Xargun's Channel
Xargun's Channel
Xargun's Channel
This channel will be dedicated to all my gaming videos.
Session 75: The Frozen Terror Falls !!
4 часа назад
Session 74: The Littlest Giant !!
12 часов назад
Session 73: Overcoming Giants !!
19 часов назад
Session 72: The Queen's Stronghold !!
День назад
@Rayrard День назад
5000 Chinese AV at the two Kienko hexes! Unfortunately they can't do anything versus the 3000 Japanese AV. I don't know how they held for so long when their supply was in the red for months now and they've been bombarded every turn. How are they getting supplies?
@chrissobiech2677 День назад
its a never fixed bug of fighters v attack bombers like the Michells or later Marauders etc. They (Fighters) make always frontal attack and fly directly into the defense fire of all the forward cannons of the attack bombers, that can be 6 or more 0.50 cal and/or cannons. Nothing you can do here.
@operationpig 2 дня назад
I think his supply produced in China and the supply he is flying is just enough to supply the troops to negate the supply lost in bombardment.
@Rayrard 2 дня назад
What's the situation in China? I am shocked those units which were in the red months ago are still holding their AV and supply with constant bombardment. Where are you getting supply from?
@lituruRp 6 дней назад
what game is this?
@JulienS287 6 дней назад
war in the pacific admiral edition
@QWERTY-zq3bq 7 дней назад
What game is this?
@semyongelfenbein902 10 дней назад
Are you expand your Heavy industry? And this you unit New Guinea will retreat unless you captured all alied hex in this island.
@XargunAE 8 дней назад
I rarely expand HI and with this Mod I believe I start with more than normal. Plus I am having trouble supplying enough resources to the HI I have let alone more.
@chrissobiech2677 10 дней назад
Tojos are not better armed as Oscars, will perform same. In fact the first real worthy IJA Fighter is the Frank. Until than you may stay with Oscar Models and build more. They have the best overall rating. The other Fighters have also only MG, no armor and/or shorter range.
@XargunAE 8 дней назад
Tojos are in fact bettered armed than Oscars. Oscars have 2 12.7mm MGs and Tojos have 4 of them - so technically twice the firepower. Also Tojos get armor as well as better climb and durability. Range is the same. Maneuver is much lower but by end of 42 Maneuvers matters very little as must air action is zoom and boom. The Tojos make a good step between the oscar and the Frank.. I usually keep the Tojo in production the entire war as they are SR 1 and the Franks are at best 3. Franks for the real fighting (exp pilots) and the Tojos for massed fighters.
@chrissobiech2677 8 дней назад
@@XargunAE do you have modded Tojos?Since they have only 2 12.7 and 2 7.7. So not better as the 7.7 mostly usless. Also the first Tojo with armor is 3/44 IIc and you get Oscar IIb 5/43, also a year earlier (and you can research Oscars faster). Tojo Range is lower so they only usefull as CAP Fighters and Sweep>CAP. The Point is you can build really many Oscars (and research better ones) while researching for Franks and switch than completly. Excep as said you have modded Tojos.
@chrissobiech2677 13 дней назад
Hmm, i think you have often Play Japan? Why you keep using DMS for Minesweeping? Later after conversion they will be your best ASW Ships and you already lost 2 for Minesweeping, a Job that the AMc that total wortless, you have dozends and that dont have any other use can do with exact same efficiency? And speaking off this, dont forget to send 1 or 2 AMc to every important Port for minesweeps in case Asurob starts using his mostly usless Mark 14 subs to Mine you important Ports.
@thelodrik2182 12 дней назад
Keep in mind this is RA mod and Japan has different ships. DMS are ok for ASW but the debuff in 1942 is for every ship. Better use air ASW in 1942 and once ships have type 2 ASW go for the hunt.
@chrissobiech2677 12 дней назад
@@thelodrik2182 yes i mean DMS converting to ASW as Convoy Escorts after refit, not Subhunter. They really good at it with many good deepcharges and good endurance. The Point is that they total wasted as Minesweepeer, AMc do it better and faster ( since more) for free. So he lost already 2.
@XargunAE 8 дней назад
I have exclusively played japan since the original game came out a lot time ago. I have always used DMS to clear minefields as AMcs are usually very slow and not great range.. I use them once I have cleared the port to keep it clean from sub and air dropped mines. I have never had this much bad luck against enemy mines. Just random luck I guess.
@chrissobiech2677 8 дней назад
@@XargunAE true with speed and range however you have weeks and months to bring them near the important ports and need them here later anyway.
@Rayrard 13 дней назад
This is where the game has gotten where he just needs to park in the area where you have to send convoys. The only way to end it is to put pressure in a different spot on the map so divert his fleets. If not he is going to target the convoys. I don't know if you are just turtling up until the 1943 influx of tons of material, but Australia won't survive that long without supply/fuel. Maybe you are trying to get him to take Australia so you get a mass spawning of free units outside Australia, and you will take the war to India and the central Pacific? Or maybe you ended the game as too far gone?
@XargunAE 8 дней назад
I am not turtling up til 43 -- far to boring... If he moves south of Brisbane I get a whole bunch of reinforcements. I also have more troops in OZ than I did in NZ as well as tanks. I am making a few tentative offensive moves and seeing what my prospects are. The USN is gathering once more for a push at an unknown target. Got plenty of Army / Marine units to use.
