yappin' about fighting games
@RimuDB 4 дня назад
As a fellow Reina main i approve this message.
@countertask 4 дня назад
0:37 Akuma just said "NO MORE HORNY! DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS!!!!!!!!!"
@ccsheep-kr2qs 7 дней назад
Akuma army vs Ken army
@Mireille0461 8 дней назад
Akuma is cool and all, but I want Marisa to crack my entire spine.
@DaBigFlesse 6 дней назад
So relatable Marisa and mommy is the same thing to me☺️
@juanpagan7944 8 дней назад
I play 5 characters at least in any fighting game and if it's a team game 20 always great to have options and easier matchups 😂😂😂
@RaggedKnowledge96 9 дней назад
Marisa’s polyamorous, so she’s everyone’s waifu ❤❤
@ganjaman59650 8 дней назад
It's called polygam.
@cjmodmanboom8518 7 дней назад
@sleeplessomniman5204 5 дней назад
Looks like a man and isn't faithful...pick a struggle.
@cjmodmanboom8518 5 дней назад
@@sleeplessomniman5204 what
@sleeplessomniman5204 5 дней назад
@@cjmodmanboom8518 Ugly and cheats. Two issues. Needs to pick one only. Nothing unclear about what I said.
@gunjio 9 дней назад
I know Akuma video, but MARISA 😍
@Whereisvultureboy 7 дней назад
Best girl
@DaBigFlesse 6 дней назад
Agreed Marisa fine asf
@gunjio 12 дней назад
I love her boobs and butt pose at the end of the trailer.
@tonisnooker 13 дней назад
I'd played Negan for 5 years professionally even taught although I never forgotten my roots as a Mokujin/All-Characters-Per-Round main what I'd done was to take the fundamental a.k.a A Neganer's Essence and tried to find ways where he lacked (He had everything but it was a gamble moveset with leniency and leeway added onto the fray) with alike characters like Shaheen,Ganryu,Kazumi and Miguel plus I always simulated other characters well-known traits even my own main wasn't designed to play that way lol
@cranesilentlyplays8084 15 дней назад
Her outfit is her SSR, SSBA is her Earth alt’s CA, Delta Clock and Emnity were combined (though, works like Delay in GBF), and her SSBA finish is based on her Summer SSR’s pose (she somehow ended up in a snowy place with her bikini, during Summer.) Beatrix and Embrasque get stronger the more in danger she’s in and she will throw herself at attacks from her allies and rush into fights with no thoughts, head empty (Embrasque likes her because she’s so unlucky and eats causality so she never dies and gained the nickname of ‘Immortal Blue.’) 5:46 - Yes and Eustace’s partner. Lore-wise, she’s the only survivor of her well-off family and had a promising future, before bad luck struck, has the closest bond to her Automagod/weapon, and everything she cooks is really sweet (which Embrasque will eat sometimes, because it has a sweet tooth.)
@Lenn2X_ 15 дней назад
Yo thats awesome. Thanks for the info I will be immersed when I play her now
@thelaughingdragon32 15 дней назад
Im still getting better with anila, so im good for now.
@Mireille0461 16 дней назад
I'm so gonna play her, she's such a cutie and I love her in the original game!! She looks so fun in the trailer.
@unluckylux7781 16 дней назад
My thought process was different than that. I hit a plateau playing Beelzebub in a neutral heavy, defensive, whiff punish style. So, I tried out Katalina hoping maybe playing her would give me insight into playing that way better. Turns out Katalina is just better for that sort of thing and I should be playing more aggressively to draw out Beelzebub’s strengths.
@AofCastle 16 дней назад
I have almost the opposite problem, I can never play a single character more than 5 matches in a row. Sure, I'll go back to them fairly often to the point where they can be considered "main", but I still switch characters all the time
@Lenn2X_ 16 дней назад
There’s totally nothing wrong with that if it works for you! I’m kinda the opposite haha
@AofCastle 16 дней назад
@@Lenn2X_ I know, the only problem is that I never feel that I learn any character deep enough. And I'm not sure if I want to call this a problem, because I think I should think that as long as I'm having fun it's ok. But it still feels wrong if I'm not optimizing my learning.
