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@tippy550storm 2 месяца назад
I want to hear ghost stories about Jefferson plantation.
@ourteamgnv986 2 месяца назад
Make no mistake, some of our people are gate-keepers preventing this from taking place.😮 so sad the retardation of them.
@ourteamgnv986 2 месяца назад
This is so amazing. Collection of talks, films and the like, need to be taught to the youth of today so they get the truth of our nistory and not His-story, and told and taught by us, whether some want it or not. It may be the past, but if they donr want to repeat it in their time, they must get to know it.!
@ThaliaPeebles-eu7gn 2 месяца назад
Pretty 😍!
@WilliamSaar-qn4uo 3 месяца назад
Every time I see kraft Mac and cheese and Valletta I know the hemmings should be receiving royalties for the Mac and cheese invention
@chrystalharden 3 месяца назад
I don’t believe he committed suicid
@hansmueller3029 3 месяца назад
It was a relative of Thomas, probably his brother. 15 years after the agendists again attempt the rewriting history, we learn who the father(s) are. But the left will keep beating up people with falsehoods until they accept the fact that its the agenda of the left that matters, not the truth.
@OurFoundersDaily 5 месяцев назад
One of our favorite books! Pivotal to the future
@monicamondy2458 5 месяцев назад
Was James also known as George??
@peterkilbridge6523 6 месяцев назад
Do they teach anything else at Monticello but tittilating innuendos about interracial sex? It's a sign of the times, I guess.
@gingeroxendine2288 7 месяцев назад
It was mentioned by a few of Jefferson's visitors that Sally Hemings and Jefferson's wife resembled each other.
@bunnybird9342 4 месяца назад
They were half sisters
@gingeroxendine2288 7 месяцев назад
Many who visited Monticello and had dinner with Thomas Jefferson commented to others/wrote in their journals how much some of the slaves who served in the house looked exactly like Jefferson. The family resemblance was unmistakable.
@bunnybird9342 4 месяца назад
One of Thomas Jefferson's grandkids said that some of Sally Hemings's kids could easily be mistaken for Thomas Jefferson himself if they were walking from afar while wearing certain clothes
@victorchallenger1410 7 месяцев назад
Propaganda. Enslaved James Hemings created the dish
@theesteady1 8 месяцев назад
One God not three…
@mjbucar 9 месяцев назад
This video does NOT address the subject title.
@WilliamSaar-qn4uo 10 месяцев назад
I'm thinking about gathering all the Owen's of Newberry South Carolina and Spartanburg South Carolina for one big family reunion
@AidanVeritasTheAmazingDeist 10 месяцев назад
Damn good talk!!
@Marialmeidafla 11 месяцев назад
Il ne connaît pas le grand jafersson jakerson
@jonlaban4272 Год назад
Methinks Andrea Wulf is hungry for knowledge and as curious as a child, and sees the bigger system network and joins the dots. The founding fathers were intimately connected with nature and had a polymath breath of knowledge of gardens and nature. I often ponder how climate change policy would be today in the USA if these founding fathers with their empathy with nature were today's leaders in the USA....
@nycgingercat Год назад
I think Benjamin Franklin would have promoted tofu, chickpeas and kale as part of the American diet over the Dairy and Meat Farms to combat climate change, in light of the recent study by the University of Oxford on how a vegan diet reduces the carbon footprint by 75%. Franklin was the one who brought soybean, chickpea, and kale into American agriculture through the Eastern world, according to her book.
@nycgingercat Год назад
Interesting how Washington ended his tobacco farms so it wouldn't exhaust the land and reduce our exporting business to Britian.
@WillyOrca Год назад
The actual answer to this question is something a lot of people DO NOT want to hear for whatever reason but; at least 2 of Sally's children were likely fathered by another slave who was 1/2 or 3/4 black. Only her last child Eston was ever proven to have carried/passed on the Jefferson Y chromosome. When the news articles claiming Thomas Jefferson had children with one of his slaves first appeared in press, she was described as having had children and partners of "every different color and complexion". One of the smears against Jefferson was that he freely shared a concubine with black male slaves indiscriminately. People have a tendency to resist any notion that paints Sally in a negative light or sheds doubt on the idea that all 6 of her children belonged to Thomas Jefferson. With the idea that if its established that any of the children WEREN'T his, then the likelihood of any of them belonging to him would be far less likely.
