Reference Getter
Reference Getter
Reference Getter
Every Review/ Critique style video I do is better than IGN's, it's not a high bar but it's weird that it happens all the time.

@danberry20 2 дня назад
Very happy people are pointing this out about Gen 2. I've been replaying Gen 1 & 2 & after completing Blue & getting onto Silver, I did notice a massive change in unbalancing, specially with the level curve. Never noticed it that much as a kid but it's really stood out to me as of recent. Started to notice it when I got to the part with facing TR in the underground base thing. Facing level 18 Rattata's over & over when my team is mostly level 30+. It's just not fun & has no challenge. I guess it can benefit from getting into a habit with using weaker - lower levelled - Mons that have been recently caught in your team, to give some variety of growth & that. Which is what I ended up doing at that point. But the game just randomly throws higher levels at you & then have to revert back with the bulked team you've spent the whole game until that point working around. A lot of people who have these traditional play styles with these games will strongly dislike Gen 2 if they attempt to play the same way. Still had fun playing through it though. But yeah, I can see how we tend to let our nostalgia blind us from Gen 2's flaws.
@YujinH 6 дней назад
I mean 12 y/o me playing this game didn’t give a damn and enjoyed every bit of the 300+ hours I put in on my first run. Adult me can agree with you but that’s the beauty man, these games were never intended for adults with higher thinking
@adamchase9513 7 дней назад
I still think it's funny that people call you a contrarian for not liking hgss and pla even though you brought up legitimate reasons that I as a person who likes pla agree with. I can't really speak for hgss tho as I could never get into the game. The first 20 or so minutes or so was just non stop walking with there being only a single trainer battle. It was slower than usum imo
@josecardozo7766 7 дней назад
I mean trainers are pretty annoying.
@adamchase9513 7 дней назад
@@josecardozo7766 I play for the cool looking areas, pokemon and battling. When the only areas for 20 minutes there are generic kanto looking town 1, generic kanto looking town 2 and grasslands with only a single battle in between and no pokeballs given yet(could buy them but ik you get them later on and with the lack of trainers dont want to spend all the money i started with on something i'll get later on for free) I find it kinda boring
@jcjvcjc98 7 дней назад
I think he's still a contrarian. I dont think his reasoning is that strong. He is entitled to his lackluster opinions nonetheless.
@adamchase9513 7 дней назад
@@jcjvcjc98 How exactly is he a contrarian tho. He praised oras, platinum, bw and b2w2. All games that are commonly held in high regard by the fanbase. That's not contrarian behavior lol
@jcjvcjc98 6 дней назад
@@adamchase9513 BW isn't held in high regard, only BW2 is. ORAS is polarizing and not universally loved - frankly, most people prefer Emerald to ORAS, whereas pretty much nobody prefers GSC > HGSS. But more importantly, you can be a contrarian with regard to a particular matter without being a cotnrarian on EVERYTHING. Common sense, tbh.
@kimixlol 11 дней назад
So glad I found this video. I love USUM.
@miracilousmirica1994 15 дней назад
one obscure fact I know about this game is that if you release a Pokemon you obtain via password, they actually reappear back in the overworld for you to collect again! they aren't permanently gone, and you can collect them again :3 I love just running through the stages and seeing if I can find Legendaries, it's a shame my first file corrupted but I have a new file now which I completed yea I wish Shinies were in this game too, it'd make running through stages just that bit more exicting
@stinkystevesbiggestfan 16 дней назад
They really did NOT have to restrict players to such a small arena, I feel what made the Rumble series so unique was the fact you could explore a bit and collect more toy Pokemon to add to your team. U just streamlines the experience way too much, basically.
@stinkystevesbiggestfan 16 дней назад
I'm actually trying to get this game soon! I remember playing the Wiiware one's demo a ton on my old Wii, so thanks for showing how this one improves things
@joelgrebinsilvestri Месяц назад
If you are into Pokemon Games and u really want to play a brand new good and fresh game play Pokemon unbound, its a hackrom from third gen pokemon but a whole new story with lot of content and very difficult with a few game modes! its amazing and my fav hackrom game and it could be an original Nintendo pokemon game because its really well made
@bantyone5299 Месяц назад
Disliked. Critique was petty, sarcastic, and annoying.
