Personality Adviser
Personality Adviser
Personality Adviser
Do you know what really makes you tick? We're here to help you discover your unique strengths and maximize your potential!
ENFP - A deeper look...
6 лет назад
INTJ - A Deeper Look...
6 лет назад
INFP - A Deeper Look
6 лет назад
@aishataviator 7 дней назад
Very well explained. Thank you!
@myelinsims 6 месяцев назад
This describes me😮 INTJ female here
@BasedGodEmperorTrump 8 месяцев назад
No disrespect but you have sanpaku eyes and a very slow blink rate. Both of those correlate to being a psychopath... 👀
@5P4C3V01D 8 месяцев назад
A very rare example of a person actually explaining the connections between the functions and how they work together.
@ladyloungealot5119 Год назад
While studying engineering at a university a long time ago, I was astonished to find that I failed an exam. Why? I knew I did well. When investigated, I was told that I cheated, because I supplied the final figures without the sheet showing how I got to the result. I told them, the maths were so simple, I did them in my head! Then, I had an idea: I told them "give me a similar exercise, a sheet of paper and a pen, I will prove it to you now". I did. I excelled.
@Zen36977 Год назад
Any other INTJ’s watched dozens of videos to research INTJs??
@kyledabearsfan Год назад
Depending on when I take the test I keep switching between INTJ and INFJ.
@riyaantony8537 Год назад
Very good
@mitsukosato-ic4jn Год назад
What about INFJ?
@anjachan Год назад
I hate Numbers! 😂 And I wish I had great grades. But school was boring to me. So I didn´t really care 😂
@danielio87 Год назад
Even though we intjs are capable to control our emotions and exclude them from our process of thought and decision making we must not forget that above all else we are human beings with physiological, intellectual and social needs, therefore we are bound to the human condition and neglecting ourselves from our humanly needs will end up in us doing ourselves more harm that good. WE intjs tend to be arrogant about our "Superior" understanding of reality and underestimate other peoples advice and points of view, specially when it does not align with ours. Remember that intjs tend to narrow down our perspective of reality so much that it may only suit our own fabricated reality which in the end may blindfold us blocking our path to truly understand the mechanics on which reality truly unwraps. Remember: "The eyes are useless when the mind is blind." Not acknowledging a certain field of knowledge wont make it go away and our refusal to learn more about it will only lead us to ignorance. So instead of discarding the use of emotions completely challenge yourself to try to understand it and how this new tool can help you to better understand the reality that surrounds us.
@joshualove3073 Год назад
We know a lot about a lot because Ni and Te, not simply Ni which is more concerned with depth, understanding, and accuracy.
@bRandomn Год назад
My wife and I are fighting over her reading my messages between my guy friends complaining about her. I'm listening to your video and hear 'Undwr stress you might find yourself breeding to clean the house' Literally as I've been cleaning the house for an hour... Spooksie!
@BryshThavirlik Год назад
you look surprised
@Hawkenshmire Год назад
INTJ's see things as necessary or unnecessary. Stressing out or panicking is unnecessary because it gets in the way of our thinking. Thats not to say the wont but we know how to deal with it better and faster.
@Sarahrevaldo Год назад
👍👍👍👍thank you 😘😘😘
@meropale 2 года назад
I am about 80% INTJ and I consider it a blessing. There might be a little fluidity especially with the T and possibly some J.
@younggod6778 2 года назад
How can i improve myself so that when i'm overwhelmd i don't start watching movie or procatinate cause it's a real strugle and i need to do my chores and get the job done but i fall in a loop of over thinking and under eating and many other things that are realy not healthy for me it's driving me nuts that i'm this way and not efficent enough.
@evrstnslv 2 года назад
Reading thru comments to make sure i am not the only one who see the world in certain way
@johnsims6341 2 года назад
@chadrapozaful 2 года назад
Bro has really creepy eye contact. I'm pretty sure he never blinked once this entire video actually.
@dearNAiMA 2 года назад
My boyfriend is an INTJ and I’m an INFJ. I can definitely see these traits in him. I think this is all fascinating to hear because most of these points are spot on with him
@franciscoissaccabreramonti7972 2 года назад
I don't agree that we, as INTJ have to be good at maths or economics; I think that we can be good at anything we want. We have to WANT to be good at it to master it.
@amber7825 2 года назад
John Mayer has one of the sexiest voices, I could listen to him forever 🥰
@billadamson183 2 года назад
Vorsicht! Enneagram 4 in the comment section
@johnminster3205 2 года назад
Much deeper than "preferences"
@patrickvernon4766 2 года назад
An intj is like a man with an intuition tumor in his head who is in the fetal position hiding from extraverted sensory
@melissagannon5711 2 года назад
I take the test for them. I was right about my husband and 2 adult children when they took it themselves later.
