I like talking about video games, mostly Nintendo games. Very original, I know.
A Fond Look Back at Luigi's Mansion
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring First Impressions
2 года назад
My 2022 Game Wishlist
2 года назад
Metroid Dread | A Triumphant Return
2 года назад
@Em-yd3sn Час назад
@juiceanabolic 3 часа назад
am i the only 38 year old that appreciates the linear style zelda? i dont understand the love for the two latest instalments. though i completed totk, it still didn't feel like zelda 😢
@1r0zz 9 часов назад
Windwaker did not aged well. The hd will age better…but the original? Yeah. Nope
@spacepope8495 2 дня назад
TOTK retrospective plz bro
@Henry7Madsen 2 дня назад
It took me like a week to finish this video because Everytime I watched it I was like f it and went and played the game
@PlushPlushDoki 2 дня назад
I don’t remember if i really had to grind a lot during my gameplay (didn’t use a guide), but for anyone reading: Once you learn PowerShield you can cheese through every fight in the game, since you become essentially invincible. I used this for the entirety of Mt. Itoi, but i don’t know if the average player reaches that level during a normal playthrough 😭
@DukeApples 2 дня назад
Why spend the intro dating this video, a timeless game, deserves to be a timeless retrospective.
@RangTangStudios 3 дня назад
Agreed, this game kicks ass.
@brettlueckfeld6248 4 дня назад
I hope this comes to the switch
@Anths_art 5 дней назад
33:07 dude the stone mask saved me so much time and frustration in that one room in stone tower temple where you have to goron punch those pillars and then use the mirror shield to guide the light from 2 mirrors to the sun block at the end of the room all while avoiding enemies. Stone mask makes em completely ignore you i felt like a genius
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
1:00 try Eternal Darkness, its a GameCube exclusive survival horror game that’s pretty unique.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
4:55 I love kiddie kong! You’ve just never held a baby gorilla so you don’t understand.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
9:28 it reminds me of owning the Sega Saturn in the states. I now own a modded one to play the Japanese only games. Most of it’s library didn’t come out here.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
12:41 Mother 3 is the superior game, to me. I won’t hate on anyone who prefers Earthbound, but M3 is where it’s at.
@alpacamale2909 5 дней назад
yeah nuts and bolts is amazing
@alpacamale2909 5 дней назад
11:09 that's weird because I love this ost as well
@alpacamale2909 5 дней назад
goat game
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
I think the third game is the best game in the series and one of the greatest games ever made.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
22:50 yeah, obviously a tank would be cheaper to fix than a sports drink is to buy, we need our guns in working order!
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
The GameCube and the Sega Saturn are like my favorite consoles of all time, they both sold so poorly. The GameCube had the best exclusive experiences that cycle by a mile, the only things that came close as a a console exclusive on the Xbox or PS2 were MGS 2 and then like KOTOR for the Xbox. I did dig the OniMusha games too, though, not going to lie. But compared to Eternal Darkness and Windwaker, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin, Metroid Prime, etc. the sheer volume of great exclusives on GameCube is just staggering. I don’t get why it didn’t sell.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
This and Windwaker are my two favorite 3-D Zelda games. I love Majora’s Mask and OOT, but the GameCube era was really where 3-D Zelda hit it’s stride.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
10:51 yeah, I played the Wii version first and was so relieved that I was getting a GameCube version, those motion controls on the early Wii are rough.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
18:55 I think she does care from the start, she’s just got this wall up because of all that’s happened to her. She’s definitely the most interesting companion character.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
23:33 Zant should have been the main villain, totally agreed.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
26:58 I like goat herding. Am I really the only one who likes goat herding?!
@Thor-Orion 6 дней назад
GameCube was my teenage system. I got it for Pikmin and Windwaker basically. I was so stoked on the artstyle right from the jump. I adored my GameCube, I’ll stand by that it had some of the best experiences of that generation. Animal Crossing here in the west, Windwaker, Pikmin. I dated a few girls in high school whose older brothers’ had PS2’s and that GameCube was a great wingman for me. It was my last Nintendo console for awhile, the Wii control scheme frustrated me, I was glad they gave us GameCube owners Twilight Princess on the way out. The library for the GameCube is fantastic and holds up great. Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil 4. There’s balance there and a lot of positive exclusive experiences. The GameCube not selling makes no sense. Oh yeah, and a great controller.
@Thor-Orion 6 дней назад
They changed the lighting engine. That’s the big difference. I prefer the original lighting engine, but the HD QOL improvements are huge improvements.
@Thor-Orion 5 дней назад
Everything about this game was lovely, it just felt like an adventure.
@CloudTentacles 6 дней назад
"oh jesus there's more of them."
