鄉味大叔 Hometown Uncle
鄉味大叔 Hometown Uncle
鄉味大叔 Hometown Uncle
舌尖上的鄉愁,是記憶中媽媽的味道。 一道家常菜,一碗熱湯麵,都承載著無盡的思念,讓遠方的遊子在孤獨中找到慰藉。

The taste of home on the tip of the tongue, is the taste of mom's cooking in memory. A home-cooked dish, a bowl of hot noodle soup, all carry endless yearnings, allowing the wandering child to find solace in loneliness.
I am an architectural engineer who loves food, cooking, and life. I will upload a new food video every week. I hope that every one of my food videos, with its strong aroma of hometown flavors, can soothe your faint homesickness.