Welcome to my channel where I want to share everything I have kitbashed and painted over the last thirty years so it’s all out there for display, inspiration, feedback and for you to get a closer look for your own projects. Interspersed with occasional unboxings and battle reports. There’ll be Oldhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40k, Bolt Action, 3D printed stuff, Gorkamorka, Necromunda, Warmachine, Hordes, Deadzone, Kill Team, Dragon Rampant, Burrows and Badgers, Malifaux, Dracula’s America. I hope you will be part of my modelling and wargaming journey and I love hearing people’s thoughts on my efforts and seeing what they’re up to as well.
Marauder vs GCPS Firefight Battle Report
4 месяца назад
Citadel Journal 1986 Skaven Oldhammer
6 месяцев назад
Printed space goblin horde for Xenos Rampant
9 месяцев назад
@misterballista 7 часов назад
An excellent, and impressive, update - very productive month since we saw them in their bare and naked plastic. Even though I am something of a sad WW2 nerd and some of your colour choices I might raise an eyebrow at, I salute your attitude of just using the paints you already have, and not losing your mind over scouring Vallejo's paint ranges for just the right shade of olive green just for the belt buckles. Your Panzer III's are perfectly suitable for Kursk, being 1943, but being the later types, not suitable for 1940 Blitzkrieg. For these small multi-bases I think the bases themselves really sell it as that;s what you see the most of when on the table - yours look tip-top. One's hat is suitably doffed. Those army boxes that Battlefront do are certainly excellent value, and sometimes Amazon will have one listed at a stupidly low price, presumably as the result of some automatic pricing algorhythm. Unfortunatly this can make buying them slightly addictive. As we all soon discover, it's a lot easier to buy miniatures than paint them......
@liberalhyena9760 День назад
A lot has happened, at least in YT terms, since I watched this video, so my memory may be a little faulty and my hearing certainly is, even when wearing a new and not inexpensive set of Shure SE215 headphones, so apologies if I raise points you have already addressed. It’s always delightful to see your work and listen - however imperfectly - to your thought processes. To see the progress you’ve made in, I think, a couple of weeks on this group is also rather sobering for someone like myself who has done little more than dabble with a few minis in that time, and come nowhere close to finishing any of them. (Last weekend began with such promise, a Tiger II hull fully assembled - minus one part - and the turret ready for assembly once the two missing internal parts were located, which they, alas, have not been). Since then, almost nothing of consequence has been accomplished. On to your models, however. As with the previous group, I like the way you’ve painted the tank, and the artillery in this case. The colours look right to my eye, and the pieces look as if they belong in their environment, well dug in as you mentioned. I like the ground texture and particularly the vegetation. I’m not quite so sure about the figures, however. A couple appeared to be leaning over, and I think some of the colour choices are questionable, particularly on the helmets (apparently dark grey rather than field grey, as they should be at any time after 1939) and the very light green on the smocks, which I feel would only serve as camouflage in a fish tank. A glaze - or filter, to use pro painter terminology, somewhat laughably coming from me - might help to tone this down, always assuming you feel the effort is warranted, given your priority is to get figures on the table in a good enough state. I’m sure we agree I am not exactly the voice of authority on either point, so please don’t feel I am trying to suggest you’ve not done perfectly well. I just had to throw in my two pfennigs. I’ve not got hold of BG yet but it’s on my shopping list, as are some of those BF sets.
@thatfriggingbathroom2656 День назад
Gutes Deutsch :). Schön, mal historische Minis zu sehen.
@stompie51 День назад
Vielen Dank, mein online Lehrer! Fantasieminis sind meine Liebe aber es ärgert mich wie so viele Regeln so spezifisch zu besondere Minis sind und dann alle paar Jahre aktualisiert sind und neu gekauft sein müssen. Also ich habe mich entschieden mehr historische Minis zu kaufen weil die verschiedene Perioden ewig sind, sozusagen. Die amerikanische Revolution und Ostafrika möchte ich mal versuchen demnächst; auch 15mm zweite Weltkrieg. Was sammelst und spielst du?
