No One Asked You!
No One Asked You!
No One Asked You!
A podcast no one asked me to start.


@atreides213 2 дня назад
What were your impressions of the Parshendi at the time of reading the prologue? Based on what little information was provided. Why would they want to kill Gavilar? What was this treaty about? What is their relation to the 'parshmen' that would make the Alethi call them 'Parshmen who can think'?
@NOAYPodcast 2 дня назад
I remember comparing the Parshmen to the Terrismen as they both seemed to have a reputation for being docile but have some very powerful individuals within. I assumed the Parshendi were essentially the same people, just more outspoken than the rest I didn't spend too much time thinking on the 'why' of breaking the treaty other than to enjoy the mystery, particularly Gavilars confusion as well - I assume there isn't enough information given yet to make a meaningful prediction. -I suspect it has something to do with the end of the world though
@darcy7257 2 дня назад
LETS GOOOOOOOOOO (I have already finished listening)
@AkatsukiBoss13 2 дня назад
We're in the story proper now and the event that kicks everything off, the murder of a King by an assassin in white. So much I want to say but I can't because of spoilers. What I can say is this, you're in for world quite different from Mistborn's and it's what many consider to be Sanderson's greatest work, his magnum opus. It's going to be a ride.
@karlwilker579 2 дня назад
THAI-dakar. SAD-eas. AY (as in hay)-dolin. DAL-inar. Shall-ON. YAS-nah. Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamore. Thank me later.
@NOAYPodcast 2 дня назад
Screenshot taken for future reference! hahaha thank you!
@NOAYPodcast 2 дня назад
Please avoid spoilers in the comment section. Thank you!
@tahafury 3 дня назад
sad we never hear from Szeth again, Im sure he's running a carrot farm or something
@brainpeg2010 3 дня назад
Prologue 2 of 3 (As it feels like between the prelude, prologue, and chap1) does a good job of introducing the magic; it will be a while until it comes back. Gavilar may be dead, but keep track of the other Kholins, as they will make up half the main characters in the series!
@brainpeg2010 4 дня назад
The beginnings of a love triangle! Will be interested in hearing your thoughts about this "Watcher" character as you learn more about him.
@darcy7257 4 дня назад
@thatdarnkitteh 3 дня назад
Hate it when that happens 😭
@adamwebster1666 4 дня назад
Gotta wonder what Kitteh's thoughts on No-One's post-recording insertion might be. (Took a week to realize, oh yeah, she was totally flirting. lol)
@NOAYPodcast 4 дня назад
@@adamwebster1666 (I do give her an opportunity to comment in the next episode!)
@thatdarnkitteh 3 дня назад
Absolutely spot on as can be expected from Dorkus 😂
@karlwilker579 5 дней назад
Oresure is so sassy. I love him.
@adamwebster1666 4 дня назад
Who's a good boy? Oreseur is a good boy! The Goodest Boy, yesh he is!
@thatdarnkitteh 3 дня назад
He does not require boops but we give him boops anyway! ​@@adamwebster1666
@NOAYPodcast 5 дней назад
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@gliduspyke 5 дней назад
Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king
@karlwilker579 6 дней назад
You guys should know going into this new series that it can get even heavier at times than Mistborn. Topics such as suicide, depression, alcoholism, and addiction are major themes in this series. I cannot wait.
@NOAYPodcast 6 дней назад
Well for what it's worth Sanderson seems to be handling writing about Vin's trauma in Well of Ascension really really well from what I can tell so at least I can expect the topics to be handled with care...I hope
@karlwilker579 6 дней назад
@@NOAYPodcast He absolutely does IMO.
@darcy7257 6 дней назад
Chaotic Evil is a bit much :')
@darcy7257 7 дней назад
I’m sure it might change but presuming you guys didn’t mind it or get bored…….breaking it down chapter by chapter is amazing to listen to! Other people will have their open opinions but the smaller the chunks the better in terms of what I find entertaining to listen to. But I understand it is a bit ridiculous for books this big, so im satisfied with “the shortest amount of chapters that you guys find to work well and doesn’t drive you insane”
@karlwilker579 7 дней назад
I can't wait for this to be done in like 5 years. Journey before destination I guess.
@darcy7257 8 дней назад
Accents are not your forte 😭
@NOAYPodcast 8 дней назад
@@darcy7257 very much no ^_^
@darcy7257 8 дней назад
Are you guys on Spotify or some sort of podcast app?
