Firdaus Wong
Firdaus Wong
Firdaus Wong
Bro. Firdaus Wong's Official RU-vid Channel. The Channel is to promote Islamic Da'wah - the proper presentation, understanding and appreciation of Islam, as well as removing misconceptions about Islam - amongst less aware Muslims and non-Muslims.

We hope to empower the Muslims with the right knowledge on how to be a better Muslim and to present Islam to non-Muslims as well as helping non-Muslims to understand Islam through the authentic sources, Qur'an & Sunnah.


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Pro-Z#onis Justifications Debunked
21 день назад
Quran is like Google
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
Quran Ibarat Google
Месяц назад
@ojaemaojaema Час назад
Faham..Di zaman ini, susah sebenarnya untuk istiqomah menyimpan rahsia dan menyembunyikan niat sebenar. Ujung-ujung diwar-warkan juga. Jalan Allah ini bukan sehala dua, berbilion di luar sana.
@NorAinah-pq3uz 3 часа назад
@xchaix 4 часа назад
@whyme2514 5 часов назад
@farizaisgreat 6 часов назад
Teringat the one and only usrah yang sempat pi.
@N-q8y 6 часов назад
Mantap..haji firdaus wong wai hung..👍
@rasheedolamilekan7328 8 часов назад
@hakimnoor6547 8 часов назад
@hjeinhjsaman5500 8 часов назад
Barakallah pikum
@Whitesand6032 9 часов назад
MasyaAllah..! Very enlightening. Banyak saya belajar. Pandangan bro Firdaus mengenai ketidak-seimbangan dlm kita ber"dunia" dan ber"ugama" sgt relevan. Dunia - hal makanan, ubat2, health, gadget dll kita review berkali2 - agar decision kita betul. Ugama - bagaimana sikap kita? Adakala sambil lewa, tidak bersungguh. (*walhal ini lah bekal kita bawa ke akhirat..)
@telorceploksambelkecap 12 часов назад
No problem... because you also worship a building called Ka'bah... and KISS the Stone there...
@shhas1483 13 часов назад
Propaganda yahudi sudah berjaya, “average” person would be scared to be called a muslim. Even some professors who revert refused to be asked about their faith as they know their society best - judgemental about islam.
@roslibinhashim2069 15 часов назад
Triniti itu agama roman khatolik, 300 tahun setelah nabi Isa as di angkat kelangit, Paul telah hibrid menjadi kristian khatolik.. pengkikut asal nabi Isa di gelar kristian.. khatolik bukan sama sekali kristian, khatolik umpama orang india nesia , ambil kebudayaan dan bahasa melayu dan declare itu bahasa dan kebudayaan kepulauan india belanda.. Begitu juga khatolik ambil kitab Islam versi bani israel dan declare itu agama roman khatolik hibrid kristian khatokik.. nah cuba faham kenapa Yahudi meludah pada kaum khatolik....
@MariaJarjaz-jm8hf 21 час назад
Kebenaran Al Qur'an jelas dan nyata dan terjaga sampai Akhir zaman
@MuhammadArifAlzubair День назад
May Allah give him hidayah
@MuhammadFahmi-h3d День назад
Alhamdulillah terbaik Tuan Firdaus Wong semoga ALLAH SWT memberkati segala usaha Tuan ❤
@andis1853 День назад
Selamat untuk ustadz Wong dan tim. Semoga Indonesia bisa menyusul membuka debat terbuka seperti itu. Di sini juga ada Muslim keturunan Cina yang mempelajari Bible seperti koh Dondi Tan. Salam dari Indonesia.
@careless-whisper-80 День назад
one of religion is counterfeit
@Whitesand6032 День назад
Suka dengar Penjelasan beo firdaus..simple, straight to the point.
