Answering Adventism
Answering Adventism
Answering Adventism
Started by a third-generation, former Seventh-Day Adventist, we’ve grown into a vibrant, gospel-oriented, apologetics organization that is clarifying the divide between Adventism and historic, biblical Christianity. Our mission is to demystify Adventism-unpacking its doctrines, unraveling its history, and underscoring it’s leadership through the prism of biblical Christianity. We equip Christians with knowledge and reach Adventists with the true Christ and His gospel-elevating His sovereign grace and freedom to save for His own eternal glory. Soli Deo Gloria!
Is Food A SALVATION Issue?
Месяц назад
@robertbaker231 41 минуту назад
Jude 5 but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally.aa brute beasts in thise things they corrupt themselves.jude 16 these are murmerers,complainers,walking after their own lusts,and their mouth speaking great swelling words having mens persons in admiration because of advantage .this text described myles to rhe t
@coachdanferreira 29 минут назад
You have zero arguments, only attack people personally. Your terrible attitude actually reflects the way the SDA organisation works since its beginning, smearing the character of those with whom it disagrees with, bearing false witness and lying. It is just sad. Instead of just bearing false witness like you always do in the comment sections, I suggest you actually form coherent arguments using scripture and explain what the scripture actually says in context.
@robertbaker231 25 минут назад
@@coachdanferreira truth hurts but the sda is gods church and I'm not trying to prove it to you or anyone you all are of the devil with your leader smyles
@robertbaker231 24 минуты назад
@@coachdanferreira as usual no Bible to back up your claims
@freundhein404 Час назад
This is such a typical boomer claim.
@umabrijmohun6720 Час назад
Jesus their leader washed the feet of the disciples so the pastor or the elder must follow His example and wash all the feet of the men - no footwashing for the women
@umabrijmohun6720 Час назад
Once again Myles you proved EGW was not just the lesser light but a dim light and Christians beware
@skypegeneric6338 3 часа назад
again i say.. you are as subtle as the angel from the bottomless pit... dont you know that judas walked with GOD -in the flesh- for over 3 years and went back to this wallow?... do you suppose he had ANYTHING good to say about the Perfect and Lovely JESUS? those commenting positively here are being sealed in their rebellion.. it's as simple as that and it MUST happen, how then would the goats be separated from the sheep? even so, i am requesting a LIVE audience -there may be ONE soul here who has made a genuine mistake.. may GOD have mercy on their souls by giving them time to repent
@freundhein404 3 часа назад
In retrospect, I realize that Adventism is just a cheap copy of Judaism plus a mix of some other christian elements.
@marlenamaizar888 5 часов назад
This just cracks me up….think of the wedding at Cana when Mary Mother of God implored her Son to help as the wedding feast had run out of wine. When it was served, the guests remarked, normally the best wine is served first, but you have saved the best for last. The reason this is important, is that when serving wine with alcohol the tastebuds are more acute and so serving the best first allows for the taste buds to fully appreciate it.
@answeringadventism 4 часа назад
@@marlenamaizar888 exactly correct. Not so with Welch’s lol
@TheKeith567 8 часов назад
Stick to the issue.
@TheKeith567 8 часов назад
My brother you must he careful, you are misleading people. Jesus came to reconcile man to God to empower people to live a life of obedience. Sin is both the power that causes people to sin and breaking God's law.
@answeringadventism 4 часа назад
@@TheKeith567 no he didnt, and this doesn’t even have to do with this clip. People obeyed God before the incarnation. The Holy Spirit changed people before the incarnation. You are just asserting this is why Jesus came when that isn’t what the Bible teaches. It’s what the great controversy narrative asserts about why Jesus came and then this is brought to the Bible. But no, that isn’t why Jesus came.
@Thor777AHT 8 часов назад
If you John8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever FOLLOWS me will never walk in DARKNESS, but will have the LIGHT OF LIFE.”
@Thor777AHT 8 часов назад
What do you think abiding in Christ means ? John 15:4-7 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
@narrowistheway77 9 часов назад
SDA’s made up their own theology regarding wine and alcohol, every time I’ve talked to an SDA and proven this theology wrong they just deny scripture…. Without fail 🤦🏼‍♂️
@benjaminparadise6397 10 часов назад
Adventists are never taught Daniel 10:3 or they would know what his normal diet was. The fasting period and the "Edenic diet of heaven" is repeated so much, they don't know what he was having at passover every year growing up. This isn't a health message, it's rewriting historical fact, and using the Bible to teach something unbiblical.
