My name is Rob Lehr and I am Hambone Productions.

I was the official videographer of Skepticon.

I am the Assistant Producer of the feature length documentary, "Give a Damn?", which has had a successful film festival run and is currently being toured around the US at universities.

Skepticon 5 and later
Panasonic AG-HMC150
Adobe CS6
Editing system is a home built quad core, with 32 GB of Ram. SSD Master, high speed slave work drive

Skepticon 4 and Prior:
Panasonic AG-DVX100
Adobe CS3

Skepticon 2
Canon XHA1
Adobe CS3
9 лет назад
Dr. Darrel Ray on Circumcision
9 лет назад
@bobrob6629 3 дня назад
Don't listen to this man , he is bringing you down the hole that you will regret later . I had glimpses of 'true Heaven' and that place is full of joy and the atmosphere in there is such like you would't want to live in any other place ..actually it is soo 'special' this place that you would WANT to help these 'poor souls' on earth to get there ..and you would be even 'sad' that they won't go there bcoz of how 'stubborn' these people on earth are ... Jesus said : 'seek FIRST the Kingdom of God' .....yes that sentence will make a true sense to you if you had only just tiny glimpse of true Heaven . In revelations to Saints (which you can listen on youtube) it was revealed that the biggest suffering of a person (who rejected God) after death will be realising what they have LOST when the vision of true Heaven will be shown to them . Also if you only had a glimpse of that place you would understood the role of Jesus on earth , that place Heaven is a special place and Jesus was willing to sacrifice himself and suffer for no any wrong doing so that YOU could enter THAT place , He have paved the way to that place with his blood ......this IS the highest expression of love when someone is willing to suffer for others to be happy .
@0004W 5 дней назад
The dictionary should change the meaning of the word “ apologist “…. they must replace the meaning of apologist to a “ fool of fist water “
@Nobodycares06660 8 дней назад
Humans are evil.
@Nobodycares06660 8 дней назад
That lady in the begining was fucking weird. That entire interaction was so unprofessional and weird. Like. Wtf.
@Freddyworldcitizen 12 дней назад
There are pregospell documents that claims Jesus was a real human: Paul´s letters. Paul claims Jesus was a real human with jew linage, that was buried here on earth, resurrected, appeared to many people (here on real earth, not in a heaven) who developed a church that Paul himself pursued. In Romans 9:5 Paul says that Jesus had a human nature and descended from jew patriarchs. In Romas 15:8 Paul says he served the jews, to confirm the promes of the patriarchs, so, Jesus was here on earth. In Romans 6:4 to 10 and 7:4 Paul says Jesus was buried and raise from the dead, so, we can deduce he had a physical body because he wasn´t in a kind of heaven, but among dead humans. In Corinthians 15:4 to 9, Paul says that Jesus apperead in front of more than 500 people others, including the 12 apostles (here on earth, after he was buried and resurrected, because those people were humans not angels); that people was part of church that Paul pursued, so Paul himself says he didn´t create it nor he was the first to receive the revelation .
@tontoschwartz3666 13 дней назад
David is entertaining but he gets many hings wrong. Don't rely on him for the details of history.
@TempleElaine-z4l 17 дней назад
Williams George Miller Cynthia Williams Charles
@godsdice911 18 дней назад
No but they crucified him to telling the truth
@coalcat5417 23 дня назад
I’m angry that religion is used to justify killing animals
@coalcat5417 23 дня назад
I feel the same about the vegan movement. The anger is justified, and the goals are also justified, just misunderstood.
@bobbyb.7502 24 дня назад
He is full of venom…
@bobbyb.7502 24 дня назад
He is full of venom…
@karenabrams8986 29 дней назад
I don’t think it’s brought up enough that Yahweh is a defeated loser. His temple got destroyed by pagans in 70 CE. It’s why Jesus was invented.
@123456stronzo Месяц назад
we share 40 %of the Exact DNA as a banana ,humans in the womb have tails till the eight week mark ,in some rare instances they are born with them and have to be removed surgically,humans have pharyngeal gills ,though there not used for breathing,cats and humans share 90%of the same dna from a common ancestor,god is a bungling fool ,if you actually believe there is one.
@JPJosefPictures Месяц назад
Luke Skywalker explaining why the Force isn’t real haha. No to be real, I admire Price and how he is talking and the way he thinks. 😃👍
@mperhaps Месяц назад
Christopher Hitchens is dead so Richard Carrier has to take care of himself. This stuff is so critically important. Humans cannot possibly evolve to higher levels until we put Christianity behind us. And know that I give no weight whatsoever to the fact that Richard Carrier is a dead ringer for David Koresh. That is purely coincidence and we should read nothing into it. Wait how old is Richards wife?
@suren927 Месяц назад
It sucks to know that all these places he had visited didn't have enough time for him but he made time for everyone else...
@shinobi-no-bueno Месяц назад
I find it fascinatingly frustrating when Christians and Jews claim that the woship of Yahweh is responsible for the freedoms and prosperity we enjoy in the West. Its obvious to anyone willing to look that Christianity is the result of Judaism becoming more western/European, and mainstream Judaism has been slowly trying to catch up