@kerudin День назад
Konsep triniti berasas dari dua ayat ini. Dua ayat adalah ayat palsu. Tapi puak kristen x kisah palsu atau tidak mereka telan bulat2 doktrin bapa2 gereja. Matius 28:19 Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-Ku dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus Note: Ayat ini tidak adalah dalam bible sebelum Council 325M. Tidak ada manuscript sebelum itu tapi di percayai ditulis oleh pengarang2 bible seperti Eusibius, Tertulianus dan beberapa orang lagi. Tujun mereka untuk adanya ketuhan trinity dalam bible. 1 Yohanes 5:7 Sebab ada tiga yang memberi kesaksian (di dalam sorga: Bapa, Firman dan Roh Kudus; dan ketiganya adalah satu. Note: ayat ini ayat sisipan yang berasal dari nota kaki dan dijadikan ayat bible. Pendeta2 mengetahui hal ini sebab bible yang mereka adalah bible khusus untuk pendeta ada menceritakan hal ini tapi disembunyi pada penganutnya. Kepada siapa yang berminat mahu mengetahui ayat2 tidak asli dalam biblos boleh cuba dibible Indonesia : alkitab.sabda.org/verse.php?book=1Yoh&chapter=5&verse=7. Pilih kotak tafsiran/catatan. Dibahagian 'carian universal tulis 'tidak asli'. Untuk memahami ilmu kristologi dari asal boleh search dalam utube : Dondy Tan
@kerudin День назад
Konsep Triniti diperkenalkan pada mulanya dari Council Nacea (Turki) pada 325M. Melalui undi Jesus diangkat menjadi tuhan. Setelah beberapa kali Council maka pada tahun 381M maka lengkaplah ajaran kristen iaitu Yesus sebagai tuhan, bapa tuhan di langit dan roh kudus melayang2 masuk dalam badan penganut kristen. Sungguh pun tuhan roh kudus meresap dalam badan umat kristen hakikatnya ada 50K denominasi kristen didunia ini dengan konsep ketuhanan yang berbeza2. Jadi tidak diketahui apa guna ada tuhan roh kudus dalam badan penganut kristen. Mereka menyesat antara satu sama lain. Selepas 2000 tahun kresten wujud sehingga kini masaalah asas konsep ketuhanan belum selesai. Nama2 pecahan ini kumpulan katolik (trinity), protestant, ortodhok, Ethiopia, Advent, Saksi Yehofah dan beribu2 lagi pecahan dan gereja2 didunia ini.
@kerudin День назад
New Testament (NT) adalah bible karangan Markus, Matius, Lukas, Yohanes, Paulus, dan Paulin (peminat Paulus). Walau kristen memgatakan NT dikatakan sebagai Injil tetapi langsung tiada kebenaran. Bahasa pertuturan N Isa adalah Araimaic dan tidak ada satu pun manuscript2 ajaran N Isa dalam bahasa Araimaic di temui. Kitab dalam NT adalah bahasa yunani yang di karang di Eropah terutama di Turki. Jadi tiada kaitan dengan kitab Injil dari N Isa. Penulisan kitab Markus, Matius, Lukas, Yohanes tidak di ketahui sebenarnya. Hanya nama2 itu diletak oleh bapa2 gereja. Markus mengambil 80% dari OT dan selebihnya karangan kisah pagan dari Homers. Matius, Lukas meniru dari kitab Markus dan diambil kisah2 masyarakat juga dikenali sebagai Q story. Bible Markus, Matius, Lukas dan Yohanes masih ada lagi konsep ketuhan monotheismnya. Cuma apa bila Paul menulis, maka dia telah memperkenal konsep baru iaitu adanya dosa waris dan Jesus mati untuk menebus dosa. Jadi ajaran Paul ini mengajar ajaran kisten. Bukan dari N Isa. Petikan Bible: Kisah Para Rasul 11:25-26 Lalu pergilah Barnabas ke Tarsus untuk mencari Saulus; dan setelah bertemu dengan dia, ia membawanya ke Antiokhia (Turki). Mereka tinggal bersama-sama dengan jemaat itu satu tahun lamanya, sambil mengajar banyak orang. Di Antiokhialah murid-murid itu untuk pertama kalinya disebut Kristen
@Gloria-jv9hk 9 часов назад
Iya dan bible karangan markus, matius, yohanes, lukas, paulus dlm 50 ad quran kamu sendiri yang datang 600 ad ngesahkan 😂 Surah Maidah Kami telah berikan kepadanya Kitab Injil, yang mengandungi petunjuk hidayah dan cahaya yang menerangi, sambil mengesahkan benarnya apa yang telah ada di hadapannya Kamu ni anti quran kamu sendiri ya 😂
@jhnmusa1786 День назад
@booyao День назад
Guna bahasa ibunda kena tibai lepastu Guna bahasa melayu pun kena tibai ,apa niat buruk hang Si Firdaus?