@kennedy3682 11 месяцев назад
You just said a whole bunch of nothing, none of that actually answers the question and all the evidence shows that he fathered almost all if not every single one of her children and she told them so. Mind you Thomas Jefferson allowed two of their children to leave the plantation and legally emancipated their other surviving children in his will yet he never did the same for other enslaved families. There are also records of Jefferson's travels and the birthdays of their children align with the estimated dates of conception. Madison Hemings (his son) also repeatedly stated that his father was Thomas Jefferson and there are also other accounts of some of their children having a strong resemblance to him. I think you're simply delusional if his own descendants have accepted this fact then you should too.
@WillyOrca 11 месяцев назад
@@kennedy3682 yeah lol, there's actually FAR more evidence that his brother Randolph Jefferson fathered Eston and Madison Hemmings, and then there's literally slave testimony claiming a white plantation overseer/worker at Monticello fathered Harriet and the reason what I was saying is relevant is that Thomas Jefferson was literally the President of The United States. If he had a concubine, he most likely wasn't allowing other people to freely sleep with her, ESPECIALLY when she's enslaved and he can literally control every aspect of her life. If ONE of her children isn't Thomas', it becomes far less likely that ANY of them are.
@WillyOrca 11 месяцев назад
@@kennedy3682 Jefferson keeping them enslaved until they were 21 despite them being at least 7/8 white would also actually point more to him not being the father as well. Also, on top of them being 7/8 white, he would have been the uncle of Sally Hemmings' children on both sides of their family if his brother Randolph Jefferson fathered them. (Sally Hemmings being his Wife's biological half-sister) That's more than enough incentive to free them upon turning 21.
@WillyOrca 11 месяцев назад
@@kennedy3682 Madison never stated anything of the such before being in his 70's, and only did so through the same journalist who had originally broken the Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemmings scandal as a blatant hitpiece/baseless smear against Jefferson 30 years earlier. NONE of the other children ever corroborated the story. Also there are massive holes and it's funny that you mentioned the dates lining up because that's actually the biggest problem with Madison Hemmings narrative. They absolutely DO NOT lol. Modern historians attribute this to it being a second hand oral tradition.
@estebanramirezchueca7151 Год назад
Amazing Andrea Wulf
@tang20111 Год назад
Where’s the movie
@paranormal20117 Год назад
he is the music teacher at my school
@4ajustpeace Год назад
Thanks for posting this story. I hope more people get to view it. My siblings and I have been exchanging a few emails joking about old family vacations (we're in our 70's and live in PA) and my brother posted a couple links on Uriah Levy because of our visit to Monticello as kids and because Levy's birthday is the same date as his daughter's.
@sechernbiw3321 Год назад
This lecture is wonderful! So interesting and informative. Thank you for letting us listen here.
@chariotreign Год назад
You are all wrong. - Tom J
@ahmedfuseinialhassan1034 Год назад
T.J had some strong genes
@zsedcftglkjh Год назад
What utter fanfiction
@ninedaysqueen301 Год назад
How is this fanfiction? Enlighten us.
@bunnybird9342 4 месяца назад
The only fanfiction here is the Hamilton fandom lol
@patriciamitchell9365 Год назад
Some could not pass for White because they had the African genes were stronger in them.
I love history one thing that annoys me is modern people judge people of the past through Modern standards people did what after they have to do to survive if you that means you have to pass for what you did it. If you had to drink the wine with Jesus you did it people in the past did what they had to do and more people wouldn't hold up to if they went through a similar process of historical people of the past
@arethagrassi6420 2 года назад
7/8 White! Well goodness me. In other words white ppl were enslaving their own children, but I guess that's white justice. Imagine having to live with that guilt. That makes me wonder how many so call white families had a black maternal grandmother!
@zsedcftglkjh Год назад
Does your fanfiction have a title? XD
@bunnybird9342 4 месяца назад
7/8 white is still a white person's kids, just like kids that were 3/4 white and 1/2 white. I don't get what you are trying to say here.