@kimartist 10 часов назад
That last part really nailed it: It's manipulation 👎
@benjaminparadise6397 11 часов назад
1 Timothy 4:1,3
@porfiriojohn5276 12 часов назад
9 - 16 - 24 Adventism is Mormonism
@kipchorngwonektiroto457 12 часов назад
Elder Wilson is a scared man. His cult is hemorrhaging members faster than they can replace them!
@samvidacak4599 13 часов назад
Hi myles, I've grown up an sda and pastors kid my whole life. And I agree with alot of what you say on how SDA's do hold some of these views. I really do. But I'll will just say this coming from my own experience: First of all, there are many sdas that do carry these beliefs. no doubt. But from my own personal journey and experience, this isn't what all of us believe. It was never taught to me that ellen white was equal to scripture. that there is no trinity. That the sins of the world wasn't taken away on the cross. Mind you, there are sda's including leaders who do take ellen whites teachings as the Word. In my conference (australia brisbane) I'll say the leaders I know personally do not hold these views. and yes legalism does still creep in the church. We don't call ourselves SDA because we believe in ellen white's teachings. that is false. (although some sda believe that) Jesus is the centre of it all. Jesus paid the price all on calvary. Its not about us. Its about Him. There are many things that I don't agree on how the church approaches certain traditions and beliefs, but what I do know is that in my church, the centre of our teachings has always been the gospel. it always has. we're still growing, and we're still learning. And we should always pray, meditate on the word to seek the truth and allow the spirit work within us. always! God bless you mate! etnre
@answeringadventism 12 часов назад
@@samvidacak4599 im aware not all SDAs hold the same views. I talk about this constantly, actually. I’m not sure how any of this deals with the source documentation. Where did I claim SDAs call themselves SDAs because they believe in Ellen whites teachings? It sounds like you commented based on the title and didn’t actually watch to hear what was said and have commented on assumptions. The GC’s statement of confidence in her writings overrides any individual SDAs private opinion. This platform is about the Adventist organization, not addressing every individual Adventist that all have their own private views (which the system says isn’t supposed to be a thing and is a hallmark of Babylon). So private opinions are irrelevant to the actual authoritative sources that you are out of harmony with in your own private views. Jesus didn’t use grape juice for Eucharist. Ellen White said it’s to be done as exacting as Jesus did. Is there a single Adventist church in the world that uses a single cup of fermented wine? Private opinion is irrelevant-the organization holds more authority than you. Ellen White holds more authority than you. Whether you accept that or not. It doesn’t change because you don’t like it. And she was wrong. Which strikes a serious blow to her credibility to fit the bill for the organizations own standards of being the remnant, free from Babylon, etc. In other words, this error is another proof that Adventism is built on lies.
@samvidacak4599 12 часов назад
​@@answeringadventism By the way this comment wasn't targeting the content of this video specifically. (Should have clarified) Just a statement of from the content I've been watching from your channel. I do understand what your saying about the history of our church. And i do agree with some of it but alot I don't I guess agree to disagree. I guess the reason why I commented in the first place was to say that we have always been taught to put our faith in Jesus in His word. Not in our past histories teachings, on what our leaders believed, on ellen white, on doug batchelor, on ted wilson. But rather meditate on the word and seek the Truth.
@LoCoWi 11 часов назад
​​@@samvidacak4599 you stated "....we have always been taught to put our faith in Jesus in his word." When Jesus speaks of false teachers and false christ's in the last days, how is it then you fail to see EGW's false christ, which by default classifies her as a false teacher? Praying 🙏 for you Sam.
