Enduring Nomadic
Enduring Nomadic
Enduring Nomadic
This channel is about the challenges a man (myself) almost 50 years of age is currently faced with including back injury, heart problems, obesity, financial despair, and his relentless determination to conquer these challenges in his journey of finding health and happiness.

e-mail: enduringnomadic@gmail.com
8 лет назад
I See The Light!
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
Hurry Up Already!
8 лет назад
Down By 17!
8 лет назад
Reno or Bust!
8 лет назад
Who Cares!
8 лет назад
Enough Is Enough!
8 лет назад
To RV Or Not To RV!
8 лет назад
Why Am I Still Alive?
8 лет назад
My Big Fat NOT SO Fabulous Life!
8 лет назад
WTF! Is Anyone Out There?
8 лет назад
Food and Drugs!
8 лет назад
Where Am I Going?
8 лет назад
Enduring Nomadic Video2
8 лет назад
Enduring Nomadic
8 лет назад
@samanthajenkins2949 4 года назад
Don't take my comment down below this as a bad thing. That was incurgement. Every day I sit there in tell myself I need to get off my ass and do my exercise, go for walk, clean house, go shopping, pay bills.and ECT. Its putting in Angel on your showder to make you do the right so you feel better or given yourself a spanking when know one else is there to do it. Another words what I am saying is tuff love.
@samanthajenkins2949 4 года назад
That is why you got to get off your ass and work out. I use to be 330 pounds, I have bad knees, my lower back is treating, I am diabetes, bust my elbow up, I have asmia and I am on a walker and I can get off my ass and lose weight. I lost 30 pounds in 1 year. Stay on your diet first of all even if it's just walking it healthy for you. You are not a loser. File for low income social Security. After your first denial get a free lawyer in your area through Social Security. And go to court like I did. I believe you can do it. I fait you. I am praying for you. God Bless you. Don't give up.
@trinalopez589 5 лет назад
Missing you bro
@GROWYOURSELF 6 лет назад
So sad to hear, just found his channel today and subscribed. RIP Mark thanks for sharing your journey.
@truenorth7949 6 лет назад
kudos for keeping it real
@catcafe4802 7 лет назад
Do you have any family that could help you out with housing for awhile?
@russianhomecat3313 7 лет назад
Video is great! Hope u are ok.
@priscillabenitez3283 7 лет назад
Have u considered going vegan? I've seen people take out animal products and losing a ton of weight and be so healthy vs trying to count calories 👎
@Angel4Prayer 7 лет назад
Deeply sad, Rest in Peace, dear Mark. Thank you Nick P for letting us know.
@leeballs6618 7 лет назад
@leewaters9900 7 лет назад
@lifeafterdeath1 7 лет назад
stay strong brother wishing you the best of health happiness and success
@JustLee69 7 лет назад
Divorced DAD he passed away
@djnickpeters 7 лет назад
I wanted to let all of Mark's friends know that he passed away July 10th from complications related to septic organ failure. Rest In Peace my friend.
@JustLee69 7 лет назад
Nick P :(
@nextpagepj9058 7 лет назад
I'm really saddened to read this. He and I messaged back and forth a lot, then he just fell off the face of the earth. I was wondering what happened to him.... Sad. He was so anxious to get back in shape and get his life back together too. :( Thanks for letting us know Nick P, it is much appreciated.
@truthbydesign5146 7 лет назад
Oh my :( that's so sad .. I was just saddened by a heartbreaking message he left on another channel I've been watching lately (Eileah Ohning - " My thoughts on courage" video) and went to his channel today to reach out to him in the hopes of encouraging him. Sounds like he was really struggling but had a kind heart. It's such a tough world for so many ... I hope he had someone who loved him close to him before he died.
@kellysmith5443 8 лет назад
praying for you
@stephaniewalsh67 8 лет назад
Hope your feeling better
@stephaniewalsh67 8 лет назад
I so appreciate your honesty about your condition. I was obese less than ten years ago and frankly I was miserable that way. Thank you for sharing this difficult topic with us
@williampierce337 8 лет назад
Hi Mark. Hoping this finds you well. Take care my friend.
@kendraratcliff8538 8 лет назад
Hi Mark...I haven't heard from you for awhile. Are you doing okay? ☺
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Does anyone here know Mark personally, or know how he's doing? Mark, we're all pulling for you! Hope you're healing up and on the road to recovery! Keep us updated please!
@djnickpeters 8 лет назад
How are you doing Mark?