@jewbanqora5159 День назад
First proof that your God exists!!??? ✝️☪️✝️☪️ How dumb and silly is that!!!??😅😅😅
@kerudin День назад
Old testament (OT) berasal dari Septuaginta. Septuaginta( bahasa yunani) terjermah dari kitab yahudi iaitu Tanakh. Tanakh yahudi mengamal konsep ketuhanan monotheism dalam bahasa Ibrani. Septuaginta dirubah2 oleh bapa2 gereja sehingga seolah2 ada menceritakan Jesus sedangkan bagi orang yahudi mengatakan Tanakh (kitab Musa, Daud dan nabi2 lain) tiada kaitan dgn Jesus. Tanakh kitab kepunyaan Yahudi. Ditulis setelah 1000 tahun N Musa wafat. Jadi tiada kepastian ketulinan sebab terputus dengan nabi Musa dan lain2.
@Gloria-jv9hk День назад
What happen to bagi kamu agama kamu dan bagiku agamaku? Oh the prophet initially wants to gain more supporters at first so he allowed other religions but towards the end he says fight those who do not believe in allah and his messenger nor embrace the religion of truth from those who were given the scripture untill they pay the jizya WILLINGLY SUBMITTING FULLY HUMBLED nasib syariah law is only for muslims in malaysia
@suffianahmad9351 День назад
Assalammualaikum semua.. Saya syorkan sekalian turut menonton channel2 ini: Ef Dawah EFDawah Nusantara DawahWise Dawah Wise Nusantara SC Channel EF Dawah Bahasa Hamza Deen Adnan Rashid (di Adnan Rashid kita boleh melihat tmpt d mana Persidangan Nacea, berlaku pd 325 CE, di mana para Petinggi2 Kristian seluruh dunia berkumpul,membincangkan hal2 semasa agama Kristian, dan di situlah wujud keputusan mengangkat Nabi Isa/ Jesus sebgai - 'God' @sebagian dr Tuhan (Trinity)..)
@Gloria-jv9hk День назад
False news don't listen to ur teachers and allow them to brainwash u instead do ur own research God bless
@Gloria-jv9hk День назад
He said 'no i still believe in the trinity' Why this preacher still going around kacau non-muslims??
@ParaclytorZ День назад
Menyalaaaa brother firdaus 🔥🔥👍👍👍 Salam dari Indonesia 🇮🇩🇵🇸🇲🇾
@Open-the-channel 2 дня назад
*Asking a fake christian* Here is the truth: Understand trinity: 1 sun [ 1 essence] = 3 manifestations [ light, heat , magnetic wave] ~ Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit Light is not heat but they are from the same essence. So any problem understanding Trinity?..God is ONE ESSENCE in 3 persons.
@greenapple6893 День назад
Christians have many types of explanations about the trinity but can't prove it by using the bible. Because the bible itself doesn't have the word trinity and never found in the bible says 3 in 1 god formula. Many Christians have use water, body and even you use the sun example. Is the father and jesus the same? Yes- But the father is all knowing while Jesus never knew the Last Hour. And then you will claim that Jesus was in human form on earth. So God become a man? If your faith based on the bible, Jesus never claimed to be God and ask people to worship him. If your faith based on Paul's teaching, he even never saw Jesus in a lifetime. How come Christians trusted Paul? And don't go to the church fathers topic, it will be a disaster to you.