@thatfriggingbathroom2656 День назад
​@@stompie51 ich sammle alte Warhammer Figuren (und neue, die wie die alten aussehen), Wikinger, einige Napoleonische (meine ersten Miniaturen waren ein großes Waterloo Set von ESCI) und Schiffe aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg. 15mm Figuren aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg wären auch interessant.. Ich brauche mehr Platz! Cheers
@alphawolf2993 15 дней назад
Battlegroup is great but suffers from the one thing that a lot of historical miniatures games do: Being overly restrictive in list building. Its like you can only build 100% historically accurate formations, as if different formations were never in the same battle together, or were never at 1/2 strength etc... I have only red through the coldwar version of this game though
@stompie51 12 дней назад
I flicked through the Fall of the Reich book and it acknowledges what you say and says hey, if you don’t want one of these floundering cobbled together divisions pick one from another book; and pick any tank you want from anywhere as they used anything they could get their hands on. But I see what you say. It’s not a Bolt Action general list.
@matthijsclaessen8152 15 дней назад
Enjoy! And if you’re up for it: please do a battle report of your games.
@stompie51 15 дней назад
I will do!
@MrGunnar177 15 дней назад
Battle group is the best!
@stompie51 15 дней назад
I must say. I have been impressed.
@thecrownofcommand5830 17 дней назад
I still remember seeing the first edition of FoW in stores with all the metal models in blisters. Feels like decades now. Good to see you enjoying the miniatures with a new rules set Stompie ❤
@stompie51 16 дней назад
Well, they have come a long with with some great plastics. Thanks for your support!
@liberalhyena9760 17 дней назад
You've finally answered some of my questions about Battlegroup and your ownership of 15 mm models. I like the way you've painted the tanks, though you don't say whether this is by hand or airbrush (the former, I assume, as I don't recall your mentioning owning an airbrush). To attempt to answer some of the questions you posed in the video, Dunkelgelb replaced Panzergrau as the base colour on German vehicles in the Spring of 1943. (I suspect the order didn't reach the besieged troops in Stalingrad, though they were in any case somewhat preoccupied with trying to survive.) The item to the right of the main gun is a co-axial machine gun and should therefore be painted gun metal or similar. (I now see this has already been answered). I believe you also queried whether tanks were used in the city fighting in Stalingrad. I seem to recall that the Russians were churning them out of a tractor factory which was the focus of much fighting and sending them straight into battle unpainted and perhaps even unprimed, which is a useful factoid to point to if anyone complains about you using unpainted models. (However I haven't checked this and I don't recall it being mentioned in Antony Beevor's book on the battle, which is the only detailed account I've read). Tanks were definitely in use by both sides, however. Khurasan Miniatures have some very nice WWII figures, though the only ones I'm aware of are the North Africa range that was revealed on LAF quite recently. They do point out, however, that the AK figures in soft caps (Feldmütze) can also be used as mountain troops (Gebirgsjäger), and you can specify the headgear when ordering. Unfortunately, they are in the USA.
@stompie51 17 дней назад
Very knowledgeable answers as ever! I certainly didn’t use an airbrush. It would not go down well round these parts. I must re listen to Anthony Beavor’s book on Stalingrad as I have just acquired a chunky Soviet force I need to assemble and will need the motivation. Audible is good for that. I might pick up a few more German late war tanks like a tiger or a few panthers. But that would be it I think. I also have a load of Operation Torch Americans but I am flirting with flipping them on.
@liberalhyena9760 17 дней назад
@@stompie51 I've just posted a query on LAF about the Battlegroup Pacific rules I read about a few years ago and have since heard nothing about. I'm currently waiting for my copy of 'Nam '68, which is supposed to be out this month. Perhaps Warwick Kinrade's attention has all been on this over the past year or so, putting BG Pacific on the backburner. I have an airbrush - a quite high end one, as it happens - but have never used it, lacking both a compressor and means of ventilation. It was just one of those things I had to have, which I'm fairly sure you can relate to. Just please don't ask me how long I've owned it. I have quite a bit of WWII gear in 15 mm, though I am similarly ambivalent about the scale, for similar reasons to yourself. Having won a PSC army box in a competition, however, the choice was made for me. (I did get to choose which box and selected a US armored company, which is currently in storage at a distant location - i.e. not my shed or bathroom, let alone the store room that is too full for me to enter - as pristine as the day it arrived.) Aside from that, there is an assortment of tanks by Zvezda and Battlefront, a handful of them built though not painted, and some Forged in Battle German infantry. (Their tanks come on an integral base, as you may know, making them rather difficult to fit in with other ranges).
