Saint Athanasius Church
Saint Athanasius Church
Saint Athanasius Church
The Balaam Principle
2 месяца назад
Jesus, The Good Gift
2 месяца назад
Redemption of Firstborn Sons (Genesis 49)
2 месяца назад
The Blood of Grapes (Genesis 49)
2 месяца назад
Book Reviews | 2023
3 месяца назад
On the Problem of Evil with Thomas Ackerman
3 месяца назад
Genesis 48 | The Blessing from the Cross
4 месяца назад
The Faith of Jacob
4 месяца назад
Promises and Death
4 месяца назад
Genesis 47 | Joseph, Slave Master of Egypt
5 месяцев назад
You are a Slave to Someone
5 месяцев назад
Our Lives for His Bread
5 месяцев назад
Book 2. Homily VII | Sermon Concerning Prayer
5 месяцев назад
Reformation Day Sermon: On Apostolic Succession
8 месяцев назад
On Love and Catholicity
8 месяцев назад
The Eucharist and Catholicity
8 месяцев назад
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 3 дня назад
Is Kerry your father?
@Mari-hu7vm 5 дней назад
If a woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives; then the husband is still her husband no matter what.
@12StonesPartners 6 дней назад
Good word. And scriptural fairly straightforward.. except for not mentioning 1 Cor 7:15. Paul here says clearly if one spouse is unbelieving and departs (strings 5563, Greek “chórizó”, not just physically but spiritually withdraws, e.g. someone with an addiction that refuses to get treatment), then they are free to remarry. I think context is important. This may not be relevant in your example, but it’s relevant in many other situations, where a divorce occurs because one believing spouse marries an unbeliever (mistake #1), and that second person “departs” (spiritually, emotionally), and separation occurs from there. Again, in John 8:1-10, Jesus clearly forgive a woman caught in adultery. I think it’s important to know the historical context. I believe historically there was a prevalence of Jews at the time divorcing simply out of lack of variety and for a younger, more attractive spouse, thus it was rooted in adultery and sin. We must discern the spirits true meaning behind these verses and not be legalistic
@manithangavalu7885 7 дней назад
Don't mind the adultery, there's more concerning issues like clerical abuse, which is rampant.
@ConstructedMedia 8 дней назад
Matthew Colvin - I'll have to read it but I had a HighSchool Teacher by that name and he was very smart -- I'd learn from him.
@andytyrrell5153 8 дней назад
So maybe I can ask what should happen to me and my wife? My 1st wife tried to murder me, we divorced over her adultery. She has since remarried and has children with her 3rd husband. Twenty three years has passed since we last met amicably. My second wife came to Christ out of a Muslim background where she was the third wife and child bride of an Imam groomer. Out of our personal traumas, we fell in love, married, had children and by God's grace, both came to faith in Jesus. But, now what should I do? Send my lovely wife away to go back to live in another country with another man of another faith? Should I seek to reconcile to my first wife? What happens to our children if we do split up?
@angelheart8676 8 дней назад
we twist the bible for our own stupidity and good. Jesus was ask about divorce, he said, in the beginning God created man and woman (no trans), then join them together (no assunder, no divorce). Its your stubbornness that cause moses to give you a divorce period.
@clydeholiday5907 9 дней назад
These are all liars from hell what's your married or divorce you can't get married again as long as your spouse is still living it's a one-way ticket to hell these people are just a bunch of Satanist
@Brian-cm5gw 10 дней назад
@just-in6848 10 дней назад
I have a degree in Catholic Theology from Rome, Italy. No were did Jesus speak of marriage. Marriage is a societal contruct. It is a contract between two adults. We can marry in church or at city hall. It confirms rights, legitimacy, inheritance. It infers more rights than if you were single. Man created this but he tells you this is how God ordained it. This is not so.