@answeringadventism 3 часа назад
@@samvidacak4599 I gotchu, Sam. I was an Adventist for two decades. I know all of this. But again-this platform is about the sda organization. Not every individualized pocket of Adventism. What your describing is out of sync with very plain and open authoritative source documentation. That documentation represents the organization, not your local church or experience. And I’m not talking about Doug Batchelor or Ted Wilson when I say source documentation. I’m talking about publishing arms and statements from the likes of the GC, etc. Doug Batchelor, Ted Wilson, etc. are only used on this platform as examples for people to hear and they simply reiterate what the system has put forth. You say, for example, you’ve always been taught to out your faith in the word of God. Well the organization states we can’t know what the word of God says without Ellen White. Otherwise you’ll be left in confusion like “Babylon.” This is in the Adventists Believe fundamental beliefs book, the review and herald, the sabbath school quarterly. It’s all over the place and being taught as authoritative and official teaching. Just because there are individuals out there that say “well that isn’t what I believe” it doesn’t mean that isn’t what the organization is still teaching. It doesn’t mean that isn’t what the seventh day Adventist system of theology actually puts forth and coincides with. And I wouldn’t want to be a part of an organization that puts forth these things, binding the conscience, when the mountain of errors, lies, and deception is rather high. Because what it all proves is Adventism is not the remnant, it isn’t unique, it isn’t a perfect bastion of doctrinal unity with zero division, it isn’t the apple of Gods eye, and there’s zero reason a person needs to become adventist. The organization needs to stop lying, stop bearing false witness against the Body of Christ, and move along. Until that happens, my critiques will still stand.
@PastorShayne 2 часа назад
I have a challenge for you @Myles in regard to what this guy is saying and what I and many others have been saying, (I know your arguments regarding source documentation. And you are correct. Albeit, I don't agree with some of your own equal opposite extremes of sacramental and litergical subsetvience. None the less, we share many insights and theology.) I would be interested to see you explore more moderate and contemporary Adventist beliefs against scripture. Whether you care to see it or not, you left Adventism as a young pup, and have not been in the trenches with those of us working for Jesus in the gospel trenches inside the system. Adventism has changed, irregardless of those who worship egw.
@AffirmingJesus 13 часов назад
Ellen White also said masturbation was of the devil, that it would rapidly deplete your "vital force," and it was the cause or contributor of every disease of the 19th century. Ellen White said DON'T do it. Any "pure sex" Adventists out there?
@cindiloowhoo1166 14 часов назад
Mr Ted Wilson ~ Maybe you should send out your inspector troops to The Potluck Tables.... I will summarily, and unequivocally state that "fermented Communion Wine" is infinitely healthier than most of the dishes presented, and the heaping plates full of "vegetarian" casserole - no meat but 4 cups of cheese ~ Yum! Please prepare a sermon re Ellie and her oysters ~ I might even cross the threshold of an SDA Door again to hear that! Chuckles!!!
@deborahcohen7070 14 часов назад
The last supper happened in spring. Where did they get fresh grapes in spring? Grape harvest happens late summer or autumn.....
@kimartist 14 часов назад
Very good point! 😝 But nothing has to make sense in SDAism dontcha know?
@narrowistheway77 9 часов назад
Yes, and people didn’t have pressure cookers or refrigerators in the ancient world. The entire purpose of the alcohol in the fermentation is as a preservative for the wine itself…. The Bible is super clear with the word choices being used that it was alcoholic wine. They want to tell us that they drank χύμα(fresh juice from the fruit) but the Bible is telling us they were drinking οίνος(fermented juice). SDA’s love denying scripture and holding up Ellen above the Bible 🤦🏼‍♂️
@cindiloowhoo1166 14 часов назад
There are Cardiologists who recommend a little red wine ~ I like a nice Merlot ~ and a bit of dark chocolate ~ Tis good for the Body and The Soul ~~~
@kimartist 14 часов назад
I'm more of a white zinfandel girl myself (haven't had it in YEARS for anyone scouring my social media 🔍🧐), but when it comes to dark chocolate I 2nd that emotion! ❤🍫❤ (chocolate good for magnesium deficiency, staying regular, migraines & so much more!)
@cindiloowhoo1166 14 часов назад
It's all just another EGW shell game to deflect any possible attention to her oysters and "vinegar" (yeah, right) i.e. wine, of which she was most extremely fond...
@Jaco3688 14 часов назад
Shhhh … you’re not supposed to know about that. 🤫
@DamonNomad82 13 часов назад
"Booze for me and not for thee!" - Ellen G. White's thoughts, probably
@AffirmingJesus 13 часов назад
"Shell game" is an excellent way to put it, just like she did with the Australian Sabbath issue.