@stompie51 16 дней назад
My feeling about 15mm is it really needs to get on the table as there is nothing appealing about the miniatures enough to just collect them - like say having Burrows and Badgers minis is just special and a bit of an occasion. Well done for winning a competition. I never win anything!
@liberalhyena9760 16 дней назад
Surely you cannot fail to appreciate the splendour of Mark Copplestone’s Barbarica and Wiglaf ranges, or Eureka’s Napoleonics (formerly AB Miniatures)? These are admittedly exceptional but I contend that there are many others worthy of collecting. I do, however, take on board that the effort involved in painting the minis to a high standard is almost equal to that required for 28 mm, and that some may not consider this a good return. The prize, incidentally, was awarded by MW under Henry Hyde’s editorship (they no longer run competitions, sadly) and in fact I managed to be among the winners on three occasions, though I didn’t bother claiming one prize. Prior to this I had also won a Napoleonic history book from WI and more recently received a Bolt Action Italian army box from On Tabletop. In the distant past my name was printed in a now-defunct magazine as the winner of a military history quiz, though I never received the prize (the highly desirable West Point Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars, a copy of which I finally acquired a few years ago). On the other hand I made countless entries to the competition run by a HiFi magazine (also now defunct) without winning a thing. Sometimes life is just unfair.
@stompie51 День назад
The Copplestone 15mm stuff looks great and is it Mace Face which have made some compatible Valkyries? All beautiful stuff. I think plastic 15mm is still worthwhile as these Panzergrenadiers persuaded me to the Russians look good too. One for Xmas possibly. I’ve got a BattleGroup, KoW and AoS game coming up over the next few weeks.
@misterballista 17 дней назад
The Fuhrer approves! Surely no sane man can now doubt the inevitable success of the Teutonic drive for lebensraum in the East, once these reinforcements arrive at the front. Very much looking forward to seeing them all painted and lovely looking. "If someone can tell me, is that a machine gun over there; does it need to be metal as well?" Yes. One of the nice things about Battlegroup is it allows you to take interesting odds and ends like observer teams, medics, engineers and so forth which encourages creative little vignettes and modelling opportunities. FoW, in its current iteration especially, is rather more vanilla. Thank heaven, then, for Skytrex who can supply us with 15mm little chaps to fulfill these requirements. I like Forged in Battle too, but their range is more limited. Same sculptor as Skytrex, I believe. Decal softener is a must when building 15mm tanks, especially German as their tanks tend to have more undulating surfaces, as you have discovered, and once you get into the whole zimmerit thing, well, there it is. I use Mr Mark Softer, an anthropomorphically titled Japanese product which works very well, though I beleive Vallejo and others make similar stuff.
@stompie51 16 дней назад
As you identify the Germans were alas led by a delusional psychopath and I’m reading James Holland’s books about the logistics side of WW2 which boils down to the Germans were a middling regional power who decided to take on the Anglo Saxon powers who controlled the seas and vast land masses AND the Russians and were thus always going to lose but decided to cause mass mayhem till that point. I read another book, The End, about why the Germans didn’t just surrender, like in WW1. After reading it I still didn’t understand. Anway, in terms of gaming these are all great tips. I’m not sure how far I’ll get with dioramas but let’s see. I did find Flames of War a bit vanilla. And too many tanks.
@thatfriggingbathroom2656 17 дней назад
Thank you, Stompie. Raupe literally means caterpillar and in this context is used to describe a tracked vehicle, usually bulldozers. Impressive German!