@StopWhining491 Месяц назад
Carrier displays a bit of an ego, but I enjoy his discussions.
@elkhuntr2816 Месяц назад
Its only a delusion if it actually not true. The problem is, atheism is much more likely to be a delusion than Christianity. Most atheists are wishful thinking. The hope they never have to face God and give an answer for all they've done. On the other hand, there is very good evidence that the God of the bible is real. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Start with the arguments based on scientific evidence such as the kalam cosmological argument, the argument from fine tuning, etc... Then look at the philosophical argument from morality. Look at the historical evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The historical facts are almost universally attested by scholars / historians that work in the field.
@xrjx1511 Месяц назад
Pantheism is a more affective platform to argue against religion. If you are an atheist christians will typically ignore anything you have to say.
@lawrencegreen8952 Месяц назад
Christians would be livid if another religion, using the power of law, tried to coerce Christian compliance with the other religion's doctrine, especially if it usurped the power of Christians to make personal or family decisions of a profoundly moral nature. Christianity is a world conquest religion that has killed over a hundred million people, and now think it's their job to dictate to us what is right and wrong. It's especially vexing to non-believers as secular morality is demonstrably superior to religious morality, which always comes with high levels of bigotry. Christians need to clean up their own filthy house before trying to dictate to others. Bigots and self-righteous hypocrites do not make for happy neighbors and Christian churches are profit centers for bigotry. Something to ponder during the most segregated hour of the week.
@absoluteego Месяц назад
if you have trouble understanding evolution, that's not a big deal. it's dificult to understand such a large time frame. i can understand people who are honest about not getting that. but what I don't understand is the people who don't get evolution and then go straight to MAGIC as the explanation. If you don't think evolution is the answer then just say you don' t know the answer. Don't say it's magic!
@JS-dk4tp Месяц назад
The most telling statement was 'you can brainwash yourself'. He gave multiple examples of how crazy and stupid a reasonable person would believe the Jesus myth to be but then said it reached his level of acceptance/faith or whatever. What he's done, like ALL reasonable educated people of 'faith', is just brainwashed himself into believing something that is silly and stupid and impossible (virgin birth, zombie Jebus, the ark - 7 meters of water would have made it impossible for humans or animals to survive the flood, even if they climbed to the top of the highest peaks? etc.) and that's ok I guess. Where it takes an ugly turn is where faith turns to hate. Even if this man is not himself a bigot, he has endorsed and supported and showed his love for bigoted politicians so I say If you're gonna keep playing the smilin' good 'ol boy, maybe take a look at what you're putting out there into the world.
@Hugh-ri1jq 2 месяца назад
Was the ark the only waterproof floating vessel in the world what happened to all the other boats?
@hansouth2355 2 месяца назад
yeah i know what you are talking about. when i am in the art zone where thing goes right, it feels like magic; there is no feeling like it. for me, those moments are rare. it is even a detriment sometimes because small parts you work on in the zone look so different that i have to rework it. but i always strive to get to there, and make it last as long as i can
@josephbelisle5792 2 месяца назад
At 34:00 Greta describes well my athiestic view of everything. Never before becoming an atheist did i see how incredible and wonderful the universe is. Based simply on the natural mechanics of the universe and life. The connections between literally everything. How similar we all are. Its amazing, awe inducing and I know it is literally my brain comprehending the universe as I can see it. And at 40:30. This is a incredibly meaningful portion for me. Should I not live my life to its fullest because of fears induced into me by society and religion? Should i continue to hobble myself over perverted views of reality? The answer is no. Another humdinger of a speech given by one someone who just understands reality well and is willing to risk adversity to share it. Well done. I wish I could have you in my life.
@georgeschlaline6057 2 месяца назад
Don't waste your phone battery God is real
@josephbelisle5792 2 месяца назад