@Thor-Orion 6 дней назад
28:50 My head canon is that Link returns to Hyrule and marries Malon because of his experience with Cremia and Romani.
@googoogaming9068 7 дней назад
Only 3 siloet levels is sad but there the best
@Waffl3_ 8 дней назад
i just beat this game today and i have to say this is a Zelda game i went into almost blind i did play it on gamecube years ago but i only made it to the 2nd boss but other then that it was amazing it was hard cause i decided to not watch anything at all before playing until half way through i had to use written guides and walkthroughs for once on a Zelda game 10/10
@Kihambo 8 дней назад
Such a beautiful love letter to one of my favorite games of all time. Thank you for making this <3
@chewbacachunks8644 8 дней назад
Luigi's Mansion and Super Smash bros. Melee were my first GameCube games. What an incredible time to be a gamer. Luigi is definitely a much more enjoyable character for me than Mario. As I have gotten older I find Luigi to be very wholesome and admirable. Unlike his brother, Luigi is often timid and terrified of many things. BUT, he still finds the courage within himself to push through his fear and do what needs to be done. Luigi ain't no bitch. A true coward would turn tail and hide. Luigi looks his fear in the face and powers through to do what is right to protect the people he cares about. Sure he might not be having fun, or enjoying the adventure. But he knows he has people that need him, and that's all that matters. Also the animation and character moments in Luigi's Mansion 3 make Luigi look absolutely adorable. That game is gorgeous and has personality bursting from the seams. From start to finish you could really feel the passion from the developers.
@johncrain9772 8 дней назад
I know I’m 2 years late on this, but I had just noticed this video was recommended to me. While I don’t think the Expansion Pack is overpriced (even when it first launched), you do bring up great points. I never really thought how bad the service looks compared to what Sony and Microsoft is offering. While I still find the Expansion Pack to have full value (for lack of a better word), even I can’t deny how it looks bad when it’s compared to the competition. One thing I completely agree with you on is how obnoxious the drip feed has been. Nintendo absolutely needs to improve on that front with their next console. I’m so torn on this next bit. I’m absolutely for preserving any and all games, regardless if they’re crappy or a masterpiece, but by continuing to pay for and use NSO, would that make me a hypocrite?
@jimmahgee 8 дней назад
Hey, I’ve been watching your Zelda retrospectives and noticed a pattern. You have repeatedly referred to female characters using the b-word. It’s really jarring. You seem like a decent guy, and I’m not telling you what to do. I just had to comment after hearing it yet again in this video. Because the word is gendered and has a long history of being used by men to punish women, it comes across as quite distasteful. I wish you all the best and hope that in the future you may consider leaving divisive language out of your videos.
@user-rj7yf5rk8u 8 дней назад
I love that his thumbnail for the video is the background on my phone
@lawea957 8 дней назад
21:32 so I think all 2000s nintendo kids have played pretend Luigi's Mansion irl 😅😅
@calebdouglas7622 8 дней назад
It’s the greatest in the franchise
@CZsWorld 9 дней назад
There have been so many Legend of Zelda games that have been life-changing for so many people. I wonder how many more times they can pull this off...
@danieljackson561 9 дней назад
This game helped shape my childhood.
@chrisd6287 9 дней назад
The way you broke the story down actually made me emotional. Out of the many botw videos this is by far the best ive seen. Damn man . . Well done.
@lastgengamers1137 9 дней назад
I saw the carpet and thought this was a scott the woz short lol
@UnexpectedPretzel 9 дней назад
An excellent video.
@ih8stuff3 9 дней назад
Stupid game was DUMB hard
@bunsmasterbunny 10 дней назад
I really love Ilia and her story so I like her quest in the latter part of the game. It isn't padding because she's the most important person to Link and we care about her because of that.
@FizzyFizze 10 дней назад
Majora's Mask is honestly such a good game. If I was given the choice to either play Oot or MM, I'd choose MM in a heartbeat. The beat sidequest is the quest to get the couple's mask. An extremely indepth side quest that i absolutely adore to complete. Coming in second is the quest to get the Milk Bar mask. I dont care for the mask, I just want the reward for completing the quest again
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
52:05 -Another example of a RU-vidr trying to pull off their oscar moment and just comeing off as a prusumptious ass..
@mikenayers5981 10 дней назад
The ultimate chimera is hiding in a bathroom stall, and will instakill you if you open it. Fassad went rogue, because he didn’t want his needle pulled.