@NOAYPodcast 8 дней назад
Yup! There's a link to the Spotify page in the channel description! open.spotify.com/show/5kJTaQnyZk1RDEHt1u3o3N
@ThatLibralita 8 дней назад
So, now that you've met him and seen his death, what are your thoughts of Gavilar?
@NOAYPodcast 8 дней назад
@@ThatLibralita I thought he was awesome. A king that can/is willing to fight? Cool. Double bluff protection? Cool. Seemed like his last words were pretty important - cool!
@AkatsukiBoss13 9 дней назад
As a true and faithful Vorin man, I am deeply offended by Dorkus reading this rather than listening to the audiobook as is proper. The only thing that could make it worse is if Kitteh reveals that she doesn't cover her safe hand! In all seriousness, you're in for ride. I found the Mistborn Trilogy really good but the Stormlight Archives easily surpassed it on every metric. About the only thing bad thing I could say about it (well so far as it's an ongoing story) is that it's a bit of daunting thing to recommend to people as their first Sanderson novel. Usually I'll point newcomers to the Mistborn Trilogy or one of the one off Cosmere novels before trying the Stormlight Archives because just how grand an epic it is. Journey before destination!
@tahafury 9 дней назад
If I had a nickel for every time an old man held back a world ending threat rather than getting rid of the world ending threat I'd have two nickels
@NOAYPodcast 9 дней назад
Which isn't that many but it's weird that it happened twice...
@bryanmcclure2220 9 дней назад
If You would allow me to be so bold to recommend a reading order for you. 1. Mist born era one. 2. Secret histories 3. Storm light books 1-3 4.mistborn era 2 books 1-3 5. Alternative position for secret histories 6. Last metal. 7. Storm light books 4/5 8.Elantris 9. War breaker Notes on the order: Secret histories has minor spoilers for era 2 However, is more connected to era 1. So I heard good arguments Both reading Positions and it seems like people Regardless of when they read it though, I would recommend reading It before era 2 . More notes: I would strongly recommend that you not read elantris Or war breaker Before you read mist born And Stormlight. People will tell you that there are no spoilers and if I suppose If you define spoilers a certain certain way, that is true. However, you’ll be robbed much of the sense of mystery And wonder that you could’ve experienced if you Read storm light and era 2 mist born After war breaker and Elantris
@NOAYPodcast 9 дней назад
Thanks for the list! Without getting too far ahead of myself (and of course things *may* change on a whim) I can confidently say Kitteh and I are currently going through Well of Ascension faster than Way of Kings. I'm not sure what the timing will end up looking like as we approach the end of both but I *suspect* we'll probably finish Hero of Ages before we finish book 3 of the Stormlight Archives. I'm confident we will want to continue on with the Mistborn series at that point. -I imagine that means starting with Secret Histories but it's so far off for us I couldn't say with 100% accuracy. I will say it's absolutely fascinating to hear all of the radically different reading orders and the reasoning behind them and I really enjoy hearing them! A lot of folks feel strongly so I hope whichever way we end up going won't be too disappointing for others. I haven't begun to think about Elantris or Warbreaker quite yet (though again, I've heard various opinions). I'm probably not going to do a chapter by chapter thing for either of them (or at least I'm not currently planning to) but they're on my radar. I might use Elantris at some point as a test case for whether or not I enjoy writing a 'formal review' type thing. Anyway, I've rambled! Thank you for the order suggestion! I appreciate it! ^_^
@bryanmcclure2220 9 дней назад
@@NOAYPodcast yeah there are a lot of different reading orders and everyone has reasons behind them. That’s why I tried to give you those notes so you could make a your on mind. Truth is there a lot of pros and cons with any reading order. So no order can be perfect.
@bryanmcclure2220 9 дней назад
I would also like to add that you could read Stormlight 4 and 5 before era 2 and secret histories, but you’ll be spoiled however you could also say it the other way that reading era 2 will spoil you for storm light 4 and 5. so it goes both ways as I said no reading order is perfect
@darcy7257 7 дней назад
I’ve never heard anyone suggest finishing stormlight archive before reading warbreaker or Elantris. You can read Elantris straight away. The only reason people don’t is that because it is the first published book, it isn’t considered the best starting point. Warbreaker is also good to read before stormlight archive, if not that before words of radiance, if not that either then you definitely don’t need to read all stormlight books before warbreaker.
