Keen Fool
Keen Fool
Keen Fool
Greetings, I am Keen Fool! At this channel I upload content around gaming and, I am hoping in the future, about mindfulness and connecting to gaming.

Here I upload videos related to let's play series for games, updates to games I am playing, and tips and tricks to help you enjoy your game! I'm looking forward to growing this channel and love the feedback I have gotten so far to help me improve!

Thank you for coming by, if you like what you see please subscribe!

-Who am I?-

I have been a gamer for quite a while. My first computer game was Commander Keen and I have part of my name as a throwback to that. It's also there as it describes me well! My, and maybe your, neurodivergent brain can have brilliant moments as well as utterly foolish moments. I am a dad-gamer and an extensive hobbyist. I have 380+ hours in Medieval Dynasty, over 40 in Sengoku Dynasty (which I am very excited for), 600+ hours in Civ 6 as well as Civ 5, and over 700 Total War series games, and many more.
@xaxas736 3 дня назад
Ouch, your math did hurt a bit. What is your argument for 55hp with dmg reduction beeing worse than 60hp without? By that logic having 110 would already be superior to 100 I guess? Without reduction, you'd die after 60 damage (obviously), if you apply 10% reduction that would amount to 54 damage and survival for solid as a rock. So your effective hp are actually higher in that case. At three points that would be about 142ehp vs 130hp. And stone gets even better with flat healing items: you get 14ehp healed with stone for every 10hp with oak. For example 5 instant heal 1 for effective 142ehp vs 7 pots for 130(+10 overheal). Now this is theoretical, as I don't know the games internal calculations, but even with rounding errors should stone be better than oak; if you had to choose one.
@KeenFool 3 дня назад
@@xaxas736 Firstly, thank you for your depth of analysis and thought! I love good criticism and I get to double check my thinking and learn from your analysis. I agree with you in full on the temporary hit points, there’s nothing I would want to say other than that a reduction does me free hit points over time are greater for solid as a rock. While Oak gives a net 10hp that is always there it only provides a buffer to insulate against getting taken down. The reduction of Solid gives us a lot of hidden bonus HP that is relevant long term. With that, I still find Oak to be the superior choice in only a limited fashion: you can apply it early and its gains are helpful the entire time you have it. Solid is better, and is a tier 4 for a good reason. That being said, that extra HP to give time to get a heal in is handy. The impact over the lifetime of Oak is more for me (since you take it early and early hunting tends to result in more getting hurt) but I do still think solid is good. Excellent points and I will be going back to more critical on that! Thank you for pointing this out!
@xaxas736 3 дня назад
@@KeenFool Sorry, but I absolutely can't follow your thought process. How is Solid only better over time? The damage reduction is always active, so with your first point there, you already overtook Oak with effectively 111 hp. it protects you (a tiny bit) more against beeing taken down from the get go. And I am not argueing, that you should'nt put points in Oak, especially since you need one point in tier 3 anyway. But you get more survivability per point in damage reduction. (Plus the savings from healing) I might be overlooking something, so do you have an example scenario where you think, your theory applies?
@KeenFool 2 дня назад
@@xaxas736 It’s all good. First off, I have no argument with you math. Numerically the Solid will come out to give more “HP” over time based upon the fact that it’s a “soak” rather than a bonus HP impact. I am looking at this as usefulness over life. I will be able to, and use, Oak once I get my second level in hunting. I will not get Solid until I get my 3rd level or 4th depending on point spends. Oak is more useful earlier for me and has a longer impact over time. I don’t tend to level quickly in Hunting and I like having something that benefits early and has benefit over time. For me that will turn into multiple hours of game play that Oak helps me out. Soild will also have impact, but later in the game when I need its help less. Again, I agree with you mathematically and you have made a great point. I still find Oak overall impactful and helpful. In a number of scenarios one can be better than the other specifically. There are other scenarios I looked at where they are a wash. (Aka 10 strikes at 10hp damage:: Oak I live with 10 to spare, Solid I live with 10hp to spare)
@karrane879 4 дня назад
Good to see you back in this game Keen! Don't feel bad... RL always comes first. See ya next time 😁
@billyhelbert6686 4 дня назад
Yes, let's see whatchu go Keen!