@jonasaras 15 часов назад
“You may spend the silver on anything you want: cattle, sheep, goats, wine, beer, or anything you desire. You are to feast there in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice with your family.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬ ‭
@kimartist 14 часов назад
"Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish!" ~ Proverbs 31 : 6
@jonasaras 12 часов назад
@@kimartist “On this mountain, the Lord of Armies will prepare for all the peoples a feast of choice meat, a feast with aged wine, prime cuts of choice meat, fine vintage wine.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭25‬:‭6‬ ‭
@jonasaras 12 часов назад
@@kimartist “Also present a third of a gallon of wine for a drink offering as a pleasing aroma to the Lord.” ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬ ‭
@jonasaras 12 часов назад
@@kimartist “Go, eat your bread with pleasure, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for God has already accepted your works.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9‬:‭7‬
@jonasaras 15 часов назад
“You may spend the silver on anything you want: cattle, sheep, goats, wine, beer, or anything you desire. You are to feast there in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice with your family.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬ ‭
@EricHort-cx1jp 16 часов назад
Terrygreenman hi. Jesus had a sinless nature as you say 1John 3:5. So did Adam and Eve and all the Holy angels. It did not stop Satan from corrupting their minds. Adam was in the image of God as was Jesus Heb 1:1-3. BOTH were without sin . Adam did not maintain his righteousness through disobeying God . Jesus retained His righteousness by obeying God through communication with His Father as we can today in spite of our sinfulness. If Jesus had used His own power to defeat the devil, Satan would have made capitol of it. As our Example we are to follow in His steps and abstain from sin 1Pet 2:11.
@CosmicHyperburst 16 часов назад
4:54 No Brawndo for you, It's got eletrolites
@kimartist 13 часов назад
Plants crave electrolytes! 😝
@ChrisTian-tz3eq 16 часов назад
... Who cares what EGW thinks!!??... Sunday- Is -Still - NOT - The Sabbath - Of - The - Most -High - Creator - God!!! No matter what you think either!
@charnelallan7159 15 часов назад
@cindiloowhoo1166 14 часов назад
Come Let Us Reason Together, that's what God says, Come Let Us Reason Together, Says The Lord. I'll take a wild guess that being reasonable may not be your strongest character trait, but I could be wrong, then again, I don't think so.
@kimartist 14 часов назад
Notice how they always deflect to Sabbath? It really is the most important thing.
@Jaco3688 14 часов назад
Of course it’s not. And if you want to keep the Sabbath, then you go right ahead. 👍
@AffirmingJesus 13 часов назад
How do you feel about the 6th commandment?
@XxXx-wj6qk 16 часов назад
Christians have always been obedient to the sabbath day. The only problem is that they think that the sabbath day is on sunday , but it's really not it's on saturday. The question should be why was it changed and who changed it from saturday to sunday,?
@Truthhurts224 16 часов назад
This Doctrine from egw is from the devil
@AffirmingJesus 13 часов назад
Well, since her entire prophetic ministry was from the devil...
@DamonNomad82 16 часов назад
24:34 Myles, I suspect most SDAs WOULD argue that the little sips of Communion wine were "clouding the judgment" of children (and adults) who partook of it. As for the use of individual cups rather than one cup, that is actually a major point of contention in some churches (such as the Church of Christ) and has caused church splits on occasion.
@rafaeltorres2460 16 часов назад
Adventism is a cursed message!
@DamonNomad82 16 часов назад
It's funny how SDAs use general statements in books of "Wisdom Literature" like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes as an excuse to ignore clear passages elsewhere in Scripture that undeniably disprove their heretical beliefs like "soul sleep and works-based salvation.
