Just Noah Here
Just Noah Here
Just Noah Here
Hello, Noah Here! I'm a 20 year old Ace Attorney and Outer Wilds fanatic, but I love many other games as well! I play primarily story based games but I also play the occasional horror game. I aim to make your day at least a little bit better for the time that you decide to stay for.
Fall Season Channel Update
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@spouwnerring 4 часа назад
I reconize all these character sprites from different fan games and cases
@matigamer329 4 часа назад
A.K.A the WRIIIIGH episode.
@ProsecutorZekrom 8 часов назад
1:32:49 I don’t know if it’s intentional but this is similar to a lyric in the Motorhead song Ace of Spades
@ProsecutorZekrom 10 часов назад
1:25:41 Be prepared to see this woman a lot when you play more cases in the future. It’s actually a running joke in the AAonline community due to how often her sprites get used.
@ProsecutorZekrom 11 часов назад
This case is exactly three weeks following the end of Turnabout Revolution. A wednesday, funnily enough.
@thenonaklp942 13 часов назад
Nice that you're also playing some other fancases. Taking that opportunity, let me also reccommend Blackrune's cases (e.g. "Turnabout in the Lighthouse of Lunacy"), some more of DWaM's cases (e.g. "Dragon's Turnabout") and "The Torrential Turnabout" by Acid Rain.
@NullZ1 18 часов назад
i would say this was the least , something, and the ending... meh. i think i will walk out on watching this series and hoping you would do a different series case.
@justnoahherehello 18 часов назад
@@NullZ1 ah, that's sad to hear. We'll be doing The Dragon's Turnabout after this case ends, if you want to watch that one instead.
@NullZ1 18 часов назад
@@justnoahherehello I would have think you would have tried the "Hexepta" (or remake version) FanCase , since I think it has all the BS but outwitty arguments and your a whole entire person.
@fakereal127 22 часа назад
I love A Turnabout to El Dorado, from A Turnabout to El Dorado
@youtwoTheta День назад
Jgh dude but im not sure if im going to watch this while finishing COI cuz i love to watch series by series, just to digest the storyline completely. Apologies for the inconvenience. I will get back on this as soon as after COI though. God bless you always man
@Sukuun День назад
All riiiiiiiight, finally getting this project off the ground!
@RandomPerson12434 День назад
Sarah: "That's gore of my comfort character! :D"
@Olive78338 4 дня назад
This case is my favourite in the game, mostly because it’s the longest, so it has lots of time to develop the mystery and put you through so many twists and turns. Case 4 seems to be the fan favourite from this game, but for me personally this case is where it’s at. Just like Contempt of Court, the cases in this game are interconnected and progressively get better and better. I also want to mention how much I love having a case with Phoenix and Trucy as a team.
@justnoahherehello 4 дня назад
@@Olive78338 DD and SoJ squandered so hard by not having Phoenix and Trucy work together more. Specifically something about SoJ, let me rant: What if Phoenix and Apollo switched roles? What if Apollo were the one who went to (idk how tf to spell it) instead of Phoenix? I know it doesn't make much sense since the only reason Phoenix went was because of Maya, but just have Apollo decide to go because news of the Dragons becomes public, he sees Dhurke, and goes to see what's going on. I mainly want this because it would have made much more narrative sense for Phoenix to defend Trucy in 6-2. I absolutely adore 6-2 for the great stuff it did, but having Trucy, Phoenix's daughter, as the defendant, and NOT having Phoenix defend her? Are you serious? This would also improve Nahyuta's story and character, imo. Apollo showing up in (I still don't know how to spell it) would give him a lot of reasons to feel conflicted and act hostile. Their brotherly relationship could also be explored more. Alright, rant over.
@Olive78338 4 дня назад
I think Spirit of Justice would've benefited from being mostly Apollo, but instead we get him only in case 2 and case 5. I think him defending Trucy is enjoyable, since they’ve spent an entire game together, so they’re close just like her and Phoenix are. I also liked how the stakes are high since Phoenix is away and can’t defend her himself. I found Spirit of Justice sort of unfocused at times with the back and forth between the two countries and different playable characters. Nahyuta also had a lot of untapped potential as an interesting character. It’s definitely a better game than Dual Destinies, though.
@ProsecutorZekrom 5 дней назад
Finnegan Hood is definitely my favourite original character in this game. Or is he...?
@NullZ1 5 дней назад
for some strange reason , the gags made the video worth watching , just the effects alone helped with the image.
@justnoahherehello 4 дня назад
@@NullZ1 I've really developed in my editing skills and style, I'm glad you enjoy it. But our voice acting makes the video worth watching as well!