@billyhelbert6686 5 дней назад
So the first episode is at the bottom and the second is on top Might wanna fix that for easy of watching Keen
@KeenFool 5 дней назад
@@billyhelbert6686 Thanks for letting me know, I will look into that!
@KeenFool 5 дней назад
@@billyhelbert6686 Ok, turns out I am confused…is it at the bottom of the playlist or the frame style?
@billyhelbert6686 5 дней назад
@@KeenFool Playlist
@KeenFool 5 дней назад
@@billyhelbert6686 Thank you! I will look into that!
@billyhelbert6686 5 дней назад
@@KeenFool No problem I'm looking forward to Season 2 and see what you'll do differently! Oh and don't forget about the Iron Cudgel, in case you decide to give the Iron Spear a break! :V
@oedhelsetren 6 дней назад
I don't know when it was added, but there is a compost bin that turns food into rot in the decorations->workstations->farming build menu.
@KeenFool 6 дней назад
@@oedhelsetren You are absolutely correct…but did you know that if you just drop the items on the ground you get massive stacks of rot?! It’s wonderful, especially for cabbage. Since the composter has a limit of storage this helps a lot.
@badejong 6 дней назад
Great video! Thanks for creating it... 👍👍
@KeenFool 6 дней назад
@@badejong Thank you! Glad you liked it!
@smudolinithegreatdragobear2433 7 дней назад
I checked. And you get hunting experience from traps. If you have 2 each rabbit, bird and rat traps you get around 20XP per harvest.
@KeenFool 7 дней назад
@@smudolinithegreatdragobear2433 Thank you for checking! It is something, and that can help!
@snick69z 8 дней назад
How many Master Baiter’s are here 👋🏻 nothing like baiting a good trap.
@KeenFool 7 дней назад
@@snick69z Lol! My traps always seem to work…mast be mastering the bait.
@1mikeehall 9 дней назад
The answers for the differences quest are. 2,3,4,4,3,4,3
@karrane879 9 дней назад
Hiya Keen 👋
@KeenFool 9 дней назад
@@karrane879 Good to see you! Quick one on this one…had a plan to use some old tootsie pop commercial humor but I gotta learn more about copyright…
@franciscobravo6598 9 дней назад
firstttttt. !
@KeenFool 9 дней назад
@@franciscobravo6598 LOL 🤣 Nice!!!
@danhatstat6890 10 дней назад
If you hold down A or D when changing intensity and click the arrow it goes twice as fast
@1mikeehall 10 дней назад
Have you found the 500 coins in the birds nest?
@KeenFool 9 дней назад
@@1mikeehall In this playthrough…no, but more recently, yes! It is so nice having the extra coin! There’s also 150 coins in the bed by that POI as well!
@belmark616 11 дней назад
Another great video. I disagree with you on the Hunting Lodge. I agree about it being not useful for meat and leather but I use my Hunting Lodge to gather feathers and my Woodshed to gather sticks (and logs). Then I make wooden bolts to sell.
@KeenFool 11 дней назад
@@belmark616 That is a great way to make use of it! I just wish it could match the production of other buildings or be close to what the main character can do on one hunt.
@belmark616 11 дней назад
Great video. I drop stones as I'm mining. You can see them in inspection mode to help you find your way out in the dark.
@KeenFool 11 дней назад
@@belmark616 So true and a great idea! lol, I remember getting overly ambitious and minting into the night in a new mine and getting totally turned around. Oops, never again!
@Craig_McGill_from_Boreal_9 14 дней назад
I really feel like they nerfed the NPC hunting from the lodges at some point. Not sure if it was before or with the Oxbow update. My original game in The Valley I had a sizable village with over 60 people, and one hunting lodge with 4 hunters provided more than enough meat for my village. Now playing Oxbow, I think I'm up to about 3 hunting lodges and still struggling.
@KeenFool 13 дней назад
@@Craig_McGill_from_Boreal_9 I agree, I recall hunting being a useful role for villagers at some point and me wanting to assign people to it… maybe it was as far back as the original valley. It is hard to make it worth it without piling on more and more and waiting for higher level villagers.
@karrane879 15 дней назад
Good to see you back Keen. I was watching and wondering where you were 😀
@KeenFool 15 дней назад
@@karrane879 RL got busy real fast! I’ve got a lot planned out but don’t have the time to record and edit! 😅 Should be getting a more “norm” schedule soon though!
