卢军宏台长(卢台长 Master Lu,Jun Hong Lu,盧台長,盧軍宏)是观世音菩萨心灵法门(心靈法門)创始人、澳洲东方传媒弘扬佛法慈善机构董事长,盧軍宏太平绅士,作为联合国认可的佛教领袖,多年在国际社会以佛教理念推动宗教和谐与世界和平,于2017年5月、2018年、2019年5月在联合国教科文组织总部“联合国卫塞节庆典”上做主题发言;2015年9月应联合国大会主席邀请出席“2015年联合国大会和平文化高峰论坛”,现在是全世界一千万华人的心灵导师、意大利锡耶纳大学荣誉客座教授、世界著名佛教大学荣誉客座教授、马来西亚拿督。



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May Monday 27th.2024s Rotterdam
@chengliangi4726 Месяц назад
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@ericng5119 Месяц назад
一切都是夢幻泡影! 念頭若能通,遇事沒有情緒皆體驗,地獄變天堂,踩到狗屎中樂透! 念頭若不通,身陷戲中難跳脫,人生如戲被玩弄,永遠陷在妄想分別執著中! 宇宙真相真正的道理(凡所有相皆是虛妄,所有的相都是影像,所有的都是影像的假象!)
@user-gp6je6lq7t Месяц назад
English Translation Part 2 of 2 8. Before the past ninety-one Kalpa, there was Vipassana Buddha resided in the world. At the time Buddha promoted dharmas at the country of Paranas. Buddha taught and liberated ordinary people. After completing merit-virtues, Buddha entered into nirvana. That is having completely actualized emptiness nature that is beyond above. Buddha has actualized perfect enlightenment that is beyond above. At that time, King Brahma Datta was Buddhist dispel. After Buddha’s nirvana, King generated his heart and built a four-treasure pagoda to make offerings to Buddha’s relics. This time a boy ran to the front of the pagoda. They boy paid homage and respected politely to pagoda: “This is such a majestic, such a good, and such a wonderful and adorn pagoda!” He burst joys in his heart. Looking at this pagoda he vowed to attain ordination. However, from young age to old, he wasn’t able to be enlightened. (Therefore, for each child, attain ordination does not necessary means getting enlightened. Having studied Buddhism does not necessary means he definitely has wisdom.) He was very self-blamed in all his life and repented, “Why haven’t I been enlightened after cultivating for an entire life?’ 9. One day, this self-blamed bhikkhus purchased Sriman flowers with all his savings. Using fine thread, he woven by himself with one Sriman flower after another. He wove them to a clothing that could cover the whole pagoda. He made this offering to Buddha’s relics pagoda. (By using flowers to cover the pagoda completely. Do you see how big this vow is.) And he vowed: “I must be born in Buddha time. (That is later in his rebirth, he must be born in the world when Buddha is.) I follow Buddha to attain ordination. And actualize fruit of Dao.” In Master’s Buddhist story, many people have vow power that “I must be born in the world when Buddha resides in world.” This is a big vow power. 10. Next Buddha told all of them. This bhikkhus, because of the merit-virtues that he made this offering, in the ninety-one Kalpa, he has never fallen to hell, beast or hungry ghost (realms). Whether he was celestial beings in heaven or he was in human world, the bhikkhus often grows Sriman flower clothing with his body. (That is, when he was celestial being, he has this flower clothing. When he is in human world, he has this flower clothing.) He enjoyed advantage awards of heaven celestials. It is also because the merit-virtues of his repentant and vow, he can be born at the present life to meet Buddha. And he can follow Buddha to attain ordination. Then he actualized fruit of Dao. Therefore, you all need to know what is called “repentant and vow”. To repent your own ignorance, not being able to get enlightened. “I vow that I must increase Buddhist wisdom.” Because to vow after repentant, the vow power is extremely large. It is extremely efficacious. Therefore, Master asked you that you must recite “Eighty-eight Buddhas’ Great Repentance”. Then make vow. Buddha spoken to here. All of them heard Buddha’s saying. They firmly obeyed Buddha’s teachings. And abide with the teachings joyfully. 