@NullZ1 4 дня назад
@@justnoahherehello well this is the 2nd time i witnessed this game , the 1st being VisualNovelty (His PriorName) , complete it but i can say a group of friends make the game give a lasting effect when it comes to voice acting. , though in the future i highly recommend Ace Prosecutor Zero , it may only have 1 case/trial but the art and gameplay is "Chef's Kiss" Beautiful.
@spouwnerring 5 дней назад
Noah: Yo guys, I think Obidiah is gonna be the victim and actually die. Moments later Obidiah: yo, what's up guys. Ready for another case?
@justnoahherehello 4 дня назад
@@spouwnerring My theory crafting has a success rate of about 50% LMFAOOOA
@axeoseilez3207 5 дней назад
Welcome to the final case. Also i hope you do a discussion video after this case i am interested in hearing whether the spoilers you had to censor matched with what actually happened in game. Also and i may edit this depending on the flow of the video. But sadly i didnt see the mr. Pewderschmidt edit for williamson. So im a little sad. Cause you said it would be in this case.
@justnoahherehello 5 дней назад
@@axeoseilez3207 I edited and uploaded this video before Episode 25 came out and you made that request, so the earliest that edit will show up will be in episode 29.
@axeoseilez3207 5 дней назад
Oooh fair enough my apologies. Everyone has their own editing style. Thank you for considering me and I'm excited to see where this case goes
@dragonballlover2880 5 дней назад
Are you going to do the other path as well? In the final trial day, there are major differences between both paths
@Sukuun 5 дней назад
I have not told him exactly what happens…
@justnoahherehello 4 дня назад
@@dragonballlover2880 We didn't end up doing both paths, but I'd be down to come back to this game, go through it with the other choice, and then record all the differences with Net.
@ProsecutorZekrom 5 дней назад
My favourite case in this game! Looking forward to seeing your reaction to this one! Sucks that you had to cut out parts of your playthrough though. Would it be possible for you to release the uncut footage, perhaps as an unlisted video, for those who've already played the case?
@justnoahherehello 4 дня назад
@@ProsecutorZekrom Yeah, I could do that. Not sure when, but I'll consider doing that. It won't be long until we get to what I talked about though.
@matigamer329 5 дней назад
You scared the hell out of me with the first censored spoiler lmfao.
@youtwoTheta 5 дней назад
Another awesome day with an awesome video! 😆
@youtwoTheta 5 дней назад
Appreciate you Noah for giving considerations with the viewers who watch this for the first time due to them giving much spoilers. 😅
@youtwoTheta 5 дней назад
@Olive78338 5 дней назад
I forgot to mention: thanks for showing off both endings! I always appreciate that sort of thoroughness in playthroughs like this.
@spouwnerring 7 дней назад
The final boss: When will you learn?! When will you learn THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE TURNABOUT CONSEQUENCES. ok, but seriously if you think about, the prosecution's case against Iris completely falls apart the moment Ralph confesses that he shot the sniper rifle and pushed Iris. Obidiah's argument that Meredith saw Iris head towards the secret room completely falls apart, because Meredith left the court having no credibilety left to her name, but also Phoenix, Porter and Ralph's testimonies all being in agreement that Iris was on the balconey with her arm injury being evidence that supports those testemonies. I mean, this isn't like in Bridge To The Turnabout where Phoenix and Edgeworth proved that Iris was just an acomplice and was withholding the real killer's identity resulting everyone faulsly believing that Maya killed Misty as Pearl didn't channel anyone and was to short herself to kill her. No, this time Iris completely innocent and so her being proven innocent only for the trial continue is only cause for mistrial, because her rights are being violated. Yes I know that there are multiple examples of cases where the trial continues even when the defendent is proven innocent and them only being given a not guilty verdict after the real killer is arrested, however I've already why I don't like that, because it lessens the stakes. Like, the only way I can see Obidiah making sence of this contradiction in regards to the testimonies is if he came up with the following theory that's so stupid that he'd laughed out of court for it: After Iris was pushed Porter fell uncontious. This allowed Iris to quickly run to the secret room, only being noticed by Meredith. Iris was able to do this due to adrenaline kicking, numbing the pain. After shooting Maya, Iris ran out of the room and fell uncontious outside, because the adrenaline wore off. How I would fix this is to have Ralph be a normal butler and to have the person who ordered Maya's death (aka the mastermind) coerce the 3 bosses (Pearl, Meredith and Ralph) into doing the deed, lest they be murdered in her place. However, instead of 3 actually trying to kill Maya, they instead just sent her to the