@rpgfanatic9719 Месяц назад
23:20 what do you mean couldn't do if they tried? Pokemon mega evolve for free in mainline games, they don't rely on some moxie mechanic, unless you're talking about unreasonable passive stat boosts which there are in totem battles in mainline. PMD kids always have to rub dirt in the eye of the main series when talking about PMD, when PMD owes everything to main series. And with that being said, I'll attack PMD. PMD is a snore fest of a game with tons of broken mechanics that you've already mentioned. pray tell how in the world is PMD harder than main series in this particular case when you can floor wipe entire rooms from the first step? You already mentioned this and you contradict yourself and say Pokemon are harder to fight here. I hope you realize that main series has its own rogue lite in the form of battle tower and other facilities that puts you in a situation where you can't rely on forcing your way through items, especially wands that can stack in PMD. You have to rely on raw strategy dealing with completely random encounters. Also the models fit the environment, they are stylized with them, there's nothing wrong with the 3D models in Pokemon games, 2D sprites in GBA games are blurry.
@SuperVini310 Месяц назад
The fact that simply disagreeing with the popular opinion is enough for Pokémon fans to label someone as a contrarian shows that they see things in a very black nad white mindset. Like, have you considered that your favorite game/gameplay style does not work for everyone?
@Adragos17 Месяц назад
Really good quality video!❤ Thanks for sharing!
@Adragos17 Месяц назад
Also if you battle every trainer you meet the xp issue isn't that bit of a deal. I'd see it only being an issue if you skip trainer battles
@Adragos17 Месяц назад
Gen 5 had the absolute worst xp system barring black/white 2 in black tower or White forest
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
To the people saying he's wrong, how about actually giving reasons instead of calling him a contrarian or saying he just wants attention and didn't really play the game
@antoniogamboa8550 Месяц назад
All I heard is a bitch not even trying to be critical in a constructive aspect,glad I stopped watching the video, dislike established 👎🏽
@lukasboi8958 Месяц назад
Wow, impressive! A whole hour of bad takes!
@AsecasJavi Месяц назад
Nyeee it was a lie nyeheheheewe yeee Recency bias is not taking action anymore but now my personal bias is fully at play and only my bad taste is the criteria!
@timidArimations Месяц назад
With how much everyone else seemed to love PLA, I wanted to like it too. But it just felt meh. I enjoyed bits of it. But the parts I disliked (like the fucking nonsensical battle system), really weighed on me. And frankly, I didn't like the game enough to actually finish it. Now I kind of want to boot it back up to see how I feel after a bit of distance, but rn I'm too busy doing stuff in the Pokemon games I actively enjoy.
@robdogs4743 Месяц назад
I agree this game isn’t that great. Quite disappointed that Sinnoh was totally barren and the huge missed opportunity of the story. It’s just catching pokemon simulator which isn’t that interesting to me
@insanitysymphony9175 Месяц назад
you are not a clown you are the entire circus
@LabRatz-Ivor Месяц назад
@Kinsley_XD Месяц назад
Common video essay L
@Dopeguy420 Месяц назад
Seems like you sped through the game without ever trying to enjoy it.
@SpongebobLover38493 Месяц назад
Bro might be one of those special kids Maybe one of the kids the parents don't talk about The one that doctors told his parents "put it up for adoption" The one that's just retarted
@tylerwebb2495 Месяц назад
Dude cannot say anything good about this game, even in the section where he’s supposed to talk about what’s good. He’s a contrarian and he knows it, and can’t properly weigh pros and cons, and therefore can’t tell what a good game or bad game is to save his life
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
As someone who agreed with a lot of his points while personally enjoying the game, how about you give some reason as to why he's to wrong and start a meaningful discussion
@samuelgonzalez-tovar3936 Месяц назад
I remember in that water gym I was moving diagonally and I walked off and fell on a path that I hadn’t clicked the switch for yet
@hollowfox213 Месяц назад
I don't understand the numerous amounts of comments basically saying that you're completely wrong with this video. See, even if I enjoyed playing PLA in the moment, I can easily look back on my time with it and point out a plethora of flaws with the experience. Especially now, after being scorned by BDSP's very existence and seeing how disastrous SV were handled. GameFreak clearly treated PLA as a demo to see if fans would like this style of gameplay, but they didnt believe it would be successful to stand on its own and created BDSP as back-up in case it failed, and went on to make Gen 9 without even considering that they could learn something from PLA's potential success. They didnt want to put too many resources into it, which left it half-baked and unsatisfying to complete. SwSh and Legends Arceus might've been what made me more hesitant to buy Pokemon games, but watching Scarlet and Violet explode on impact was the last straw for me. I have no hope for Legends AZ or Gen 10, even with the extra year of development (which is probably more indicative of a new Switch series than Pokemon Company taking a year off to make quality games.)
