Redcoat History
Redcoat History
Redcoat History
My name is Chris and on this channel we explore the fascinating history of the British military.

Particular areas of interest to me are the Peninsular War of 1808-1814 and the Zulu War of 1879 (I live in South Africa and am a qualified guide to the battlefields).

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The African King that couldn't be beaten!
2 месяца назад
The Forgotten Prequel to the Zulu War (1877)
4 месяца назад
@GuyBuddy-i6q 11 минут назад
He said he over 6 feet tall...look at the sikhs beside him they must of been 7 feet tall sikhs were so big
@damiansharp693 12 минут назад
"This finally paved the way for foreign merchants to do business with Japan" You are forgetting about the Dutch who were allowed to trade with Japan since 1609. After the Shimabara uprising of 1637 all foreign nations which supported the Christian rebellion were being expelled; because the Dutch were the only ones who assisted the Japanese with putting down that rebellion they were the only ones who were allowed to stay and keep doing business. So the British did *not* pave the way for foreign merchants to do business with Japan. I've seen your pinned comment regarding your dislike of criticism....Don't make videos then and post them on RU-vid. If you present incorrect information, people will bring that up. Needless to say I did not watch the rest of the video.
@fabilichusaquaman4263 Час назад
Its funny how strong britan was. But now they are losing their own country to illigal imigrants and poor goverment.
@gandigooglegandigoogle7202 Час назад
the oldest alliance is the auld alliance, Scotland and France...there is no older one.
@Tusk_III Час назад
The logistics of Napoleonic Cavalry are something else. Crazy
@Develin_ixi 3 часа назад
5 min friday, video is 15 min... I love it! Keep it up!
@jaswantsandhu 3 часа назад
Maharaja Ranjit singh was not a party animal, there are records of such in sikh history. There was an incidence that occurred as such and his got 100 lashes on his back at the akal takht for it being the king at the time. On the other hand, totally wrong representation of maharani jind kaur. Shameless where you read it. Kindly read some credible history. She was jailed her entire life and got blinded due to crying as British took duleep singh away to England. Years later when she met duleep Singh she was blind but checked his head to see shorn hair and disowned him immediately. Duleep Singh took it to his heart and later grew long hair.
@rudydevich9046 4 часа назад
Zim boob away. far far away from civilization.
@lipan2757 5 часов назад
Dunkirk is massively overrated. Where it's a chaotic clash of hundreds of thousands on both sides, he decided to cast 30 random dudes and portray the entire air battle with 3 spitfires. Now anyone in the future who watches Dunkirk for the first time is going to think it's some random skirmish in a ghost town.
@JamesClark-lw6sw 5 часов назад
@DaenorGunnison 6 часов назад
Well that went well, landing the Aussies and the Kiwis on the wrong beach you friggin twats
@mr.battledroid2195 6 часов назад
ally? or pet
@anthonyeaton5153 6 часов назад
With respect, should it The Dardanelles, it was the Australians changed it to Gallipoli. I’m old enough to remember when it was always The Dardanelles. Later there were several pubs named after that campaign and all were named The Dardanelles , not the Gallipoli.
@inderpreetsingh5008 7 часов назад
As soon as you said ranjit singh was a drinker you lost me there mate. He was never a drinker. Seem like you know Ranjit Singhs history written by Britishers. He was slowly poisoned by his family doctor (Dr. Henry) who was also a family friend of Rothchild family. And they wanted Ranjit singh dead.
@manjitkaur7943 8 часов назад
The Hindu Kashmir, Dhogra brothers treachery and greed , who were trusted by Maharaja Ranjit Singh were the main persons who destroyed the Sikh Empire and later found out who killed the rightful heirs under suspicious circumstances.( Even found that a slow poison was given to the king by their maids.) Even though the King was very generous to his employees including Gardiner, he betrayed him and sided with Dhogra's and the British and all this to take the throne and its wealth for themselves. Sorry but your description of the King and his Queen are baseless. We Punjabi's now know it was to discredit them in front of the local people so that any support and uprising wouldn't happen.
@johnhough9593 9 часов назад
Although fantastic and very authentic, even the drill instructor in “full metal jacket” was way too old to be a DI. When I was in, we were all kids- 17 to 20 mostly- and the drill instructors were no more than 30… usually younger- I’d say mid twenties.