@DamonNomad82 16 часов назад
Ted, Ted, Ted! How on earth were Christians supposed to consume unfermented grape juice prior to the year 1869, when a certain Methodist minister with the last name of Welch (where have I heard that name before?) developed a process to halt the fermentation process in grape juice? Unless Jesus performed a miracle to produce unfermented grape juice at the Last Supper (which there is no evidence either in Scripture or out of it that He did), any unfermented grape juice would have fermented into alcoholic wine by that time of year, as Passover occurs months after grape harvest in that part of the world! While I've never been SDA, my church (independent Christian churches and churches of Christ) historically made the same mistake many denominations of the time did and got politically entangled with the Prohibition Party in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This led them to incorrectly misinterpret the verses warning against drunkenness and alcoholism as prohibiting all alcohol consumption, which they actually don't, any more than verses warning against gluttony prohibit all eating of food! That's the one belief I was raised with that I've had to change on, as the Bible doesn't support the categorical prohibition of alcohol consumption. For the record, I don't consume alcohol myself, but that's because anything alcoholic tastes so terrible to me that it makes me physically ill, not for any theological reasons. Update: I posted this while still watching the video, before the part where Myles made the same point in greater detail.
@DL-yc5ty 17 часов назад
@answeringadventism What is the 2nd Angel's message as you understand it?
@benjaminparadise6397 17 часов назад
Adventists really don't understand the new covenant. Deuteronomy 5:3 was deliberately changed in the clear word bible because it states that the old covenant was not given to their ancestors. If they didn't change that verse, they couldn't teach that it existed since Adam and Eve, so the verse now says that it was also given to their ancestors. Adam and Eve were not working Sunday to Friday. I don't think they worked until they had to provide their own food after being told to leave the garden and their death began. If you show them Paul speaking on the first day of the week in the book of Acts (which the clear word calls Saturday night), they still want to see a commandment for it. Commemorating the empty tomb was not a commandment, it was something they started doing in remembrance of Christ. They use the verse about Paul going to the synagogue....yet do not understand he was going there to bring the gospel, telling them not to judge based on a holy day. The very thing adventists are taught to do... judge Sunday as the mark of the beast. I pray for my family members, to hear what Christ said, and beware of false prophets, and teachers. Do you plan on doing any episodes on the clear word Myles?
@DANNYCHISENGA 17 часов назад
SDAs are something else! It's so sad how we fall for the teachings of men, instead of the teachings of Jesus. I was thinking of joining SDA, but after reading 'great controversy' ((1854), I changed my mind. In the same book, on page 123, Ellen G White claims that she entered the two heaven compartments in her vision. How and for what? It's so sad that many have fallen for this false teaching of EGW.
@CarlosDiaz-mz6bn 14 часов назад
What's sad is that most Christians don't wanna accept their is an ongoing judgement to determine who's faith was real and who's faith was dead,,because not all that say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven only those that do the will of my father,,mathew 7:21-23,,sadly this is the majority of the professing Christian world,,the mainstream, popular opinion,,truth is rare ,narrow is the gate,,that's why many will say Lord but I did this and that in your name but he'll say I never knew you ,you workers of iniquity,,,,if were gonna talk about teachings of men let's talk about it ,,who taught christians don't need to observe 7th day sabbath and claim sunday is now the Lord's day?the catholic church,,baffling how the vast majority of christians don't know the history behind why they go to church on Sunday,
@kimartist 14 часов назад
​@@CarlosDiaz-mz6bn You do know if you insist that Gentiles keep the Jewish Sabbath that makes you a Judaizer in contravention of Acts 15 & 21?
@CarlosDiaz-mz6bn 12 часов назад
@@kimartist the Jewish Sabbath??no such thing,,sabbath was made for man not man for sabbath,,mark 2:27,,the word man here in the Greek is anthropos,,meaning human or mankind,,Sabbath was made in creation before jews even existed,,and will continue to be for eternity,,isiah 66:22-24,,,with all do respect popular opinion has this matter wrong,,if you'd like I'll go through the scriptures that support it with you
@CarlosDiaz-mz6bn 11 часов назад
@@kimartist acts 18:4-11,,,Paul preaches to jews and Greeks EVERY Sabbath for a year and a half,,,that's about 78 sabbaths in a row,,why do you think he consistently holds these services every Sabbath,??
@TheDredog59 17 часов назад
False teacher teaching false gospel !!!
@AffirmingJesus 13 часов назад
Yes, she certainly was!
@waynecharles7346 17 часов назад
This guy makes me laugh hes so funny and dangerous..😂
@John-z5h1r 18 часов назад
If this don't wake Adventist up I don't know what will
@nonconformist4802 7 часов назад
Only God can wake them up
@John-z5h1r 18 часов назад
WOW! IS ALL I CAN SAY! Thank you father thank you jesus thank you holy spirit thank myles. I am learning so much from this channel words cannot express how appreciative I am.😊
@itawambamingo 18 часов назад
Drinking Welch's grape juice and eating unleavened (hardtack) bread still represents cannibalism.