@TheFartanSpartan 17 дней назад
Great video! Quick question: I'm trying to figure out the right amount of tools to have my workshop craft, in order to cover all my workers. What is the duration of stone tools when used by assigned workers? Is it 1 day? 1 season?
@KeenFool 16 дней назад
@@TheFartanSpartan From what I saw it looked like 2 days…I could be wrong! I will double check later and see!
@fishsnapz5501 20 дней назад
So many cool places to build are taken by these ruins... really wish you could tear them down after the quests are finished.
@KeenFool 20 дней назад
@@fishsnapz5501 I agree! Or have some control over rebuilding and resettling? That would be a great mechanic!
@Chanharp 21 день назад
God it looks horrible. Why do the weapons just disappear? Why not properly sheath them? Sword on the hip, pike on the back. Why is there no rubble flying when destroying the cage? No visible damage on enemies after slicing and dicing them. Is this still beta or early access?
@KeenFool 21 день назад
@@Chanharp You are right, it is very barebones right now. This game is still early access and has a long way to go…
@damiendemented9399 22 дня назад
Yeah long bow is better it's more accurate at longer range than a recurve you can upgrade draw speed so that ain't really shit
@KeenFool 22 дня назад
@@damiendemented9399 Longbow can be more accurate but the draw speed perks take a while to get to. I like the speed! Longbow is a solid choice!
@damiendemented9399 22 дня назад
​@@KeenFoolbeing further away while drawing makes up for the lack of speed
@damiendemented9399 22 дня назад
Also another item that helps is potion of camouflage deer and moose won't run away from you so you can get right up on them before you shoot them
@sinbin01 22 дня назад
there's an island west of the start town north of the mine with bears in front with a house with 200 coin and a silk scarf normally the total loots value is like 700 coins
@KeenFool 22 дня назад
@@sinbin01 Right on! That’s a good one, I had that one as my “bonus” location I believe.
@farmpunk_dan 23 дня назад
Been looking at this for ages and the new update/sale seems like a good time to try it out. I’m a little burned out on early access games because if I love it, I will play it until there’s no more content and then never get back into it when they update it, but maybe this one will be different.
@KeenFool 23 дня назад
@@farmpunk_dan I hope so! I got it on sale a while back and it gave me quite a few hours of fun. The improvements have been good and there has been good deliveries on promises!
@garethscott3399 23 дня назад
What’s the minimum and maximum for season length settings?
@sandraday6955 23 дня назад
do NPC villagers level up at all?
@KeenFool 23 дня назад
@@sandraday6955 Not yet…at some point the happiness should influence things!
@KyoMobius 24 дня назад
Funny how there are swords in the intro but not in the actual game. Hehe
@KeenFool 24 дня назад
@@KyoMobius LoL, yep…that is a part of the development plan. At some point we will have them…and perhaps customized crests on the shields!
@KyoMobius 24 дня назад
Hey i started playing yesterday in ps5, and with traps i do get hunting exp. I so far only have rabbit and bird trap. I took notice before and after i rearm the trap (or is it arming it giving exp?)
@KeenFool 24 дня назад
@@KyoMobius Yep, I had the wrong in the vid. You should get 5xp every time you “clear” the trap and get the meat and fur/feathers. Nothing for resetting though…
@liviu543 24 дня назад
I hunt bears wisents and wolfs only with wooden spears and stone axes, it's quite fun
@KeenFool 24 дня назад
@@liviu543 Oh man! That’s a lot of throwing and dodging!
@JordanNovacek 24 дня назад
What does the checkbox do in the management screen?
@JordanNovacek 24 дня назад
What does the checkbox do in the management screen?
@KeenFool 24 дня назад
@@JordanNovacek When something is checked it means the people WILL use that time to satisfy needs. If you have it unchecked they will not touch it. I find this hopeful for some of the things I need for crafting and also for weapons (since they count towards security)
@sinbin01 25 дней назад
I'm happy to see someone finally bring up that potions/food buffs have an effect on gathering its great to save time and durability on tools! A little tip for finding your way out of mines is to drop 1 ore per deposit as a bread crumb trail
@KeenFool 24 дня назад
@@sinbin01 Absolutely! The plum buffs are amazing and save so much time and durability. Good call on the bread crumbs of ore!