11. This is to tell you all. A person may not be enlightened. But he shouldn’t have no repentant heart. A person can do wrong thing, but he can’t be without heart to reform himself. In “Mahaparinirvana Sutra”, “When you see tathagatas’ relics, it is you are seeing Buddha.” That is also to tell us. Buddhist sutras and mantras that you see, Buddha’s tathagatas’ relics that you see, they are actually like you are seeing Buddha. This Sumana in his past life, he generated heart to attain ordination when he was young. Until old age he still hasn’t be enlightened. He hasn’t lost Bodhicitta because of that. On the contrary, he could observe himself and illuminate himself. “Why haven’t I been enlightened in my whole life?” He came up with repentant heart. When he came up with repentant heart, again he generated broadly vow heart. He put up all his vow to make offering. The merit-virtue of making offering were produced. So, he called out and attracted Sriman flowers to born with his body. And he meets Buddha’s residing in world time. He attained ordination and cultivated. Then he gets wonderful retribution of actualizing Dao and obtaining Buddhist fruits. 12. Today we have studied Buddhism. We have heard Buddhism Teachings. We are very lucky people. Why do you still not cherish on many things. Why are you always not satisfied? We have wisdoms. But these wisdoms are wisdom in human world. We must turn it into Buddha’s merit wisdom. We must repent for our past. “To be born in Buddha time is difficult. To meet accurate dharma is difficult.” Though today we can’t “be born in Buddha time.” (the time when Buddha resides in this world), we are lucky that Buddha’s accurate dharmas are still in the world. We can still study them well. We should grasp all kinds of cause and conditions. Listen to Buddhism teachings properly. Respect offerings. Work diligently without stop. 13. Today you have comely face. In your past life you must have offered flowers (to Buddha); Your eyes are good. You must have offered oil (to Buddha); You are eloquent in speech. You must have presented lotus with your mouth. Your brain is clear and clean. You don’t have calamities. You must have cultivated in past life. Therefore, all these are “built by heart only” in your previous life and present life. Today you want believe, relieve, practice and actualize (You want to relieve. You must believe. Yu must cultivate and practice. You must actualize Buddhist fruit.) You must believe it. You must “remotely fit ancient Buddha’s heart and get it pressed.” You must firmly put Bodhisattvas’ positive energy in your own heart. Let Buddha nature in the eight-consciousness field to meet originally owned Buddha nature in the ninth-consciousness field Amala-consciousness. This is “to fit heart and Buddha in unity”. This way, you may cultivate to achieve Buddha within present life. And terminate reincarnation for ever. 14. Thank you all. Today I talk to you to here. See you next time.
@user-gp6je6lq7t Месяц назад