@YouTubeChannel-fu5yw День назад
What 1+1+1 is?
@YouTubeChannel-fu5yw День назад
Light lamp or light sun or what light u mean
@Super4-o6p День назад
The Sun [1] releases heat, sunlight and magnetic wave. Heat , sunlight and wave are liken to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All three has come from the same essence which is the sun. Sun =1 God Heat, sunlight, wave= 3 persons in 1 God Another e.g. If still cannot get it...go back to basic: 1 essence: H20 3 manifestation at the same time: ice, water, steam.. Let me know if still cannot understand.. 1x 1x1 =1 1(Father) x 1(Jesus) x 1 (The Holy Spirit) = 1 God [same essence] I show you more example if cannot get it. Quite a basic stuff in school.
@Super4-o6p День назад
1 x 1 x 1 = ? Sunlight + heat + magnetic wave= 1 sun.
@Open-the-channel 2 дня назад
*Jesus claimed He is God even using the 99 names* for God according to the Muslims perspective . 1. AL HAQ ( I am the Truth) John 14:6 “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” 2. AL-BAITH ( I am the Resurrection) John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the RESURRECTION and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die." 3. AL-NUR ( I am the Light) John 8:12 "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the LIGHT of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. '
@skyheaven9721 2 дня назад
how about Al-Alim (All knowing)?
@Open-the-channel День назад
@@skyheaven9721 *AL-ALIM* [All knowing] John 16:30 Now we can see that *you know all things* and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God. In John 16:30 the disciples acknowledge that Jesus knows all things, recognizing His divine insight and omniscience. Other names.. *ÀL-AWWAL & AL AKHIR* (I am the First and the Last) Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the FIRST and the LAST, the Beginning and the End." *AL MALEK* ( I am the King of kings) Revelation 17:14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and KING OF KINGS --and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers. Revelation 19:16 And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, 'KING OF KINGS, AND AND LORD OF LORDS. *AL-HADI* (I am the Guide) John 10:7 "So Jesus said to them again, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the DOOR of the sheep."
@skyheaven9721 День назад
@@Open-the-channel nope ur wrong.. Jesus wasnt all knowing cuz He never know the hour only the father.
@skyheaven9721 День назад
@@Open-the-channel “im the king of the kings” your wrong again. King never bow to anyone. As we all know Jesus bow and pray to his lord.
@Open-the-channel День назад
@@skyheaven9721 Learn more bro.. Matthew 24:36 But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. Revelation 19:7,9 For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.… Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! Explanation: The verse in Matthew is a reference to a ancient Jewish wedding tradition . It was the father of the groom who gave final approval for him to collect his bride. Thus, it was only the father of the groom who knew the exact time of the wedding procession. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus is illustrating using a Jewish wedding analogy to explain His second coming. Here, the christians are potrayed as the bride and Jesus is the bridegroom. Jesus is God from the very start.
@Open-the-channel 2 дня назад
*Jesus said He is God incarnate as a human* . John 8:23 He said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world." (Jesus said) John 6:38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, “ *All authority in heaven* and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..."
@AzmanMohamadIsa 17 часов назад
Hello sir, your argument is confusing and contradictory,,GOD IS NOT SENT BY SOMEBODY and GOD IS NOT GIVEN AUTHORITY BY SOMEBODY,,,you understand?,,,if you are SENT by CEO of a company you working and he give you AUTHORITY to represent him, you are still not the CEO of that company,,you understand?