hospital in a coma in order to fool the mastermind. How they do this is to have Ralph shoot at Maya with the sniper rifle, but missing on purpose. Then when Maya is inside Pearl would shoot at her in a spot that would cause to fall into a coma instead of dying from it. Meredith would serve as the cleaning lady, destroying or hiding any evidence that could expose conspiracy. The reason why Iris get's framed is because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and this caused Ralph to panick and framing her for the attempted murder (which is actually just aggrevated assault with multiple deadly weapons). Neither Meredith nor Ralph want to go to prison so they fake each other's alibies and Pearl - not wanting Iris to go to prison in theor place - becomes Phoenix's aid to manipulate him into exposing the conspiracy while also making sure that the mastermind doesn't find out that they were being scammed. But you know what I really do like? The Magatama being destroyed/Pearl taking it with her as she leaves. Yes I know that Contempt of Court uses it for an insane twist (which the Smith flashback completely spoils) but it's extremely inconsitance when it detects a lie and when it doesn't. Not just that, but I really don't like the games constantly removing any and all doubt in regards to the defendent's innocence by having him ask "did you do it". Not only does it remove tention as you now know for sure that you're client can be trusted, but what is preventing Phoenix from asking anyone this very question? All he has to do is continue asking this question to the people involved and then once he finds the person who has psyche locks appear in reaction to that question, all Phoenix has to do is conduct research on that person in order to proof that they did it. Tangle Tower does a way better job at confronting suspect in the investigation, because you go around talking to people and collecting evidence and then eventually that results in the protagonist going "X person is sus" followed with the aid asking if you wish to confront that person right now or later.
@diesakuma367 7 дней назад
This is my fav case in this fangame but it isnt perfect The ending is is very good Like you wouldnt have thought that this person would be the culprit Case 5 tho Well there is one thing I dont really like about it but oh well We will get there
@axeoseilez3207 7 дней назад
It dawned on me your williamson sounds like mister Pewterschmidt from family guy. I will die happy if you edit in a picture of him next time he talks.
@justnoahherehello 7 дней назад
@@axeoseilez3207 that will now be an edit in case 5!
@axeoseilez3207 7 дней назад
Hell yeah
@Olive78338 7 дней назад
I have mixed feelings on the ending of this case. Spoilers ahead: First of all, I want to say that I love this case and having Pearl be the shooter makes for a very compelling story. What’s hard for me to swallow is Pearl actually having it in her to shoot Maya. While can understand her attempting suicide, part of me doesn’t think she could realistically bring herself to harm Maya, even if Morgan wanted her too. One thing I had to remind myself of, however, is just how much of a hold Morgan had on Pearl mentally. Morgan was probably quite abusive behind closed doors and basically brainwashed Pearl into always obeying her as a child, which stuck with her as she grew into a young adult. Maya told Phoenix she would never give up on Pearl in the ending, but if I were her, I wouldn’t be able to trust someone who shot me ever again. Who would’ve thought Pearl would be correct when she called herself a danger to Maya in the investigation earlier? 😢
@justnoahherehello 7 дней назад
@@Olive78338 I think that's the reason why I was so confused on how to prove the motive at the end there, for the other path. I just couldn't think of any possible reason why Pearl would ever hurt Maya, but as you said, her mother's actions and attitude would probably carry over into young adulthood.
@fakereal127 8 дней назад
Hey it’s the rare time where gamers cry
@justnoahherehello 8 дней назад
@@fakereal127 yeah I didn't expect to get so emotional and actually cry but that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes
@ProsecutorZekrom 8 дней назад
Of all the things I wish I wasn’t spoiled on, the identity of the culprit in this case is up there. Still, this is an incredible case. The final cross-exam theme is called Theme of the Last Battle from Professor Layton and the Last Spectre. By the way, in case I didn’t mention it before - there was foreshadowing in case 1 to Donatello’s role in the Rivales family because he was in the photo Lotta published which had Washington and Timmons in. It’s because case 1 was made after 2 and 3 that this was able to be done.
@Sukuun 8 дней назад
Here it is folks, the moment you've all been waiting for!
@youtwoTheta 8 дней назад
So stressed at work man that I forgot that you had posted this video, as my stress reliever! Thank you! 🙂
@justnoahherehello 8 дней назад
@@youtwoTheta Honestly, this episode might stress you out more but I hope you enjoy it regardless!