@macjohnson8992 8 лет назад
Hang in there big guy.
@williampierce337 8 лет назад
Get well my friend. Keep on keepin on.
@whoofit 8 лет назад
Who stole the meds? Were you there to receive the package? Was it unopened when you got it? Is your friend an addict?Look, you are not a doctor. Your leg needs treatment. You have no insurance where you are. Your choices are: Get Nevada residency or chew and screw at a Nevada hospital. Get to Cali for treatment and scripts and be homeless. Get to Cali, get treatment and scripts then make your way to Washington to your lady friend's.You have months to go before your settlement. They settle then it takes time to process the payment. You need to stay alive. You need treatment first and foremost. Self diagnosis is not the way in my opinion...Four cups of Activia per day diet is not helping your immune system.
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hey Stephen, No way to get to Cali. I have had these infections many times over the past 20+ years and most of the time they have gone away on their own, only two times I have landed in the hospital. I am very careful about this. Be homeless! F@#k That! This is called survival and I'm not going back on the streets again. Was homeless for 3 years twenty years ago and that's not an option. My settlement is not a major settlement so within two months I should see the funds since they are now in the process in collecting the doctors records and writing a demand letter to the insurance company. As far as where I am staying temporarily, is my half sister who I met only 5 years ago. She does have a drug and alcohol problem along with a couple of her loser friends that come over on a regular basis. Because I know this, I do keep a close eye on my meds however when I'm asleep I don't know. I did tell her that 49 of my pills were missing but did not want to be confrontational about it since I did not see it happen. This is only a very temporary situation, if Nancy were able to have guests for more than two weeks should would have had me come to Washington already. I have tried my damndest to get help from a system which I paid into my whole life and didn't get one red cent. Many people who are homeless (which I actually am) were only going through temporary setbacks like myself, but government/society insists you go homeless before getting any help. Government is too busy worrying about who uses what bathroom instead of focusing on the real problems which exist. I never ask for handouts and anything anyone has ever done for me has been given back more than 2x. I realize my diet is not the greatest right now, but for some reason I just don't feel like eating. And for the first two weeks being at this elevation here in Nevada I was severely constipated which the Dr. has sent me meds for. I would like you to know that I appreciate so much your concern and feedback, it's always good to hear from someone who is looking in from the outside. There are always more than one option, sometimes I don't make the perfect choices but I do what I think is right for me at that time. I'm a fighter and will get through this, I do have my ups and downs like anyone but my videos are real and I want every emotion to come through to the viewer. Anyways Thanks Stephen! I truly appreciate you! Mark
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Lol, good for you!! The more you know, the better off you'll be!! Knowledge is power! Educate yourself! Still LOL at the surprise look on your face about cost of a studio in Washington! Is it good to know you have some options available? :)
@whoofit 8 лет назад
All positive news. I think you are on the right track with being a creator of a product in a cottage way. I hear Etsy is a good place to market and sell things.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Hang in there!!
@djnickpeters 8 лет назад
We miss you Mark, Peet's isn't the same without you.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Hi Mark. Just out of curiosity and something to consider... Have you contacted the state of Washington, or visited their website, to find out about their Medicaid program, 1) the residency requirements, and 2) who is eligible for coverage? ...Might be something you want to inquire about so when the time comes for you to move, you already know what to expect? ...Hang in there!
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Paula, I plan to keep residency (not physical) in California until my Social Security is either approved or not. My SS attorney has filed for an expedited hearing but it will probably still be several months before that happens. It has been over 2 years since I filed for SS. However if I get SS, I automatically get switched to Medicare and won't have to worry about what Washington has. When I do get whatever RV or vehicle, I will keep it registered in Cali until I can once and for all break all ties with Cali. Right now I don't want to change Cardiologist or Spine doctors because as far as I'm concerned I have the best. I have been on Washington's website but to no extent and plan to study it much more. Thanks Paula!
@whoofit 8 лет назад
This time until you get the settlement is the perfect time to lose weight. You will not only want to be more agile while full timing in an RV you will absolutely need it. The weight loss should help your skeletal problems greatly. Most probably your breathing issues as well.You might look into a free app called "My Fitness Pal". It makes weight loss fun and allows you to set goals and will calculate and track your intake to achieve those goals.
@whoofit 8 лет назад
Oh, and congrats on the weight loss!
