Consciousness Reborn
Consciousness Reborn
Consciousness Reborn
Hello beautiful people.
I share my personal experiences by talking about my past and present. The main focus is my spiritual awakening and how i cope with the hurdles our society presents to me.
I have always had a feeling that we are not alone and that there is more to life than we are told. My path as a starseed is starting to open to me and I'm at the start of it's journey. Number synchronicities have been going of the charts since the end of 2019. I became vegan, lost 14 (kg), 30 (pounds) in 4 months. I have more energie then ever.
My purpose is to share my story. U are not alone, u are not crazy, live your own truth. Have faith in your own intuition. Live a life of love. Start by loving yourself.
lets raise the vibration on Mother Earth, Gaia, together. We are all energie and that is a scientific fact! Be LOVE

If u have any questions or subjects you would like me to talk about send a email to: kczreborn2020@gmail.com
@mattplus09 4 года назад
Nicely done and should help folks :) Thanks! Peace!
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Thank you, And thank you for your videos!
@robbert20 4 года назад
Looking forward to the next one!
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Thank you! I will keep em coming :-)
@phintk1 4 года назад
Mooi mens ben je, X😘
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Bedankt Phin, dat waardeer ik zeer!
@MrSpidermafia 4 года назад
opinions are like assholes Everybody has one........
@MrSpidermafia 4 года назад
Doe wat nodig is voor jou en fuck die likes. Je hebt ze niet nodig man je bent goed genoeg zoals je bent. En je video's komen terecht waar ze moeten komen en worden gezien door de mensen die ze moeten zien en worden begrepen door de mensen die het kunnen en willen begrijpen. Menigen van andere doen er niet toe. Polski Mike.
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Heerlijk Mike I Love u man. Je hebt helemaal gelijk!
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Meningen van anderen doen er in een bepaalde zin wel toe. Niet meer als ik daardoor niet mezelf kan zijn. Wel om altijd open te blijven voor een ander zijn/haar zienswijze.
@MrSpidermafia 4 года назад
Oeps per ongeluk op niet like gedrukt. Had je ook al geliked Was niet de bedoeling goed bezig man. Xx Polski Mike xxx
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Np, much appreciated!
@annejesus8411 4 года назад
very beautiful words Kevin, i admired your courage to share your true essence with all of us. I identified a lot with your words, every day there's still an internal war over what it's like to be real and what others think you should be, it's a fuck up world , a world that doesn't give you much room to really be yourself, I hope to be enlightened one day like you , who is clearly to see flooded with light, a lot of success in this new journey xx Anne
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Dear Anne my journey has just begun. I am far from being enlightend ;-). I am still struggling but as anything in life practice makes perfect. The world is not F%*ed up. The world is how we perceive it. It are our thoughts that create the world around us. It is a choice we can all make. We are programed to think we can't be who we are or want to be. We can reprogram ourselves if we really want to.
@gijsheuff 4 года назад
Mooi verhaal broer
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Thnx, man!!!
@mattplus09 4 года назад
Nicely done :) Peace!
@consciousnessreborn8971 4 года назад
Much appreciated!