@SaintAthanasiusChurch 8 дней назад
@karloskittson 10 дней назад
You are the reason hate exists, you and your patronising, hate backed bullshit
@maireadsmith7917 11 дней назад
Are you not on here to spread the good word, I would love to hear that,not what is wrong with everything else, I would like to see a video with your gifts from God, your prayers to help us on our way
@theartistphiljc7682 12 дней назад
This subject has been openly discussed with the remarriage of Joni Lamb of Daystar Television, & Doug Weiss, who's a marriage counselor, & has a show on Daystar, & who oddly enough divorced his wife for "emotional abuse" & then married Joni with the blessing of another marriage counselor, Jimmy Evans. Now Joni became a widow when her husband passed away a year earlier, & she had a right to remarry, but Doug's wife is still alive, & on top of it, we never heard her side of the story & the accusation that was made against her from her husband. Then he marries arguably, the most powerful woman in Christian television & perhaps, the most beautiful too. And the whole thing just doesn't seem right when you consider what GOD says about divorce & how He allows it if there's adultery, but still hates it . But I suppose this is between them & GOD, as is the case with all of us...
@sbkenn1 14 дней назад
Marriage was created to confirm Rights of inheritance, not a sacrament of the church.
@TheKingNoah_ 16 дней назад
This makes no sense to me, if a marriage doesn’t work out then your forbidden to ever marry again? That’s sounds depressing and unfair and downright mean… I’m a Christian but this whole topic seems evil
@eniggma9353 16 дней назад
You nutters
@troyhayder6986 16 дней назад
Did god create homo shavesass in his own image???
@supersoldier1776Jesusislord 23 дня назад
If the innocent spouse is free to remarry then why is the guilty spouse not also free?😂😂😂 Who are they bound to?
@JamesGoetzke 24 дня назад
I was born in 1961. It was a bad time for Catholic grade school and HS. Class of 1979. I had to relearn my prayers and I now do my rosary nightly.and I am at the end of my days. Disabled veteran. 63. I offer it up and pray for us all. And all Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
@woodshed_moments Месяц назад
You Catholics have the nerve…..
@brotherjames1623 Месяц назад
Read Dr Leslie McFall
@holinessofthebride1935 Месяц назад
Thank you for speaking on this important topic. The reasons for annulments in the Catholic Church just keep getting more and more mystifying. They have one now for "procurement of an abortion," reasoning that an abortion after marriage may suggest a lack of willingness to have children before marriage. Do you know what you call that? A divorce. I pray these messages keep going out to the churches so that they may repent.
@ryankittle3431 Месяц назад
The pulpit is approving of so many easy divorces it blows my mind.
@VeganWithAraygun Месяц назад
Meanwhile, Christian nationalists, theocracies, authoritarians, intransigent patriarchal hierarchs and their political operatives have re-crucified Jesus and chosen Ayn Rand and Vladimir Putin.
@bluedistortions Месяц назад
Divorce and remarriage is not a sin. The Bible never says "God hates divorce." It says, "God hates the putting away." Divorce and "putting away" are two different words in Hebrew, and the English translators either didn't know that, or didnt like that and changed it, like when they changed "Sabbath" to "first day," because they wanted to justify Sunday worship. Sticking to divorce, again, God said he hates the putting away, which is what the pagan nations around Israel did. The Hebrews were to write a bill of divorce, and give the ex-wife her dowry back, so she then had something to live off of, and a legal right to remarry. If she was merely put out of the house and told not to return, she couldnt remarry, and had nothing. Interestingly, today pastors preach the "putting away" all over again, saying just because your partner betrayed you, you have no options and are forever bent over a barrel. But that's what we get for listening to pastors and theologians, and not God. Jeremiah 8:8, the scribes change the words of God. Or as Jesus said, they preach the traditions of man, while ignoring what God requires.
@Dessme Месяц назад
"Non believers their marriages are valid" I believe so. But some denominations teach that "if an unbeliver departs, the christian partner is not bound and can remarry. " Is that so? Also they say if divorce happens before the wife/husband becomes christian, he/she can remarry bc the divorced is now "a new creature" and that the past has passed" Is that so?
