Tourettes Action
Tourettes Action
Tourettes Action
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Tourettes Action is the leading information, support and research charity for people living with Tourette Syndrome (TS) in the UK. This channel has been created to share inspiring videos from people in our community, to help educate and inform people about TS. We also have a host of videos about behavioural therapy for managing tics, and current research.
@barbaraintihar1114 День назад
I think you are pretty cool!!! Thank you for being brave enough to share and kind enough to help others!
@richardpoirier4480 3 дня назад
Stay out of Belmont, New Hampshire, Belmont, New Hampshire first responders will try to take your life if you present with Tourette’s syndrome. They tried to take my life and have done nothing but lie about their actions, Belmont New Hampshire is not safe for anyone with a disability like Tourette’s syndrome, they will try and take your life , and then deny they ever touched you
@richardpoirier4480 7 дней назад
First responders in Belmont, New Hampshire are extremely dangerous, they will get violent with Tourette’s syndrome. Stay out of Belmont, New Hampshire if you have Tourette’s, it’s extremely unsafe there, the governor of New Hampshire will do nothing about the violence against Tourette’s syndrome from Belmont, New Hampshire first responders. In Belmont, New Hampshire, they’ll take your life if you have Tourette’s
@jankan98 2 месяца назад
My daughter pajeeta has a big problem where she will repeatedly tell the n word and tips
@paulwilson4866 2 месяца назад
I feel bad ❤❤❤
@ralsharp6013 3 месяца назад
This boy would almost be a man now. Can you please do a follow-up?
@bradforester3635 4 месяца назад
The one common denominator Vaccines. Before vaccines turrets never existed
@KLGREENALL 5 месяцев назад
This was amazing thank you so much- my son is really struggling with his Tourette’s when it comes to other people/school. He is only 9 .. I would love for him to build confidence around his tics. Interesting you both mentioned the pig sound because that’s one of my sons. X
@gingerspecies9913 5 месяцев назад
i was a patient of Dr Tammy Hedderly when i was under in child neurology. I had a lot of very advanced issues that were unexplainable and she worked with me for 8-9 years. She was great with me and after so much research I finally got my diagnosis of a progressive degenerative disease called spinocerabellar ataxia which affects the cells of the cerebellum. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have gotten any answers. All other hospitals said that i was faking my problems and that it was psychological but after numerous MRI scans it actually showed that the cells in my cerebellum were dying off. how a child can fake having rotated legs for days and 6 hour seizures is possible i don't know but I'm thankful that i finally got proof that there was something wrong and that it wasn't psychological. i am now almost 25 and still going strong and I am now under the adult neurology department.
@cactusmobb4life543 6 месяцев назад
I had OCD when i was younger. Is it possible i grew out of it? I use to have to do almost everything twice. I stopped at 12.
@annarudaia-kf5ic 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for all the advocacy you provide
@CountryLadyInBoots 7 месяцев назад
Awww God love him🙏🏻🥰 Handsom sweet young man
@edenfraser 10 месяцев назад
Tammy Hedderly reported that she called patients that she believed had "fake" tics "Evies" after patient Evie Meg who suffers with PANDAS/BGE and subsequent seizures, motor tics, and vocal tics. This is incredibly unprofessional and shows a complete lack of empathy. It is sad to see someone who we are expected to entrust our vulnerable children to behave in this manner. Justice for Evie and all of the children Hedderly has dismissed and disregarded. Whether you think a patient is displaying symptoms that align with TS or not, to use another patients name to disgrace them is shameful practice.
@shlokamsrivastava6782 11 месяцев назад
This boy is good looking.
@grantfryer407 Год назад
im now 61 and only just learning about it now thanks to the t.a. group god bless their werk..i was bullied and beaten mercilessly through out school was constantly told to be quiet and to control myself by teachers and at home have had the pee taken out of me through out my werking life but have never really been out of work am married to an understanding wife and have an 18 yr old son who shows some symptoms..so now i understand i have a legitimate disability..i have other related mental health problems and sometimes really hurt myself due to tics but im more of a Yelper than anything and hardly get much sleep..so anyone else like me or am unique 😂
@SuperTzippy Год назад
I like the kid that said he says Thank you.. hehe i do thag too.. i have tics, no vocal but alot of moving the muscles internally.. i just flow with it and if peiple ask i just explain.. for me it can be tiring.. but i try to breathe and be calm, then theyre nich more subtle.. GD bless us alll..