@Open-the-channel 8 часов назад
​There are 3 persons in Godhead : The Father , Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Father is the CEO , Jesus is the Son of the CEO. Of course, the Father and the Son are different persons but they are of the same kind and essence. So , if the Father gives full authority to His Son, make Him in charge of everything, what is so confusing about that? We believe there are 3 persons that exist in the Godhead. Mary, Abu and James= 3 persons All of them belong to 1 species called homosapien. Get it ?..biology 101. ​@@AzmanMohamadIsa
@Super4-o6p 8 часов назад
​There are 3 persons in Godhead : The Father , Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Father is the CEO , Jesus is the Son of the CEO. Of course, the Father and the Son are different persons but they are of the same kind and essence. So , if the Father gives full authority to His Son, make Him in charge of everything, what is so confusing about that? We believe there are 3 persons that exist in the Godhead. Mary, Abu and James= 3 persons All of them belong to 1 species called homosapien. Get it ..Biology 101. ​@AzmanMohamadIsa
@Super4-o6p 8 часов назад
​1 sun [essence] = 3 manifestations [ light, heat , magnetic wave] ~ Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit Light is not heat but they are from the same essence .@@AzmanMohamadIsa
@suemohamad5547 2 дня назад
Sebenarnya mrk takut nak jadi Islam, sbb sentimen Islam yg telah di propagandakan dibarat sebagai terrorist Dan islamiphobia juga. dgn pandangan yg negative Dan sebagainya..sbb ada kawan yg macam ni, selain TU of course sbb keluarga ...walaupun kepercayaan mmg cenderung keislaman.
@Gloria-jv9hk День назад
Is ISIS not muslims?
@Open-the-channel 2 дня назад
*Moses' writing* : Genesis 3:22 “And the LORD God said, ‘The man has now become *like one of us,* knowing good and evil.’ Note: " Like one of us" CANNOT mean only 1 person . *Old Testament* : Daniel 7:13-14 ( written 700 before Jesus' birth) 13 “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. (Note: Son of Man (Jesus) approached Ancient of days (Father) .
@Open-the-channel 2 дня назад
*Asking a fake christian* ..😅.. Here is the truth: Understand trinity: 1 sun [ 1 essence] = 3 manifestations [ light, heat , magnetic wave] ~ Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit Light is not heat but they are of the same essence. So any problem understanding Trinity?..God is ONE ESSENCE in 3 persons.
@skyheaven9721 2 дня назад
are they equal?
@Open-the-channel День назад
@@skyheaven9721 They are equal in essence but Father has higher role. Ali [CEO], Abu [Asst GM] and Ahmad [Accountant]. All three are human ( same essence) and no one is more human than the other although Ali has higher role than Abu and Ahmad .
@skyheaven9721 День назад
@@Open-the-channel they are not equal. cuz Jesus is not all knowing. jesus worship the father.. I never heard The father worship Jesus or holy spirit. Did u know in bible said Jesus was a prophet. and Jesus said the father is “THE ONLY” true god.
@Open-the-channel День назад
@@skyheaven9721 Your question: John 17:1-5 1 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 *Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God* , and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. Explanation: Verse 1: Jesus called God his Father. In the Quran God has no son. Thus it means Jesus is the Son of God. Verse 1: If Jesus is a created being, there is no way He can glorify the Father. Father glorify Him and vice versa. Thus it means both are God Verse 2:Jesus can give eternal life, a power only possessed by God. Jesus is God again. It also means that He is higher than Muhammad as Mohd is a created being. In Quran only God can revive the dead; thus , Jesus is God. Verse 3 & 4: When Jesus said his Father true God it does not mean He is not . ( John is telling Kent, you are a human and that does not mean John is not human). Yes, Jesus was sent by the Father for rescuing mankind from eternal condemnation. Now he is with the Father upon completing His mission. Verse 5: Glorify Jesus before the world began. Only Jesus who is God is with the Father before creation. ( John 1:1). No human can say such word. * John 10:30 I and the Father are one.” * John 14:9, "Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?"