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
Actually..I have a hypothesis behind why there are three timelines and why there had to be three. Its the triforce. It split in Ocorina because Ganandorf was not proficiently balanced in all three divine triats. Each sought out a different being who was as a reult. Child timeline. Link defeats Ganon. He is sent back to his childhood and prevents the evil king from ever rising in the first place. He sets off to find Navi in the lost woods and stumbles into another world. He defeats an evil God there and prevents the apocolypse. Later he passes on the torch after death. Child timeline? No. Courage timeline. Adult timeline: Link defeats Gannon and Zelda realizes the Injustice to him this caused. She sends him back to relive his childhood and rebuild the fallen kingdom herself. Wisdom timeline. Fallen hero: Ganon kills Links and takes over Hyrule with an iron fist and many a knuckle. The gods themselves have to intervene and send a flood just to quell his savage takeover of the land. Power timeline. The splitting of the Triforce also resulted in the splitting of the timeline with each being more influenced by one over the others. I feel they embedded into each of these timelines and in the current games, they have been reunited. There are more detials ill leave out for now supporting thsi that have to do with aspects like the eras of the leviathan fossils and the mirror made by the timeline with the split being the middle. I feel the reason the triforce isn't physically present in the new games but the world is still existing is because they are the glue creating this current reality out of the three unified timelines. Each timeline was bound to a different triforce and wheb they were brought back together, some point before the new age with King Rauru depicted in the new games, they became woven in the very reality itself. They are part of hyrule in a metaphysical sense and that's why elements from all three also exist. It is a perfect solution too because it prevents evil from seeking them out while keeping the land powered by their magic. Sure, they can't be used by characters like Zelda directly anymore but considering what occured in the past, it's a better solution than attempting to destory them like in Lorule or hiding them in a pocket realm. We refer to the three way split as the child, adult and hero falls timeline but I think they were the courage, wisdom and power timeline all along with the current games existing in the reunified triforce period of the overall timeline.
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
I know you begrudge the timeline stuff.. but you keep mentioning this version of Hyrule is darker even than the situation seen Majora's Mask and that Midna is a better version of Tatle..well..this IS the next game in that timeline currently. Not only that, but we can be pretty sure thanks to the implied identity if the Hero's shade that there was not a Link between these two (wordplay not intended..initaially) so its unlikely anything will be slotted between. This IS the Hyrule that Link left to deal with the incarcerated Gannon and wake of his proved intent of betrayal to wind up paired with Tatle. Regaurdless how you view the Termina adventure and Link's state of living during it, there is only proof he never returned as it is implied Zelda and the sages had to deal with Gannandorf's sentencing/the state of the kingdom..which makes sense based on what we see. There is certianly some stuff left out but also things we can kind of assume. In occurina, a horrid civil war was still fresh in the memories of the Hylians when it was discovered one of the races of their world was planning ANOTHER ku on the royal family. Even if Gannandorf was stopped..twinrova were manipulating the other default leader of the Gerudo and the trube was backing their king. Even if his incarceration DIDNT cause them to attack in retaliation, the rest of the races would start being more weary of each other, especially the Gerudo. Things would be under servere paranoia and inner turmoil in the wake of it all. The royal family had resorted to some pretty barbaric shit to keep order during the Civil War and history almost just repeated itself. It not for Link, they would not have quelled this attempt on the kingdom and..oh yeah..where is the little guy? Dissapeaared out of sight? Well..thats odd..and weird..and convenient maybe..? Didn't the royal family make other people dissapear not long ago who may have threatened their perspective of things? Even if it wasn't them..can we trust them to manage without him? Yeah..its a pretty rough position Link left things in to chase a fairy with a King who is kind of a dumbass and a child in charge. It makes sense this is what it would lead to..
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
I find the wolf transformation honestly a bit funny considering it's not Links first transformation into an animal. Keep in mind that he becomes a bunny in a link to the past and its supposedly a transformation that is representative of his soul. He is pure and innocent so he is a bunny when transformed by the otherrealm magic. The fact THIS Link becomes a wolf and its also supposed to be his inner soul reflection almost feels like Ninetendo saying YEAH?! LOOK HOW EDGY WEVE BECOME! THIS LINK WOUKD EAT THE PAST ONES ALIVE! LITTERALY!
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
Miyamoto is a technical genius, a fairly savvy buisness man and great visionary in reguard to both..but he REALLY does not understand artistic direction, cultural diversity or really anything social based outside his comfort bubble. He can be amazing at that like with his core concept begind Zelda based on his own childhood explorations..but more often than not, it just gets in the way of what he is good at and causes these werid hypocritical moments. He HATED Yoshis Island and wanted to snuff it because he felt no one in their demographic would like the "childish" art style. It was the same with others like windwaker and more. He has a very stiff and specific traditional understadning of pop culture esthetic and stubbornly refuses to open up on it. He will admit something worked in hindsight but the stories we get tend to cast him as relearning this lesson and dragging his feet EVERY SINGLE TIME. which of course will lead to him being confusing with his direction because he has the buisness mind to want to follow trends but also fear those trends if he doesn't understnad them..this leads to him having a problem with both directions. He doesn't feel comfortable with any if the choices so he can't figure out one to support.