@samuelwhite1965 2 года назад
Human beings to day are passing as Caucasoids mutant's but are subcauasoids. We see this every day.
@ravindertalwar553 2 года назад
@pauloricardodaluz297 2 года назад
A Senhora é trineta de T. Jefferson, é legítimo que sejam o que são, independente de cor , são parentes.
@williammize8270 2 года назад
Anyone that adds or takes away from god's word is no christian
@oldschool1993 2 года назад
Many people bring up the story of Jefferson and Sally Hemmings as an example of hypocrisy, but they know little of history and less about women. Hemmings was, by all contemporary accounts, a stunningly beautiful woman who could easily pass for white. With those attributes, no woman was going to link her future with a field hand. When Jefferson was ambassador to France he requested that one of his slaves be sent to France to serve him. Hemmings cunningly maneuvered her way into this job, knowing she would be living far away with a wealthy man in his prime and her natural beauty would be impossible to resist. The narrative of the evil slave master forcing himself on a woman is totally false, and was actually quite the opposite. In France, slavery had already been outlawed, so the moment Hemmings stepped off the boat she was a free woman and could have simply found a place among the black population of Paris. However she chose the life of high society and the company of a wealthy man, so the relationship was not master and slave, but consensual between 2 free adults. When Jefferson returned to America, Hemmings did not have to accompany him, as she was a free woman, but she chose life with him under American law as being preferable to life in France. Back in America they continued the relationship and she bore at least 4 of his children. People ask why she remained a slave, but in the context of the times, many powerful men had extramarital relationships and having one with a slave was not uncommon, but had Jefferson given her freedom, then the morality of the day would not have allowed her to remain in his household. Therefore it is most likely that she agreed to remain a technical slave in order to remain with him. It is well known that his will clearly freed her and her children on his death.
@ritakemi6839 2 года назад
he never freed her
@oldschool1993 2 года назад
@@ritakemi6839 She and the children were freed after his death as his will stated. She did not want to be freed while he was alive, because under the morality and culture of that time, a free woman living under his roof was strictly taboo.
@lilmizzije 2 года назад
They passed as white because they WERE white. IDC about that outdated and racist one drop rule.
@bunnybird9342 4 месяца назад
They were legally white according to Virginia law, but still black enough to be born into slavery. Madison was the only one that still identified as black. All of the others eventually went to pass as white.
@simshill295 2 года назад
The food was created by the enslaved humans.
@simshill295 2 года назад
The food was created by the enslaved humans.
@016329 2 года назад
Well her children were 7/8 white as she herself was 3/4 white, so they probably looked almost entirely (if not entirely) like white people. Given the discrimination of the time, it’s hard to blame some of them for choosing an easier life by identifying as white people. It’s just so wrong that it mattered so much.
@ninedaysqueen301 Год назад
What’s ironic about this is that Sally’s son, Eston, was noted in a 1902 newspaper article as being light, but darker than his own wife, who had an enslaved African-American grandmother.
@jamiemohan2049 Год назад
​@@ninedaysqueen301its possible he tanned easily and didnt mind to tan himself. His wife on the other hand as a woman likely avoided the sun.
@bunnybird9342 8 месяцев назад
@@ninedaysqueen301Mixed 7/8 white people either look entirely white or have vague features of the 1/8. Imo 3/4 white still counts as mixed-race but 7/8 white is a grey area and the bare minimum, and at that point whether the person counts as white or mixed-race is judged on a case-by-case basis depending on how close they are to the 1/8. (But 15/16 white and beyond doesn't count as mixed race anymore.) I have heard that Madison didn't really look as white as the others, and I do remember seeing Eston described as "very slightly coloured" so I wonder if he really looked completely white or also kind of looked slightly black.
@romy1223 4 месяца назад
@@bunnybird9342so by that logic we are all not related to / should claim our great grandparents and beyond. Literally makes no sense … my grandmother’s grandmother is still my family, my blood, and who I am.