@gunjio 16 дней назад
I always listen to the frog. Frogs get sassy if you ignore them.
@Lenn2X_ 16 дней назад
I find that they are very dramatic
@TheXell 16 дней назад
"I bought the whole roster, I'm PLAYING the whole roster."
@stonebbq5474 16 дней назад
Jayce’s playstyle carries him for sure. He’s so bland in everything but has a genuinely cool kit
@chasejones6164 17 дней назад
I learn everyone at least enough to know what they are and aren't capable of and switch my characters every few matches because why would I only pick one character when there's many to be?
@mikeyrodriguez3317 17 дней назад
My character crisis is that slayer is t out yet
@christhechilled 18 дней назад
I have my main, my secondary and fun/goofy characters on lock! For a goofy character as an example would be Eddy and Hworang from Tekken 😊
@MorbyLol 18 дней назад
honestly i wanna pick up a secondary but like the whole "dont do that untill youre confident with your main" thing psychs me out a bit, since like, when do i know when im confident lmao i love my kyle shoto man but i wanna play the funny hair woman yk?
@malcovich_games 18 дней назад
Yeah like when Nier was removed from the game, you can always switch to Nier... the other one. The guest character.
@wizzyXIV 18 дней назад
another banger video 😎 love all the XIV references, keep up the good work just binged your channel
@JonBoyGG 18 дней назад
Lenn's secondary IRL is voice acting
@Mireille0461 19 дней назад
my secondary pick is the frog
@zinv08 19 дней назад
It can be difficult but also very rewarding. Good luck to everyone picking up their secondaries.
@Karpnado 19 дней назад
Tekken 8 was my first fighting game and I picked Reina because she looked cool, when I dived into a bit more and saw she has all those stances and stuff I was just like "oh..." But that's not stopped me! She's been fun to learn :) And I win more games than my expected 0 so a win
@geijienduro7610 22 дня назад
Dropped 2 ranks in one day didn't feel good but I'm not about to just give up.
@brinkbeats 22 дня назад
awesome video
@arkimpierre1731 22 дня назад
Me and u both came to the realization that Marisa is our main the same way
@Krethean 22 дня назад
I found I prefer playing Quick Battle with Tekken 8 more, especially if I am trying to learn things, put things into practise or warm up/keep sharp. I will dip into Ranked when I feel I am up for it. Having games with no risk, just working and focusing on your own gameplay helps me reset and get focused for ranked games. Even if I get scrubbed in Quick, it doesn't matter to me cause I can try to focus on that rather than stress about rank. Quick Battle is quite popular too so getting games isn't as big a struggle.
@VRT_CTRL 23 дня назад
Leo is fun but Reina is my calling
@Demonancer 23 дня назад
Alistar, Rengar, Volibear, and Warwick :3
@mcdonnartz 23 дня назад
@RosaVinicius 23 дня назад
Oh shit this channel really is a hidden gem huh? Thanks youtube algorithm for bringing me here when it was starting
@RosaVinicius 23 дня назад
Great video :D
@Lenn2X_ 23 дня назад
@dannygee2062 23 дня назад
Just play raven.
@Hox5241 24 дня назад
I always land on what feels smoother than the rest. Zato, Anji, and Baiken. With Tekken, I play Jin, Bryan, and am attempting to play Kazuya for the execution being really interesting
@theceptorperson9570 24 дня назад
Do you have any tips for a complete beginner that always feels like they are just not ready to play, either ranked or even casual, and keep practicing but the practice never seems to stick? My most problem is actually the social anxiety, like fear of the other player seeing I'm playing horribly because I'm bad, and its even worse if they decide to teabag or tease or something like that. I always feel like I should first understand how to play but no mather how much information I absorb or try to learn I always feel like I just shouldn't play yet. And then I never actually play the game, and forget everything I just learned.
