Community Church Putney
Community Church Putney
Community Church Putney
Devotionals and content designed to help you to come to Jesus daily.
#1143. Jesus' body is diverse (12/9/24)
14 часов назад
#1142. Jesus' body is united (11/9/24)
16 часов назад
#1128. Clothe yourselves (23/8/24)
21 день назад
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 дня назад
Thank you very much for delving in the depths of the truth of the scriptures to explain what God's adoption means.God bless 🌈
@IbidunniAlakuro 6 дней назад
Thank you 😊 Brief and full of meaning ❤️
@IbidunniAlakuro 8 дней назад
Thanks for that explanation; just going to church isn't enough!!
@IbidunniAlakuro 14 дней назад
Amen 🙏 Lord make us your holy temple .
@IbidunniAlakuro 15 дней назад
Thank you very much for this deep explanation!!❤
@IbidunniAlakuro 19 дней назад
Thank you 😊
@IbidunniAlakuro 20 дней назад
Lord help us to watch and pray.Amen.God bless you.
@IbidunniAlakuro 21 день назад
Thank you Father for loving me so much.God bless you my Pastor ❤
@IbidunniAlakuro 22 дня назад
Thank you God for your faithfulness.❤
@IbidunniAlakuro 23 дня назад
Thank you God for the grace of salvation 🙏
@IbidunniAlakuro 26 дней назад
Thank you very much.May God continue to enrich.Amen
@IbidunniAlakuro 27 дней назад
Thank God that I'm chosen and truly loved.God help me to remember this everyday of my life. Help me to be compassionate and be blameless.Amen.Thanks Pastor.
@IbidunniAlakuro 27 дней назад
Thank God that I'm chosen and truly loved.God help me to remember this everyday of my life. Help me to be compassionate and be blameless.Amen.Thanks Pastor.
@IbidunniAlakuro 28 дней назад
Thank you very much
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Amen Alleluia.Thank God for his gracious love in our baptism.
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Wonderful and revealing, I'm still trying to grasp the phrase "life and light" Thank you.
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
May his presence drive darkness from our lives.Amen
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Amen 🙏 I will be still and trust He shall sort things out.Thank you
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Amen.Thank you very much
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Lord whenever I'm discouraged let me remember that the Lord of Host is with me.Amen. Thank you Sir.
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Lord help me to be courageous.Amen Thank you.
@communitychurchSW15 Месяц назад
A Great prayer that we all need to pray regularly!
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Thank you very much.
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Thank you very much I'm inspired.God bless you
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
You're doing great
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Thanks for this deep insight.God bless you.
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Thank you ❤
@IbidunniAlakuro Месяц назад
Truly this is wisdom.Rest is vital.But in context present day reality which day is Sabbath for the Christian.Thanks❤
@communitychurchSW15 Месяц назад
A big question and people have differences of view. I don't think that Christians have a literal sabbath day, but it's wise to have a day of rest - a day that works for you. However, for the good of society, I do feel that it's helpful to have a shared day of rest - a Sunday for example. A helpful text is: 'One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind.' (Rom. 14:5)
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
Thanks for teaching what really matters.
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
Thanks God bless you
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
Alleluia Jesus I rejoice and take refuge in You ❤
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
What an insight!! I'm more equipped to handle my fears Thanks
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this great correction . God bless you
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
God bless you
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
@IbidunniAlakuro 2 месяца назад
@IbidunniAlakuro 3 месяца назад
God help us
@IbidunniAlakuro 3 месяца назад
@IbidunniAlakuro 3 месяца назад
Thank you
@IbidunniAlakuro 3 месяца назад
Thank you for helping us to prepare for the coming of Christ.God bless you.Amen
@IbidunniAlakuro 3 месяца назад
Thanks God bless you
@gilliankeene1071 5 месяцев назад
Amen Thank youn
@thankyouYeshua1 6 месяцев назад
Amen❤ thank you Yeshua
@UNKNOW7V 6 месяцев назад
Thanks i read this today and didn't understand why he was so mad, but i see that God sent him there to warn them and also hive them another chance to humble themselves . And Jonah could not see this because he was so prrideful.
@howtoobeygod4384 7 месяцев назад
2 Timothy 4:14-15. Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm, but the Lord will judge him for what he has done. Be careful of him, for he fought against everything we said. He also speak of those who were doing wrong, Paul.
@communitychurchSW15 7 месяцев назад
Hello, thanks for this comment. I guess that you are making the good point that, on occasion, there is a place to criticise people. Is that what your quote is about? Yes, I agree, and, as in the case you mention, if someone is genuinely harmful, and it would be helpful to expose them publicly, there is a place for that. However, the trouble with most of us is that we talk badly of people and gossip when it's of no genuine help to anyone!
@howtoobeygod4384 7 месяцев назад
@@communitychurchSW15 Luke 13:32. Jesus replied, “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow....
@billc8255 8 месяцев назад
@audrahembree6698 11 месяцев назад
Malachi 3:6 KJV For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. Exodus 20:8-11 KJV Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: [10] But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: [11] For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Matthew 15:3 KJV But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
@brianellinger6622 11 месяцев назад
i hoipe that they said.... "YOU NEED TO LEAVE"
@mkshffr4936 11 месяцев назад
Yep, every Sunday.