@TofuEther64 Месяц назад
A 60$ demo is kinda crazy in hindsight lmfao. jokes aside i played this game digital launch and like those with standards i felt bored and a bit overstimulated, i played digimon cyber slueth last month and enjoyed it as i saw many similarities to the battle system in this game when in the context of a 1 v 1 instead of cyber slueths typical 3 v 3 and Cyber Slueth did it way better im ngl
@yellothekunt6826 Месяц назад
Ohey, someone who isn't blinded by nostalgia
@kellytat2190 Месяц назад
Bro ain't cooking shit
@AlRa-fm1kq Месяц назад
how i feel about this game lack of content killed this game lack of a full dex killed this game
@SonplaysMinEcraft Месяц назад
so you're telling me game freak sacrificed the sinnoh "remakes" for a mid open world tech demo?
@HowManySmall Месяц назад
not really they tried somethign new and this guy has some hyper turbo autism and doesn't like different things
@user-vz1mm3rh8w Месяц назад
Imagine being this salty lmao
@sansayabima Месяц назад
PLA gimmick of "Pokemon can attack you" is more than enough twist to thrill the fanbase who has been served the same repetitive formula in the main line series for decades. This is probably the main reason why PLA is universally liked, and rightfully so, because it was a whole different experience and people needed that, additionally BD/SP being underwhelming remakes of D/P may also contribute to the success of PLA, naturally people would compared them and found PLA is superior. (This comment is made before watching the video)
@The_EXolatl_is_Thou Месяц назад
Good video, I noticed a lot of these problem during my replay of the game. I got this game after SV because I heard it was good and I wanted to get all of the forms for use in SV. Everyone was praising this game and shunned SV, saying that it should have been another legends game instead. The game is a good idea but I felt empty playing after playing too long. It was weird because for a game that's prime focus is completing the Pokedex, I'd thought I wouldn't be able to put this game down. But when playing, it got so tedious I would stop playing and playing something else. This didn't happen with SV, and this is with trade evos, weird requirement evos, traditional battling, and version exclusives. I think SV's Pokedex following the the tradition of make the dex optional is better then making it the central thing. Because the Pokedex is for optional completion, if the player enjoys the game and wants to see everything, they'll work on the dex. But make it mandatory make it feel like it weighs the player down...because it does. I respect the game for being different but the changes aren't all for the better. Like, I play this game now for the purpose of getting Pokemon into SV. (Because you can battle online.) Here's hoping Legends Z-A improves on this. TLDR: The Pokedex being the main focus of this game was handled poorly. Hoping Legends Z-A improves.
@Zelysees Месяц назад
Love it when a game is so broke for content they just say “here are literal checklists of busywork complete.” That’s… not good game design it’s an assignment.
@BlueBlaze99 6 дней назад
I've often said the same thing about achievements and trophies for Xbox, PS, and PC games these days.
@blahblah8471 Месяц назад
Do not let him cook
@haze598 Месяц назад
hes spitting facts
@levijiles2473 Месяц назад
The only thing I hate about PLA is battling volo because the first time I did it it took me 8 or 9 tries to win however after I started the game over i was able to beat him twice in a row and even after all that i love PLA
@Jason-bd5iq Месяц назад
Never knew heatran was in legends
@Poyo005 Месяц назад
Does anyone get the reference?
@thiccboi8225 Месяц назад
Out of all the games that have come out in the past 7 years, PLA is definitely the most fun imo
@yellothekunt6826 Месяц назад
That dosen't mean shit considering the last games were geniunely awful. Not mid, actual dogwater.
