@lucaslewis-yy3ju 2 часа назад
axe is to op
@jarrolightfeather4703 3 часа назад
Its an update that this zombies can crawl under the car Before the update the car strategy is broken that's why they fix it 😒
@elpatroon 4 часа назад
What if we take out the tires?
@freed991 5 часов назад
The cars used to be a strategy if I recall.. but they made it so they can get under them
@nobodynew8128 5 часов назад
that is probably the cheesiest thing i heard about today.
@driiifter 7 часов назад
Oh also something I've been using since foreverrrrrr in this game are Kill Houses. You just find a random 2 story house, build fences inside of it, a scaffolding around it if your carpentry is high enough, then I just kite zombies through the house and run in circles around it while they trip over the fencing inside, fall through windows, get stuck pathing, etc, etc. You can also use massive traffic jams in this way.
@driiifter 7 часов назад
I find the game more fun with sprinters and then just crank all the loot up besides food and keep the electricity on for a while. If you don't get a gun by day 7 in my game, you're basically just done, not even having being bitten, it's just a matter of time before 3 sprinters run at you from each direction. Even with multi hit on, 3 from each side will end it and it WILL happen, even with only 30% sprinters. I've got guns coming out of my A hole and grenades and I've still almost died. I like to crank up the gas consumption on the cars and make loot drop on the zombies so that I'm tempted to loot all of them and die, adds to the intensity. Most of my deaths are caused by a car issue or getting ran up on while looting. I did run directly into a tree recently, it was out of my FoV or something, I didn't see it until I was inside it lol.
@siluss 9 часов назад
Sure its not a good idea to wear black socks, but at least this character doesny have a black... Y'know
@charliebarker5074 9 часов назад
its a setting tho
@V3SSEL 10 часов назад
I don't have a lot of zombies, higher than low, but lower than normal. I focus on the "getting food" and stuff by using a mod to mess with the spawn chances, making it so hard to find food, weapons, and even cars with gas and a key. Makes the game much better imo. You could enter a two story house and find only 6 things, 2-4 being clothing and maybe some usless nail file or something.
@umutabi8828 11 часов назад
I love hammers its too good for me and i like hammer the zombies😜😍🤤
@YuiMitsuno 13 часов назад
what about double car line?
@bazukata3734 13 часов назад
But you can leave only for trap way and unlock other from inside in emergency rigth (i don't play this game)
@explodaeusextremicus9580 15 часов назад
Whoop de doo, this is why I do log walls around the windows, then half plank the windows. Planks are good enough in the early to mid game, and metal doesn't exactly grow on trees, nor do I particularly invest in welding.
@sologamer1415 18 часов назад
At least its good to slow down Zombies when trying to escape
@readmarx420 18 часов назад
Car barricades used to work back in the day, but that was too easy so the devs added zombies crawling under the car. You can still make impenetrable bases now by finding a sledgehammer, and destroying the stairs in a 2 floor building btw
@Fishert777 19 часов назад
Ive only started playing for the first time probably one of the hardest games ive ever played
@FJAnvil 22 часа назад
Yes they work. It's not 100% safe, but I've used car barriers many times and succed, they have a niche purpose. If you base have a lot of avenues around, you can get the tires off junk vehicles and make blockades in every avenue, with 2 layers of cars and I don't have to worryn about clean it every time.
@bobjohnson1096 23 часа назад
I have been watching people do that and I am not a fan but I do it more often now. The trick is turn your back to them and push as they come. Then attack.
@LesMilitairesSansFrontieres День назад
It USED to work exactly like you beleived. But that was in b39 or b40.
@bobbertrobbert6282 День назад
Does anyone know the music used in the background? It feels like I've heard it before, but I just can't remember it.
@poopmanthe3rd794 День назад
Me and a few buddies actually ended up recreating the scenario from Dawn of the Dead in a Zomboid save. Car barriers actually DID work when that happened, you just have to park the car up reaaal close. We made a separate exit through the second floor to leave the place if we needed supplies.
@chaoticsilver8442 День назад
Even if they didn't actively get down, crawlers still exist, normally. And even with that aside, even if it did serve as an indestructible, perfect barrier... How are you going to get back out, when the doors leading out of the cars, are swarmed by zombies? You're just trapping yourself in, and... eventually, you'll run out of food. If you have a farm, then eventually, you will run out of fuel to burn to boil rainwater. All you've done, was constructed your own tomb. ...Though, using cars to block off windows should work. They can't climb through a window when they're on the floor. Especially if you board your windows up too, for extra security, they shouldn't even be able to hit the boards while they're on the ground. And using cars as part of some larger barricade, or zombie trap/fighting arena can also be a good idea. Sure, they can crawl under them, but you can easily stomp on their heads, since they're on the ground.
@jeremy5602 День назад
The perfect loop doesn’t exi-
@Oboar День назад
Thats a pretty cool feature its like one of those horror games where you think you can trick the game and the game throws you a curveball
@dyykkarifin2454 День назад
It annoys me to the core when some people whine about build 42 and that it isn't out yet. Do they not realize that indie stone has already thought about selling the ip because their mental health has taken a toll because of so many fans being negative and whining all the time... Do they want that? Do they want this ip to be sold to someone who doesn't care about it and only wants money? One thing that makes zomboid so great is the fact that the devs actually listen to fans and they don't have a crunch environment where employers are mistreated. If they really end up selling it away because people like the ones leaving some of these comments I will be so damn disappointed 😑
@GlizzyGoblin757 10 часов назад
gamedevs when they have to do their job 😭😭😭
@hyperreal3094 День назад
I’m using the fire method. Judge me, idk 🤷.