@scourneene 2 года назад
Anyone have thoughts if work as a INFP as a counselor is a good calling? Thanks!
@shade3887 2 года назад
INTJ here, I'm really bad at mathematics.. in fact it's my kryptonite.. but everything else is accurate for the most part..
@carinemendes6392 2 года назад
*starts talking about Se* Me, an artist INTJ: 👀 hmmm
@rnuir 2 года назад
I'm intj-t who didnt like math but i got a bachelor mathematic of science for some reason. I found that i'm good at understand deep concept i can conect it together even my processor didnt see the connection but i still don't like it.
@reizer05 3 года назад
So im an STRESSED INTP, thanks for making it clear to me
@tapiwakay 3 года назад
Whose line is it anyway. Ryan Stiles.
@fi6795 3 года назад
You're really easy to listen to.
@KatrinaKatress 3 года назад
Subject Experts yes. Incredible breath of knowledge. Yes!
@Mindbandwidth 3 года назад
All this time i thought i was a GENIUS, now you telling me i did nothing?
@gabby8064 3 года назад
does anyone have a link or the name of a website where I can take a more accurate test to find out my personality type? since I heard the one I took isn't very accurate
@awad7391 3 года назад
People always come to me for advice and do the opposite, and fail. Why bother asking me for help and insight?
@willco601 3 года назад
Bookcases tend to be popular among INTJs.
@jocelynvillanueva4786 3 года назад
Thank you interesting
@hibaiftekhar3797 3 года назад
INFP here and I think I finally kind of understood Te inferior and how it influences my behaviour, thank you!
@srvntlilly 3 года назад
You explained the different cognitive functions better than anyone I've seen, and I've seen a LOT, lol! You didn't rattle off a bunch of letters, talk a million miles an hour, and really make it even more confusing, probably because most of them *are* INFP's, and have trouble expressing themselves verbally (me). You just make it clear, and straightforward and orderly. And yes, what everybody else said. The visuals helped tremendously! I really like that, especially since I'm fairly new in this. I totally could be your mother, *totally* lol! Everything! Crafts, changing styles every other month, even job wise. Maybe she's my long lost twin, separated at birth! 🤔 Thanks so much! Loved this! New sub. 👍🏻😁
@Dougmolls 3 года назад
Amazing how accurate this is
@omarismail2252 3 года назад
Its really sad to see you stopped making videos. I really wish you made one for ENTP
@alim808 3 года назад
Maybe the website is wrong but I see on peoples Myers Briggs videos saying that (s) stands for sensing which according to the website is wrong as there it instead says observation, also as an infp I think he might be getting us a lil mixed with infjs aka advocates, as he said we speak out and advocate for causes or people that get walked over but that’s more of an infj thing aka the advocates while instead we as infps are more centered around creativity and individuality keeping ourselves, our true selves to ourselves. Myers Briggs describes us as peace keepers aka mediators but advocators I we aren’t necessarily as that’s the infj also our last letter isn’t perceiving rather instead it’s called prospecting, aka searching I’ve come to find types with this letter more open to new unexplored stuff and ideas
@era1442 3 года назад
Reading the comments... Am I the only one who doesn't clean while stressed? I mean I might do that, but usually I avoid cleaning at all cost, until it becomes necessary. I thought stress cleaning was an ISFJ thing honestly. And I have an IXFJ friend who does stuff like cleaning the bathroom to avoid doing other stuff. I actually just avoid doing anything and just feel anxious lmao
@theflashgordon193 Год назад
I don't do it too because I hate that. Maybe I should try it because it seems helping other infp though ?
@possessedslig Год назад
If I'm stressed or anxious I usually just sit on front of my computer doing absolutely nothing until I calm down, cleaning is usually something I do when it becomes a necessity like you
@publicpitchblendeorg 3 года назад
@dragon_nova_luna 3 года назад
intj, but my family makes me want to back away. i grew up in a family that dismissed most of my thoughts and feelings so i dont feel particularly close, but i want them to understand me, and possibly like me as ia am, and not feel like i am the black sheep for having different aspirations than living in a set box. sadly i know they wont really. and im not a math person(im really bad at that) but i do actually go towards the design and art domains. i feel alien to this country tbh, but if i achieve my professional goals i think i'll be more relaxed. independence and financial stability are crucial to me, as materialistic other people perceive me for this.
@joshuapowell3526 3 года назад
"My mom"