@chrissobiech2677 13 дней назад
for the interceptions, i guess Lodrick knows the routes AI plots for TF´s from lets say Melbourn to whatever, they stay always same, and so he runs his TF´s just along them and if you TF actually moves here........ Alos for the Subs at US Coast, you have many 4E Bomber Units restricted to USA, put them on ASW Patrols on the entire Coast (Same trick as Japan with IJA Med Bomber Units as Subhunters with actual Bombs).
@stevejones5824 13 дней назад
Historically, IJN Sub doctrine was to target warships - part of the overall 'Decisive Battle" strategy. Not sure if this is what's coded into the game. I would have liked to see an game option to turn this on/off (just like the USN subs have for the reliable torpedoes).
@chrissobiech2677 14 дней назад
You expect Kates to hit ships with Bombs from 15k? 10k or lower
@chrissobiech2677 14 дней назад
night air naval attacks? is that even possible? dont think game allows it?
@XargunAE 8 дней назад
It is definitely allowed and I have had it happen a few times... Best are night strikes by high exp Nells/Betties against allied CV TFs... I have had a handful of strikes but never a hit... yet... But it does remind your opponent that they are not invincable even if they control the day skies. Never tried night time Kamakaze strikes though.
@Rayrard 15 дней назад
I know these are slow, but an after-action every 5 turns or something would be nice to see what you are planning and what the losses are.
@isimiel3405 16 дней назад
comments for the algorithm!!!!
@JulienS287 16 дней назад
it will be nice to have each month a review of the last month's losses and top pilots with maybe a hint of what you project to do in the next month
@kristelvidhi5038 16 дней назад
Ironicly, Germany was the Anglo/American's biggest threat. But their worst defeats came from Japan.
@invikari 18 дней назад
what game is this? wish the uploaded provided more information and context on this video..
@AdrianDeer 14 дней назад
Game is: War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition They use the mod: Reluctant Admiral Mod v8.1 Appearently it is some fancier version of Axis and Allies 1940
@invikari 14 дней назад
Thank you very much kind sir!
@isimiel3405 19 дней назад
@operationpig 19 дней назад
Got all the convoys in just before the door shut by the looks of things
@XargunAE 19 дней назад
Not all - but all the troops definitely.
@Luke_the_Luk 19 дней назад
Whats this game called???
@Rayrard 21 день назад
This aint Lodrick unless you made a hell of a comeback
@semyongelfenbein902 21 день назад
Wrong video?)
@chrissobiech2677 24 дня назад
The Captain of the DD Yosuki next to PH has probably medicore naval skills and low aggression with his inability to find this sub in shallow water
@semyongelfenbein902 25 дней назад
Only production of oil and resources stopped, if enemy troops in the same hex. Light industry, refinery and heavy industry still working even with enemy troops in the same hex. So you still have this 20 supply per day in Hankow)
@Rayrard 25 дней назад
Wow, i bet he didnt think Rangoon would flip behind the lines. How does that happen given the Japanese have no land forces closer than the Allies at Pegu?
@Rayrard 26 дней назад
His pilots are better so he is more likely to fly, and your AA unit is likely too low on supply to fire.
@semyongelfenbein902 26 дней назад
Are you sure that you need so many zeros and oscars? You have enough navy pilots in this mod for so many zeros?
@chrissobiech2677 26 дней назад
I guess your Squadron Commanders have still low exp for the Weather Check, so they often dont fly if bad weather?
@semyongelfenbein902 28 дней назад
Maybe, because your divisions don't have or have little forts there, they take more loses, so you need wait little bit longer, before your divisions entrenchment more.
@fredsanford5954 28 дней назад
Why don't you give the NZ division a good commander? The guy you have is a shmuck and too low of a rank.
@semyongelfenbein902 29 дней назад
Why priority for illustrious normal? High priority don't change anything?
@XargunAE 29 дней назад
it only saves a few days in that dinky little port. By the time the Illustrious is repair I will have to withdraw it... So I just want to repair it enough to sail to Melbourne so I can withdraw it
@stevejones5824 29 дней назад
Just caught up on the last half dozen turns or so. Holding Lashio for a month was a success - you closed the Burma Road and denied China those 500 daily supply.
@JulienS287 Месяц назад
you should replace your oscar I-b and nate with oscar I-c they have a way better armements and will destroy aircraft instead of just damaging them
@XargunAE 29 дней назад
I am working on it :D
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
@semyongelfenbein902 Месяц назад
Don't try to kill sub north of Rabaul with yours ASW ships, because it deep waters. Only ASW planes can kill this sub there.
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
Try Shadow Empire
@fredsanford5954 Месяц назад
FYI, the title photo is the later Essex class Wasp (CV-18). You just got CV-7, its predecessor.
@HessitheOriginal Месяц назад
Considering your transport planes have to fly partly over the Himalaya, it is not unrealistic that you loose quite a few on that route, still any ton of supply you can get into china is valuable.
@XargunAE 29 дней назад
I agree but I am mostly upset at the low replacement rate. Overall I think I'm breaking even but I need to be increasing my transport planes.
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
wake up babe the new Xargun vid just dropped
@paulwarner8288 Месяц назад
Is he blockading both coasts of oz?
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
comment for the comment gods
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
comments for the algorithm !!!
@semyongelfenbein902 Месяц назад
How much fuel left in Australia?
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
I bet Valis has a big PP
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
you need to work on your BANZAI sir
@semyongelfenbein902 Месяц назад
Your China campaign looks good compared to Hellsen game, expect beaten division near Ichang.
@paulwarner8288 Месяц назад
I experienced that s a lot va ai don't feel bad
@isimiel3405 Месяц назад
have some cummies for the algorithm big daddy