@Kindlesmith70 День назад
6:20 Fire is more dangerous than zombies. It gets out of hand a lot faster and can destroy things you might not want destroyed.
@Kindlesmith70 День назад
Well that's what zombies typically are. An inconvenient nuisance. In any great zombie apoc media zombies aren't the worset danger. The worst danger is is being unskilled to survive alone, being part of a small community, and running into other people who may do anything. Zombies are a backdrop setting to make the apocalypse scenario. Naturally this all depends on the kinds of zombies that exist in a given lore. Resident Evil has more dangers from humans and mutants than zombies. Make all the zombies runners 28 Days/Weeks Later all the time and you'll be faced with eventual death thinking you can easily evade more than 2-4 zombies. Or have the zombies carry an airborne contagion in similar ways to Last of Us, or the Flood in Halo. How about zombies that wont ever die unless you completely destroy them like in Return Of The Living Dead. Zombies that aren't actually zombies but vampires like in I Am Legend. Even have another kind of mutating zombie from the Dead Space series, the Necromorphs. Project Zomboid does have ways t customize the zombies. While you wont be taking on iconic threats like the Flood, Necromorphs, and the Infected (Last of Us), you can modify how keen their senses are, if they slow and/or runners, how far they will travel to fill gaps or make groups. My main issue is with how they are designing the game overall with regards to zombies. Zombies require bodies, and bodies don't just appear out of nowhere. Zombies also dont migrate unless there is an incentive to do so based on their drives. This leads to two points I don't like in pretty much any given zombie apoc media: Zombie population is outside of realistic numbers for the places that exist in Project Zomboid. What should be considered is the population of the towns, and possible visitors, and then have less than that be zombies, plus extra from burial cemeteries. Zombies don't enter the world by the edges, but instead spawn into areas that haven't been seen for a while. Quite immersion breaking as it makes no sense to happen. Given the time frame of the game, and the amount of resources left to find, I wouldn't expect all that many zombies enterting the game zone since there is nothing to attract them there. May get a few bumbling roamers but the cahnce of them converging onto the town is about as likely as them walking off the game zone. Without something to drive them to a location, they aren't going to go there like moths to light. If no more people come into the game zone, no new zombies can appear middle of the zone. This is one main reason why non-zombie NPCs are important to have. The living are the threat of creating more zombies, as well as attracting them; love the Resident Evil scene where they lure a zombie hoard with people hands tied pulled behind vehicles. This is how you move zombies!
@jeksonpro252 День назад
Что бы они не проползали под машиной можно снять колёса
@mrassassin1292 День назад
Well zombies crawling under the car to get you was added in build 41 or 40 if I remember as Car walls were a valid tactic for a while.
@Lsir 2 дня назад
I forget how strong metals are than wood.
@MyNameIsArg 2 дня назад
So, i have a theory i cant do right now, but what if you take all the wheels off the cars? Then there shouldn't be a gap underneath the car thats big enough for a zomboid to crawl under. Thats just my theory.
@els349 2 дня назад
What if you remove the wheels? Does the car lay on the ground or we putting it up on cinder blocks? I think if you remove all 4 wheels there shouldn’t be a way to crawl under
@yata5432 2 дня назад
turn it off in the settings. bam, this video is now redundant. god I'm amazing.
@WT_Bolt 2 дня назад
Hear me out... Car maze
@chaos-soldier 2 дня назад
this worked in old versions
@gatonegro1813 2 дня назад
work is you block car-wall-windown. other is woods wall-box-wall
@redacted_____ 2 дня назад
Just get several crates all around n stack them
@adrialejandro79 2 дня назад
Use TVs😊
@ANG3LOFDAD3AD 2 дня назад
There’s a mod called Visible Bodies and Generators that is very helpful for this immersion breaking issue. I use it and plan to continue till it eventually gets added in base game.
@kakashihatakevlogsegames2.862 2 дня назад
Well, just use wrecked cars, they cannot pass under, to enter on your base you can put a rope for it, to leave you maybe go to the rope again. To move the wrecked cars you will need to tow them with another car and to position them you will need push with another car, just do it slow when using the front or back of your car or you will broke or damage some parts on the process. Note that to find the wrecked cars you will need a little luck, just take care to not trap yourself and you cannot leave lol
@CharlesParnell82 2 дня назад
Offended that more don't use metal pipes enough. I for one love them and that short blunt EXP
@derpityderp1631 2 дня назад
pretty sure if the wheel part of the car is blocking a window or door then zombies cant get past the car to said opening but not sure. cars used to be able to make the barricade as ya did in the short, basically zombie proof fencing, but was patched out for being to OP.
@nikodemospl870 2 дня назад
Don't worry, just use TVs
@monsieur.Chipmunk 2 дня назад
What if there are no delete buttons? Asking for a friend.
@averagechadlegionary5824 2 дня назад
- Brought to you by our local Kentuckians of Knox County 🧟‍♂️
@Mykyta_Palamarchuk 2 дня назад
Man, it is such a great response, I can't imagine a smoother way to deliver a message and reassure your community.
@patois2010 3 дня назад
Just play custom sandbox, and make sure that they can’t crawl
@comedygames3166 3 дня назад
8:36 whenever you say that the button lights up in rainbow