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Thanks Stephen, the breathing problems only started when I arrived in Reno. I do know that weight loss will help with everything. I have had the My Fitness Pal app for over a year now. I agree about the agility and can't wait to get back to a normal weight. I would like to start hiking and maybe even biking if my knees will allow due to having surgery on both knees. Have great one Stephen! Mark
@whoofit 8 лет назад
Figured I would share that I was a heavy smoker for 35 years. During that time I put on too much weight as well. I was born without a key muscle group. I struggled with addiction and depression. After a couple years of self investment in time and restrictions I am able to backpack 30 miles per day. I am 51 years old. If I can do it YOU can do it. Slow and steady man. Realistic goals and persistence. You and I may never run a Marathon but we can feel good about those that do while walking in the woods...instead of wishing we could.
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
I quit smoking January 31, 2010 and it was the best thing i have ever done, I used to drink quite a bit in my younger years and hardly touch it anymore, and I don't do drugs. Even my doctors get pissed at me because I don't take most of the meds the prescribe because I just don't trust them. I guess my worst thing is coffee, I love coffee! I'm not far behind you in age, I will be 50 in January. I am determined though to find some good years in my life once and for all!
@whoofit 8 лет назад
Well there's a couple major hurdles cleared already. I've learned it's too easy for me to forget the good things and to focus on the bad. I mean, once I win at something it kind of fades too quickly. I've learned to, as they say, count the blessings more. I've found once I did that the rest started falling into place.....but slowly......there is no shortcuts. I guess what I'm trying to relay is to not think that life on the road, as attractive and sexy as it sounds, is going to make a major difference in your life until more of the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted. As a matter of fact things can go South very quickly while nomadic.
@kendraratcliff8538 8 лет назад
Hi Mark...will you please post the GoFundMe website? Or...Trina, will you please post it again? Thank you. It would be awesome if everyone can post a few dollars for Mark.
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Kendra, if you click on the description below the video, you will see the link to the gofundme but I will post a link in this reply as well. Mark www.gofundme.com/27mze3nw
@dustistreet9503 8 лет назад
I wish that I could help you Mark, but I am almost in the same situation as you. The most I can do for you is to pray. If I find any information on Workcamping or Telcommute jobs, I will pass it on to you. Keep these video's coming.
@dustistreet9503 8 лет назад
Hello Mark. I know you still have a few video's after this one, but I really just needed to tell you at this point. You are NOT alone. It feels as though you are my Soul Brother. I am always saying that "I used to be somebody." Long story short; I have been on a roller coaster ride for several years now. My ex-husband let my house in Florida go back while I was in Texas helping OUR daughter with her children. I had to come back to Florida and ended up spending 7 months on my dad and stepmothers couch. HORRIBLE! My youngest daughter asked me to come stay with her and her husband to get me out of the situation with the folks. I am 54 years old with a neurological disorder and a few other health issues. My daughter has given me until the end of 2016 to "get my life together" and I will have to be out of her house. It seems that when it rains it pours! WE are still alive, in my opinion, to help other people in our position to see that if we can do it, so can they. I am praying for you Brother. I am also praying that I will be approved for SSI [SOON]. I am driving for Uber myself right now but because of the health problems I am not able to put in enough drive time to make enough to live on. I am three payments behind on my car and every time I hear a truck, I check to make sure it is not being towed! Without my car, I cannot make any money at all! Prayerfully I get approved for the SSI, get my tax return released (Darn Marketplace messed me up) and I will be able to get a cheap van to start boondocking. IF so, I hope to meet up with you and maybe have a cup of coffee and share our 'war storied'. No one truly understands unless they have lived through it. God bless and I'm going to go watch the rest of your video's. Love them!
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Dusti, I would love to have a cup of coffee with you sometime! I'm sorry to hear that you are going through so much as well. I don't think it ever rains, it just Pours all the time. You are 100% correct when you say that if someone has not been through what we have and are going through they can't understand. When I was homeless for 3 years twenty years ago, not only did I have the mental strength but I had the physical strength to go through it. I still have the mental strength but the physical strength not so much anymore. I keep wondering what my purpose in life is, because I would like to have some kind of good life before it's all said and done. Talking about couch, my sister does not even have a couch. She has this old dilapidated, lop sided recliner with the arms completely broken off and that is what I am sleeping on. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it is in no way good for my back and it hurts to sleep on. I am so glad that you wrote to me! Please feel free to drop me a line anytime! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers (if praying even helps). We will get through this! Mark
@dustistreet5108 8 лет назад
Great first video Mark! I am trying to work up the courage to start Vlogging myself. I am researching HOW to post good video's and "BecauseiVan gave some really good tips. I look forward to watching the rest of your video's and am going through them, chronologically. *Dusti
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Thank you, it took a lot for me to start this vlog knowing that I would be exposing everything about me and my life. But so far it has been good. The first vlog is the hardest then it gets easier. Please let me know when you start your vlog. Mark
@williampierce337 8 лет назад
Mark been concerned about you. How are you doing? Hope all is well my friend.
