Collateral Books
Collateral Books
Collateral Books
@thegreatluko_8565 2 года назад
I really didn’t like this book, I think it has too much going on and it’s in that range for me where it’s so bad yet a want to read more. Still didn’t like it though. Like at one part where Marcus kisses his other version and somehow that convinces him that he was telling the truth about him being from another universe.
@dontcaredontcare6679 3 года назад
i think you read too much into the book, it was written very clumsly and was face paced but it still somehow found a way to make me forget about that and focus on what was mainly happening, i personally would give it 3.7 stars, its not meant to be read in an excessive way like how you'd read a book that catches in the moment, i think it was meant as a quick read, don't read too much in the lines and just enjoy the storyline in a not so very serious manner, if you'll re-read it don't take it too seriously, i think you'll enjoy it more that way, it was almost like a fill in read where you don't wanna jump in too quickly to another book while you're recovering from the previous one. overall its a good read, i enjoyed it but I've defiantly read better.
@socks2756 3 года назад
Thank you for this. I just got this book and I’m about 5 pages in and the back doesn’t explain the plot very well so I came here. This is really helpful
@chloedsmith 2 года назад
I really found it a very clumsy attempt at talking about bigger issues that was actually offensive at points, well-intentioned but really not very good
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Have you read An Ember in the Ashes? What did you think?
@h2ostacipridatvodu504 2 года назад
Hi! Yes, I have read the first book and I definitely think that it is highly overrated. The world-building is absolutely non-existent. I have no idea how people, things and places even look like or how the different cultures and societies even function or what are their customs, traditions and beliefs apart from raping, pillaging, murdering and subjugating others just for the fun of it or being peaceful scholars who enjoy and devote their lives to knowledge and learning. The morality of the world seems to be really black and white - either you are the over the top evil murderous opressor or you are a helpless pure innocent victim. And the characters are extremely flat, one-dimensional and cliché. This might be a highly unpopular opinion but I hate Elias. Not because he has flaws (every good character needs those) but because those flaws are never acknowledged or worked on, so he could become a better and more self-aware person. They are either simply ignored/brushed off as if they never existed in the first place or there is a protagonist centered morality with him at full display, when during the rare instances that someone dares to actually criticize him even a little bit (e.g. Helene for being too naive and idealistic), they get villanized by the narrative. What I hate most about him though except his womanizing, sexist and objectifying beliefs, views and actions towards women, is that he is a selfish, self-centered, self-righteous and amoral hypocrite. I´m sure that the author herself didn´t actually mean to write him that way, but unfortunately for her best intentions, he still came off like this regardless (at least to me). Now it has been some time since I read the book, so I might not remember everything fully, but this is at least my view on the whole thing: At first I sympathized with his plight and his desire to escape his situation by defecting from the empire, since he was only a one man, who despite his best intentions and revulsion to the brutal barbaric ways in which the empire functions, couldn´t change things only by himself as that would be nothing but a foolish suicide that would ultimately help no one anyway. But the moment he was offered the option to be possibly placed in a position of power and influence, from which he could legitimately try to change and improve things for the better, not only for himself, but for others as well, to stay and reform the corrupt system from within, for the sake of those with whom he so empathized and pitied, yet when in the end he refused and couldn´t put his actions where his mouth was, I lost any good will I previously had towards him. Instead of trying to help those who needed it the most, he devised a plan for Helene to become empress instead of him, despite knowing that this position is for life and there is no escape from it once you become a ruler (that´s part of the reason why he himself didn´t want it, because he didn´t want to be "chained" to a scheming, backstabbing court full of vipers, but apparently his best friend can with no problems, despite neither of them actually being trained in how to successfully govern a nation or run a country - no education on politics, diplomacy or economy and trade, only how to kill and destroy) or that she might not be the best person for the job at that time (she was raised and fully believed in the racist, elitist, colonizing worldviews of her ancestors), just so he could escape from any duties, obligations and responsibility to fuck off gods no where, to enjoy a simple peaceful life at the cost of not only never seeing his family and friends ever again, but also deciding to chain his supossed "best friend" to a life she wouldn´t want and would make her miserable without any input from her being allowed (and she already told him to his face that she wouldn´t want it, yet he already decided this for her for his own sake and comfort, so she better just shut up and bear it, who cares for her own wishes, needs and desires to live her life how she sees fit anyway, only what he wants and makes him happy is apparently important) and finally at the cost of him turning his back on the continuous suffering of the very people he was so vehement to lecture others about. It seems that Elias´ empathy is very selective and not as unconditional as people think it is. As long as he doesn´t have to watch them suffer right under his nose, he is fine with turning a blind eye or two. Him running away like that would also mean that he will bring shame and dishonor on his family´s house, namely his grandfather, who personally picked him as his future successor, despite his bastard illegitimate status. By Elias voluntarily removing himself from the picture like this would also allow Keris Veturia (aka "The Commandant") to become "the new" heir and future head of the Veturius noble family. And we know what this psychopathic monster does when given too much power. His selfishness is further demonstrated during the fourth trial when he prioritizes the life of one girl he barely even knows over the well being of millions of people that live in the empire (other scholars and tribesmen included, many of whom have it just as bad as