@justicefreeman6930 Год назад
My son is 18. As a dad I couldn’t be any more proud of who he is.. He has done amazing in school. He is the definition of the word gentleman. His heart is purer that Lancelot. I believe he is the best of humanity. I’m not worried about his future. I know he will do great things in this world. I’m worried about him meeting a nice young lady. Like he will be graduating this year. He is starting to think about girls in a dating way. I can only offer advice. Now, I just need advice. Any help?
@KiraCookies Год назад
I remember Caspar from 2012 youtube and it wasn't until around this video 4 years ago that I actually found out he had TS. I was diagnosed sometime around 2013 so yeah! weird coincidences.
@cashews15 Год назад
Hearing people opinions and stories about tics brought me to tears. We are struggling, please someone hear us!
@cashews15 Год назад
Oh a hijabi woman, thank you for your inclusivity ❤️
@hastingsgal Год назад
Bless him he’s so brave! These type of videos are helpful to so many people. What a trooper! 🤩
@DylanF Год назад
Well done, all involved. An excellent video. Shared!
@staywme__ Год назад
I have anxiety not diagnosed but my whole family knows I have it i tic almost all the time when I have anxiety they get worst the more anxiety I have but sometimes I just tic randomly its weird
@dewisusantiwnjh7697 Год назад
Thank you for this video, it's very help for me, to guide my son. Thank you. God bless you 🙏
@sarahjaneholley3237 Год назад
The boy in the purple top is brilliant! I will wait to see him on the stage! Thanks for creating this, its going to make a big difference when working with people who have tourettes.
@kerryarmitt8133 Год назад
Thank you for this brilliantly thought out video to help teachers understand this condition. My daughter has tics and is really struggling in school
@lifestylewithayesha147 Год назад
Hi Mam is tics disorder with anxiety curable? Or will it last forever? My 10 years old daughter is suffering from this disease and I am too much worried about her
@mckennasheaa Год назад
ive been diagnosed with tourettes for about 8 years but its not as bad as most people with tourettes. I often get them when im stressed or anxious -- i have chronic anxiety though. I think that i just have nervous tics instead of tourettes but im not sure
@MattJay. Год назад
She was on a channel 4 show, she’s awesome
@CM-sj9pb 2 года назад
Entering(submersion 3 times with a certain prayer and crossing yourself)in water springs of orthodox saints(which are near or in monasteries)give very much power and sureness to people with depression, panic attacks, Tourette sindrom, schizofrenia and other soul illnesses before getting to the eucharisty that heals all soul illnesses. There are some springs of mother of mother of God that also heal all soul illnesses. Spring at the Monastery of st. Paraskevi at Tempi in Greece is one of many springs of saints in Greece and in Balkans. If you have chronic fatigue it is from masturbating, watching pornography, hate etc. 99% of all illnesses are from soul. Soul illnesses can be enherited or from sins. If you can not go to the church because of the illness you can call the priest to your home to give you eucharisty if you are baptised orthodox. If you can not go to a spring of orthodox saint you can buy sainted water and pour it on your self or sainted oil and apply a little on your forehead. If you have diseases, bad luck, impotence, you can only have a discussion with the same person, etc. it can be from witch spellings. In the Zlătari church in Bucharest, every Wednesday at 17.00 it is read the akathist to St. Cyprian and st. Justine against charms and all demons. This akathist can be ordered at any other Orthodox church if you are baptized Orthodox.
@CM-sj9pb 2 года назад
Entering(submersion 3 times with a certain prayer and crossing yourself)in water springs of orthodox saints(which are near or in monasteries)give very much power and sureness to people with depression, panic attacks, Tourette sindrom, schizofrenia and other soul illnesses before getting to the eucharisty that heals all soul illnesses. There are some springs of mother of mother of God that also heal all soul illnesses. Spring at the Monastery of st. Paraskevi at Tempi in Greece is one of many springs of saints in Greece and in Balkans. If you have chronic fatigue it is from masturbating, watching pornography, hate etc. 99% of all illnesses are from soul. Soul illnesses can be enherited or from sins. If you can not go to the church because of the illness you can call the priest to your home to give you eucharisty if you are baptised orthodox. If you can not go to a spring of orthodox saint you can buy sainted water and pour it on your self or sainted oil and apply a little on your forehead. If you have diseases, bad luck, impotence, you can only have a discussion with the same person, etc. it can be from witch spellings. In the Zlătari church in Bucharest, every Wednesday at 17.00 it is read the akathist to St. Cyprian and st. Justine against charms and all demons. This akathist can be ordered at any other Orthodox church if you are baptized Orthodox.