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi William, Thank you for your concern! It just seems that with the way things are going, there is no one who cares. I had the steroid injections last friday which helped for only one day. Now the pain is back even worse then before. I am in Reno with my sister which really is not an environment I wish to be in. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. I will be doing another video in the next day or two. It's just really difficult financially right now with no income, waiting for my attorney to settle the accident case, and waiting for my Social Security hearing. It has been over two years since I filed for Social Security. I would like to find some kind of work which I can do online. I am not used to being so helpless and sedentary. It really means a lot to me when I get messages from folks like you who are concerned! Thank you! Mark
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
We're all concerned, so keep the updates coming please! Hang in there!
@kendraratcliff8538 8 лет назад
Good luck Mark! Great news...
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Thanks Kendra, just got to Reno today. Lost 17 lbs.! Yay. Will be posting another video probably tomorrow.
@cat_smith356 8 лет назад
Some RV'rs go to Mexico for their dental work. I think RV lady did that recently.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Here are some more links that may be of interest to you. I really like the first one.... If you open the link, scroll down to where it says "Click HERE to read my story..." the guy who made the page is very inspirational and uplifting. And remember: 1) If it CAN'T get any worse, it can only get better... and 2) If it CAN get worse, you're not as bad off as you could be. ^Either way, you WIN!... Hang in there! Here are those links... www.homelessresourcesca.org/index.html www.homeless.org.au/directory/us-california.htm portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/states/california/homeless/shelters www.dss.cahwnet.gov/cdssweb/entres/forms/English/CW42.PDF www.sfhsa.org/171.htm
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Paula, Thanks for the links. I will say honestly that I have tried everything. I have worked with a case worker who specializes in working with people to find resources which help. She told me herself that we have exhausted every avenue. It's only when you attempt calling theses places that you realize there really is no help for someone in my situation. For example, when applying for welfare which gives you $335, they expect that you not have more than $100 in assets (anything you can sell). If I have a bank account, they frown on that. I was there before and will not go back to that position again. It is a bunch of crap that there are so many people on the street (some due to their choosing) and no real programs to help. I really mean it when I say that I hope to be a voice at some point that is able to initiate change in this country towards the treatment of homeless. I am an honest, hard working individual and I am in this position because of some idiot that committed a felony and got away with it. I was watching some videos on youtube the other night about a couple of guys that go homeless for a couple nights for a social experiment, really. Unless you truly are homeless, you will never know what it's like. I am pushing myself to do this Vlog. It was my ex-wife that insisted I do my latest video because she know I am on the edge. She understands how everyday I think about not being here anymore. I have so many hope for my youtube channel and for my life. If it wasn't for people like you talking to me, I don't know what I would do. Thanks for writing Paula and I appreciate your help in trying to find resources. Mark
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Paula, I just wanted to mention, that I have also applied for Social Security over 2 years ago. I have a phone appointment today with my SS Attorney to give her updated information. That is also something else that needs to change. I know my emotions can get the best of me at times but I will rise above all this! This is America right? Mark
@kendraratcliff8538 8 лет назад
Thank you...you should have it posted on each video for followers to make a donation. See if you can embed it on the main page so that it is easy to find. Keep it up Mark.
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Not sure if that's allowed, but I have the Paypal one. Just trying to figure out how to get my videos noticed. Thanks for your encouragement Kendra, it means more to me than you can imagine.
@kendraratcliff8538 8 лет назад
Hi Mark...where is the GoFundMe site that was set up?
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Kendra, Here is the link www.gofundme.com/27mze3nw Mark
@darlannebuendia7715 8 лет назад
Hey can you email me? I have some ideas for you about weight loss help, and full time rv'ing. My address is darlanneloveseddie@gmail.com. I heard of you due to we both watch follow the hearts. Don't have money to donate, but do have info.