English Translation Part 1 of 2 Buddhism Teachings in Plain Term, Episode 44, Listen and hear Buddhism Teachings. Respect offerings. 1. Today I will talk to all of you a story when Buddha was in the human world. 2. At that time Buddha promoted dharmas everywhere. When he was at Jeta’s tree donate-to- loneliness Vihara (Jetavana-vihana ) in the country of Sravasti, there was a very wealthy super rich Senior in the city. He married a daughter from well-known noble family as his wife. The Senior specifically employed the best musicians in the city. Every day the musicians played wonderful music to please the Senior’s wife. 3. After 10 months of pregnancy, the Senior’s wife born a baby boy with dignified appearance. When the child was born, to their surprise, his body was naturally wrapped by a clothing that was waved by Sriman flowers. The clothing was not only soft, but colourful as well. Meanwhile, it also exposed a fragrance that can hardly find in the world. It made people who smelt it have clear spirit and fresh vitality. Because of this, the Senior specifically invited local physiognomy specialists (a type of fortune teller by looking at physical appearance) to watch his son’s appearance. As soon as the physiognomy specialists saw baby boy’s dignified and marvellous appearance, “This child is very extraordinary!” They kept on praising. One after another, they went to ask the Senior: “Are there any auspicious happening during the course when the child was born?” The Senior couple replied: “The Sriman flower clothing on the child’s body was born naturally.” The physiognomy specialists heard that. They all felt it was incredible. So, they gave the baby boy the name as “Sumana”. (Sumana is the name of the flower.) 4. Drizzled in his parents’ love. Sumana grew day by day. His character was very modest and gentle. He always treated people gently and politely. He was even more filial to his parents. Everybody like very much to get close to this child. More unbelievable thing is. The Sriman flower clothing on him grew together with his body. The size the child grows, is the size that the clothing becomes. It always fit his body very well. 5. The Senior couple knew. Sumana had such adorn Sriman flower clothing on his body. There must be special cause and conditions. They then asked Sumana to got to Jeta’s tree donate-to- loneliness Vihara. They asked him to attain ordination and cultivate. (In the past, to attain ordination is not easy. That is a level of entering royal family and noble. It is very noble.) In the light of Venerable Analudh, Sumana studied dharma doors such as site to meditate. 6. After ordination, novice monk Sumana studied very diligently. Under Venerable Analudh’s teaching, he actualized the fruit of Araha in a short period. Then he got three understanding abilities and six supernatural powers. He is facilitated with eight relieves. Three understanding abilities are Understanding vision of heaven, Understanding of past lives, Understanding of leaking out all afflictions completely. Six supernatural powers: heavenly vision, heavenly hearing, mind reading, knowledge of past lives, leaking out all afflictions completely, and also teleportation. That is to say, this child has special functions. He can run everywhere. Maybe you know all other supernatural powers. But you don’t know leaking out all afflictions completely. “Leak” is actually referred to afflictions. To leak out all afflictions completely. Don’t have afflictions. This child was respected by all celestials in heaven and people in the world. All of them respected him very much. 7. One day, Venerable Analudh asked Sumana to go to the Bhati River that is far away. Venerable asked him to take clean water to do offerings to Buddha. So, Sumana went to Bhati River. After he filled the clean bottle full of water, he threw it to the sky. You can’t imagine that this clean bottle float on the sky with him. Then it followed Sumana and flew towards Venu-vana. At that time bhikkhus in Jetavara saw a bottle full of water flew over. All of them were very