Feeble King
Feeble King
Feeble King
I love analyzing my favorite art and turning these thoughts into video essays. My favorite things are Fromsoft games, Anime, and Seinen Manga like Berserk or Vinland Saga. It will take me many years to make good videos on all of the things that I love, and I hope that you'll be there with me to see it through.
Starfield Critique - A Galactic Disappointment
9 месяцев назад
Dark Souls 3 is BETTER at LEVEL 1!
Год назад
Elden Ring is TOO HARD
2 года назад
@KingYoshiSurfer 27 минут назад
“While the DLC is always hitting the highest note” 20:55 Not sure how to explain this but… the base game you start with a new character and work your way up. The DLC you start end game, not really sure what progressive boss system you was looking for there.
@wwld9823 Час назад
when the dlc gave me a huge shield with more stability than the fingerprint shield right before the radahn fight I understood the message and walked in with it, beat him on my second try and honestly the boss sucks balls, he just wails on you like a lunatic and lets you poke him once or twice after he's doing channelin his inner naruto from software has really just lost it in terms of boss design, I will play demon's souls again to rinse the bitter taste I have from this shit
@plumella Час назад
your points are completely valid and i agree with most of them. But I still had fun finding new weapons and exploring the land etc etc
@plumella Час назад
also, i agree with the empty areas, especially the woods. I don't understand how they can take away torrent and then not add anything interesting. (
@plumella Час назад
i understand hating repeat bosses and reskinned normal bosses with a tiny buffs. but the npc bosses were cool it was a neat thing to stumble upon because you always knew you would get new armor and weapons.
@plumella 2 часа назад
elden beast is so overhated man
@plumella 2 часа назад
i dont think adding more bars and meters would solve the problem. ngl there's nothing wrong with the trial and error method of elden ring. You eventually do beat it its just how it goes. You learn the openings etc.
@ubertuber3d 5 часов назад
You call the DLC lazy a lot but honestly it just feels more like a product of bad direction. Trying to make another big open world was clearly more than what they were capable of doing in two years' time.
@donpizzaplays8529 6 часов назад
Awesome analysis man, and well explained. I was also rooting for Askelad at first until by the end I was actually liking Askelad more than Thorfinn.
@plumella 6 часов назад
i havent used summons until the dlc. lmao ppl just suck
@ethanpederson 8 часов назад
I just wanted to leave a quick appreciation comment for all the hollow knight music! I feel like most people won't recognize it, but I'm glad you put it in!
@nayreel3529 9 часов назад
simple trick for bayle: don't use lock-on! the fight was super fun that way
@papolospablos 9 часов назад
The mechanics are delivered in much the same way as the lore. You have to work for everything in these games including knowledge. Your over-tutorialising suggestions and overwhelming UI changes are what From would consider spoon-feeding the player.
@sheilapotter7429 9 часов назад
When you talk about we're done and how boring is the run to do you realize you can use your horse
@odin-force1252 10 часов назад
new dislike farm method
@jazon1407 10 часов назад
Hey just wanted to let you know to keep doing challenge videos and let go the critique ones since you are one hell of dumbass (: Also if it wasn't clear, I do not respect your opinion , g'day
@healingchurchpotluck5352 11 часов назад
@braedencampbell9407 12 часов назад
“Easiest bosses of the series” *demon souls starts blushing* -> “realllyyyyy🥰?”
@Drfishakins 12 часов назад
Great review. Pay no attention to the salty soy boys who can’t accept anyone having a different opinion to them. They’re just as bad as the Disney Star Wars shrills. 😅
@Calz3n 13 часов назад
3:06 just use an allheal potion, it restores your max HP. Just playing through the game through the storyline, I have 24 wakestones, never felt the need to use em. Also, you can always run away from a battle if you haven’t got good.
@reyvynnightveil1706 13 часов назад
I absolutely love Elden Ring. That said, as a game developer with 12 years in the industry, I have some gripes with it. There are just some things that seem to be out of sync with the overall design that stand out, and one of those things is boss designs. It feels like many bosses' combos are just too long and they lack shorter attack combos or single attacks. Kind of like a boxer that never jabs or sneaks in a cross or uppercut. One exception I can think of off the top of my head is Bell Bearing Hunter with his quick shield slam/bash... However, that guy suffers from a different issue: disregarding the established rules of the setting. In particular, the sheer volume of his attacks that go through walls/barriers. Both of these design decisions do the same thing in different ways: extending the encounter for game pacing. However, you can almost *feel* when a character was handed off to someone with a different style. It's not all bad, just jarring.