@camillaa.5231 18 часов назад
Adventists just don't see it - and the members don't take time to look beneath the surface of what is said. It sounds good to them and SEEM to "harmonize" with the Bible. A favourite saying which is common among Adventists is that "EGW'S writings "harmonize" with the Bible. But I ask, does the Bible "harmonize" with her writings? Well, it's their belief, what can I say? I'll say this: EGW'S beliefs, which is Adventism, undermines and capsizes God's redemption plan. It makes God's Word - both Father and Son irrelevant! It makes Jesus' death useless! The Bible's narrative - according to EGW'S doctrines - is all LIES; it is FALSE! In Adventism, God's 2 promises to Abram; later called Abraham - in Gen.12:2-3 does not make sense. If He had already taken in ALL the nations in together with the 1st promise to Abraham, WHY a second promise? And since it seems that both Jews and non- Jews were keeping the 10 Commandments perfectly, because they had the Sabbath - WHY did Christ come at all? WHO were these people God was driving out before Israel and giving THEM their land? WHY was God trying to make Israel a "holy people," and not the surrounding nations when He was already everyone's God for He had given them His laws; His Sabbaths? WHY aren't Adventists especially speaking Hebrew when apparently THEIR ancestors or them had been in the wilderness with Moses? TWHY did God keep telling Moses, "speak to the children of Israel" and not also to the "Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites? WHY were ALL the Israelite males circumcised - and not ALL the males from the other non-Jewish nations? WHY is it that BEFORE Jesus came, a non-Jew who wanted to worship the "God of Israel" had to be circumcised? WHY was God even referred to as the "God of Israel" and not the "God of the NATIONS? WHY was it that ISRAEL were called the "people of God" and the other nations were referred to as HEATHENS? WHY was God Himself calling the other nations heathens but not punishing them for idol worship? WHY was God using the other nations to punish Israel? WHY was He punishing ISRAEL for worshipping the idols of the other nations? WHY did young David called Goliath, an "uncircumcised Philistine defying the armies of the living God - if all men knew God and had His laws and were keeping Sabbath? WHY did the Philistines RETURN the Ark of the Covenant (containing the Ten Commandments) to Israel? WHAT peoples were "aliens from the commonwealth of ISRAEL...?" Was it you, Adventists that Stephen, an Israelite was referring to when he said: " Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain....and have become the betrayers and murderers of the Just One? (Acts 7:52) Since it appears, YOU have received the law, I guess Stephen must have been referring to you people before he was stoned to death - for it was keepers of the law who killed him! These are not even a pinhead of questions that lie beneath the surface of Adventism. Scriptures connect and man's manipulation of trying to make connections instead of using those provided by the Bible can always be discerned by one who knows the pure teachings of the Word of God!
@PavelMosko 18 часов назад
lol yeah I have mentioned this before but in truth this applies to so many other groups like the Southern Baptists. I do like the point raised by a former Southern Baptist, turned Charismatic Rick Godwin that I used to watch 30+ years ago. He mentioned that the Biblical exactness of the Greek terms and that Koine Greek actually had a word for unfermented grape juice, namely the word "Glucose", that we use for sugar today. He spoke of the intellectual dishonesty on this topic from denominations preaching Prohibition and abstinences even though he believed that was a worthy cause given the problems of drunkenness and alcoholism.
@DamonNomad82 16 часов назад
That's the one substantial way I differ theologically with what I was raised to believe. There is no Biblical support for the absolute prohibition of alcohol consumption, as all the verses used as prooftexts to support prohibition are merely warning against drunkenness and alcoholism, not against responsible consumption of alcohol in moderation. That said, I still don't consume alcohol because it tastes sickeningly awful to me...
@cindiloowhoo1166 14 часов назад
@@DamonNomad82 Gotta try the Good Stuff, not the Rot Gut...