@greypoupet 10 дней назад
jealous you guys get to experience it for the first time.... what a commitment
@NOAYPodcast 10 дней назад
I'm so excited!
@brainpeg2010 10 дней назад
Wow, it's amazing you are committing to this long series in such a format! This prelude is for the entire Stormlight series, so put a bookmark on these ideas even as the story seems to move on in a different direction.
@NOAYPodcast 10 дней назад
Yeah it's definitely going to take an agonizingly long time...BUT we will keep an eye out for opportunities to 'move quickly' i.e. We intend to do the 'interludes' together. (meaning when we get to the first interlude we will read all of the first interlude to discuss it, then do the same when we get to the second, etc)
@brainpeg2010 9 дней назад
@@NOAYPodcast Some of the interludes are mini-stories in and of themselves. There may actually be subsections of chapters that are better worth grouping together, but you may get a better sense of this after going through part 1.
@NOAYPodcast 10 дней назад
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@gliduspyke 10 дней назад
Ah yes, Sazed and Marsh such a comedy duo
@NOAYPodcast 10 дней назад
The buddy cop movie we need.
@brainpeg2010 11 дней назад
If you don't like Sazed, then you don't like Mistborn. He is as much the heart of the story as Vin and Elend! Hope you did do a blind blind readthrough of Chapter 12, and maybe 19 (though 18 is also a good chapter).
@NOAYPodcast 11 дней назад
Definitely did 12! Haven't gotten to 19 yet but planning on it! (We just recorded 15 a few days ago)
@karlwilker579 11 дней назад
The same people who dislike Sazed also probably like a certain Stormlight character.
@karlwilker579 11 дней назад
As a pastor's kid, hearing you guys say "SAI-nod" physically hurt me... one of the two things you guys said in this chapisode that rocked me.
@NOAYPodcast 11 дней назад
I am so sorry :'( (What is the proper pronunciation?)
@karlwilker579 11 дней назад
@@NOAYPodcast Lol it's SIN-odd.
@NOAYPodcast 11 дней назад
You will likely cringe for a handful of episodes but I will try to keep this particular pronunciation note in mind! (But also, arrrgh with the Y)
@thatdarnkitteh 11 дней назад
Words are hard 😢
@adamwebster1666 12 дней назад
Nice chaptisode, guys. Brandon choosing words rooted in Christianity's history is an interesting choice itself. From an outsider's viewpoint, one could say that christianity was dominated by Catholic monopolistic tyranny for about 1000 years before Matin Luther nailed his precepts and sparked a world-shaping revolution (for europe anyways). Its during that 1000 years which words like synod and conventicle were used, which are only distinguished by one being called and endorsed by the authority, and the other ... not so much. Makes me wonder if that was a conscious and deliberate choice, or just an accident of underlying philosophy.
@NOAYPodcast 11 дней назад
Interesting! Love this bit of info I remember a while back I was trying to write up a religious system and wanted to pick uncommon words. It was really tough to settle on terms. (In fact I'm still working on it, hahaha) I'm also reading The Dragonbone Chair (stream coming in maybe a week and a half?) and I'm really noticing a lot of Christian parallels
@NOAYPodcast 12 дней назад
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@tahafury 12 дней назад
This will probably be answered in the episode but is this series going to be chapter by chapter or more in bundles of 2 or 3, because as I understand it the format will be more summary rather than read through. I ask because going chapter by chapter for mistborn is already incredibly long and stormlight is basically double the length, if you still plan to go one chapter at a time then I won't mind but damn will this series never end (and I cant decide if thats a good thing or not)
@NOAYPodcast 12 дней назад
Fair question and reasonable concern! We're still 'feeling it out' but for the moment it's chapter by chapter. To my knowledge the middle of the book has 'interludes' that we will probably do in bundles. (If I had the book on me I'd double check their lengths) Though I'll say having just recorded chapter 2, I think we've finally found a good rhythm with it
@tahafury 12 дней назад
@NOAYPodcast that's good, at least I'll have this podcast between the release of book 5 and book 6 to keep me company
@adamwebster1666 9 дней назад
@@tahafury I haven't checked in a while, but weren't Mistborn Era 3 and at least one other solo listed before Stormlight 6 on the Sanderplan?
@tahafury 9 дней назад
@adamwebster1666 yes, in sandersons predicted timeline then we don't see stormlight 6 for a decade
@adamwebster1666 9 дней назад
@@tahafury see, plenty to keep us busy after 5. :) I’m kind of hoping this settles into either multiple chapter per episode or multiple episode a week, drawing the content out for too long must be torturous.