surprised. When they knew Sumana was just a novice monk who attained ordination not long ago, they were all breathtaking that Sumana had such supernatural power. They felt unbelievable. “He has just attained ordination. How come does he unexpectedly got such big supernatural power?” So, public bhikkhus went to Buddha respectfully. They asked for instructions from Buddha: “World Honoured One, what kind of advantage awards did novice monk Sumana cultivated indeed in the past? Not only was he born in a wealthy family. He is also born naturally with Sriman flower clothing. Furthermore, not long after he attained ordination, he can realize the fruit of Arhat. And he has such supernatural power?” So, Buddha compassionately gave his opening key to public bhikkhus on the cause and conditions. Buddha was very compassionate. Whatever you asked him, he would talk to you on the cause and consequence of it.
@user-gp6je6lq7t Месяц назад
中文原稿 白话佛法视频 第44集 听闻佛法 尊重供养 1.今天跟大家讲一个佛陀当年在世的故事。 2.佛陀当年到处去弘法,过去在舍卫国祇树给孤独园弘法的时候,在这个城中有一位非常有钱的大富长者,他娶了一位名门贵族的女儿为妻子。长者特别聘请了这个城中最好的乐师,每天演奏种种上妙的音乐来取悦夫人。 3.长者的夫人怀孕十个月之后,产下了一名相貌端庄的男婴。这个孩子一生下来,居然身上自然裹着一件由须曼花编织而成的衣服,不但柔软,而且色彩缤纷,同时还透露了世间少有的清香,闻之令人神清气爽。为此,长者特别请来当地的占相师为他的儿子看相。相师们一看到男婴端庄殊妙的相貌,“这孩子不得了啊!”赞叹不已,纷纷询问长者:“孩子出生的过程有什么瑞相吗?”长者夫妇回答:“孩子身上的须曼花衣服是与生俱来的。”相师们听了都觉得不可思议,因此为男婴取名为“须曼那”(须曼那就是花朵的名称)。 4.须曼那在父母的慈爱中一天天长大,他的个性非常谦和,对人总是温和有礼,对于父母亲更是孝顺,大家都很喜欢亲近这个孩子。更不可思议的是,身上的须曼花衣服也随着他的身形成长而长大,孩子长多大,衣服就长这么大,始终非常合身。 5.长者夫妻知道,须曼那身上能有这件庄严的须曼花衣,一定有其特殊的因缘,他们就让须曼那前往祇树给孤独园出家修行(过去要出家不容易的,那是进入皇亲贵族的一种境界,非常高贵),并依照阿那律尊者学习坐禅等法门。 6.出家后的须曼那沙弥非常用心学习,他在阿那律尊者的教导下,不久就证得了阿罗汉果,然后得到三明六通,具八解脱。三明就是天眼明、宿命明、漏尽明。六通:天眼通、天耳通、他心通、宿命通、漏尽通,还有神足通。也就是说,这个孩子具有特殊功能,能够到处跑。可能大家对其他几个神通都知道,但是不了解漏尽通。“漏”实际上就是烦恼,把烦恼漏尽了,没烦恼。这个孩子为诸天世人所敬仰,大家都很尊敬他。 7.有一天,阿那律尊者令须曼那到远方的拔提河去汲取净水,供养佛陀,于是须曼那就前往拔提河。他将净瓶装满水后,往空中一扔,没想到这个净瓶就跟着他飘浮于空中,然后就跟着须曼那往竹林精舍飞过来了。当时在孤独园中的比丘们见到装满水的瓶子飞过来了,个个都非常诧异,在得知须曼那只是出家还没有多久的沙弥后,他们对须曼那能具有如此的神通叹为观止,觉得不可思议:“他刚刚出家,怎么居然有这么大的神通?”于是大众比丘恭敬地到佛陀那里,请示佛陀:“世尊,须曼那沙弥在过去究竟修了什么样的福报,他不仅今世出生于富贵人家,而且又是须曼花衣随身俱生,而且在出家不久后,他就能证得阿罗汉果,具有如此的神通?”于是佛陀就为大众比丘慈悲开示其中的因缘。佛陀非常慈悲,你们问他什么,他就跟大家讲这个因果。 8.在过去九十一劫前,有毗婆尸佛住世,那时在波罗奈国弘扬佛法,教化百姓,功德圆满之后入于涅槃,就是完全证得无上空性,证得无上正等正觉。当时梵摩达多王为佛弟子,于佛涅槃之后发心建造了四宝塔供养佛的舍利。这时有一个童子跑到塔前,瞻仰礼敬宝塔:“这么雄伟,这么好,这么殊胜庄严的宝塔!”心生欢喜。看了这座宝塔他就发愿出家,但是从小直到年老,他都没有开悟。(所以每个孩子,出家并不一定代表开悟,学佛并不代表一定有智慧。)他一辈子就非常自责和忏悔:“为什么我修了一辈子都没有开悟?” 9.有一天,这个自责的比丘以其所有的积蓄购买了须曼花,他亲自用细的线将一朵一朵的须曼花缝制成一件能够盖满宝塔的须曼花衣服,供养佛舍利塔(用花把这个宝塔全部遮起来,你看这个愿力多大),而且发愿:“我一定要生值佛世(就是以后再来生,一定要生在佛在的世界中),随佛出家,证悟道果。”在师父讲这些佛的故事中,有很多人的愿力就是“我一定要生在佛住世的世界”,这就是大愿力。 10.佛陀接着告诉大家,此比丘由此供养功德,九十一劫以来没有堕过地狱、畜生、饿鬼。无论在天道做天人,还是在人间,这位比丘常有须曼花衣服与身俱生(就是做天人也有这个花衣,在人间也有这个花的衣服),享受天人福报。更由于他忏悔发愿功德,于今世得遇佛出世,随佛出家而证道果。所以大家要懂得什么叫“忏悔发愿”,忏悔自己的愚痴,没有开悟,“我发愿一定要增长佛智”。因为忏悔之后发愿,那个愿力特别特别大,特别特别灵。所以师父叫你们一定要念礼佛大忏悔文,然后再发愿。佛陀讲到这里,大家闻佛所说,信守教诲,欢喜奉行。 11.这就是告诉大家,一个人可以不开悟,但是不能没有忏悔心;一个人可以做错事情,但是不能没有改变自己的心。《大般涅槃经》中讲道“若见如来舍利,即是见佛”,也就是告诉我们,你看到的佛经,看到佛陀的如来舍利,其实就是像见佛陀一样。这位须曼那在过去生中年少的时候发心出家,至老年他都没有开悟,他没有因此而退失菩提心,反而能够返观自照“我为什么一辈子都没有开悟?”心生忏悔。当他心生忏悔的时候,再发起广大愿心,尽其所愿供养,产生供养的功德,所以感得须曼花衣随身出生,并遇佛住世,出家修行,而证道佛果的殊胜果报。 12.我们今天学佛,已经闻到佛法,就是一个非常幸运的人,为什么还整天对很多事情不珍惜、不满足?我们有智慧,但是这些智慧都是人间的,我们要把它变成佛的功德智慧,要忏悔自己的过去。“生值佛世难,得遇正法难”,我们今天虽不能“生值佛世”(佛住在这个世界),但是有幸佛的正法还在这个世间,我们还能好好地学,我们更应该把握种种的因缘,好好地听闻佛法,尊重供养,精进不懈。 13.你今天长得面目清秀,一定前世供花;你的眼睛好,一定是供过油;你的口才好,一定口吐莲花;你脑子清净,没有灾劫,前世一定有修。所以一切都是你自己前世和这一世的“唯心所造”。你今天要想信解行证(你想解脱,要相信、要修行、要证得佛果),你要相信它,要“远契古佛心印”,要把菩萨的正能量牢牢地放在自己心中,让八识田中的佛性来面晤九识田中阿摩罗识本来拥有的佛性,这就是“契合心佛合一”,这样才能一世修成,永断轮回。 14.谢谢大家,今天就跟大家讲到这里,我们下一次再见。
@user-pj1pn3jc4k Месяц назад
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@user-pj1pn3jc4k Месяц назад
對的,慈悲是不報復,不傷害; 修行是為了變成更好的自己。❤❤
@FeiMeiWong Месяц назад
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