Listening to the silence
The nature whispering…

Tuning into the frequency of the essence of life, and the magic of sounds. From this place of deep listening, allowing to express pure authenticity through sounds deeply connected to our entire being, body & soul.

Maywa’s music guide us through a sensory sound journey back to our very essence. Working with healing frequency’s and sounds of nature,
She invites us to dive deeply into our inner wisdom and to (re)discover the joy of being alive.

⋅◈⋅I’m available for 1:1 sessions & Mentorship of Embodied voice.
Booking for private or group sound ceremony, also life set/Dj set.
Send me a message in private here: maywa.musica@gmail.com
I will be happy to give you more details or have a call together.

Deep gratitude & Love