@DamonNomad82 14 часов назад
@@cindiloowhoo1166 I have, but for me the problem is the alcohol itself within the drink. I can taste even trace amounts of it and find it extremely unpleasant. The "Good Stuff" has better surrounding flavors than the "Rot Gut", but is still ruined for me by the presence of the alcohol. To clarify, I am what is called a "super taster", meaning that I have an abnormally high number of taste buds compared to the average person. This makes many things that other people either lightly taste or can't taste at all unbearable to me due to severe sensory overload. Aside from alcohol, other things I can't stand the taste of include anything pickled and most kinds of fish, as well as many more. Unsurprisingly, I was very difficult to feed as a kid, as I would reject many kinds of food.
@kimartist 13 часов назад
​@@DamonNomad82 I have a similar problem with salt - which comes across as super strong & tastes extremely metallic to me 🤢🤮 - & I know a certain amount is necessary for good health, but I am certainly not one (like my grandmother) who is guilty of adding too much to foods (with exceptions of a little on tasteless watermelons & boiled eggs because I like the crunch 😆).
@AbuSefein89 18 часов назад
Holy Communion IS Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. NOT A SYMBOL. The use of leavened bread came about by the early Christians as a symbol of the resurrection. Leaving Sinai and turning to the resurrection. The bread rises. The first miracle of Jesus Christ was turning water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana. The scriptures say the people were well drunk. If what they were drinking was merely grape juice then water would have been fine to serve. Jesus turned the water into wine, and not just any wine, it was very fine wine.
@kipchorngwonektiroto457 19 часов назад
Thank you brothers for opening Christians' eyes. I was once like you too. I believed and taught heresies of E.G. White for over thirty-five years. I was a modern Pharisee. Thank God I'm now free! SDA is a religion that teaches strange doctrines! Christians, please save the Adventists! These people are not Christians!!
@camillaa.5231 20 часов назад
Wow! When are they gonna stop POLLUTING the Word of God? Adventist pastors consciences has been seriously scorched that they've lost it completely. They obviously are confused and don't know their heads from their tails as this man has shown. Only a full-fledged current Adventist won't see that deception. Through EGW'S teachings, Adventists claim and maintain that God gave "mankind" - both Jews and Non-Jews His laws, the Ten Commandments, though both the OT and NT narrative teach otherwise. There is so much wrong with this assertion. Why did he skip the earlier chapters in Ezekiel where it clearly states that God's Word were specifically spoken to the Nation/children of Israel? What I'd like to know is when God "lifted His hand" and brought Non-Jews out of Egypt. Why wasn't He punishing Non-Jews/Gentiles for worshipping idols but was punishing Israel...and for breaking His Sabbaths? Before jumping to verse 18 and the others - cherry picking those verses, as Myles calls it 🙂, Ezekiel 12 reads: "Moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them..." Exodus 31:12-17 says EXACTLY who God gave His Sabbath in case there should be any misunderstandings. Ex, 31:16: "Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant." (God never made such a covenant with the nations at large. The Covenant He made with Noah - representing mankind - after the flood, did not include Sabbaths! Exodus 31:17: "It is a sign between me and the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL..." God spoke those words to Moses which he would then relay to Israel! NOWHERE in Scripture does it show that Moses spoke to the the nations at large. Back to Ezekiel; verse 13 reads: "But the HOUSE OF ISRAEL rebelled against me in the wilderness..." God wasn't speaking to Christians then as CHRIST hadn't come yet - and furthermore, non-Jews/Gentiles were not considered God's people; this only happened with the coming of Christ. And, my God! These verses have no connections to Babylon in Revelation! Adventists have to continue with the LIES because ADVENTISM was built on LIES! If they stop now, Adventism will fall flat on its face - so as they say, "the show must go on!" Sadly...