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
I'll be honest..I never had or played this one as a kid. I had Makoras Mask but never beat it. Ive now attempted this one about four seperate times on the switch. I have not gotten THAT far each time. I think my farthest was the most recent attempt where ive gotten to Zoras Domain. The problem is the save system. I dont know why but THIS game in particualr is giving me yhe hardest time out of all of them with glitches to the digital system save feature. Ive gotten super careful with saving in the digital menu as often as possible and backibg up to my online account but inexclipable this damn thing has wiped all my files clean randomly all four attemps. It wouldnt be an issue for the most part but I JUST CAN'T KEEP REDOING THE SLOW GRINDY STUFF OVER AND OVER. I was shocked at how chatty and miserably slow the game is, especially at the beginning. Its just not fun at all and you really ahve to endure the dialogue. I know people complained about Navi and even the owl but any character that has more than a single sentance of dialogue just seems to go on forever about nothing helpfull whatsoever. Im locked into these unskippable story moments that dont give me anything intutive, begging to just play the freaking game, especially knowing ill have to figure some obscure stuff out that will take a while and be boring to do at points anyway. It really makes the game a slog and its just SO hard to ho through all that and then find it was for nothing and you hace to go through that muck all over again. I know its supposed to be a classic game and there have been some genuinly fun moments but it feels ruined for me at this point. Ive forced myself to retry way more times than i normally woudl woth something like this and get this is a seriouse issue with the switch port, not the origional game..but i feel everyone who told me how much replayablity this game had was talking out their ass. I feel if you vould push through in full plays it would be fun enough with progression and new stuff but i would NOT want to put myself through that again after already knowing everything. Even as an adult with a much longer attention span i felt like screaming at the Deku tree to just shut up and let me in on each play attempt past the first. Ive played a bunck of other Zelda games on digital console or orugional playforms including many of the handheld, first several consol games and newer consol games. Some have been tell not show heavy for sure but none have made me feel so on a conveyer crawling at a snails pace as Ocorina. Sure there were side missions and stuff to help break some things up but my biggest problem with it feeling linear is that it feels like it grabs control from you way too often and forces you to do what it wants step by step fir each mission, padded with a million pointless words. I LOVE the story stuff of Zelda. Dont get me wrong. But the N64 long winded bullshit comming out of the ugly polygon sprites is not emersive nor helpful..it just feels like a tax to play the game. Playing old OLD Nintendo games would sort of punish yoy for dying by making you go through cutscenes, dialogue ir meanial tasks leading up to a level over again if you failed. Itwas a harsh means to pressure you to get it right. That is what it feels like engaging each step if a mission in this game. I get that same feeling and when I would go on to play only to see the save files wiped, my heart would fall much harder than I ever did losing to a boss in one of those games yet again. I really hate to say it but as much as i respect this game i feel im just done. It cant redeam itself for me in actual playthrough. I can love the concept, art, story, etc from afar but I feel any joy completing it will be lost to me at this point. I also DID play Majora but forgot how limited the controls were compared to new and even older zelda games. Link to the past feels SOOO good to play despite being 2D and not being abme to jump. The 3D control scheme was new, I get it, but it feels soooo slow and unintuative. I get I am spoiled on BotW and TotK which is possibly some of the best feeling 3d openworld gameplay Ive ever experienced, but I still jsut dont understand why someone would choose it over something like Mario 64, Donley Kong 64 or Banjo Kazooey. All three of those just feel so much better when playing than this..flawed? Hell yeah! But I dont get the feeling of stilted disconnect with them as I do with Ocorina, which helps when my control is yanked away. With occorina it is only exhasperated. I feel numb trying to play and now I'm fully paralyzed for an eternity, only able to blink in agreement, while waiting to inprove to the point of numbness again..
@buddyzilla4557 10 дней назад
But..oxygen is NOT the air we breath..air is the air we breath. Its comprised of multiple gases including oxygen. Oxygen is the gas within the air we breath that we then utilize for the further processes of respiration beyond breathing in and out. It is absorbed into our bloodstream while the other gasses are exhaled with the returning carbon dioxide produced from the oxygen. I thought that was commly known..thats why you typically cant just breath direct oxygen from a tank unless it is required due to another health condition..your body is not adapted to process just pure oxygen intake..its 3rd grade Spongebob..
@paddycowhey3406 10 дней назад
I loved th toboggan levels as a kid, and I still do.
@StiffAftermath 11 дней назад
A female Link would of been cool!
@Enuff_cash 11 дней назад
Why does it look worse on GBA 32-bit than it does on SNES 16-bit?
@CodyLee94 11 дней назад
It’s such a bizarre game 😂