Tech with Nader
Tech with Nader
Tech with Nader
Hey everyone! 👋🏽

I love technology and programming a little too much. I hope to share that passion with all of you through this channel via tutorials, interviews, podcasts and shorts related to all types of technology.

To start, most of the content will revolve around programming topics such as:
- Learning to code 💻
- Javascript 📜
- Python 🐍
- Full-Stack web development 🚀
- Interviews 👩🏽‍💼

PUT & PATCH Requests - Rest APIs In Depth
6 месяцев назад
Exercises: POST Requests - Rest APIs In Depth
7 месяцев назад
POST Requests - Rest APIs In Depth
7 месяцев назад
Exercises: GET Requests - Rest APIs In Depth
7 месяцев назад
GET Requests - Rest APIs In Depth
10 месяцев назад
Server Side Data Storage - Rest APIs In Depth
10 месяцев назад
Exercises: Server Side Routing - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Server Side Routing - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Exercises: Simple Web Server - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Simple Web Server - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
HTTP Headers & Methods - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Network Protocols - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
DNS, IP Addresses & Ports - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Deno Environment Setup - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Introduction to REST APIs - Rest APIs In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Project: React Router - React In Depth
11 месяцев назад
Custom Hooks - React In Depth
Год назад
Data Fetching - React In Depth
Год назад
useContext Hook - React In Depth
Год назад
useReducer Hook - React In Depth
Год назад
@saltech2024 3 часа назад
input.textContent = `You have typed ${target.value.length++}`
@saltech2024 3 часа назад
DOM API imperative React API declarative 😂
@eduardoontiveros-oi5ej 13 часов назад
I'm so thankful you made this series. and the exersises it has been incredible help to nail and sollidify all the concepts i had doubts with
@eduardoontiveros-oi5ej 13 часов назад
i did some exersises during the video prior to the video following this one. i was playing around with arrow functions and their scope and made a little exersise that made me learn that only functions have a scope so i found a use for arrow functions in conjuction with the keyword this and it was awesome. thanks for the series
@tt2318 18 часов назад
man you are such a great teacher
@martinluther4720 День назад
Thansks a lot for all these exercises.
@nishashukla9404 2 дня назад
Where are you Nader we miss your programming contents Pls continue ...........
@eduardoontiveros-oi5ej 2 дня назад
amaizing, you really made it incredibly digestible to understand this topic. kudos for te order of the topics aswell shows how well tought the course is
@alexgalal4939 3 дня назад
straight brilliant. at first i wa slike 1 hour + video dodge.. but then you engaged me with the example of the goldmine wow.
@user-ks3by5ty6t 3 дня назад
Please man , don't leave us ❤❤
@devaganapathy6108 3 дня назад
Hi Nader your contents are really amazing, A small request for me to you can you please create videos on git and github it will be a great help for all
@Muhammad-Abdussalam 3 дня назад
Good day nader. Please this is the error mine is showing, i need your assistance. An ""unexpected error occurred while executing the command: InternetOpenUrl() failed. 0x80072ee2 : unknown error""
@rayaneplays3559 4 дня назад
I just finished the react in depth series , i was very lost with react , but this series made me a pro in react , i moved from copying and pasting code , to actually build my own code from scratch , thank you so much Nader , i hope you continue this series by building more complex projects
@fegeek4632 7 дней назад
`this` is the string object, not the primitive since when you're doing "something".isPalindrome() it's not using the primitive (it would not have the method) -- it will use the String object, go to the prototype and consume the function if it exists. `this` in that context is the String object with all of it's methods from the prototype. So you can call `this.toString()` to get the primitive
@martinluther4720 7 дней назад
thanks for all the videos man... i been watching your javascript in depth (planning to watch DOM & react playlist also) , as part of revision to brush up my knowledge. its very precise and the exercises is helping a lot to understand the concepts even better. Its actually very good idea to add exercise after every topic, which other youtubers dont usually do. i watch at 1.5x speed though...
@liluminlalabai3736 8 дней назад
5:18 apart from this I think you Callback Functions has never been mentioned in this series, I noticed in NPM video you had Angular package installed, are you planning to make series for Angular 18-19 as well? Thanks @TechWithNader
@nicolaeadrianchirita2586 8 дней назад
great teaching, thanks a lot.
@sikut77 8 дней назад
I approached the second exercise with a different code and it was working. Can you please advise? interface Animal{ id:number, type:string, count:number } async function cwizcenie2(req:Request) { const url = new URL(req.url); const animalRoute = new URLPattern({ pathname:"/animal" }) if(animalRoute.test(url)&&req.method==="POST"){ const fileJSON = await Deno.readTextFile("./forest.json") let animals:Animal[] = JSON.parse(fileJSON); let animal = await req.json(); if(Number(animal.count)&&animal.count!=null){ const id = animals.length+1; animal={id,...animal}; animals = [...animals,animal]; const nowyLas = JSON.stringify(animals) await Deno.writeTextFile("las.json",nowyLas) return new Response(JSON.stringify(animal),{ status:201, headers:{"content-type":"applicatin/json"} })} else{ return new Response(JSON.stringify({ "error": "count field is required" }),{status:400}) } } return new Response("Error",{status:404})