@sinbin01 24 дня назад
@KeenFool heck yea I always take headstrong so I can enjoy the amazing alcohol buffs without drawbacks, try plum wine camouflage potion, and an iron spear for hunting I always grab my iron spear first hunting is amazing for cash.
@xBoWxEclipse 26 дней назад
I was checking out this game and medieval dynasty - pros and cons. This game entices me much more because of the combat. Like, watching medieval's combat was just ai running at you, stopping, and letting you pick them off with a bow; completely boring (to me). This game, I love Dark Souls combat and variations of it, so it's very promising and makes me choose it over the other game despite medieval dynasty seemingly having more of a player base and being more established etc.
@KeenFool 26 дней назад
@@xBoWxEclipse I agree in a lot of ways with you. Medieval’s combat is not that great. I find that just walking backwards and side stepping allows you to beat just about anything. Sengoku is promising with the combat…they have a little ways to go but it’s their goal and they have made huge strides overtime! Medieval does win in management and building in a lot of ways….however it is also “done” and Sengoku could promise to prove on them!
@karrane879 26 дней назад
Looks like a really nice update! Thanks for showing it Keen 🤗
@gloriasdaughter940 27 дней назад
thanks for the vid. I have been waiting to play the game again till it offered an update I liked. I haven't played since they introduced farming lol
@KeenFool 26 дней назад
@@gloriasdaughter940 Lol, it had been quite a while for me as well. This should add some replayabliity but it’s not all set yet. Still, some more to mess with!
@alonzomartinez749 28 дней назад
I’ve been to that first place multiple times and have never noticed or see the coins on the roof
@KeenFool 28 дней назад
@@alonzomartinez749 Glad it helped! Someone had to tell me about it as well…
@azhockeynut8297 29 дней назад
took me several play-thrus and a few hundred hours to realize this. Now my bigger problem is that I married early and diplomacy is low, Raising animals to sell to bump up my exp since I can't really flirt as a married man. :(
@KeenFool 28 дней назад
@@azhockeynut8297 I did the same thing! Then I went off and had a kid waaaaay too early and they had low stats…oops. Selling is a good way to raise the diplo…you can also slowly get there with quests…but it is slow…
@azhockeynut8297 28 дней назад
@@KeenFool have you ever looked into if there is a difference between the quick craft/quick build/ or not from an exp? So if I quick craft do I get all the exp I would get if it do not quick craft? Yeah selling takes forever!!! I am barely level 4 diplomacy in my current run, which sucks because I want to get 10's all across the board, which is now leading me to think since I married early should I put points in diplomacy knowledge to offset the pain and time it is taking to level that up?
@KeenFool 28 дней назад
@@azhockeynut8297 Alright, I did some testing and here’s what I found! Without fast crafting: 5XP per stone knife Technology was 0.6 per This was consistent for a stack of 5 and 10. With fast craft: One stone knife was 5XP and 0.6 technology. Stack of 5 and 10 were the same! Drone what I just found fast crafting had no impact at all! I did this testing on a game I started without fast crafting on and changed it in game.
@azhockeynut8297 27 дней назад
@@KeenFool so am I reading that this is a bug? or am I not following? I am curious if I make 5 or 10 knives one at a time do I get same exp and tech total as I do if I fast craft. I feel like yes they are the same but I never tested it.
@KeenFool 27 дней назад
@@azhockeynut8297 Yep! When I tested I got the exact same amount no matter how many I made! Good news…
@karrane879 29 дней назад
Interesting! Thanks Keen 😀
@zhilong Месяц назад
Thank you for the video, new to the game on console, I followed you guide and have only half the money. I noticed my ring was half the worth of the price, may be they patched something.
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@zhilong Glad you like the video and I hope you are enjoying the game! They did update some things and prices changed a lot. I am making a new video which will be up soon!
@bartosz8723 Месяц назад
Just pack your ore in wicker bin. Than grab your wicker bin to storage
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@bartosz8723 Lol, that is a great trick! I am trying not to use it just because it seems like cheating. Then again…why not?!
@shukthy Месяц назад
there was some bolts at 21:33 stuck to log. I wonder if you could have left the dropped meat in the chest that you looted to prevent rot.