@SetabRP 14 часов назад
All i know is, im just glad i had a MUCH different experience than you.
@Vagabond_7. 15 часов назад
This "critique" is so misleading its crazy. I do agree with some of his takes but he is most definitely purposely leaving out details to make the dlc seem worse. It seems like he just completely forgot about anything that isnt a cookbook, boss, or dungeon. The dlc is full of new spells with 14 new sorcerys and 28 new incantations aswell as unique forms of damage such as the new throwable weapons, or the dryleaf arts which allow you to use your fists and legs to fight. Not to mention the variety of tailsmens with cool effects that you find scattered around the map. He also seemed to just completely overlook the vast amount of new weapons acting like they didnt exist and purposely leaving them out to make people who havent played the dlc think its horrible and bland. He also didnt mention the multiple intriguing storylines with very good rewards. This video is 90% opinion and 10% fact. This is not a valid critique and is made to make the game look bad by only mentioning its bad parts which are the exploration and bosses. A critique about a game should have alot of the game in it not 30% of the game. Its kinda funny how he talked about messmer very lightly while hating on bayle heavily or you know just straight up not mentioning romina saint of the bud. He made this reveiw on his own opinion and purposely left out/watered down the good parts of the game like messmers fight which is arguably the best fight in the dlc. If you got to the end of this rant thank you and have a nice rest of your day.
@Drfishakins 12 часов назад
It’s his opinion. Take it or leave it.
@LordTactusMe 15 часов назад
Yeah, I don't think stance break is the intended "fun" way to fight the bosses. Is it effective? Yes? Is it fun? Also yes. But the fact that some weapons, like greatswords and colossal weapons, are naturally better at breaking enemy stance kinda ruins that theory. Elden Ring is a game with extreme build variety and a lot of weapons were obviously designed to be used in other ways. So, erm, the fact that there is a fun way to fight bosses with enough practice, does not mean that they were designed in a good way, as the majority of the players won't grasp that and instead opt for summons or bruteforce builds, while finding the overall experience underwhelming. I'm about to start the DLC and I guess you were somewhat disillusioned with it, but I'll watch your vid on it after actually completing the DLC myself.
@voterfraud4creepyjoe60 15 часов назад
“But it gets better after 400 hours!” (When you are unable to refund)
@DarkMarkGaming94 16 часов назад
You can lock on and shoot the sword during the Logarius fight instead of running up to it to smack it. Saves time and makes that attack slightly less annoying.
@feebleking21 15 часов назад
Good idea
@axel9473 16 часов назад
Now fight that hunter at the end of the crow questline😂
@LivinInLuxury 17 часов назад
Agree on every point except that the DLC music is better than base game. I was underwhelmed.
@TheJimmyPops 18 часов назад
I’m one of the few who’s only experience is SOTFS. I bought the Trilogy for Xbox One so SOTFS is all I know. It’s…it is weird. The difficulty spikes felt massively out of place compared to the sensible ramp up of Dark Souls 1; Heidi’s Tower, Iron Keep, Shrine of Amana, etc. Even Black Gulch was a bear if you didn’t slow down and tackle the poison statues. But, I’m not having a bad time with it because: 1. Craftsman’s Hammer. That thing is absurdly strong. It just cleans up most enemies. I whooped the Ruin Sentinels, and some other bosses that historically gave people trouble. 2. Greatshield. I can’t explain why, but parrying felt more useless in DS2. I picked up a Twin Dragon Greatshield and got infinitely more utility out of having attacks just bounce off; made the gank squads much more manageable. To that end, felt like SOTFS didn’t allow for ANY play-style like DS1 did. Looking back, not sure how I’d have gotten through some areas without a greatshield.
@SoulsDudeig 19 часов назад
When talking about the 'dark worlds' i think DS2 does so good on that type of thing its just i wish there was more than just a small area and boss. Also, hot take: DS2 in some places are just as good as DS1 AND DS3
@Optimus6128 20 часов назад
FromSoft games used to be more about atmosphere/world design/exploration. I mean there is a bit of exploration in Elden Ring. But since DS1 the thing that kept me in the game was that. If it was only bosses and difficulty I wouldn't have played it. And by today's standard when I realize how fast everything moves since BloodBorne, I can't enjoy it as much and I go back replaying DS1 and 2. There was some deliberate movement, strategy and planning in it's combat and something special with these old janky by today's standards worlds. It almost makes me go back, change genre and play King's Field instead.