@thiccboi8225 Месяц назад
@yellothekunt6826 very true. But I don't think any pokemon games are objectively "good". Red & Blue, maybe gold & silver were good for their time, but other than that they are all pretty mid imo. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy them
@chrishijinx2931 Месяц назад
What is it with this trend to hate on stuff that's popular? PLA is a great game, and no desire to be edgy for views is going to change that.
@Sexuultyrannasaurus Месяц назад
Or y'know, people could actually have a different opinion than you. I don't care for this game and it felt like a big let down for me. It has nothing with wanting to be different or "edgy", sometimes people just think the thing you think is good is bad. It doesn't have to be clout farming.
@Chdonga Месяц назад
Unfortunately whining about Pokemon games has become an easy method of farming for engagement. They're probably banking on people like us to call them out because arguing and disagreeing with them still gives them engagement causing them to appear in other peoples' algorithms. And I looked through this guy's past videos and found that he thinks HGSS wasn't good and that USUM is the best one in the series, so he's clearly just saying whatever he thinks will upset people and get him views and interactions. Do yourself a favor and click "Do Not Recommend this channel" if you see any more of his vids pop up. Lmfao
@The_EXolatl_is_Thou Месяц назад
My guy, did you watch the video? He has reasons for not liking the game.
@haze598 Месяц назад
i play pokemon games since 2012 and i play them hardcore. Like breeding for shiny perfect iv pokemon hardcore. Sometimes takes months to get one. And PLA has literally nothing that a long time pokemon fan likes. No breeding, no pvp, in game battles are horrible, very small amount of pokemon available. Looks really bad too. I have 2.8k hours on violet, so i know what bad looking game looks like.
@chrishijinx2931 Месяц назад
@haze598 yeah that's why it's called a spin off. A bad game is not defined in a dictionary for not meeting your criteria. You are not an authority.
@stephvondames6369 Месяц назад
I have no bias this game is 50/50
@Megaman.ExE7 Месяц назад
I really love your videos. I really do man; easily the most underrated Poketuber out there
@ASwagPecan Месяц назад
spicy take
@haruhirogrimgar6047 Месяц назад
Any criticism of Pokemon is considered a spicy take by the majority of people. Fans even defend the performance of Sca/Vio by talking about scale and how old the Switch is. Ignoring SMT 5 on the same console.
@AsecasJavi Месяц назад
@@haruhirogrimgar6047 fair. We should be more precise. This take is crap
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
Ya I agree with u about the battle system it was annoying as hell. Most of the fun I had was outside battle just 1v1 ing pokemon or sneaking and catching
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
About what you said with not being able to capture a mon if angered, a lot of them can be stunned by throwing items like mudballs at them, giving you a chance to catch them
@AsecasJavi Месяц назад
That would require actually playing and not sucking at everything the game asks you for
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
@@AsecasJavi I don't blame him for not knowing, the game doesn't really make it clear to you that you're able to do that. In the item description it says you can stun pokemon with it but then in battle a provoked pokemon has that big X symbol at the top which kinda discourages you from using items on it. Combine with the fact that this doesn't work for A LOT of pokemon in game and it's no wonder he didn't know you could do this. He probs tried it out on one of the pokemon that it doesn't work on, saw that it didn't work and assumed that was how it was for every pokemon which again I wouldn't blame him if that was the case. Hell, I only found out about it by accident, I was trying to send out a pokemon and threw the mudball instead and saw it stunned the opposing pokemon, I then later found out that this doesn't work for all pokemon
@AsecasJavi Месяц назад
@@adamchase9513 the game does teach you by item descriptions.
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
@@AsecasJavi Did you not read what I said. I said that while item descriptions do tell you the giant X on top of provoked mons discourages you from using items, combine that with the fact it doesn't tell you it works on provoked mons(most items don't work on provoked mons such as berries) and the fact that it doesn't work on a lot of mons it makes sense how he didn't know
@AsecasJavi Месяц назад
@@adamchase9513 the x is only telling you the catch rate. The game tells you that. Try anything else. You didn't? Your fault.
@adamchase9513 Месяц назад
First view and first comment, love ur vids bro
@samuelgonzalez-tovar3936 Месяц назад
I bought the 3dsXL for this game
@asdfg3046 Месяц назад
Pretty sure crit nerfs were brought in gen 5?