I can understand atheist not being angry. But I question their perception on the world. I became an atheist because i needed to know the truth as best as I can tell. Originally I was trying to find the truth of god. In doing so I found out religion is not real and god doesnt exist I needed to know the facts. What is supported by evidence. This is the foundation of my atheism. In knowing the truth, i know religion is toxic. It harms and kills people. It harms and kills life. How can you not be angry at their callous disregard for life. The hypocrisy is mind boggling. The child abuse. The insitutional child abuse. The indoctrinational child abuse. They believe they have a right to harm children. Then call others groomers. For these and many other reasons I am an anti theist. For these and many other reasons I am an angry atheist. For the billions who have died for no other reason than 'god wills it!'. And personally, religion has made my life hell. Religion is responsible for pretty much all the trauma and suffering I have endured. And they believe it is good. "Athiest are engry because there is something right with us.". The best quote I have ever heard. Best speech ive ever heard. Best speech about atheism.
@Argeaux2 2 месяца назад
I would be more impressed if Randi didn’t do the Mensa test. Smart people don’t apply for Mensa.
@zenncatt 2 месяца назад
"Are Christians Delusional?" Trick question if there ever was one!
@jeffmiller2396 2 месяца назад
After watching this, it seems Christians and atheists have a lot in common.
@DonutTalkToMe17 2 месяца назад
@einienj3281 2 месяца назад
I am angry at the same things, very angry.
@goosie8207 2 месяца назад
I’m angry to start with because of the damage religion did to me as a child. I was raised to hate who I really am and suppress my true self, which, unfortunately, lasted almost 18 years after I left the cult. I’m still angry because of everything she said, because of all the damage religions still do every day around the world.
@BrianBattles 2 месяца назад
Why not post the date this was recorded?
@doktortutankamazon31 2 месяца назад
13 years later they are taking over the U.S. Government.
@abstract5249 2 месяца назад
What I'm taking away from this is yes, Destin DOES have cognitive dissonance as his brain was wired to believe in God. His faith fundamentally contradicts science, but atheists shouldn't judge him for it because he can't help it. Or, atheists are the ones who have cognitive dissonance because their brains were NOT wired to believe in God, who really exists. Atheists' lack of belief fundamentally contradicts truth, but Christians shouldn't judge them for it because they can't help it. As an atheist, the first paragraph obviously makes more sense to me, but a Christian might say the second paragraph is what's really happening.
@Bundalaba 3 месяца назад
It is Scientifically proven Everything has a source. It has been Mathematically proven Everything goes back to absolute zero, and the Earth is MOST certainly isn't flat .This is PLENTY to go with for *Truth* .___ ___Based on this alone this *3 point shows your religion is WRONG* . (Not gonna mention *what\who* , just facts) ___1 - Your God is depicted to have a Butt . I'm not joking, The need for defecation or Rear end is a humbling and absolute Mortal trait and the creator before Absolute Zero cannot possibly be an existence that is within our understanding let alone something that looks like it can FART . ___2 - Your original religious text depicted the *Earth* is *FLAT* . Need I say more ? This is Faith not theoretical Science if human error is present then the whole lot is in *DOUBT* and cannot possible be a message from the Creator before absolute zero who could only be perfect and correct for The Creator created ALL. ___3 - The Creator doesn't NEED you. YOU need the Creator . The religion is simply YOUR chance to be in The Creator's Good graces . What the F$@% does the ONE who *Created Galaxies* possibly Need (Not want) from You ? Betting your Eternal afterlife on a give or take 50% chance of hell doesn't sound smart does it ? So Religion it is . ___Here's your assignment. What religion PASSED all 3 ? ( *ALL* not just 1 or 2) ___Your fate's in your hands Now . [Seriously this is as far as my Duty of care goes]
@valentinapuraci4718 3 месяца назад
All of you that mock God just wait until judgement day. Then who will be the last one laughing
@bowieupland6112 2 месяца назад
No one will be laughing. Because there's nothing after death.
@unrecognizedtalent3432 3 месяца назад
The man! The man! ... THE LEGEND!!! Richard Carrier doesn't disappoint!
@kaitownsend8282 3 месяца назад
36:37 "I want to change the world." - Matt Dillahunty, 2014 44:18 "I want a world like the one [he] described."
@jabsdrahm.3232 3 месяца назад
She is male now
@60zeller 3 месяца назад
If you are wearing a dark or graphic tee, either button it up or unbutton it completely. Stop half assing it
@aaronlietz 3 месяца назад
Haha! I've been thinking the same thing since 2011. I wrote a paper in college that said if god exists there's nothing more natural!
@DexterDexter123 3 месяца назад
thanks for the reminder - Ayaan Hirsi Ali should look to the logical outcome of religious thinking.
@DexterDexter123 3 месяца назад
i love her ❤
@Here_For_Now 3 месяца назад
How many other people here went and watched the Oprah show? 😊
@charliebecker4417 3 месяца назад
It actually took me years to fully let go of Christianity because of fear. What if I was wrong? I'm going to hell. My sister would never listen to one word of this. The title would be the end.
@antonius_006 3 месяца назад
"San" Francisco de Assis' biography written by theologists is very different from that written by Historians. "God's plan" was like George Orwell described in "1984". By the way, is religious indoctrination moral harassment ?
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
Religious indoctrination will, eventually, become a crime.