A community-led, holistic model of child protection that empowers families and prevents children from ending up in orphanages #familiesNOTorphanages
Pisey's story
12 часов назад
Sida's Story
2 месяца назад
Doeurn's Family
5 месяцев назад
Building resilient families: Sochea's story
5 месяцев назад
Reimagining Charity
6 месяцев назад
Village Hive Explainer
6 месяцев назад
Drops of Wisdom introduction
8 месяцев назад
Toem's Story
Год назад
Sopheab's family
Год назад
@Dara-kl7dj Месяц назад
@wesgraham2262 2 месяца назад
I’m so glad to have found this organization so I can donate. Thank you CCT. 😊
@ForRiel 5 месяцев назад
Wonderful to see him doing so well. ❤🎉
@markmurphy3829 6 месяцев назад
This is great !
@StoryCity 6 месяцев назад
Can we double heart this?
@CambodiaCCT 6 месяцев назад
Yes, you can! ❤❤
@jasgem76 6 месяцев назад
I could not love this more ❤
@CambodiaCCT 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for loving and sharing!!!
@ElectricCarAustralia Год назад
Keep up the great work CCT. 👍
@amyradevinta4489 Год назад
what a beautiful beautiful soul❤ We love you Tara!
@rochellebrogan1760 Год назад
Incredible! Thanks for sharing ❤
@ElectricCarAustralia Год назад
Great work CCT 👏👏 We are so happy to be long time Supporters of the fantastic work the CCT Team do. Keep it up. 👍
@tarareed3394 Год назад
Are there any updates to this story?
@dsfavorites1 Год назад
Dear CCT team member in the video. This is such a great video and your English is amazing and your presentation skills are very professional. Thank you for working so hard for the families in BTB.
@cheetoesgal5229 Год назад
What a remarkable, inspiring young woman Tara is. To me, this epitomizes TRUE social justice. Tara, you rock!! So do your family and dedicated staff!
@lincolnmclachlan5859 2 года назад
@gingermarie1760 2 года назад
od loves you so much that He sent His Holy Son Jesus from heaven to earth, to be born of a virgin, to grow up and die on a cross for our sins, and to be put into a tomb 3 days and rise from the dead the third day, and He (Jesus) went back up to heaven. We must receive Sinless Jesus sincerely to be God's child(John 1:12).After we get saved by grace through faith in Christ, if we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we will obey Jesus(John 14:15). Mark 1:15 "And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel." Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "There's a real hell. It says in Revelation 21:8 "But for the cowardly, & unbelieving, and abominable, & murderers, and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone..." Please sincerely receive Holy Jesus & put your true faith and trust in Him today and please repent.Will you have a Real encouinter with Jesus the Holy Son of God and stay in a genuine relationshp with HIm?
@ForRiel 3 года назад
Thank you Tara and CCT for your ongoing work reuniting children with their families.
@PinPeatHD 3 года назад
Awesome Channel! Great works. Thank for sharing.
@mrrravy4570 3 года назад
My best memory in my life 😖❤️
@gregmayo6987 3 года назад
What a wonderful young women, we need more like her.
@shaenguyen8070 3 года назад
China virus everywhere in the world
@hytjjliu673 3 года назад
面对这次武汉肺炎疫情,中共采用的方法就是封城,湖北所有的城市全部封闭。大陆七省市暂停省级客运,包括北京、天津、上海、河北、西安、山东、海南均采取暂停所有省际长途客运及旅游包车业务。除西藏外,几乎所有省市区都升级警戒。研究专家预计,武汉新冠状病毒的感染人数将在14天内超过25万,而且病毒将在北上广等大型城市出现爆发。现在,很多人选择闭门不出,专家也告诫人们要戴口罩、多喝水、勤洗手。不过,这只是让大家做好防护,维护公共卫生安全而已,解决不了根本的问题。 面对可怕的疫情,面对着生死存亡,我们真的没办法了吗?其实在我们中华民族的传统文化中就有相生相克的理存在。无论有多大的疫情必然有克制和解决它的办法。 什么办法呢?就是在这二十年中法轮功学员一再告诉大家的九字吉言:“法轮大法好 真善忍好”。退出中共的党、团、队组织,诚念“法轮大法好 真善忍好”,就能保命、保平安,就能抵御和祛除可怕的瘟疫。 中国有句老话:心诚则灵,也有的说:宁可信其有不可信其无。是的,在这生死存亡的关键时刻,不妨我们放下自己的观念,不妨我们去试一试法轮功学员告诉我们的保命方法。不需要您花一分钱、也不需要您更多的劳累。人命关天,无论是感染了武汉肺炎的或是没感染到的,我们都希望您能诚心的去试一试。如果真在您身上发生了奇迹,那是您的福份,是上天庇护了您。法轮功教人向善,救度众生。人心生出善念,就会得到神的护佑。 朋友们:中国有句老话:机不可失、失不再来。切莫错过啊! 附:故事二则 诚念法轮大法好的奇迹 在明慧网第十届法会《人间小住 完成使命》一文,写出了一位法轮功学员的女儿,在二零零四年十二月二十六日南亚大海啸中的经历:“二零零四年圣诞节,女儿和朋友去泰国有名的普吉岛海滨度假,期间,震惊世界的印度洋海啸发生了!可就在那吞噬了几十万生命的巨浪来袭之前的二十多分钟,女儿乘船离开了普吉岛前往另一景点皮皮岛(也是重灾地)。 在去皮皮岛的航程中,女儿在船上享受着阳光美景,压根都没感到波涛汹涌的海啸正悄无声息的从船下潜过,袭向普吉岛。当女儿看到海水变的浑浊并得知真相后,立即对身边同伴说:快念“法轮大法好!”同伴疑惑道:管用吗?女儿坚定的回答:“管用!” 结果女儿和同伴都安然无恙。女儿太幸运了,如果她从普吉岛晚走二十多分钟,或者早到同样是重灾地的皮皮岛哪怕半小时,都绝无可能躲过这场灾难。数小时后,当她返回普吉岛时,素有人间天堂美称的海岛已变成人间地狱。她走进酒店,只见大堂里横七竖八全是尸体。回程前女儿把身上带的钱全部捐给了当地受灾民众。 凡是得知女儿这次经历的亲朋好友无不为她庆幸,更觉的神奇的不可思议!
