MDI Biological Laboratory
MDI Biological Laboratory
MDI Biological Laboratory
The MDI Biological Laboratory is a rapidly growing, independent non-profit biomedical research institution. Its mission is to improve human health and well-being through basic research, education, and development ventures that transform discoveries into cures.
MDI SCIENCE CAFE: (Re)Building a Kidney
2 месяца назад
2023 MDI Biological Laboratory Annual Meeting
6 месяцев назад
Bioscience Careers at MDI Bio Lab
10 месяцев назад
Journey Through Brain
Год назад
Zebrafish head vasculature
Год назад
mesoSPIM animation
Год назад
@rafaelsaporito 3 месяца назад
Thank you for posting this <3
@markh.9236 4 месяца назад
I have just become an ATK enthusiast! Great work.
@vipalsharma4120 Год назад
No sound !
@liliansjberg3160 Год назад
Did he know that dyskinesia means too much dopamine?
@joychastity Год назад
How long does it take a damage nerve to regenerate and what treatment makes it regenerate.
@JZGreengo Год назад
No such thing, unfortunately we don’t have that technology but we can numb you out lol
@ashronin9327 6 месяцев назад
​​@@JZGreengo damaged nerves can regenerate,but only in the PNS though(with some requirements),because they contain schwann cells.the nerves in the CNS are the ones that can't regenerate.
@brotherlonewolf4182 Год назад
Where's the beef?
@debasishborthakur2141 Год назад
Please hurry up Science 🙏
@grumpy1311 2 года назад
Thanks for posting these talks. Fortunate to live in a community with some forward thinkers.
@joyaborthakur9407 2 года назад
I'm from a very remote place of India, i really don't know whether i will be able to receive all those future coming technologies but yeah one thing is sure that we humans are so capable enough unlike the other animals so definitely we want to live forever.. Nobody wants to die.. Dieing is the end of everything.. Dying does not give any meaning to life.. Scientists should be capable enough to reverse the aging process in humans.. We humans are great..👍
@hugot99 2 года назад
Over what time period has this been recorded and how big the surface area? Ineteresting
@michaelbriscoe8441 2 года назад
Our ice caps,melt by themselves,without us doing shit.Indeed go take a look,and see if our ice caps have melted before,and lo and behold,they have,without us doing shit.So,the earth has ice ages that ebb and flow,and the ice caps periodically melt.And there aint shit you can do about it,the earth does this all by itself without us causing it,unless you are prepared to say that we caused it so long ago,which is complete bullshit we did not cause it back then,nor all the other times the ice caps melted.The earth does it,all by itselfand there is nothing you can do about it,nor does it mean we caused it,unless you are prepared to say we caused the ice caps and the earth to heat up all the other times this has happened.It wasn't us back then,nor is it now,it is natural process that you can do,not a fucking thing about it,the earth does this periodically,and all the other times it did it,it had zero to do with us.Now try to argue that logic,genius.Climate change by us,is pure horse shit,the earth has done this very exact same thing many times before,and it will continue to do so,no matter what mankind does.The earth casues the changes as well as a few other things that have zero to do with us.And it's about time,the fucking bullshit ceases,the ice caps can melt,and there isn't shit that can be done about it,it has done so before and it will do so again,and has zero to do with us,unless all the other times the ice caps melted are attributed to mankind.Which,they cannot be,which means climate change is natural,and there aint shit you can do about it.It's about time,you fucking scientists started telling the truth about that,the ice caps melt,and has nothing to do with us.Now that is a fact,and you know it is.Try telling the truth,that climate change is inevitable no matter what,which you know to be true as well.Yet you spout bullshit,as if it were our fault.It isn't the earth has done this before,remember?Now if the earth automatically goes through cycles,where our earth heats up and our ice caps melt,that means that is exactly what it is doing now,like it has so many times before,and just like all the other times the ice caps melted,it aint got shit,to do with us,the earth does it all on its owm,like it has before,and which it is doing now.In short,the climate change is inevitable no matter what we do.Now why is it,none of you scientists will reveal that little fact?Because you are on the bullshit payroll,along with all the other outright fucking liars.You got nothing but bullshit,and I have just proven that.Peace
@grojawalip1683 2 года назад
Susan is cute. Nice books.
@masou6096 2 года назад
Hi Sir, I have question about cellulose nanocrystals. By the way, if we characterize crystalline index of raw materials and nanocellulose . Question: 1. How to calculate crystalline index ( I guess using Segal crystallinity index after receive result from analysis lab) BUT i can't understand how to calculate. 2. How you can calculate crstalline index (CrI) in XRD spectrum. I hope I would receive your answer soon. Thanks Sir.
@michelestapleton4196 2 года назад
Thank you for posting this!
@rshore081 2 года назад
Wow..quite a bit of misinformation here!
@leanderrowe2800 2 года назад
I totally understand why aginging research only gets 1% of funding. While aging naturally is a privilege, dying of diseases is not. I read about children suffering and dying from all sorts of rare diseases that lacks funding.