@youtwoTheta 7 дней назад
Just finished this and man, it's a hard pill to swallow but dang it hits hard than DD normally would. Anyways, your voice acting? Both of you are IN TOTAL PEAK! 🔥🔥 Can't thank you enough for making this game 100x better. Man should have watch Contempt of Court in your Channel instead being annoyed by others! 😅
@Yuti640 9 дней назад
I would say you’re experiencing the memory of those things when you play, then whatever your final loop is that leads to an ending (credits sequence) is the “real” one, since all that actually gets sent back are your memories
@justnoahherehello 9 дней назад
@@Yuti640 This still hurts my brain to be honest. How can they be memories of things that didn't _actually_ happen? If the last loop is the only real one, then is everything that we experience in all the loops before that just things that _could_ happen?
@Yuti640 9 дней назад
@@justnoahherehello imagine it as actual time travel, if you go back a day in time with a time machine, whatever you did over that day technically hasn’t happened yet, but you’d still remember it happening
@TheOneandOnlyAri689 10 дней назад
Hi! i know this isnt revolving CoI, but ive been wanting to play contempt of court so i downloaded it, and i have no clue how to actually start it up. Can you tell me how you booted up the game?
@justnoahherehello 10 дней назад
@@TheOneandOnlyAri689 Hi! I was also pretty confused when I tried to boot up the game. You need PyWright alongside the game folder. Here's the steps: 1 Look for the Conflict of Interest game page and download it. It'll download the required version of PyWright for CoC alongside the Conflict of Interest game folder if you want to play that too. 2 Place the CoC game folder in the "games" folder inside PyWright's folder. 3 Boot up PyWright and select CoC 4 You're done!
@TheOneandOnlyAri689 10 дней назад
@@justnoahherehello thank you so much! i’ll try it out
@Olive78338 12 дней назад
Meredith’s last testimony is unique, how you have to pick two statements that contradict each other. Reminds me of the summation examinations from Great Ace Attorney. This section of the case is so much fun, and it flows so well from testimony to testimony. That hour and 40 minutes flew by!
@fakereal127 12 дней назад
We’re getting close to the end of the case. Hope you were prepared
@justnoahherehello 12 дней назад
@@fakereal127 nobody could be prepared for what happens
@Olive78338 12 дней назад
Having trouble falling asleep is another thing I can absolutely relate to. It might not be my business, but I’d definitely caution against relying on Benadryl. I’ve never used it myself, but long term use of it doesn’t seem healthy, and the quality of sleep you get might be lower than if you were to fall asleep naturally. Hope you can find a solution. My sleep issues usually come from being mentally stimulated from watching videos late at night, and also getting into a pattern of waking up and going to bed too late. I find it helpful to listen to audio to relax myself, like audiobooks, music or other types of media that don’t require watching a screen.
@averagechannelname9969 11 дней назад
I'm usually a bad insomniac and have meds for it. I had a situation where I got on a new insurance and like half of my shit got denied. Had to use Benadryl for a little bit. Definitely didn't give me as good of quality of sleep as I used to have.
@ProsecutorZekrom 12 дней назад
IDK why but the title inspired me to write this: In West Kurain born and raised In Fey Manor was where I spent most of my days Training hard, maxing, channeling all cool And summoning spirits at channelling school When my younger sister was up to no good Started making trouble in my neighbourhood I got in one little fight and I stabbed her, that’s fair, and said “You’re gonna die and I don’t even care”
@Olive78338 11 дней назад
Moe the clown approves. 🤡
@youtwoTheta 12 дней назад
@youtwoTheta 12 дней назад
Thanks so much man for explaining the joke about benadryl. It all makes sense now 😆😅
@youtwoTheta 12 дней назад
I loved how that energy drink spiked up your memory to the point you got most of the answers unexpectedly in the first try. 😅😆😂
@youtwoTheta 12 дней назад
Just finished......BUT ONLY LEFT WITH A CLIFFHANGER!!! 😭😭😭
@spouwnerring 14 дней назад
Ralph: I'm not snitching Also Ralph: * snitches *
@Olive78338 14 дней назад
It was sort of glossed over, but the idea is that Mendirez ordered Donatello to reveal who he was working with (Meredith) if he was caught. That’s why he felt it was okay to snitch on Mendirez.
@Sukuun 14 дней назад
9:38 I just noticed the Markiplier reference 😄
@Sukuun 14 дней назад
Between Pearl, Raphael, Meredith, AND Jimmy, AAAAND Gladys, I really did get my cake and eat it too in Case 4. You absolutely deserved to voice the characters you wanted in Case 5.
@Olive78338 14 дней назад
There’s a certain case 5 witness that I have a feeling Noah will be voicing.
@justnoahherehello 14 дней назад
@@Olive78338 I know exactly who you're talking about. I ended up voicing that character like Captain Barbosa from POTC.