@SaintAthanasiusChurch 29 дней назад
No. We would say natural marriages, those marriages outside the Church, still have the same binding covenantal effect. And that if an unbeliever departs, the believer is not bound to follow them, but to remain single and pray for reconciliation. God bless!
@Dessme 29 дней назад
​​@@SaintAthanasiusChurchThanks for the quick reply. Few questions: Do you support the concept of perpetual sin? How about in a scenario of long time second marriage? I mean some have a number of children from the second marriage (and from the 1st too) but the second marriage might have stayed for decades. Is it appropriate to separate the second marriage to be free from sin? What about in a case of a shortly lived marriage? I know someone that was married and divorce within few months. No child. His wife married another and he is single now. Is he supposed to be single the rest of his life? The other question: Is sex=marriage? If someone has sex with a girl, is he considered married to her? And so if he is considered married, will it be adultery if he is married to another girl?
@quidrickt4r447 Месяц назад
Terence McKenna never once claimed that he was a prophet. That is all you projecting your Christian indoctrination onto him. He was thoroughly convinced that the knowledge and means of humanity would not suffice to know the mysteries of life and God. In his own words: "For one human being to seek enlightenment from another is like a grain of sand on the beach seeking enlightenment from another.” He urged people to evaluate his ideas critically, and find out whether they resonated with them or not. If they didn't, well. He did call himself "Joe Ordinary". You, Pastor, have no right to accuse a dead man for not living up to an archetype he never claimed to be. Get your own congregation in order and stop shadow projecting. "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." --Matt 7:3-5.
@SaintAthanasiusChurch Месяц назад
Terrence McKenna was an apostate of the one true religion, a false prophet, and is currently burning in hell.
@quidrickt4r447 Месяц назад
@@SaintAthanasiusChurch " For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."
@SaintAthanasiusChurch Месяц назад
@@quidrickt4r447 Amen. May God judge you according to your false judgments of His people.
@SaintAthanasiusChurch Месяц назад
@@quidrickt4r447 It's not too late to repent and believe on Jesus Christ to be saved. Trust in Him before it's too late.
@quidrickt4r447 Месяц назад
@@SaintAthanasiusChurch Thank you Pastor. I have already done so. Christ resides within my heart via the graceful mediation of the Paraclete, and he assures me that there’s no need for you to worry about Terence McKenna’s wellbeing. He is among the elect and noble souls residing in the upper regions of the lofty heavens, playing the harp. Now, I have to ask; are you in hell? “The Kingdom of Heaven is within,” as I am sure you know (Luk 17:21). And to be frank, Pastor, by your way of condemning others to eternal Hellfire, you don’t seem to be in a good place. I urge you to search inside of yourself after the pearl of inestimable value that alone stands the test of time, that the man sells his property to gain, and reevaluate the megalomaniac arrogance displayed in this video. It is chaff, you can be sure, and it will burn into smoldering ashes before the blazing fire of Truth. Or are you greater, perhaps, than your teacher? (Matt 10:24) You must be since you give yourself the freedom to judge the eternal fate of other men. A bold stance. Not even Jesus himself acted in such a manner! “You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one.” (John 8:15). This is no way to gain a following Pastor. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that representatives like you are the reason the Christian religion is on a downward spiraling path into non-existence. You scare all the reasonable people away and attract nut cases. The blind leading the blind leads into a ditch, you can be sure.