Laia if not worse) who would be completely screwed over if a tyrant like Marcus was ever allowed to rise into absolute power, just because he is lusting over her and wants to get into her pants. He is the sole reason why Marcus even became an emperor in the first place at the end of the book and why Helene ultimately became his "pet slave" and lost almost all of her family. Not to mention the lost lives of all of those other people whom Marcus slaughtered like pigs during his reign. And he dares to be all sarcastic and smartass to Helene´s face and blame her for joining and swearing fealty to Marcus after he literally gave her no choice? After he was the one who put her in that impossible situation to begin with? After she literally begged him to let her do what needs to be done, no matter how unpleasant and wrong it might be, for the sake of the greater good, and he still refused her because for him trying to uphold his own version of "moral purity" and "honor" was more important than a bloodthirsty tyrant rulling supreme completely unchecked over hundreds of thousands if not millions of people? What was she supposed to do, refuse to serve Marcus and be executed as well? Leaving her entire surviving family even more vulnerable to him than they already were by committing a high treason? Served well for Elias I guess. The final nail in the coffin is during the scene in the cells just moments before Elias´ own execution, when Marcus visits Elias to mock and humilate him one last time, when Elias is finally given the opportunity to kill Marcus right there and then, before he could manage to do any real damage, and he doesn´t take it and I´m paraphrasing "because if he (Elias) has to die, he doesn´t want to die for an actual crime, he won´t give them such satisfaction". So he basically sacrificed a perfectly presented opportunity to rid the world of this maniac by bringing him down with him, because he wants to play a martyr. Because he wants to be perceived by others as the innocent persecuted victim. Once again it´s only about him and his precious reputation, not about the well-being and lives of other innocent people. Elias might view himself as a "good man" but all it takes for an evil to win is if good men do nothing, which is exactly what Elias did and contributed to. He is also a horny idiot who cannot think with his head instead of his penis. With his terrible decisions he caused much more suffering than he ever did any good. That´s not a "hero" I want to root for. Thanks for the discussion and reading if you got this far and sorry for the rant.:)
@madisonreads3198 3 года назад
i bought this book today and i’m so excited to read it!!
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Ahh just saw this-- I am curious if you have read it/ what you thought!
@sanggg_illust 3 года назад
Augh so cozy and healing!! Love the vibes in this video, it’s so soothing to watch ❤️
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Awh thanks!! 🤍
@sixofbooks3909 3 года назад
Love this idea! I try to write at least 3 days a week!
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Thanks!! Awh, that is great! :)
@lostinabookcase3796 3 года назад
I was nearly an English major too but switched to business. Exactly why? I don't really know 😆
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Haha, I get it. I am getting a minor in business so I have mad respect for you! :)
@forbookingoutloud6698 3 года назад
Welcome to booktube!
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Thanks!! :)
@KristinKravesBooks 3 года назад
I'm the same way! I'm open to reading pretty much everything. Off topic, but I love your earrings so much!
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Cool! I will be checking out your channel :) Haha thanks, they were from Francesca's!
@davidsbookreviews4983 3 года назад
Welcome to Booktube! I like horror, fantasy and science fiction.
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Thank you :) Those are great genres!
@davidsbookreviews4983 3 года назад
@@collateralbooks6936 Thanks. Really liked your video.
@madisonreads3198 3 года назад
oh my gosh your bat earrings are so cute!! i also really want to read Nimona and graphic novels have recently found their way into my heart.
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Thanks!!! I got them from a wonderful, affordable small business called Aozora Accessories! They are on Instagram @aozora_accessories and the Etsy page is www.etsy.com/shop/AozoraAccessories! <3 Nimona was really great, would definitely recommend :)
@bookdreamr2098 3 года назад
I adored AART!!! I’ve been a longtime fan of the vlogbrothers so I was glad I finally read Hank’s book in 2020. And omg yessss Heartstopper!!!!!
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Ahh!! So glad you loved AART. I also have been a longtime fan of the vlogbrothers, so I get how you feel. I'm super excited for John's new book :) Haha Heartstopper is so so good!!
@dragonzhang6315 3 года назад
Love those earings🤩
@collateralbooks6936 3 года назад
Thanks!! For anyone interested, I got them from a wonderful, affordable small business called Aozora Accessories! They are on instagram @aozora_accessories and the Etsy page is www.etsy.com/shop/AozoraAccessories!!
@sanggg_illust 4 года назад
Ahaha I could see how excited you are!! I’m completely sold on “Tell Me Three Things” 😂 I’m gonna have to read that one next
@collateralbooks6936 4 года назад
Haha, it is definitely my favorite romance. You'll have to let me know what you think!
@sanggg_illust 4 года назад
Omg you are SO cute!! 💕💕 Heehee recently I finished reading “Contempt” by Alberto Moravia which is an Italian existential novel dealing with the topic of a failing marriage life (I recommend if you like existential novels) I really want to try out “The Haunting” by Shirley Jackson. Sounds really interesting! I remember being forced to read “The Lottery” in school and actually liking it! Looking forward to more of your future book reviews!! 🥰
@collateralbooks6936 4 года назад
thanks!! Oooo I might have to check that out, sounds very interesting! Ahh I didn't even connect that she wrote "The Lottery." I think I had to read that in school, and from what I remember, I enjoyed it too.
@musicalnerds101 4 года назад
Good review! I also felt frustrated by this book. I’ve read a few other Patrick Ness books and they seem to always be a miss for me, but I’ve never read the one you talked about. This book was just too fast paced in plot and I felt that characterization and relationships suffered a lot because of it. :(
@collateralbooks6936 4 года назад
Ahh!! Just saw this. Yeah, I totally agree! That's a really good point, and I definitely agree. The fast paced plot definitely made it hard to believe the relationships or connect with the characters!
@AlyssaReids 4 года назад
Yay! I love reading vlogs!