@Cda528 20 часов назад
I’m not Adventist but I go to an Adventist church. It’s been almost a year. I’m leaving now. I would say Ellen White is a false prophet. The first question I asked was; after Jesus was crucified why did we even need a prophet again? The Old Testament needed prophets. We had the Bible (we had King James Bible 1500- 1800 plus) and we had the Holy Spirit by the time it was 1800. She adds to the Bible. For me, the Bible is enough. God made the Bible for us and if he wanted to limit whatever he wanted he could (leave stuff out because our human mind couldn’t comprehend) God has all the wisdom. There’s a pastor at my church that constantly attacks Catholics and other denominations. I thought that was weird, I thought we uplift everyone. The “remnant” church is WE ARE NOT the remnant church. We still sin, we still have problems like everyone else. My biggest problems with SDA would include: self righteousness, attacking other denominations, EGW adding to the Bible and people even agreeing when God already created the Bible for us, arrogance and thinking there the remnant church. Being so judgmental. Everything goes back to Ellen g White and the 28 fundamentals is in the SDA theology. Ellen white stole so much and plagiarized. She LIED. If you lie then you are a false prophet. Hard pass. I believe my Bible, I believe God not a denomination. I believe in the sabbath and it is Saturday.
@richhava 23 часа назад
To the crowd - i got lazy and misspoke about this channel - he did not say adventists believe in eternal hell.
@richhava 23 часа назад
Adventists dont believe in eternal hell, so quit lying
@answeringadventism 23 часа назад
@@richhava where was this claimed? Timestamp for us where I claimed this. Totally silly. Yes, Adventism still teaches a doctrine of Hell but that it is an event and not a place. I was an Adventist for 20 years. Yeah, I’m obviously aware they reject eternal conscious experience in Hell. But thanks for evidencing you didn’t actually listen. No, I’m not a liar.
@camillaa.5231 День назад
I got that Myles! I've realized that this is how Adventists ensnare the unsuspecting Christian; those without a sound and firm Biblical foundation, into buying into EGW'S doctrines: they use a biblical truth and glibly sneak Adventism into it. Maybe you already know what its called: a Biblical Hook which is a ttrademark of many false prophets promoting their Beliefs and whose style has been ingrained into their believers. The so-called Health Message "given by God," did not even originate with EGW but with Joseph Bates, a fellow Millerite - as did the Sabbath being the "seal of God" and worshipping on Sunday being Mark of the Beast hogwash, both of which are against the teaching of the Bible! Aren't Adventists conscious that they are preaching against God's Word - at one end of their mouth and at the other "bringing people to God," when what they are doing is bringing people to EGW'S Adventism? God's Word in Genesis 9:3 says He gave Noah - from whom all men descended after the flood - "every moving thing that liveth" for meat - which includes BOTH clean and unclean animals but with a condition, in Verse 4. God made a distinction between clean and unclean animals ONLY in His Laws to Israel, yet here is EGW saying that meat in general SHOULD NOT BE EATEN. If that is not putting herself ABOVE GOD, I don't know what is. Bible records that the Israelites were eating meat (flesh) and drinking wine. The EXCESS of both of these things - Gluttony and Drunkenness are considered sinful in the Bible's narrative. Here's what King David did before he had Uriah, Bathsheba's husband, killed. "And when David had called him (Uriah), he did eat and drink before him; and he made him drunk..." (2 Samuel 11:13) But EGW forbids drinking of Wine. I guess Uriah got drunk on grape juice! 😀 Before that, in 2 Samuel 6:19, after David had offered sacrifices to God, he gave "...to everyone a cake of bread, and a good piece of FLESH, and a flagon of WINE..." EGW boldly goes against the Word of God....only Satan and his cohorts of darkness are so bold to go against the written Word of God! I'm of the conviction that EGW wanted to CONTROL the WHOLE BODY OF CHRIST, hence her prophetic claims and a whole volume of works to bring the unsuspecting individual/Christian to HER fold of Adventism - as she has claimed John 10:16 as Adventism being the "fold," and "other sheep" being non-SDA Christians! Therefore, that would make HER the SHEPHERD instead of CHRIST! As far as I'm concerned, she was busy POLLUTING the Word of God, CONNING people/Christians by USING GOD and CHRIST on her road to SELF-EXALTATION! Her discontent in not being able to achieve CONTROL OF ALL CHRISTIANS, shows up in her writings by calling those who DID NOT and WOULD NOT BELIEVE in HER: EVIL, WICKED and belonging to the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. The Bible teaches me not to be afraid of FALSE PROPHETS which was what EGW was! Thank God, I can read and understand the PURE Word of God! I for one, DO NOT NEED EGW'S WRITINGS!
@kimartist 13 часов назад
Hmm good & scathing analysis! I believe you are right. "The idols speak deceitfully, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd." ~Zechariah 10 : 2