@ericsikma4764 Месяц назад
When referring to Scripture, please keep comments in proper Biblical perspecive. Aren't man-plans goofy at times? History's literally LOADED with examples of how man-plans fail. Unfortunately, it's BEYOND obvious simply by the title of the video that thius thing isn't even REMOTELY close. How insulting to thwe finished work of Jesus. People are saved by His finished work....ONLY...not by one's marital status. Gimme a break. Hopefully, this isn't some sort of Roman Catholic thing. They'd push junk doctrine such as this type of legalistic ... WOW. Really? Toss this thing the garbage and RUN!!! Sometimes love must be tough. The desire is for everyone to hit as close to 100% as possible of everything for which God the Father created that person, self included. No one is perfect and there is no one righteous...AT ALL (Ecclesiastes 7:20, Isaiah 53:6, Isaiah 64:6, John 8:7, Romans 3:10-12, Romans 3:21-26). EVERYONE needs a savior (1 John 1:8-10). As long as a person is able to identify from the heart with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus...ONLY...that person is justified (Galatians 2:19-21, Romans 5:10, Romans 6:5-7, 2 Corinthians 5:17). Anything above and beyond that is merely some human attempting to push some “religion”, or “sin management”, or “man-plan”.
@nathanielblaney1631 Месяц назад
Beautiful, thanks for sharing this insight and invitation!
@RodolfoAOC Месяц назад
hello father, is there any church of your denomination in hispanic america?
@SaintAthanasiusChurch Месяц назад
We are currently unaffiliated, so not at the moment. Sorry for the bad news!
@holinessofthebride1935 Месяц назад
Thank you. I really enjoy this teaching. Jacob's blessing of his sons is one of my favorite passages in the Torah. I find some of the blessings especially Messianic, and in a rich and detailed way. I appreciate all the Hebrew word play you point out.
@when943 Месяц назад
This is not true!! Phillip had a horrible wife in his covenant marriage to Heriodas. Heriodas committed adultery and incest divorced and remarried, but the scripture says it's unlawful for you to have your brother Phillip's wife. Honestly who could have such a horrible spouse but even her being as wicked as she was she was still called "Phillip's wife!!" The covenant marriage is only over when one of the spouses die! No one would want their spouse back after this happened but nothing nasty Heriodas could do to undue the one flesh covenant union. What God has joined together man must not separate. That's a command!!! No one is stronger than God Almighty!!! This sin has ruined the local church!!! Rom. 7:1-3 ----- 1 Cor.7:39
@neilmccall5311 2 месяца назад
It's not remotely "simple stuff" = there are exceptions in the New Testament which appear to allow for remarriage after divorce but the exact interpretation is complex and needs some understanding of Greek, also in Deuteronomy 24 divorce and remarriage are permitted even though God hates divorce - the only prohibition being remarrying the ORIGINAL spouse which is completely the opposite to what a lot of those who forbid remarriage declare! Also they end up trying to break up Christians couples with families where one or both parties has been in a previous marriage, they show the ultimate practical wickedness of this doctrine which is why leaders with pastoral responsibilities refuse to endorse it.
@IsaacNussbaum Месяц назад
*"...there are exceptions in the New Testament...."* If there are exceptions in the Scriptures I would be willing to look at them. I don't think that there are any exceptions, however.
@tbone8171 2 месяца назад
If you don't understand DMT, do you have 10 minutes to spare. 100% non lethal. These chemicals are connected to birth and death and god. Just sayin
@tbone8171 2 месяца назад
Do you drink coffee or fast or pray in solitude? All States of mind can bring us closer to god. I've witnessed the power of god on deeper levels on psychedelics. Have you tried any psychedelics? The disciple Thomas was allowed to touch the incorporeal body of Christ as a privilege because he questioned the good lord. ..
@clintonking819 2 месяца назад
That's true : but ' if her husband died, then it's not Adultery if she chooses to marry again.. the Bible states that clearly.
@veneciangobeni1418 2 месяца назад
Even a divorced man doesnt have a right to get married again along the wife is still alive
@halbailey4802 2 месяца назад
@timothythompson4036 2 месяца назад
This was an excellent teaching. What is really disturbing is that you never hear the subject of divorce and remarriage discussed in the churches. They have totally buried the issue. The pastors are afraid to discuss it. Now does everyone understand why the Christian churches have totally lost authority?