@axeoseilez3207 14 дней назад
Top notch work great voice acting im looking forward to you and nets reaction to the rest of the case.
@Sukuun 14 дней назад
And great editing. No one adds more editing gags into Conflict of Interest than Noah. :)
@Sukuun 15 дней назад
54:47 Sure, I knew the answer, but I thought it would be nice to play along 😉
@ProsecutorZekrom 15 дней назад
9:11 That’s odd. Usually it’s supposed to play a muffled version of Jimmy’s theme at first, then the normal one once he pulls his earphone out to show he’s been listening to it. Now it just stutters a little because it’s the same track. Could it be because of that music pack?
@Olive78338 14 дней назад
Yes, it’s the music pack. In the original version the music would be really quiet in all the previous times you’ve seen Jimmy, and this time when he pulls out his earbud you can finally hear it properly. It’s sort of a cool reveal, but I prefer being able to hear his theme properly in his earlier appearances.
@ProsecutorZekrom 14 дней назад
@@Olive78338 Could the creator not have made it so the muffled version plays only at the start of this trial section, or at the very least removed the awkward transition?
@Olive78338 14 дней назад
I think that would’ve been better. Maybe the creator of the music patch didn’t think of it, or didn’t know how to code it? They’ve commented on one of these videos before, so maybe they’ll see this and give us their thoughts. If you see this, I’m really loving your choice of music for the patch, by the way.
@Sukuun 14 дней назад
I did notice that, but I chose not to say anything in the recording because I felt I’d already made enough side remarks about the music pack.
@Sukuun 15 дней назад
I'm listening to the beginning of this video. At the time, I forgot that Pearl does break down and cry and say "it's all my fault" at the very end of Trials and Tribulations, which is why I said what I said. However, I still stand by my opinion that learning the truth about her family should have changed Pearl permanently. At the very least, she should have needed some therapy. I don't like that Capcom resolved it so quickly at the end of the game, and kept her character more or less the same in the 3DS games.
@youtwoTheta 15 дней назад
Agreed. At the same time, I do appreciate Noah for opening up about his past just too. I hope you are feeling better right now dude. Will be praying for you Noah. Also, NOAH IS PHOENIX AND YOU MAH MAN IS JIMMY! BRO I REALLY ENJOYED YOUR VOICE ACTING LIKE IT IS TOP NOTCH! 💯✨ KEEP IT UP!
@youtwoTheta 14 дней назад
@Sukuun 14 дней назад
@@youtwoTheta Thank you so much. 🥰 This fangame definitely deserves more heartfelt voice acting than it's gotten from the few gamers who have played it on RU-vid. It helps that the script gives me lots to work with.
@Olive78338 14 дней назад
This playthrough is shaping up to be the definitive way to experience this game if you can’t play it yourself. It’s shocking how few people know about Conflict of Interest and Contempt of Court. These games are wonderful. But anyway, I second you2becrack’s comment. I wonder if Ropfa will ever see these videos? I bet he’d be happy to see his script brought to life by you guys.
@justnoahherehello 14 дней назад
@@youtwoThetaI'm doing much better compared to the past. I'm sure there will be times where I feel how I've felt then, but I have a great support system.
@youtwoTheta 15 дней назад
@Olive78338 14 дней назад
And I watched it at exactly 3PM PST. Normally I’d be at work from morning till evening, but I’m on vacation, so yay! 😄 Loved this episode too, by the way. I can’t stress enough how much I enjoy watching the two of you experience this game together. It really adds to the experience, especially having one person already familiar with the game.
@Sukuun 14 дней назад
@@Olive78338 Thank you very much. Our next project together will be a game I'm NOT so familiar with, so we'll see if my presence still adds to the experience 😅
@NullZ1 16 дней назад
school's the reason.
@justnoahherehello 16 дней назад
@@NullZ1 Among other reasons, yes, school is one of the reasons I'm switching up my schedule. Edit: Ah, you probably meant that school is the reason some viewers aren't online at 1 PM on Wednesdays.
@NullZ1 16 дней назад
@@justnoahherehello the later is What I meant. Summer is over and users go to school (unless others take night classes or other reasons)
@youtwoTheta 17 дней назад
If I'm correctly, 5pm CST is 6pm EST, which makes THE VIDEOS ARE MUCH EXACT WITH THE TIME WHICH I GOT HOME FROM WORK! Wednesday would be a blast! At sept. Ace Attorney El Dorado takes place after SOJ so REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THAT! As always, God Bless you and don't forget to have fun! ✨
@youtwoTheta 17 дней назад
If I remembered it***