Doc. 💫
@kathylindt8943 9 месяцев назад
Very interesting, where did you get your PhD from.
@summondadrummin2868 9 месяцев назад
Dean is in a perfect position to provide us with useful course corrections, given his deep knowledge of Science and now Magic and Religion. Thank you Thomas and Dean
@Lesley963 9 месяцев назад
True there are many who do this but you have given your individuality and made yours special and unique so thank you. I wish you all the best.
@DrThomasRVerny 9 месяцев назад
Thank you.
@VeneraBerens 9 месяцев назад
@DrThomasRVerny 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for your kind words.
@teachedteach 9 месяцев назад
"Suffering we can't avoid we should humbly accept it, let it teach us and work its way through us...ir leads to wisdom." Geeat!!. Through paradox. Great! "There is joy in that, not because you are dying" Why not? Dying can be a deliverance. Si why not joy? I will become one with the all....so what ? Detach from oneself and dear ones...it's time to go..bye. Nothing to be greatful about. Nothing to reject. Simply nothing. Just oneness. That's the taoist way. And Zen. No big deal. Nothing happening.
@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 9 месяцев назад
Everything is conscious of itself, it is being itself.
@naomidoner9803 10 месяцев назад
I'm leaving a comment because after 6 months there isn't one...honestly I don't want to be a skeptic but there is no science here...just that the government studied remote view for 2 decades...I have researched that topic and as I understand it the remote viewers weren't able gain tangible information...I'm honestly sorry not hostile but all I heard from this video would have been categorized as self hypnosis or talking to yourself....if it's channeling shouldn't it be coming from outside yourself from another known source? Don't be discouraged...people are skeptical because they are trying to understand...teacher can't just tell students 2 plus 2 is 4...teacher must show why 2 plus 2 is 4...this is more of a faith or belief than science...please make me understand because I want to...I want it to be true I don't want to believe it is true...I'm an on the fence skeptic ready to jump over to your side ❤ but this isn't enough...thank you...suggestion ekg to show the areas of the brain or ecg if it's coming thru the heart to scientically show channeling
@mortalclown3812 8 месяцев назад
@tonyfrench2574 10 месяцев назад
Waffle waffle
@doctorcofrin851 10 месяцев назад
@JM-vj7we 10 месяцев назад
Mr. Mishlove is astounding. His research and the access to so many other advanced individuals on his YT podcast has provided so much valuable information to so many.
@doitbettermakeitfaster 10 месяцев назад
I am certainly going to read Michael's book and couldn't agree more.
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 11 месяцев назад
8:16 Dean is reflecting rather purely H. Bergson's metaphysics. Must read book!
@bloodyorphan 11 месяцев назад
LOL , First is Aliens then it's Magic The truth is, sometimes space listens. The truth is America has been using photonium energies to crawl around in everyone's head for over 40 years and counting. The truth is You Fagg*ts have been calling me GOD for 73 years and counting. The truth is , America is no longer welcome on my planet! BAN PLUTONIUM!
@redtom07 11 месяцев назад
This is the way.
@jesse5331 Год назад
Dr. Thomas R. Verny, thank you so much for posting this video.
@aquageraniablue6990 Год назад
Thank you for this very interesting discussion.
@PostNostalgos Год назад
Great interview. I already knew what the topic was about just by the title and this is the first time seeing this channel and meeting Joseph Jacques. I speak about these things on my own channel. For instance: a big emphasis when I talk is talking about the childhood trauma that we all go through as a result of going through the mother. These mothers also went through this birth-trauma, which perpetuates this on-going Adam and Eve/Cain and Abel mythos. I've also had hundreds of conversations with people about this trauma that Mr. Jacques speaks on. I have no degrees and finished high school well over 20 years ago, but it doesn't take a degree from some university to observe and speak about these topics. All I do is work some dinky customer service job for the past 13 years. From those conversations I realized that it was the childhood trauma, usually perpetuated by the mother, that ALL people go through. It's the pathological mother spirit that traumatizes entire families, and its the weak husbands that do not do anything about it. The world is so screw up now because of this on-going Eve spirit trauma. Trauma in the uterus is also something I've talked about and considered heavily, since its the mother that the child has to spend 9 months with, and that's where the trauma begins. Talking with people and getting them to examine their own life is the starting point to healing the trauma in their own life, eventually lifting the rock from their shoulders. It is all about forgiveness: forgiving the mother and father for the mistakes they made, realizing that they also went through the same trauma that we did, and moving past the anger. Jacques had made a bold claim that he thinks its 100% of the homeless who have gone through this trauma, and he would be right. The missing key factor is that ALL people go through this trauma, simply by being born through the woman. It's a state of affairs that is inevitable. We repeat this Adam and Eve mythology because its the story of the human race. What I don't agree with is this idea of "creating geniuses" as Mr. Jacques put it. All of this extra nonsense about listening to Mozart in the womb isn't necessary. He's missing the big picture when he was dealing with children's gymnastics. For instance, the type of parents that could afford to have their children start children's gymnastics probably has their stuff together spiritually and physically. The father was VERY likely to be in the home, whereas other children may not have it so easy, as they were born under circumstances way different than the gymnastics children. Right now, at least in the United States, we have a single mother household/fatherlessness epidemic. The children who do not grow up with the father in the home have a huge disadvantage to the ones who do have the father in the home, even if the father is weak and the wife runs all over him. The child's chances of success are still greater, because the father acts as a buffer against the Oedipus complex that mothers tend to exabit in single mother households. It becomes a incestuous relationship with their children after a while, not physically (though sometimes) but an spiritual Oedipus complex. Identifying the trauma for what it is a sufficient way to be released from the cycle of trauma. Mothers forgiving THEIR mothers and so on, so that the children they have will be born in a perfect environment. Fathers need to go through this ritual as well, since it was their mothers and their weak fathers that put them through this hell on earth to begin with, starting in the womb with their mother's anger. Perfect fathers lead perfect families while the newly freed mother, after leading go of the anger, can raise perfect children. This is how the cycle breaks and we start a new cycle of love. At any rate, I hope Mr. Jacques sees my comment because I think there's some gaping holes in the how and why of homelessness. The issue isn't the homelessness itself, it's just the symptom something deeper. And there is a way to be freed from this trauma as adults, which is through God and forgiveness. Confronting the person who traumatized you so that you get your courage back. Only then will the rock of the trauma-bound past can be lifted.
@martinwilliams9866 Год назад
A Physical model is also not constrained by distance, time etc, as there exist certain quantum phenomena that transcend the so called physical limitations.
@flow963 Год назад
Excellent. Great discussion. Thank you to both of you, your teams, and organizations. As we continue our transition, crossing the threshold from the Epoch of Pisces to the Epoch of Aquarius, such conversations are vitally important as a means of staying fluent in current consciousness as it too evolves.
@sabrinaharrington8406 Год назад
"Promo sm"
@aaronyates5324 Год назад
This is a master class in arguing entirely from anecdote.
@flow963 Год назад
Very interesting. Many thanks to both of you