@Open-the-channel День назад
@@skyheaven9721 They are equal in essence . Jesus emptied Himself of all power when coming down from heaven. Only a sinless normal man is qualified to pay for the sins of mankind. In heaven , the Father has a higher role but all authority in heaven and on earth has been given by the Father to the Son.
@evendrisinergy332 2 дня назад
Masya Allah ShaikhGPT lagi gempar di seluruh dunia sekarang, ngotot dia Islam segalanya, padahal sama sekali bukan ciptaan orang Islam dan juga bukan untuk pasar Muslim dunia dominannya 😂
@leejianyong7609 2 дня назад
wasiat lama Genesis 1:26 God said: "Let us make man in our image and likeness, that they may have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over the cattle and over the whole earth, and over every living thing that moves." creeping on the earth. compare with Genesis 11:7 Go, let us go down, and there confuse their language, so that they do not understand each other's words. what do (us) mean? meaning God is not one, which is more than one!!! humans also have a trinity!! see Genesis 2:7 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man becomes a living soul. {from the dust…: Heb. dust of the ground} that is we are the image of god!!!
@leejianyong7609 2 дня назад
wasiat lama Kejadian 1:26 Berfirmanlah Tuhan: "Baiklah (Kita) menjadikan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa Kita, supaya mereka berkuasa atas ikan-ikan di laut dan burung-burung di udara dan atas ternak dan atas seluruh bumi. , dan atas setiap binatang melata yang merayap di atas bumi. bandingkan dengan Kejadian 11:7 Pergilah, marilah (kita) turun, dan di sana mengacaukan bahasa mereka, supaya mereka tidak saling memahami perkataan orang lain. apa maksud kita? maksud Tuhan bukan satu, yang lebih daripada satu!!! manusia juga ada triniti!! lihat Genesis 2:7 7 Dan TUHAN membentuk manusia dari debu tanah, dan menghembuskan nafas hidup ke dalam hidungnya; dan manusia menjadi jiwa yang hidup. {dari debu…: Ibr. debu tanah} itulah kita ialah imej tuhan!!!
@ganesmages 2 дня назад
Firdaus kite hujah kat sini?
@cahyomusic4000 2 дня назад
Masya Allah. Jadi teringat lirik sebuah lagu islami utk anak2 jaman dulu yg berjudul Cahaya Jiwa Cahaya jiwa setiap muslim Tak lain hanya Al Qur'anul karim Bulan di langit penyinar mereka Penyinar kita Qur'an belaka Setelah direnung dengan pikiran Tiada yang dapat menandingi Qu'an Di taman lain keindahan ini Tak kan bertemu sekali-kali
@azruloun3814 2 дня назад
Siapa Jesus Dalam Kristian??bukan Nabi ISA A.S...tapi dajjal al Masih.. Sang pemyelamat (Tuhan berupa manusia)>> Wallahualam..
@zonnorainmohamedyassin4221 2 дня назад
Thank you, *Brother Firdaus Wong Wai Hung* ♥️♥️♥️♥️ جزاكم الله خيرا • بارك الله فيكم ♥️
@John_impaler 2 дня назад
only sembang curry , no courage to bring eggs
@amaristudio 2 дня назад
Dia dah sebak sebenarnya tu bro. Give him a hug
@Hydrn5 2 дня назад
Jesus is lord
@hairolomar7151 2 дня назад
According to the bibile tht jesus is god?
@Hydrn5 2 дня назад
@@hairolomar7151 yes
@buldogi7005 День назад
Not god
@qwertyuiop1874 День назад
Yes, not god 😂
@Muhamad60Aishah6 20 часов назад
According to anti Christ book, Jesus is not God.
@Azs-p5l 2 дня назад
@KhatijahAbughani 2 дня назад
Semuga sentiasa dpermudhkn urusan berdakwah Ustadz firdaus, jazakallah ❤
@xchaix 2 дня назад
@aImOrI89 2 дня назад
Mind blowing.... Beautifully ~❤