@dceles3764 3 месяца назад
So if an egg is scrambled let it be??? NO! You throw it out; divorce the person you are in adultery with no matter how long they've been remarried. No wonder the churches are dying.
@glenw-xm5zf Месяц назад
If you re marry and some pharisee tells you to divorce him.her. Tell them to hit the road.A nyone who would counsel you to divorce the second wife is a heartless monster.They are seeking to control you, from such turn away. they do not have the love of God in them, but instead 'religion' and they are not saved.. and many churches are dying because of power mad, power tripping legalists, who take pleasure in making others miserable.. and they RULE by FEAR
@glenw-xm5zf Месяц назад
That is the sickest piece of man made doctrine i have seen in a month. Stay where you are and love that person. Total legalism
@dceles3764 Месяц назад
@@glenw-xm5zf If we are in sin we are to repent of our sin and as Jesus said go and sin no more. Jesus knew the woman would sin again because we are human but he was giving a blueprint on how to handle sin and repentance. When we sin we repent and turn away from that sin and basically say we aren't going to do it again. When you remarry while your spouse is alive that is Adultery and repenting only to continue to live in the sin daily is not true repentance.KJV Romans 6: 1-4
@glenw-xm5zf Месяц назад
@@dceles3764 The bible does noit say he knew that
@IsaacNussbaum Месяц назад
There is another option which is rarely discussed, if at all. Remain married but stop committing adultery (i.e. unlawful sexual relations).
@michaelbailey5208 3 месяца назад
Even in fornication the man and woman still have to remain unmarried or reconcile to their spouse.
@glenw-xm5zf Месяц назад
Disagree. It is better to marry than to burn with lust
@IsaacNussbaum Месяц назад
Correct, Michael.
@cheerjim 3 месяца назад
Yes, confess and repent.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 3 месяца назад
You're not teling it like it is.
@daviddvh 3 месяца назад
Bullshit If a woman was abussed or something like that she my divorce And remary
@grant2149 Месяц назад
@glenw-xm5zf 3 месяца назад
IF you are div and re married and some pharisee says you should break the marriage and div.. Tell them to hit the road.
@user-ns7dm6mi8z 3 месяца назад
Excellent teaching
@michelleruffin6903 3 месяца назад
So, if someone divorced and remarries before the knowledge of Christ, then becomes a believer, they are not forgiven and accepted into the Kingdom?
@SaintAthanasiusChurch 3 месяца назад
The knowledge of Christ entails recognizing sin and turning from it. If they repent of their adultery by separating they will receive forgiveness and acceptance into the Kingdom. If someone is a homosexual and marries another homosexual before the knowledge of Christ, then becomes a believer, are they forgiven and accepted into the Kingdom?
@beautifullybroken2926 3 месяца назад
@@SaintAthanasiusChurch homosexual marriage isn’t recognized by God as a valid union in the first place…
@SaintAthanasiusChurch 3 месяца назад
Neither is remarriage. God says it's adultery. @@beautifullybroken2926
@glenw-xm5zf Месяц назад
WRONG. Rea dJohn 3:16 then read the whole N T. Do you know Jesus Christ? Does he know you? If the answers to those 2 Q are YES, you have every right to walk in newness of life, and God will lead you in the way that you should go. You are set FREE. and never let some internet expert tell you any different.
@tahirali-is1kx 3 месяца назад
No wonder why majority of atheists are Christians. You are doing hard work for the atheism,keep it up.
@holinessofthebride1935 3 месяца назад
I very much enjoyed the interview, and all of the topics we discussed. Thank you for having me on, brother.
@SaintAthanasiusChurch 3 месяца назад
It was a pleasure! Thanks for coming on. God bless.
@rickkilgore1147 3 месяца назад
Ur Crazy. Do you expect folks wh have been remarried 36 years or more to divorce committing another sin.HOGWASH.