@kellysmith5443 8 лет назад
hope everything went well I try to lose weight now but I'm going to do it for myself and my grandchildren be blessed
@williampierce337 8 лет назад
Many people go their entire lives with no idea why. Some know their purpose right off or come to understand it at some point. Bottom line is we all are here for some reason I believe. I am sorry for your troubles. I believe in this- "The Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle". I do hope you find housing. Here in Portland we have hundreds of homeless. I tell my wife it is a very pretty town at night, but so so ugly in the daytime. Rents through the roof. lists of 20 waiting in line for an apartment. It all is very very sad. Take care my friend. Bye for now.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Hi Mark. When you sit or stand for long periods, the fluid will pool in your lower limbs as you already mentioned. This puts great strain on your heart and makes it pump harder. Try elevating your legs and feet above the level of your heart to help reduce edema. Gravity should help bring the fluid back to your heart, thus reducing your heart's workload, and helping also to reduce your blood pressure. Recliners work wonderful for this, if your hotel room has one. If not, call the front desk and ask them to bring extra pillows to your room, and prop your legs up on them. (It's important tho that your legs be elevated higher than your heart.) Also, doesn't California have a state-run health care program for low/no income people? (You mentioned not being able to afford going to a nutritionist??) If it does, you should have access to a nutritionist and other healthcare specialists to meet your ongoing healthcare needs. I wish there was more I could do/say for you. Good luck, I'll continue to watch!
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Paula, I am on Medi-Cal which is worthless for the most part. I started seeing a Nutritionist through me Primary Health Care Provider over a year ago in February and she was only able to schedule me when she had a cancellation, also I was hoping she could help me choose the right pre-made food as I had no kitchen where I was living, but she didn't know what to do. The Dr. I had misdiagnosed me as having gout in my left leg when It turned out I had a MRSA Infection which landed me in the hospital for 5 days. I almost didn't make it out because at first because the antibiotics weren't working. Five days later I had the car accident which put me in this mess I am in. Honestly, I don't even know why I am alive, I will be posting a short video later today about health problems which started at birth and some other accidents I was in. Thank you soooo much for watching and encouraging me. It's people like you who are going to help me pull through this. Mark
@Petra-oq5wl 8 лет назад
hi Mark,i tried to send you an email,it didn't work,is that def your correct email address?
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Hi Petra, my email is enduringnomadic@gmail.com
@trinalopez589 8 лет назад
Hello viewer. Please visit the gofundme page I set up for Mark: gofundme.com/27mze3nw. Thank you.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Hi Trina. It seems you know Mark personally?? Any updates from him since he has been hospitalized? Is he okay? Thanks for your reply!! :)
@truthbydesign5146 7 лет назад
Sadly he passed away; :( I wish I could have had the chance to reach out and show him some love before he left us.. I just discovered his page today after reading a message he left on Eileah Ohning's channel "My thoughts on Courage" video.
@trinalopez589 8 лет назад
Hello viewers please visit the gofundme page I set up for Mark: gofundme.com/27mze3nw. Thank you.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Here's a couple links I found that might be of some interest to you: www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/california_eviction_prevention.html www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/california_emergency_assistanc.html
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
HI Paula, Thanks for the Links, I had already been working with a case worker at my primary care provider because I know that I was going to have to move just didn't know that it was going to be that sudden. The case worker specializes in this kind of stuff. The only way to know what is out there is to spend the hours I have on the phone. It just stinks that my settlement won't get here fast enough. It is by no means a huge settlement but should get me into an older RV and get me out of California. All this is just so daunting, I look forward to someday having peace! Thanks for staying in touch!
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Have you contacted a Public Health Nurse with the county where you're currently at, or that you last resided in? I don't know how California works, but here in MN, pregnant women, women with children, and people with health issues and/or disabilities take priority for housing placement... Veterans too... How about the Salvation Army, have you checked with them?
@trinalopez589 8 лет назад
Keeping you in prayer daily Mark. Talk to you soon.
@FreedomInMindtv 8 лет назад
Hey Mark, nice job mate! One tip i have for you is (if you haven't already) look up SEO or search engine optimisation, that includes titles, descriptions, tags and key words etc. That is really the key to getting your videos seen. Also learn about custom thumbnails and watch videos on how to make provocative titles for your vids. Hope that helps mate!
@enduringnomadic4068 8 лет назад
Thanks for the tips and the encouragement! It is really hard right now.
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Ha! Thanks for that! :) You have a great, positive, attitude and I'm sure it will help to carry you thru this... My profession is a registered nurse, so I have nothing to offer by way of what it takes to work while being mobile. I know there are videos out there by others who address this very issue tho. Again, best of luck on your journey!
@paulam8235 8 лет назад
Oh, and by the way... I'm sure that picture you spoke of is nailed to the wall anyway! ;) Take care!