@frenyardeshir 3 года назад
We'll get through this xxx
@barcrusher 3 года назад
Simply made me cry.Tara your such a beautiful sole.
@HungryRegal 3 года назад
Awesome video!! Please view my content, I make recipe videos! I will continue watching your videos!!
@mouhamedaminelyz6959 3 года назад
@cdd4248 3 года назад
The more of 'Australian Stories' I see, the more I admire Australians - they appear to take a great deal of pride taking care of their own and then, ultimately of others-
@tinaturner134 4 года назад
This young lady story is interesting and inspirational too
@birdyelke775 4 года назад
Great initiative, yet in Downunder the natives are put aside in total depravity, withdrawn from their cultures and all their costumes, but yet many people will go in other countries and save them. doesn't we said charity start at home?
@newgabe09 Год назад
Yes there has been a bad history of institutionalising indigenous kids in Australia. That's one reason we know how dangerous the generational effects are, how damaging it is to families. We see the results. Here is Tara Winkler talking about exactly that: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nz0cAjXVepg.html
@iCarilloninChrist 5 лет назад
@CambodiaCCT … *_Outstanding !!!_*
@neatznotso7424 5 лет назад
Even though things are slowly changing there are still tourists who go to Cambodia and volunteer in random orphanages or even visit them for a day or two, with the internet and such easy access to information there is no excuse for this anymore at all! It's pretty irrelevant whether someone has good intentions or not when the damage done is just the same. Orphanage tourism is so damaging to those kids, and results in more and more dodgy orphanages existing which in turn results in more and more innocent children being used and abused. Cambodia cannot afford to have another generation growing up traumatised. There are some great organisations our there supporting families so they don't feel they need to give their kids to orphanages and putting systems in place where kids ending up in orphanages is rare, such as supporting foster carers if it's not possible to place children back with their families. Which is the main reason why this story is so important, it's so good to see this change being reflected, especially by an Australian considering how many dodgy organisations are run by expats. It's just sad that in 2019 the same mistakes are being made by well intentioned tourists that have been made for years, it never hurts to tell anyone you know travelling to poor countries to do some research before they leave.
@BellaWorldAni 5 лет назад
THIS inspired me beyond words. Thank you, AS, for this incredible piece, and thank you to Tara & her fabulous family & all the volunteers & staff & donors that make CCT possible. WOW!
@thereseward7852 5 лет назад
Noble is another dvd comes to mind when I saw this remarkable story about Tara who sees people who need help and steps up and little by little does what she can to reach out and lift them out of horrific circumstances to a better life. This reminds us that we can all make a difference. There are people around us that need our help. Little by little we can make a difference we just need to take action
@rubytuesday5412 5 лет назад
Love you too Tara! There's not much i can say that has'nt already been said except I'd love to know how things are going for CCT now in 2019. It would be wonderful to have an update. Bless your heart Tara, you are a true inspiration.
@tresaholmes430 5 лет назад
Amazing lady x
@smartguy2095 6 лет назад
Students can make electric tools, toys, tools for work,it a great careers, use machine everyday for easy work
@frenyardeshir 6 лет назад
"Now, when I need help, I ask" Excellent xo
@frenyardeshir 6 лет назад
So good xo
@randomvintagefilm273 6 лет назад
Tara is amazing, a different breed set apart from most
@ounkaka4405 6 лет назад
I like it
@ounkaka4405 6 лет назад
@ounkaka4405 6 лет назад
I like cct
@blackenmandolin2954 6 лет назад
How can I find your school place?
@teresitacallard5320 7 лет назад
What a wonderful woman Tara is!! and so her whole family as well!! God bless you and and your family.
@melmazing3993 7 лет назад
Wow, pretty extraordinary story, and inspired young lady. Amazing.
@mrrchekofficial875 7 лет назад
@Jomary1000 7 лет назад
Great story but the subtitles underneath are crazy. Let me do it next time.
@MrNhanhNhim 8 лет назад
Great to hear the students from Battambang can develop Robot .