@stompie51 17 дней назад
Thank you! And for improving my German. Looks like I need to improve my vocabulary of the insect kingdom…
@username12120 28 дней назад
These 90s ogres are some of my absolute favourites out of the whole range of models GW produced. I've gone out of my way to built an army out of the ogres of this era, I've got more than 20 of Golgfags mercenary ogres, plus around 7 or so of the Trish Carden ogres, and a dozen of the 2002 chaos ogres. All a horde of smelly, belligerent ogre mercs looking for their next payday. The ogres chin beard looks good, it gives him a load of character and stands him out more.
@stompie51 26 дней назад
I appreciate your kind comments on my dodgy conversion. It sounds like you are a real old school ogre aficionado. I hope you use these in games!
@krl10101 Месяц назад
Go ahead, kit bash that Chaos Lord. You know you have to.
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Mmmm…I’ll keep an eye out for bitz.
@Ethnarches Месяц назад
Fun stuff! I got the 3 main Stone Trolls from the made to order and have since acquired 2 River Trolls, still need one of the sculpts. I've wanted those trolls since I was 10 a long time ago, so great to have most of them. Some of the most iconic Warhammer sculpts in my opinion! I'm currently eyeing the third River Troll I'm missing, I'll use the Trolls in Warhammer skirmish games with my son, creating some fun scenarios when he's a bit older. Hopefully I'll one day have an O&G army with 4th and 5th ed models, I do already have a few units for that but I need to finish 4 large armies before that so optimistically that'll be in a decade, realistically more like 2 decades... 😂
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing your love of trolls. As you can see I also love trolls 😀Don’t think about details like how long it would take to paint all these things. I say enjoy owning and playing with them and if they get painted it’s a bonus! You’re lucky if your next of kin shows any interest. Mine don’t.
@Ethnarches Месяц назад
@stompie51 Thanks Stompie! I ordered the missing River Troll yesterday too, it's the best one with the fish head axe, great to have all of them. Yeah, I've played a couple of 6th edition games with my 5 year old son and he's all about it, very excited. I'm planning to do kind of RPG scenarios with him using 6th ed skirmish rules, should be fun. :)
@stompie51 Месяц назад
He sounds like a smart kid. Kids apparently love RPGs. They totally get the concept.
@Ethnarches Месяц назад
@stompie51 Thank you! He is very patient at least, I just read the Hobbit to him and he listened through it even though there weren't any pictures in the book. :)
@stompie51 16 дней назад
That’s amazing. I remember starting to read it and just got lost at the recitation of generations at the start, I think. I also fell asleep in one of the movies…the weird long scene with calming music about the elf queen. I did have the attention span for White Dwarf articles though …
@misterballista Месяц назад
"They probably wouldn't be too hard to paint...." Ah, the eternal self-delusion of the miniature wargamer when considering adding another project.... PS - as someone currently hip deep in 15mm WW2 and alt-hist. WW3 I'd be very interested to see how you get on with those little Germans. After all, they probably wouldn't be too hard to paint, right? 😉
@stompie51 Месяц назад
So I painted some 15mm Team Yankee Iraqis and they were the most uninspiring minis I have ever painted. These Germans look a lot fiddlier. I will report back as and when.
@misterballista Месяц назад
@@stompie51 They certainly are and on a one-to-one basis will never give the painter as much unbridled joy as slapping paint on a nice chaos lord, for example, but there's a definite satisfaction to having completed a full platoon or two and arranging them on their little bases, ready to enact a brutal tabletop blitzkrieg. And after all, what are WW2 Germans if not the chaos warriors of real world history.....
@stompie51 16 дней назад
Some great insights as ever. Funny you mention it. I got fed up with painting ankle straps on the Germans. Then even though I wasn’t finished and have some way to go on the platoon as I packed it away till next weekend I saw it all together and it looked like something epic out of a history book. You don’t get that with 28mm. I went away and ordered some Soviets too.