@Josefuumii 23 дня назад
This applies to Tekken if that's what you're struggling with. A tip would be just play the game and don't worry about rank until you hit maybe red ranks or so, don't worry about feeling "unprepared" or that you "don't know enough", realistically your opponents don't know everything either, just mess around in ranked play with your character, try doing different things and seeing what sticks, that's how you create a gameplan and eventually you'll start demolishing with what you learned through actually playing instead of practicing. another thing is you should go into player customization and enable "magic mirror" which will stop your opponent from moving at the end of a round so they can't teabag or bm you anymore.
@benmcgiggles7655 24 дня назад
I've started a very simple check to see if I'm gonna play ranked or not, and it's whether or not I currently have that dog in me. And by that, I mean A. After a few warm up games, do I feel like Im actually playing well at the moment, and B. Do I REALLY want to win right now? If I go into ranked half assed, Im generally either autopiloting, or trying to play "proper" both of which are not good at all for quick ranked sets. If I have that dog in me, I'll quickly look for holes in the opponents gameplay to exploit, switch up my timing, and pull out the occasional yolo option to try and throw them off as much as possible. And if I do all that and still lose, I either understand what I did wrong and have to give it up to the other person, or I dont understand and have to do some research. If the dog is not in me, then there are plenty of other ways I can improve without putting points on the line. I can watch my replays, or top player matches, I can lab stuff in training mode, or even fight bots just to get comfortable landing certain things in a match without the pressure of a thinking breathing person on the other side. More so than execution, I believe ranked is about honing your own mentality while learning the patterns of what people look for in certain situations, which just comes from playing more games and seeing those situations more times. And nobody is perfect, I'll still get frustrated sometimes, so it's important to know when to take breaks as well. Even the best players in the world will make a couple wrong guesses and get blown up in certain rounds, there's just no way around it. The important thing is to slowly build the knowledge so it starts happening less and less.
@Al-gs1oc 24 дня назад
Loved this
@toas6693 25 дней назад
Who you have fun losing with
@morgboat744 25 дней назад
honestly i’ve never really had ranked anxiety with fighting games considering the only rank i’d be messing up is my own. i wish i had any clue how to overcome it for games like Counter Strike or Overwatch tho…
@user-fz5gz3ih7e 25 дней назад
What’s the worst that can happen - queues up to 10 kings back 2 back
@thomasrougeot9026 25 дней назад
There is a mod that allows you to totally shut down the on screnn information about rank. No stress tekken or something like that on nexus mod.
@neopyroxxyt728 25 дней назад
This channel is so underated
@MT-vw4wb 25 дней назад
Bruh, you played against my good friend in street fighter 6 LOL. Was not ready to see him a video. Who won btw?
@d.e5964 26 дней назад
It's just so fucking annoying when my opponent is spamming a move I can't parry, sidestep or counter, so I'll have to take the hit and guess the 50-50, but I'm an asuka main, a defensive character with no real threatening moves that aren't parries or counter attacks. I'm going to lose 80% of these 50-50s. So jarring
@pseudowoodo7694 26 дней назад
Honestly I played virtually every current fighting game there is to play, getting high ranks in both tekken and sf. Ranked anxiety and frustration are two things that have prevented me from playing the game consistantly, despite really enjoying it at first. Im glad this video is out, because it puts a spotlight on a very real thing. And i appreciate you for making it valid, not just sort of writing it off as a "its a skill issue" thing. That being said, I think you perfectly incapsulated, in words, the very things that people think about and go through on the regular with these types of games, ESPECIALLY fighting games. That part about detaching yourself from the result of the match really hit. Im gonna be picking up tekken and sf and will go back to this video any time I need a pick up!
@spoopy1970 26 дней назад
For me its not that I care about rank points, its just that I know that I will get toxic players and I don't want to have to deal with them. I don't mind being terrible at game and going on a losing streak, its only frustrating to me if the other players are trying to just be toxic because I'm not good yet.