Jenda NYC
Jenda NYC
Jenda NYC
What exactly is this "Do Better Today" deal? What is your LIFE purpose? What makes you bounce out of bed in the morning, even after only 3 hour's sleep? And what is with this fiery NYC sunrise and this flying thingy? They are all signs. So ask life the "right questions," and the Universe will give you the right answers. Improve, however little, by taking real action, however small, NOW. Stay positive, realistic, know your limitations, but don't beat yourself up. You are human, and not alone. Tomorrow is always another day. Wake up grateful, and list every thing that is righteous about life before bed. Time is worth more than money but make money so you can enjoy most of your time. Your Mom and Pop will never try to intentionally steer you wrong. The seven deadly sins are real, so GET OFF social media, stop wasting time, get out and about, EAT LESS, don't take short cuts, take your vitamins, say your prayers, hug your Mom and Pop, and don't be a jerk. DO BETTER TODAY!
@johnlennon1049 2 дня назад
Gio is a real man! Knew his dad when he first opened that store right down the block from where I lived.
@michaelgwaltney2939 3 дня назад
Are you sure you couldn’t walk any faster?
@WabbitWay 2 дня назад
@James-hi5ji 3 дня назад
Charlie Brown was a B-17 pilot. His story was told by Adam Makos in the excellent book “A Higher Call.” He died in 2008.
@nateh477 5 дней назад
Best video to date. Too bad the rest of the channel is terrible. They need to throw these videos in the trash
@rdmountford3132 6 дней назад
Far too rushed...you didn't stop on anything
@CollectRussia 10 дней назад
Jenda, thanks for another fascinating episode! The idiocy of people who are put in charge is just beyond belief sometimes.
@fernanachristo2306 14 дней назад
What a sword! Really nice video
@fernanachristo2306 Месяц назад
The musicians are outstanding!
@fernanachristo2306 Месяц назад
Very col episode!
@nateh477 Месяц назад
It’s pretty good
@nateh477 Месяц назад
@WabbitWay Месяц назад
Try cleaning your monitor
@newyork-ze7vj Месяц назад
Excellent !!! ❤❤❤
@newyork-ze7vj Месяц назад
@CollectRussia Месяц назад
This is fascinating episode! Suuch rich culture! Enjoyed the drummers!
@fernanachristo2306 Месяц назад
Now I want me some Luigi's Piizza!, and I i don't even eat pizza!
@nateh477 Месяц назад
So bad my phone crashed after 20 seconds
@WabbitWay Месяц назад