@Tim1000064 Месяц назад
These are all really nice, I haven't played the Old World but I like how much it lets you customise your army. I hope the game goes well!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Appreciate it. I will do. I also at some point will rebase my Empire stuff as frankly what is its other purpose…
@Tim1000064 Месяц назад
@@stompie51 Very true, the Empire is the Empire after all
@dartmart9263 Месяц назад
Based on the Barbary Corsairs? There are no jungles there! I would have thought it was actually based on the even more diverse East Africa traders, slavers and pirates of the Indian Ocean (from Madagascar to Indonesia)!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
You’re probably right. Funnily enough I’ve been thinking of working up my collection of Copplestone East Africa 19C Arab raiders.
@dartmart9263 Месяц назад
@@stompie51 I love those Copplestone figures. Let’s admit it, I love everything Copplestone does!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
It’s sad he’s so sporadic now. Though others are sculpting in his style. I saw those 15mm Amazons North Star is doing in his style.
@dartmart9263 Месяц назад
@@stompie51 What! 15mm Amazons??? Are they in the Barbárica line, but unreleased?
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Go check this out and have a look at their page on Facebook: www.northstarfigures.com/prod.php?prod=18517. They have comparisons against Barbarica…
@Oldhammerandtongs Месяц назад
Loving the troll narrative! Definitely need to avoid their puke!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
I’ve got a game of Warhammer in the Old World in a couple of weeks. Will let you know how the puke goes…
@Oldhammerandtongs Месяц назад
@@stompie51 Excellent! Please do!
@LordFueFue Месяц назад
Nice . . . Looks even better. . .
@stompie51 Месяц назад
And they could be used as razorgor chariots I have realised.
@Chris-6ul Месяц назад
How did this release in 2010 shorts we’re not a thing in 2010
@stompie51 Месяц назад
I believe that all portrait RU-vid videos shorter than a minute were automatically converted when shorts came in. Glad you were still watching them…
@nicholas1254 Месяц назад
I love those up scaled Savage Orcs, remind me of the 4/5th ed metals, I tried to find the STLs but couldn't, could you please link me? I want some as regular Savage Orcs next to my GW Orruks "Big 'Uns", doing that across my army using the scale creep to my advantage. Have you thought of using the Riftforged Orcs army list, you could use the big trolls as Stormslayer or Thunderseers (MI, but 1CS so Brew of Strength a Horde), if you're keeping this KoW army separate from the other greenskins the list has all of the old Orc flavors: black, savage, boar, regular, bow, etc. You can proxy your Squigs as Wolfs or Riftwalkers; tho I'd love to see what you'd do for a flying heavy armoured unbreakable infantry orc unit.
@stompie51 29 дней назад
Hey there. I subscribed to the Patreon a while back for a month and it gave me access to all Jaycee’s stuff. Here www.patreon.com/hobgoblindigital?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1IMKIoURVzSiaqmDqoSoZseG9Ta3CoKQuO2QdbT4jQSedfbvZoDTQU_Og_aem_PxHSSWWOwo0F4EmLmDU0ww there was some link to all the historical sculpts and in one subfolder was these orcs. And a gazillion forest goblins. Then I had to liaise with the guy who prints these for me to get the right scale. Your idea sounds really cool about using them as the basic guys. If you do a consistent paint job they will look from the same tribe.
@stompie51 29 дней назад
And I’m all for proxying stuff but there needs to be a minimum level of verisimilitude. But I’ll look into that Riftforged Orcs. I only have the original armies book you see so don’t notice the other stuff.
@Oldhammerandtongs Месяц назад
These are great!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Many thanks. They were good fun to paint and I hope they will find a game soon.
@ellesse3862 Месяц назад
Cor! Metal stone trolls are some of my favourites along with plastic river trolls, that wyvern looks excellent in resin .. now I've seen how good it looks, its tempting. Impressed by the rescaled savage orcs, considering they were tiny savage mini snotling sized things, another great addition to project greenskin.
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Thank you. Project green skin continues apace…a slow pace 😜also have a lot of bit boyz of various states of painting to add. May resolve the issue around lack of infantry.
@R.L6600 Месяц назад
Its me!! ❤🐹
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Hello “me”.