@rodrickheath8207 2 года назад
I like your voice so educated
@Layla_gachayt 2 года назад
I’m diagnosed with anxiety and other stuff (I don’t like to talk about) and when my anxiety gets bad I tic. At first I would panic because I only thought you tic’d if you had Tourette’s. I ended up going to the hospital because they didn’t stop so we thought it was a physical issue. When I found out that because of my anxiety, they could be anxiety tics I was so confused but it made sense. Since I’ve been suffering with anxiety my whole life, I’ve always had little tics that were hardly noticeable. I had tics almost everyday for like a month because I was always having really bad anxiety but slowly they went down after some time on anxiety medication. I still have tics everyday but their manageable, but because of my anxiety and stuff I have agoraphobia. But I’m lucky because my mum has always been by my side, spending nights in hospital and always understanding the little things I do. She’s honestly been a big help with dealing with my mental health issues, she’s my best friend and I honestly don’t know what id do without her….
@charlotteeee3854 Год назад
Aren't we so lucky for loving and caring mothers💗 im so glad you have her support in your life!
@MotoVirtuo 2 года назад
Anxiety goes much deeper than worry and fear.. how about feeling like you need to jump out of your skin when you’re just laying there
@abigaildambacher6984 2 года назад
So grateful for this video, I showed my 7 year old and he said wow, I do that stuff too! The first step is helping people understand they're not alone. <3
@ralsharp6013 3 месяца назад
That's a really great strategy to help your son understand what's going on
@tomnewmarch7518 2 года назад
Did she not say meow chicken pickles ? Sure it was her..
@wheelchairgeek 2 года назад
I like what she says about her interraction with the outside world.
@wheelchairgeek 2 года назад
I really need a video I can share with friends. Do you have one of these without the swearing on the front please? Reason is, we all know the swearing exists and I do get it myself but I want to share this with a religious community.
@paranxietyoia587 2 года назад
I use WOOHHHOOOOOO!!! When i'm anxious
@paranxietyoia587 2 года назад
@paranxietyoia587 2 года назад
Alra alra alfa
@paranxietyoia587 2 года назад
Grlrgrlrgrlr grrrr
@priscillaproud3287 2 года назад
I finally went to my doctor after I noticed through out my years since high school these tics have been most likely snd hopefully due to my anxiety I started busbar last night and I’m hopefully it gets better
@eaglewingpokerchamp4956 2 года назад
You know Lav mics are like 20 bucks right?
@AJDraws 2 года назад
Such strength of character. Your positivity is infectious
@bendyalien 2 года назад
can anxiety tics be very severe? like very bad disabling tics that hurt me and lots of vocal ones too?
@creemoon9546 2 года назад
@unknownopinionoid6787 2 года назад
Ur a hammite I think that plays a big role in ur tourette's cut 🎬
@prettypineapple3673 2 года назад
I get tics but they get worst if I'm angry or trying to really focus and ItS EmBaRrAsSiNg because I had a face tic when I speaking to a religious woman( people always question why I always look on the ground or anywhere but them when they are speaking so I tried to focus,keeping eye contact with the woman but I started to tic and when I try to suppress it, I just made it worse😔)She probably thinks that I'm possessed
@heh_its_me2687 2 года назад
I was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and I have anxiety tics. I think I’ve had them for years but didn’t notice them until I was jerking my head to the back and side and uncontrollably moving my arms...
@bendyalien 2 года назад
are your anxiety tics very severe or not too bad?
@heh_its_me2687 2 года назад
@@bendyalien I wouldn’t say that they are really severe they are just really frequent. Frequent enough that when I meet someone they just look at me for a bit and ask about it lol
@bendyalien 2 года назад
@@heh_its_me2687 ah okay
@bendyalien 2 года назад
@@heh_its_me2687 because I think my tics are anxiety tics however they are extremely severe and frequent and cause a lot of harm to me, and I’m just confused about if it could be something different
@heh_its_me2687 2 года назад
@@bendyalien They might be. I had to see a doctor about mine because I had started getting tics where I would hit myself and other things. It didn’t hurt but that along with other things make my tics pretty noticeable. When I went to a doctor they couldn’t place exactly what was causing them but they did tell me that they were involuntary tics. I would recommend seeing someone if you honestly have no clue. I just kinda assume mine are anxiety tics but they may be something else so I’m seeing a neurologist soon.