@allenissac3967 3 года назад
Audio not clear.can you give a summary what can be done for sacropenia?
@cheungwei4873 3 года назад
Hello everyone I want to appreciate Dr. Ekpen for helping me with his herbal medicine that cure my Cancer completely. I have been living with Cancer for the past 8years. I was so happy when I found Dr Ekpen blogs. the great herbalist doctor who cure my Cancer recently. today I'm happy because am free from Cancer stage4 finally. I was recommended to Dr Ekpen by someone that was cure from HSV last January with the natural herbal medicine of Ekpen, Dr. Ekpen have the gift to cure Diabetes, ,herpes virus, code sores .Acne scar, Eczema,pile, tinitus , fibroids, epilepsy, chronic disease, Genital warts, fruit of womb,High blood pressure,for more treatment information you can reach him on his RU-vid page; ru-vid.comsZqOvedjcjc?feature=share ,
@dariocovarreno7485 3 года назад
I went to tell the whole world there is a herbal doctor that cured me from PARKINSON DISEASES with his herbal medicine doctor Oje on RU-vid herbal treatment. Give it a try and get your cure thanks doctor God bless you...
@sleepsmartsmashstress740 3 года назад
Biology of addition of years to life is an extremely complex phenomenon in humans at least. Taking antioxidants or any other get young quick pill is bound fo fail. At least a dozen places are under attack with every week of aging. We cant make an old car last longer by purchasing a brand new rear view mirror or windshield wipers or even a superb oil filter or an energy efficient combustion engine. We need to buy an entire new car to have a new car not just change the floor mats and call it a new car.
@MyLalla2023 3 года назад
Very nicely explained historical perspective on regeneration. Thank you so much for sharing.
@helenmorgan7083 3 года назад
Am so excited for getting rid of my herpes virus with help of Dr Osaba On RU-vid
@charlesjmouse 3 года назад
A really excellent lecture, thank you. So if the the Cambrian explosion as we see it happened a couple of hundred million years earlier everything would line up. The lines of evidence that don't seem to agree are in themselves solid enough so it's not obviously an error in methodology. On the face of it we are either missing evidence for that earlier history or misunderstanding the evidence we do have. I'd love to see a follow up lecture looking at 'what next?' Hmm, 2013... PS Here's a chap who could have been a doctor and seems very happy with the direction he took. I had the same options and having chosen to be a doctor find a lifetime of dedication has been a miserable waste of effort. I suspect there is a lesson there somewhere.
@godfreecharlie 3 года назад
My decisions that kept me from pursuing an education focused on biology instead of chemistry is something I have regretted for almost 50 years. My advanced bio teacher in highschool gave me insight into the most fascinating subject a person could study. These videos keep me updated and intrigued by the advances since leaving school. Thank you so much and keep up the good work.
@SOULRELIEF22 3 года назад
St John 3:16! 💓 JESUS is Returning SOON! This world system is shutting down. Who would have thought "monopoly money" could become valuable! It's OVER BELOVED! TRUE riches are in Heaven! 🙏🙌
@SOULRELIEF22 3 года назад
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1! I'm in love with JESUS. "All things are made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made." John 1:3! ALLELUIA!
@hostarepairman 3 года назад
In the beginning . . . . When exactly was the begining?
@amenra13 3 месяца назад
How long did he say the ‘Cambrian Explosion’ lasted?
@WalkwithaDoc 3 года назад
Thanks for giving David this great opportunity to share about Walk with a Doc! Keep up the great work!
@Ivorybird09 4 года назад
If you take net form in, remember that it depletes you of vitamin B12
@Ivorybird09 4 года назад
@nikenike6502 4 года назад
0:35autoprofitsystem codz2019.blogspot.com/2019/11/blog-post.html
@autumnburr4936 4 года назад
I wish more people would watch this!
@stever5544 4 года назад
Bad audio
@maurenemorgan5814 4 года назад
Terrific lecture!!!
@sidmichael1158 4 года назад
In summary?
@leanderrowe2800 2 года назад
I feel the same. He mentioned eat less, avoid radiation which we all know already. The only other thing is the ongoing clinical trial with patients taking 'something' everyday with no published data yet, and then his father's unofficial observation.
@toripurgers9769 4 года назад
31:22 it is not our skeleton, our blood pushes up against, but our skin.
@veridicusmaximus6010 2 года назад
He said a fluid filled skeleton - the pericardium. Not our bone skeleton.
@patharvard 4 года назад
So much misinformation
@moutushiislam3220 5 лет назад
very nice presentation
@kennethkossan5547 5 лет назад
It's 50million years. The Cambrian explosion is 50 million years and we have plenty of pre-Cambrian fossils what is this drivel you're pushing? You really are being very very deceitful. A geological blink of an eye it's not overnight it is not creation it's 50 fucking million years.