@misterballista Месяц назад
They are fine trolls, and no mistake. I notice that you did not allow how much GW charged you for special order items, let alone Forge World, to dissuade you from your characteristic enthusiasm. And rightly so! How can a monetary value be placed on the opportunity to interact with a world of the imagination? We gamers are mythmakers, not cheesemongers. Now, if someone would only make a range of trolls inspired by Paul Bonner's Trudvang trolls, that would be truly spendid.....
@stompie51 Месяц назад
There are 3D printers who work off Paul Bonner art. But not as far as I know in Fantasy. More in 40k. I think it’s Trollet who does a lot of the late 1980s Orks off Paul Bonner artwork. GW cost did not dissuade me from the trolls and ogres as I was fine just about with 12-15 for each given eBay prices. But I was dissuaded from picking up any dwarfs as I felt 7-9 was too much for infantry pieces, even characters, especially when they bundled them together in unnecessary groups. I am definitely one for the imagination but I do play, and lose. Had my first game of 4th edition AoS yesterday. Was good. Bit too fiddly really. Will see how my first game of Warhammer in the Old World goes in a fortnight. Will be getting my chaos warriors out…
@DwarvenMoustache-ek3ok Месяц назад
The wyvern is excellent! I'm really fond of the it!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
It’s beautiful. I still kick myself for flogging my metal 2000s Azhag which is even better. Maybe they will rerelease one day.
@DwarvenMoustache-ek3ok Месяц назад
@@stompie51 Yes, I've had a few models I've gotten rid of in the past and then regretted immensely.
@stompie51 Месяц назад
@DwarvenMoustache-ek3ok I read somewhere the guiding principle that you should ever get rid of anything which is out of production. But then, you never know when it will go out of production, which means you could never get rid of anything. One of the pitfalls of the hobby generally I guess.
@Tim1000064 Месяц назад
They're all fantastic, I love those old classic trolls and the boss on wyvern is amazing too. Those 3D printed savage orcs are brilliant and they look so good blown up to 28mm!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
I was surprised by how well that worked out, but I did check with the sculptor first, who seemed confident.
@Tim1000064 Месяц назад
@@stompie51 The details are really nice, you can't really tell they're made for a smaller scale originally
@stompie51 Месяц назад
I think that’s right, but also perhaps because they are geared up to look like the high character but low detail 1990s miniatures.
@Tim1000064 Месяц назад
@@stompie51 That would make sense too :D
@Oldhammerandtongs Месяц назад
You've got the makings of an epic tournament!
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Because I have like twenty teams? Maybe I could do like those chess grand masters and play twenty games at once against twenty opponents with my teams. And lose each one 😅😅😅😅
@Oldhammerandtongs Месяц назад
@stompie51 That would make a great video! Yes please!
@riccardoalfrilli Месяц назад
Couldn't find the stls of the drones on anvil industry... Can you send me the link?
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Think it’s been replaced by this anvilindustry.co.uk/digital-modular-autonomous-drones-full-bundle
@riccardoalfrilli Месяц назад
Found them! Thanks 😄
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Love Anvil Industry 🥰
@jacobreese735 Месяц назад
Really great to get the recommendations on where we can still find his stuff! Been searching with only mixed results so far
@stompie51 Месяц назад
He’s been doing some of his best work in recent years. Lot of it with Knightmare and Old School Miniatures.
@MedievalWargamer Месяц назад
These minis look beautiful especially love the giants! Great work fun Battle! Subscribed.
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Appreciate that. A lot of these should be making their way into a game of Warhammer in the Old World in a few weeks. Hope you’ll review all the new Victrix knights when they come out.
@SamRushmere 2 месяца назад
Great stuff!! Whats the name of the cannon again? Cheers
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it. It’s from the Trollblood Hordes range.
@B1-997 2 месяца назад
Because of this move to everything going monopose im going to buy the older ork boyz kits, and recast the bodies so i can get 20 boys out the box.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
I recommend the Spellcrow heads to jazz them up.