@bunnybird9342 4 месяца назад
@@romy1223 you are allowed to acknowledge and learn about that part of your ancestry, but if it is something very distant then you are not mixed-race. At that point it's just admixture.
@cthreeadkins6296 3 года назад
Hmmm...They fail to mention that Jefferson had many, many slaves working his lavish Monticello garden. If only we all could go into extreme debt creating such a place on the backs of others.
@kevinchambers4848 3 года назад
My hat goes off to these dedicated researhers for finding these important books that further the understanding of Jefferson.
@kevinchambers4848 3 года назад
I wonder if families from Mount Vernon are doing the same. Very interesting.
@user-qz8km2qr8g 3 месяца назад
I doubt it because George Washington freed all his slaves in his will they all left in 1801 and live their life as Freeman something that TJ boy didn't do!!!
@user-qz8km2qr8g 3 месяца назад
I doubt it considering that he freed his slaves in his will and they all moved on as Freeman by the time Jefferson died a whole generation Mount Vernon former slaves had been born!!
@kevinchambers4848 3 года назад
Another historian on RU-vid stated that by Virgina law any person with only 1/8 black parentage was legally white. Whites in Virginia could not be held as slaves. If true than Sally's children were by Virgina law white and free at birth. This raises even more troubling questions about Jefferson and how he controlled Sally's children. If true, then Sally's children who were only 1/8 black were white under Virgina law and Jefferson therefore had no legal right to hold them in bondage or as slaves and had no right to even free them later in life since they would have been born free whites under Virgina law.
@HelenA-vz5wy 2 года назад
But let's be real here, he was the president. Who do you think was going to try that man?
@ninedaysqueen301 Год назад
Well the 1/8 freedom rule wasn’t followed well, like most slave laws. Plus, Thomas and Sally’s promise was that the children would be freed at 21.
@melvawages7143 3 года назад
Legally white in 1820 could still be enslaved if their mother was a slave so legally they were a slave. they passed as free white people not white.
@melvawages7143 3 года назад
Which Annette Gordon Reed explained very well in her book. I guess she had to give a quick shortened answer here, or else her answer was edited. She said although both Madison and Eston married women that were mixed race like them, that maybe Madison's wife was not seven/ eigths white. Eston left Ohio and changed his name to Jefferson and became white, (he was actually legally white in Virginia since he had 7 great grandparents that were white, so he did not really "pass") because slave catchers were going around and catching free formerly enslaved people and selling them back into slavery. That was supposed to be illegal but they were getting away with it. So she thinks Madison stayed on the black side because of his wife. Interestingly, some of his descendants considered themselves white, others black.
@TheGeoDaddy 3 года назад
Well, glad to see that the History “Did You Know” acknowledges that Sally Hemmings WAS the sister of Martha Jefferson... not just some random slave girl that Cultural Marxists use to totally discredit the Founding Fathers in their attempt to nullify American History as “Amerikkka was NEVER that great” Cuomo propaganda... but let’s not gloss over the fact that the death of Martha Jefferson left THOMAS suicidally distraught... far beyond what most men of the day (and ours) took to be “manly” and that Martha’s sister was by all accounts the spitting image of the girl that Thomas fell in love wit’ - that is NOT insignificant for anyone who has a heart - and perhaps wholly irrelevant for those who only have a head. One also has to factor in that - slavery - was a norm in the world of Jefferson’s day (didn’t the French Mob consider itself “slaves” to the monarchy) and the reality was the Sally - even had she not been a slave - had few options other than accepting the charms of a quite accomplished man... goodness knows, she may even have loved him... only she will ever KNOW that. Finally, for all the race baiting being done today by people who assume themselves BETTER than all others... there is no reluctance to purchase cheap goods produced by prison factories in China where they have to put nets under the Windows so the “workers” don’t KILL themselves... not to mention that we - as a society - think it is morally okay to take a baby that a mother doesn’t want... and kill the child (something they even the agnostics of the 1700s would have regarded as morally bankrupt!)
@richverreault 3 года назад
Beautiful video thank you for sharing!
@nekogoddess4507 3 года назад
I found this video randomly somehow lmao.
@oldme7984 3 года назад
Shut up I'm pissing babies