@fortae709 15 дней назад
i appreciate you a lot man🫶🏾
@karlwilker579 17 дней назад
Man, the banter between Vin and OreSuer is great. OreSuer is great in this book. Legit one of my favs.
@krinokshade4814 18 дней назад
Some non spoilery help with allomancy (even if you already have red ahead). It helps to look at more basic pairs like tin-pewter and iron-steel for good examples of alloys properties. Because Brandon confuses you with mixing different allomantic metals together. Alloy doesn't change external/internal quality of base metal. It changer polarity (push-pull aspect).
@krinokshade4814 18 дней назад
One of the reasons why Elend didn't tell Vin about Kelsier saving him could be that Elend didn't want to remind Vin of Kels death because there were like 10 minutes between those events.
@brainpeg2010 18 дней назад
With Spook, I think you can start to see now what bothers some people with his character. In the first book, he has this street slang that some people find frustrating. In this second book, he comes off having this immature bravado that people also can't stand. You can consider what happens in the third book... Also, interesting fact, when Brandon wrote this book, he didn't realize that "wolf hound" is actually a species of dog. So what he envisioned was basically a tame wolf, but later realized some confused it for this dog species.
@spencerd6126 11 дней назад
Professor Tober demands his historically accurate stuffed pup
@tmanatee9567 18 дней назад
You touched on something here that will eventually be very frustrating to me personally. I hope it might be less so for you when you get there.
@NOAYPodcast 18 дней назад
Oh no! My curiosity has been piqued. Please remind me of this when we do get to whichever part frustrated you!
@atreides213 18 дней назад
In regards to what Ham was saying about Vin and pewter, I believe he was saying Vin can become stronger than any normal *warrior*, not any normal Thug or Pewterarm. I took this to mean that she has the strength of many men, just as any thug would, but that Vin's smaller mass means she can leverage that strength in different ways than a normal Thug. Much like how you can throw a baseball much farther than you could a bowling ball with the same strength.
@gliduspyke 18 дней назад
@sashahoneypalm9330 18 дней назад
You madlads! You really did read the entire thing line by line in one go! (I'm assuming you did it. I'm halfway through and about to take a lunch break, so if you had to stop at, like, day 70 for some reason i'll look really silly)
@NOAYPodcast 18 дней назад
We stopped exactly 3 sentences before the end ;D But actually, yup! We made it! (and a speedrun of the semi-canon prologue at the end)
@sashahoneypalm9330 18 дней назад
​@@NOAYPodcast lol... Also some small thoughts now that I'm done: 1) So glad you enjoyed TES 2) I somehow missed until now that Ashravan is supposed to be blond, nope put it back, I reject your canon and substitute my own 3) if I had a nickel for every story in which A Certain Character had a job as a court jester with a monochrome uniform I would have two nickels, etc 4) Tolkien lore nitpick! Orcs being born from goo is a Peter Jackson thing. Tolkien himself says they bred in the manner of ordinary creatures. He was also troubled in his later years by the concept of an inherently evil sapient race, and kept trying to fix how orcs work. TLDR: there are a lot of things in RoP that would cause Tolkien to spin in his grave, but orc families are not where I would personally draw the line.
@karlwilker579 18 дней назад
3:58:08 What do you mean? Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor is a perfectly normal name. Means rock.
@NOAYPodcast 18 дней назад
@prieten91 4 дня назад
hahaha, best name evaaaa
@NOAYPodcast 18 дней назад
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@NOAYPodcast 18 дней назад
Please avoid spoilers in the comment section. Thank you!
@brainpeg2010 19 дней назад
Wow, I can't believe you did the whole of The Emperor's Soul in one go! At this rate, you'll have read all the Cosmere short stories before you even finish WoA! Also, your guesses about where Hoid is in the story are true. I wonder what that implies about Shai's mission at the end...
@dm7324 19 дней назад
You can do way of kings like this, it will take only 2 weeks of online reading or something.
@bryanmcclure2220 19 дней назад
@@dm7324 you are underestimating how big way of king is
@zibus8456 19 дней назад
Thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed this story. Shai and Gaotona are two of Brandon's best characters. I love how their relationship grows and the meditations on art. The final scene is gorgeously haunting. 11/10 story.
@karlwilker579 19 дней назад
I love how detail-oriented Shai is.