@ronti2492 9 часов назад
Another top video Chris, many thanks. Also excellent to concentrate on the British landings at Helles. The 'problem' ( its not really a problem; I can't think of the right term just now) with Gallipoli is that the publicity has largely been hijacked by Australia, and to a lesser extent New Zealand, as part of national identity -and myth- making. Note I speak as both an Australian and as a current serving member. Very few Aussies know that the British contributionin 1915 far outweighed the Australian contribution. In addition, the French contribution in terms of troop numbers and killed and wounded also far outweights that of the ANZAC's. The French ossuary at Morto Bay is enormous and the names on the French graves reflect overwhelmingly colonial troops from N Africa or West Africa, The southern part of the battlefield (being the French frontline for most of the campaign) along Keveres Dere is one of the least visited and most well preserved parts of the battlefield. However, no matter what the numbers- may they all of rest in peace.
@maxasaurus3008 9 часов назад
I’ll own that, splitters 😂
@nobodyisbest 10 часов назад
Wars should be fought by old men. We have outlived our societal usefulness anyway.
@ManjitSingh-eo6yv 10 часов назад
Well, very fascinating account and history. What i get is that he was not loyal to anyone and was purely an opportunists. If that is your role model, all thr power to you. I would say that Sikhs consider Gurus as their life models. It is one thing to look like a Sikh but totally another to be one. Thanks fir sharing.
@mellongfield9873 10 часов назад
The German 10th SS Armored Division had just been pulled back near Arnhem for reinforcements and refurbishment, which kind of screwed the plan.
@MarkBridger-u9b 10 часов назад
Great Documentary....learned a lot...Well Done.
@jaspalsingh150 10 часов назад
Sikh history is replete with such extraordinary characters.
@MisterApol 11 часов назад
My father served throughout WW2 and was just 24 when the war ended. He later served in Korea from '50-'53 by which time he was in his early thirties. He said Korea was much worse than WW2, no doubt partly because he was not as young.
@mellongfield9873 11 часов назад
Thanks to the stupidity of Winston Churchill, and his obsession with the soft under belly of Europe, which he repeated in ww2 in Italy.
@katamattyon 11 часов назад
Love the Portuguese, I know they're not as fond of us as we are of them but still
@kenpenner4890 11 часов назад
My keyboard has glitches....there should be a 2 in front of the 4 to sat 24th foot.
@kenpenner4890 12 часов назад
AAaaahahahahahahahahh....Dalton didn't save Rourkes drift!!!!! It was the officer in command which was Lieutenant chard (officer in command)/ what Dalton did was suggest an alternate course of action . Bromhead wasn't in command, nor was Dalton. Dalton did what every other officer and noncommissioned officers. He didn't defend anything. He did what every other soldier did all the soldiers at the drift were heroes...(never forget that you idiot!!!!!!) 11 may have received the cross but all of the others were there as well. It is people like you who distort historical events with your drivell !!!!! If you had done your research you would have found out that the movie was all bullshit. CHard and Bromheads 4th foot weren't there to build a bridge (bridge was already there) they were there to defend it!!!! do you homework next time. Dalton didn't say anything due to the fact that the movie required him to say anything, Like Ardendorf (apologize for the misspelling) he prowled the line shooting Zulus and filling gaps that appeared when a soldier was wounded and fell out of the line. what saved the Drift was the murderous volley fire that the British and allies laid down( and that fact is recorded drift historical fact!!!!!!!!
@BillyKing-tb4dw 12 часов назад
For defending British imperialism and supporting the corrupt Romanov dynasty! They'd have been better off staying at home and fighting the class war instead.
@leeyokemeng7651 12 часов назад
Thank you to the Gurkhas. They helped in defending Malaya during the most crucial times of the first Malayan Emergency. Subsequently during the Confrontation, they won two Victoria crosses if I am not mistaken.
@everythingisfake7555 12 часов назад
I would like to know who why a banner charge was ordered after skirmishing failed, what as that person’s theory?
@basicallywellfed3453 12 часов назад
His bravery ensures we don't speak German here in England today, eh?