@BibleResearchTools 3 года назад
Kenneth Kossan , you wrote, "It's 50million years. The Cambrian explosion is 50 million years and we have plenty of pre-Cambrian fossils what is this drivel you're pushing? You really are being very very deceitful. A geological blink of an eye it's not overnight it is not creation it's 50 fucking million years." There are no known or obvious precursors to the Cambrian phyla. Richard Dawkins expressed that evolutionary dilemma in this manner: _"[Niles] Eldredge and [Stephen] Gould certainly would agree that some very important gaps really are due to imperfections in the fossil record. Very big gaps, too. For example the Cambrian strata of rocks, vintage about 600 million years, are the oldest ones in which we find most of the major invertebrate groups. And we find many of them already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists. Evolutionists of all stripes believe, however, that this really does represent a very large gap in the fossil record, a gap that is simply due to the fact that, for some reason, very few fossils have lasted from periods before about 600 million years ago. One good reason might be that many of these animals had only soft parts to their bodies: no shells or bones to fossilize. If you are a creationist you may think that this is special pleading. My point here is that, when we are talking about gaps of this magnitude, there is no difference whatever in the interpretations of 'punctuationists' and 'gradualists'. Both schools of thought despise so-called scientific creationists equally, and both agree that the major gaps are real, that they are true imperfections in the fossil record. Both schools of thought agree that the only alternative explanation of the sudden appearance of so many complex animal types in the Cambrian era is divine creation, and both would reject this alternative." [Richard Dawkins, "The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design." W. W. Norton & Company, 1986, Chap 9, pp.229-30]_ Special pleading, indeed! LOL! Dan
@theelysiumtimes6994 5 лет назад
What a time we live in! 30:35 - "In my field, these days if we reverse aging in mice... that's not even a big deal!"
@swisstrader 5 лет назад
Started taking NMN about 2 wks ago and while I feel very good w it thus far, it appears to have negatively impacted my golf game. Any studies out there that talk about NMN and physical abilities?
@DanyCervantes 5 лет назад
It has dramatically boosted my physical activity. I feel like a super version of myself. Yesterday I did 200 squat repetitions, some of those with 35lbs added weight. I’m going to try and see if I can break my running record of 5 miles. I think it will be easy.
@swisstrader 5 лет назад
Dany Cervantes great to hear Dany! Same for me with respect to endurance on my bike and some other activities.
@smr144 5 лет назад
starts at 12:10
@vickybiagini8623 5 лет назад
Mike Morteson, you are exactly right, God did infuse aging in our dna. You are the only one I've ever heard say that God did this. He shortened our lifespans because of sin. If the Bible says we will never live past 120, then we will never live past 120. It would be nice to live till 120 in a youthful state though. I lean more towards Bill Andrews and his time lock theory of aging. The unraveling of our telomerse with age I believe is the reason we age. God for sure set a time lock, and it's telomerse, not niagen.
@jonr2268 5 лет назад
Who came here after Joe Rogan?
@DanyCervantes 5 лет назад
Nmn is the real deal. It’s great for fast muscle and injury recovery, and prevention. I’m surprised more people aren’t obsessed with it.
@foxyone3 4 года назад
DS is a national treasure.
@FreeSpirit47 5 лет назад
@2014andBeyonD 5 лет назад
If I really had a choice of what age I could choose to die healthy? 1000 years old? Maybe 10.000 years, I love life.
@MyLongevityExperiment 5 лет назад
I want to be knocked of my mountain bike at the age of 130 ;)
@HablaGino 4 года назад
I would like to be alive until... Ah, I don't know, maybe... FOREVER
@peterz53 5 лет назад
Good talk, but aging is not the greatest problem as Sinclair asserts, living a good life and finding meaning in our time here are, whether we live 50 or 5,000 years.
@rupertfloyd9994 5 лет назад
Peter good health is key living a good life. Without life, finding meaning would not be possible. You missed might have missed the mark on this one.
@TheJust22az 5 лет назад
You are absolutely right. What is the point of going through life in good health without meaning and sense of purpose. Suicide in our society continues to rise.
@USAtoElsewhere 5 лет назад
Sinclair is totally deathist!
@YBL50000 5 лет назад
It's fantastic to be able to turn back time and gain new youth as it's tempting to prolonge the healthspan in a non invasive way. There are existiing practices used by some people (mostly wealthy) like blood transfusions, stem cell injections and more which seem to work. But NAD+ boosting seems to me safer, simpler and cheaper and therefore worth pursuing. I might share my personal experience with NAD+ boosting + some smart supplementation to existing stem cells which has positive effects worth investigating, in IMHO.
@TheMrsansari 5 лет назад
Would d ribose have same effect as nad?
@Nilsosmar 5 лет назад
D-ribose improves niacin's conversion to NR, which in turn increases NAD levels in the body. For this reason, some people who take niacin as a supplement take NR along with it.