@confusion85 8 дней назад
I just can't understand how his channel is so underrated because his explanations gotta be one of the best, if not the best I have come across on the internet.
@ashishsng 9 дней назад
Keep teaching Nader! Awesome content and easy to understand!
@mosesabutu4088 9 дней назад
Awesome Tutorial.. ..What theme do you use 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@charukirtichougule3671 11 дней назад
Amazing video, really helped me to understand this useEffect hook. Thanks a lot!
@matt112fly 14 дней назад
@robsanbayisa8730 14 дней назад
Don't quit please, your videos are so helpful.
@ProfessionalDoctorBritt 15 дней назад
Was frustrated at the beginning, why is this dude laughing like this is easy...fuck off. Your a good teacher, you made this easy to wrap my head around and understand. Thanks hoss
@sidhanttiwari942 16 дней назад
But , when I do this : let name1 = "monkey"; const name2 = "monkey"; console.log(name1 === name2); It returns true So does it mean its not like: name1 ----> "monkey" name2 ----> "monkey" But more like: name1,name2 ----> "monkey"?
@AhceneFarhi 16 дней назад
Hi , thanks for your hard work , but i have a question : where can i find more deffecult exercise concerning js , i want to be expert , please could anyone help me !!!!
@johnvarghese8742 16 дней назад
Excellent lessons. Thank you Nader!
@saltech2024 16 дней назад
Please can provide a mock interview for me?
@saltech2024 16 дней назад
Haha You're hired 😂
@saltech2024 17 дней назад
Big O Notation laughing seeing you nesting for loops 😂
@ardianaajdari6533 17 дней назад
On the 5th step of the 3rd exercise I did it in this way const offerPrice = houseForSale.offers.reduce((house, price) => { return Math.max(house, price); }, 0) console.log(offerPrice); I just searched for the function for the max value in google.
@nicolaeadrianchirita2586 17 дней назад
Greetings. I follow with joy your channel. For the max offer of houseForSale. I use return max>price.valueOf. thanks for your teaching's.
@shivamshukla304 17 дней назад
thanks nader for this course(can you provide me your VSCODE theme name )
@aliajellu 18 дней назад
Thanks a lot @TechWithNader! Regarding Ex 2, I found a simpler solution which seems to work. Are there any problems with this approach? const [state, setState] = useState(initialState) function setStateWithLogging(newState) { let resultingState resultingState = typeof newState === "function" ? newState(state) : newState setState(resultingState) console.log("state has changed from " + state + " to " + resultingState) } return [state, setStateWithLogging]
@khulanimasikodlamini8642 18 дней назад
Wow, just wow. You gained a subscriber
@maxpauwels3727 18 дней назад
Damn, you're officially the most underrated channel on YT!
@maxpauwels3727 18 дней назад
I rarely leave comments, but I genuinely have never seen anybody explain these concepts so clearly and logically, you're a natural.
@Sa7ish 20 дней назад
sir any html and css series coming ?
@aliajellu 20 дней назад
An amazing way to teach this. thanks brother.
@aliajellu 21 день назад
The visual are the BEST part of your explanation. More visual please....
@siraj_safed 21 день назад
you're supposed to be a teacher in MIT, though we're so lucky to have you here with us, thank you so much mr. Nader
@hisoo7166 22 дня назад
Hii For exercise 1, most of the websites are throwing error for around 5-6 times as we are autoplaying the video without any interaction, do you have any idea how to disable that ?
@n.a3642 22 дня назад
As someone who already has experience with other languages and APIs I was not expecting the last exercise to whoop me so hard 😂😂. Amazing little challenge.
@aliajellu 23 дня назад
Javascript was made for masochists. Why has this language taken off so widely? :'((
@aliajellu 23 дня назад
Love your videos. Error at [53:17]. storm.greet.call({name: "Wolverine"}) prints out: { name: 'Wolverine' } Wolverine says hi NOT Hero { name: 'Wolverine', greet: [Function (anonymous)] } Since the context has been replaced by .call(), the greet function no longer exists in "this".
@aliajellu 24 дня назад
LOVED the cache example. sweet buddy.
@aliajellu 24 дня назад
You are amazing. I've been liking all your videos in these series. A suggestion for teaching closures: you've mostly talked about the concept of scopes in the last video and this one. What's not clear to a novice is closures and how they have a STATE ie. they have a container of ALL the variables in their scope (and their parents' scopes) that lives on even when the wrapper function is executed and erased from memory.
@aliajellu 25 дней назад
Great job Nader, this series has been so helpful. I was blazing through the code as I was writing it, although I'm sure I'll forget it all tomorrow lol
@aliajellu 25 дней назад
you're a great teacher. please keep going.
@aliajellu 25 дней назад
You teach this so well. but Javascript is such a garbage language from the foundations up. it's such a shame that all popular frameworks are now in JS. Wanna tear my hair out.
@briaalturi4409 26 дней назад
What hotkey do you use to run code in the terminal. I get tired of typing "node (my file)..." every single time 🥹
@nikolhurdalkova 2 дня назад
Use the up arrow key, it gives you last command used in terminal or the ctrl-p and enter. 😊
@briaalturi4409 2 дня назад
@@nikolhurdalkova Thank you so much. I'll give that a try today :) Happy coding!!!