@B1-997 2 месяца назад
@@stompie51 will check them out thanks.
@newhope33 2 месяца назад
I miss the old days of warhammer.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
It was nice having rules systems that never made you buy more books every 18 months…and having minis that were available for more than 3 months. And minis that never took hours to paint. But I guess GW is still the beating heart of the hobby.
@DaLavenderhillMob 2 месяца назад
The scratch built ork battle roller is by far one of the best vehicles I've ever seen for orks . Who made it
@stompie51 Месяц назад
Sadly I have since sold the book…
@liberalhyena9760 2 месяца назад
My history with Bloodbowl consists of one game (actually half a game as we abandoned the match at half-time, with the score 1 -1). I don’t know which edition this was but BB wasn’t in print at the time though it had a strong following at the club I briefly attended. I now own a copy of Blitzbowl, which I would love to get to the table (if I had a table). Interesting to see you venturing into Battletech. I’m strongly considering Alpha Strike, and probably would have ordered it already if I hadn’t just bought Steel Rift (currently on its way from the USA. Death Ray Designs didn’t reply to my enquiry but an eBay seller offered a decent discount which I accepted). Also interesting to observe you dealing with incursions from small animals and, indeed children. I own neither but have recently been visited twice by a hedgehog, who presumably expected me to provide hospitality in the form of snails or slugs. It showed no interest in the vegan alternatives I offered , or indeed any other form of curiosity, retaining an air of complete detachment throughout both encounters, at one point seeming to have gone to sleep. Stroking it did not appear to be an option.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
Hedgehogs are so cute. My kids are angling for cat. No way. I tell my kids they are my pets and they are enough work. I’m of an age where the involvement and intricacy of Battletech is not too much of a turn off. But I was reliant on my much smarter opponent to help with the complex rules. I’m sure he let me win. Apparently the game is massive in the states and small here in Europe. Blood bowl is a funny one. I played it lots. But each game takes too long and is too much of a slog for me. Not surprised you never got into it. Main thing it had going was. A massive club in central London with games going every week. Now I have a FLGS and a wide array of games where I now live.
@liberalhyena9760 2 месяца назад
I didn’t find my half-game of BB too onerous, and was quite pleased with my drawing level shortly before half-time. The reason we decided not to continue after the half-time orange was that I got talking to a club member I knew but hadn’t seen in a long time (or since, I believe). My opponent wasn’t too bothered. The reason I quite the club was that it was very rare for me to get a game at all, or even engage much with members, in spite of having paid £20 for three months’ membership, which I did not deem good value. I can, after all, stay at home and be ignored, at no financial cost, and there is always the possibility, however slim, of enriching my life by engaging with a small nocturnal creature. I watched a lot of Battletech videos last year, mostly about Alpha Strike, but also found Classic BT of interest. I’ll send you some links shortly. One describes playing AS on BT maps.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@liberalhyena9760 I’ve never really been a member of a Wargames club but the issue is that established friendship groups rock up and don’t necessarily take the trouble to mix with others. The issue I have with my FLGS group is that most people play week nights when I work too late or am too shattered and all these young people have like plans and a non gaming life on Saturday nights when I don’t and want to play. Other issue is I really need people up for all these indie/non mainstream games and largely it’s GW dominated. And I’m not convinced AoS or 40k are good games. There is some solid Mantic interest and those are pretty good games.
@liberalhyena9760 2 месяца назад
I can certainly relate to most of that, and readily understand the elements of which I have little direct experience (such as having friends). I’ve now stopped going to the one FLGS in my town (I don’t think GW - now Warhammer - counts as a FLGS but I don’t go there either). It has, or had, one or two gaming nights per week, but my experience of these has not been positive. I remember attending one Monday night, which I was informed by a staff member was largely devoted to AoS when I was looking into getting into that game and there were indeed games of AoS being set up and played. I asked a couple of questions at one table which were answered in a fashion best described as indifferent but didn’t get the impression I was welcome to play. Pretty much like the club in fact, though I didn’t have to pay for the privilege of having my presence barely tolerated.