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@shukthy That is a good call!
@shukthy Месяц назад
At 4:36 all the money making loop holes has been patched. so price of pike now is 54 which is close to the selling price of the 7 roasted fish. however if you spend few days exploring the entire map of abandoned houses, shacks, tents, barrels, sacks and cart you should be able to make 5-7k in gold.
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@shukthy So true, the Pike are now about 12 coin profit per pike (which is nothing in comparison) and perch are way lower. There are a lot of good POIs around and lots of coin to make!
@tedi9559 Месяц назад
is there no one who questions why it can't make a door? I also experienced it. but this video doesn't have any information
@KeenFool 23 дня назад
@@tedi9559 So true, doors are needed!
@absolutelynobodycares Месяц назад
Poi #1 ... THERE'S A CELLAR? I've logged 100+ hours and never knew
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@absolutelynobodycares Glad I could give you some insight! There is a simple large backpack (not in this video) that some one told me about under the walkway in the swamp where Elric is. Handy as well!
@dreadnought2024 Месяц назад
Ahh you did some Moose, kewl...
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@dreadnought2024 I think the Moose just pity me. 🤣
@dreadnought2024 Месяц назад
Holy Jesus! I watched the news IRL!! Please take me away!! This is sane compared to out there!! lol
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@dreadnought2024 Things are crazy…that is for sure!
@karrane879 Месяц назад
Hiya Keen!! 👋 I thought you did pretty well just using the spear on the boar and the moose! Better than I would of thought. Hope life is being good to you! See ya next time.
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@karrane879 Thank you! Keeping busy, but it is good. I hope all is good for you as well!!
@dreadnought2024 Месяц назад
Do you ever go see OHNO anymore?
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@dreadnought2024 ???
@dreadnought2024 Месяц назад
@@KeenFool That was supposed to be for karrane879. She used to be a fan of his.... OhnoCoho .. Good guy
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@dreadnought2024 My bad! I used to watch Oh No Coho as well, has he stopped making content?
@griffwise1606 Месяц назад
cheers bro wicked vid too
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@griffwise1606 Thank you!
@CalebHerford Месяц назад
For some reason everything is so much more expensive in my game than what your paying 🙃
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@CalebHerford I made this one before the recent update…costs have gone way up!!!
@CalebHerford Месяц назад
Regardless still a great start, great video!
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@CalebHerford Thank you!
@TeracomConsulting Месяц назад
Good info. Something that would be interesting to see... The impact of buffs, as far as how many swings it takes per node... That is what you care about, not that it is 30 or 40 damage... how many swings per node. ie: Iron Pickaxe Base 25 = 4 swings pe node 50% buff = 37 = 3 swings 100% = 50 = 2 swings 150% = 62 = 2 swings Meaning a 100% buff Gives the same mining benefit as 150% if using Iron tools. Bronze Pickaxe Base 20 = 5 swings per node 50% buff = 30 = 4 swings. 100% buff = 40 = 3 swings 150 buff = 50 = 2 swings Stone Base 15 = 7 swings 50% = 22 = 5 swings 100% = 30 = 4 swings 150% = 37 = 3 swings. Biggest Jump is saving 2 swings by using a pot of strength with stone tools. 1:56 in your video, you made 2 mistakes... 20+20 = 40, you put 50 and 20+ 30 = 50... you put 60.
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@TeracomConsulting Thank you for pointing that out and for the ideas! The concept of how many swings is helpful and straight to the point which is always good!
@griffwise1606 Месяц назад
too much maths, not enough fun >.<
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@griffwise1606 Lol, so true so true. Maybe some shortcut maths for the win!
@paulamotylinska9316 Месяц назад
I'm here first time and I have to admit....This is the most satisfying and usefull video I've seen about hunting in Medieval Dynasty! You sound confident about what You are talking about....Every information is going smoothly from one to another what makes it realy pleasurable to watch and listen....Thank You very much for this :) Greetings from Poland ^^
@KeenFool Месяц назад
@@paulamotylinska9316 Thank you and glad to have you here! Thank you as well for the feedback it is good to know I am doing this well, I have been working at this for a little bit! Some of my family, admittedly a few generations ago, are from Poland!