@everythingisfake7555 13 часов назад
This story is so deep, it is really one of my favourite battles. It reminds me of No Country for Old Men, not to spoil it (don’t read on if you’re not interested), but the fate of Colley reminds me of the fate of some of the characters. Just confronted by cold hard reality, nothing special about any of them and they are just but men. Whatever grand theory you build up (like watching the film) means nothing, you are subject to reality like everybody else. Not to disrespect Colley or anything, may he rest in peace.
@RanjitSingh-fn7uj 13 часов назад
Great warrior very interesting story
@RanjitSingh-fn7uj 13 часов назад
He was so brave ❤
@everythingisfake7555 13 часов назад
General Colley chose the hill he was going to die on, Majuba Hill.
@arrowackskorsou8194 13 часов назад
Saw it coming. Read most of the Sharpe novels! But, thanks for bringing this to light though! 😊👍
@masehoart7569 14 часов назад
“You have never heard of “ - took me out. That would be like me doing a video about Henry VII, saying “a king you have probably never heard of” but
@redcoathistory 12 часов назад
@@masehoart7569 This is a channel on British military history for a mainly Anglo audience. Most of the audience don’t know Moshoeshoe so there is no need for your sarcastic comment. Feel free to make a film about any British king you like and call it what ever you want. . . I promise not to be offended or make sarcastic remarks about it. Life is too short. Thanks for watching (though I suspect you didn’t bother).
@daverose4774 14 часов назад
All of that bravery All those heroic British men killed Good ckean British fighting men And for what? Feeding. Homing. And giving immigrants everything and freeze our elderly to death. History has a very short memory. Wokism is killing History Wokism is killing our brave mens valour. Wokism is destroying the world , but the sad fact is The world is worse than ever .verge of nuclear armegeddon immigrants raping and killing at will that goes unreported and gen z totally oblivious. Gen z you will pay the price Its coming and no amount of virtue signalling can stop your total and utter complete destruction.
@chriscookesuffolk 15 часов назад
Super video Chris. These videos will stand the test of time.
@TedBerry-j7c 15 часов назад
a great way to cover up a complete disaster im not taking anything away from the bravery of our boys ! my 2 great uncles were at Gallipoli, one came home , the other one is on the Helles memorial, the 13th Lancashires were all but wiped out on this day, but the talk back home was about the VCs won that day, just like Rorkes Dift, IE if we throw enough medals at this disaster, people will not question the disaster , my grandad won a DCM later in the war , apart from my gt uncle bill who was with the LFs all the rest were with the Manchesters, god bless all our brave boys, ps - there is a beautiful quote in a book called hells foundations about Gallipoli, it ends with YOUR SONS ARE NOW OUR SONS it was from a Turkish quote
@Volcano-Man 15 часов назад
I grew up knowing about the Lancashire Fusiliers and the '6 VC's before breakfast.' I knew several of the boys and men who had landed at Galipolli that terrible day. They rarely talked about it. All gone to their rest now, their duty done. Rest in Peace my Bothers in Arms,
@Parnassoss 16 часов назад
A mercenary marrying a princess. Yeah totally believable. Westerners really fucked up our history. They be taking out of their asses as source.
@K-C-Singh-0248 17 часов назад
He was great writer too.
@horse.395 17 часов назад
English grabbed Transvaal for the diamond field and the gold field . Then they starved our boer children and wives..... The British should be ashamed of them shelves.
@Er.Rajasingh 17 часов назад
Thanks sir for this Decomantary.....
@Supervisionrai 19 часов назад
I am amazed to hear American came to Punjab and fought for Punjab.Thanks for introducing this great warrior.
@thurbine2411 19 часов назад
Haven’t watched the whole video but I would like to say that yes actors are often much older but most soldiers weren’t below 18 and most were between 20 and 28~ so yeah most were absolutely younger than most actors playing soldier sim movies but most soldiers weren’t 16 or 17 either.
@welshwarrior5263 19 часов назад
My wife's grandfather served as a navy salvage diver in both world wars and a took part at Gallipoli. He was highly decorated. The government gave him an OBE for services to the UK.
@hpenvy1106 19 часов назад
The Russo- Ukrainian war must be one of the "oldest", personal wise. I know they do have a difficult demography and if they could they would butcher the youth. But in my head I like the idea of fighting men more than fighting kids (21 year olds are still kids) On the side: my grandfather turned 16 while he returned from the volksturm. I was wanking to hentai and playing WoW at that age.