@BlueBird-ql1hn 22 часа назад
What a feeble cursed one
@morgen3369 День назад
My real question is why are you using that shitty sword and shitty armor? Do you like to hurt yourself? They don't even seem upgraded. Funny thing is, i've never really struggled with scholar and I like the game, but that may be linked with the fact that my playthrough were done with a colossal sword, which makes a lot of enemies significantly easier since you can aggro them and then two shot them all at the same time. So a lot of balancing issue kinda go over my head, but it's cool to see a video explaining correctly what's so different about the two, and I do agree that a lot of choices in scholar seem very weird.
@Whistler112 День назад
Nope, scholar of the first sin made a terrible game even worse.
@alphaomega4955 День назад
I feel like the fact that you dont know how to play and have a poor understanding of the game, really hurts your credibility lol
@Stanzbey69 День назад
Your content is disappointing and mediocre.
@brokenportals День назад
This dlc would of been 10/10 if it had more Iron Keeps and more Blue Smelter Demons.
@lokijam День назад
comparing DD2 to Elden Ring is blasphemous. there’s no way the developers actually played this game, unless they work for Satan.
@NymphieJP День назад
You'd have it be harder with options to make it easier vs easier and options to make it harder? Legit sounds like gate keeping that ngl. You literally just made a level 1 which is an easier game with a harder option lol
@jiinxxypoo День назад
keep crying waaaaaaaaa
@draugnaustaunikunhymnphoo6978 День назад
I usually hit trade bosses and get frustrated if I do more than 3 attempts. Going in over-levelled expecting to trade hits. With 9 flasks, I use 4 and pass 50% boss health, I know I'm doing good. If I use 5 at 50%, I understand to be careful. With 3, I'm probably gonna lose, and that's fine. I can't deny, one of my favorite times when fighting a boss was when I spent about 12 attempts (a lot for me) on a single boss. It had about 25% left, I had no healing. Usually, I admit I'm going to lose. But with the 12 attempts I already did, I played safe and defensively. It took a few minutes while in range of getting one-shot by anything. Very tense. I ended up winning. So rewarding. I enjoy learning bosses and beating them through skill, I just don't enjoy it when that's the process for every boss, so I tend to scum through the game. Dual-wield swords, jumping with bleed.
@RiderZer0 День назад
Man I actually agree with you on some points. The exploration is such a step down from the base game. Base game exploration always felt dense and rewarding. The dlc while gorgeous artistically, has so much open land with no grace or rewards. Cliffs built up that lead to nothing. I just kept asking myself “why go through the work of putting this path/cliff in the game and it leading to nothing 90% of the time. No cave? No catacomb? Not even an item?” Base game you can look at the map and see a lack of catacombs or sites of grace and say “I need to go there” and you will likely find something. For the size of the dlc, the vast majority of the rewards feel like cookbooks and smithing stones. It’s not very exciting. But the bosses…. The bosses are so good
@alexgoncharov6430 День назад
Yeah, a lot of things you find in Elden ring are not directly useful items for your current build. But you still get a unique item with unique properties that you can try out for fun or use in one your future playthroughs. And even if it’s a reskinned boss, a lot of the times there is at least some variation to that boss fight, it’s rare in Elden ring that you get to fight the exact same boss under the exact same conditions you fought it before, so at least it’s somewhat of a new experience. Compare to Breath of the wild for example, where you don’t get unique bosses or unique rewards at all (outside of 4 divine beasts bosses). And that game got praised as 10/10, which I still don’t understand.
@robotpanda77 День назад
Take a stand man. You cant say the gameplay is amazing and the game is good maybe great but then also talk trash about it. Its either good or its bad. No writer is both. They are one or the other.
@ODoyle261 День назад
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yours just happens to be wrong. lmfao What a hot take, my guy. Literally one of the best DLCs to have ever dropped, that might as well be a whole second Elden Ring game instead of an expansion.
@Lusentis День назад
Aside from the terrible bosses and empty world, the world design itself is just complete nonsense, I have never been more lost in a video game just so casuals can say "it's good because it's long though, $40 is such a fair price tag!"
@Tubiega07 День назад
What a shit game. I hate RU-vidrs saying this is a life changing game. I share all your thoughts on this awful boring game
@verragrey333 День назад
None of this feels very well thought out this seems like an angry rant to some degree
@Savon_the_gallent_knight День назад
awwwwww is the dlc is too hard for you. you poor thing