@PatrioticGinger1776 2 месяца назад
I use these guys in "This is not a Test" awesome sculpts for a post apocalyptic game aswell
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
Good tip. I need to try out This is not a test. Issue is I don’t really have locals open to trying out these random indie games.
@PatrioticGinger1776 2 месяца назад
@stompie51 ya, I was fortunate there was a large group that played at my local store. However, I've since moved and found myself also in an area with little to no interest in non GW games.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@PatrioticGinger1776 To be fair GW games are now reasonably diverse.
@PatrioticGinger1776 2 месяца назад
@stompie51 true, don't get me wrong I enjoy myself a game of 40k. Theres just so many cool miniatures out there I enjoy
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@PatrioticGinger1776 so many minis; so little time…
@ilcamiciaro1859 2 месяца назад
Lovely collection and a great example of how different sculptors and manufacturers can come together to a single marvelous army. Can't wait to see them painted.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
Thank you for that comment. I can proudly say that since this video I have painted 10 dwarfs!
@Ethnarches 2 месяца назад
Blood Bowl never interested me for some reason, still doesn’t but those do look good, nice paintjobs too. Lead was used until 1997 by the way, well in the UK anyway so that’s when GW moved over to white metal which was a blessing in disguise as it allowed them to put in a bit more detail into metal miniatures and also make much larger miniatures as the lead alloy was too soft to support big miniatures. It also allowed them to make much thinner standard poles and weapon shafts, which partly contributed to the change of style to more realistic proportions with the end of 5th ed and especially the beginning of 6th ed. Sure, the lead ones are much easier to work with and are even more pleasingly heavy, but overall I think I prefer white metal. Both is the correct answer here I think. :) Anyway, thanks for another miniature adventure Stompie!
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
You are such a font of knowledge and thank you for telling us all that. I haven’t played Bloodbowl for ages, but strangely whenever I watch some kind of gladiator thing, like Those who are about to die at the moment, I always feel more drawn to it. Because the problem with most gladiator games is that it’s just two tokens hammering away at each other with no real tactics. Bloodbowl has a lot of tactics and the ball is often largely incidental. Or at least it is when I play. I went to a recent patch of getting a lot of 3-D printed stuff. But then I realised that though the possibilities are endless, I really don’t like the material. I really prefer GW plastic or white metal. Maybe if they made a violent fantasy ice hockey game, you might get interested?
@Ethnarches 2 месяца назад
@stompie51 Thanks! I have too much hobby trivia ratling around my head with no one to talk about it, so I guess I need to channel it somewhere. :) I kind of understand the draw of the game more with your gladiator reference and no, an ice hockey version sounds less interesting for some reason. I guess it's because the game mechanics are secondary to me, for me the most interesting part is the spectacle of the armies fighting together with a plausible narrative behind it which makes it feel epic and meaningful. Sports doesn't quite have that same "gravitas". The miniatures too lack that feeling for me, they do look great but for me a warrior is just much more appealing. Oh well, plenty of games that cater to that out there so no worries. I also prefer original GW models to anything out there, ad long as they are a bit older. Compared to modern GW there's other more interesting manufacturers out there like Knightmare etc.
@Tiwaz81 2 месяца назад
1990 was 9. I had Heroquest, Space Crusade and I think advanced Heroquest. My dad took me to Birmingham to see GW store when I was around 10 … world changing. Bought my first white dwarf in 1992… issue 150.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
World changing for me too. Did you manage to play these much at nine? My lot played a lot of board games but these would have been too complicated.
@Tiwaz81 2 месяца назад
@@stompie51yes. My mum and sister would play with me and my best friend also got into GW games aswell. He got into epic Space Marine I got more into warhammer. But we played each others games … necromunda was a hit.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
Brilliant. Maybe I’ll have a go with my kids.
@Oldhammerandtongs 2 месяца назад
Thank you for reminding me about these! Classics!
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
They are classics. And now there are so many games they could be used in with the explosion of miniature agnostic systems.
@fredrik241 2 месяца назад
Nice! I just learned that this book existed and found your video. I reacted to 5:29 the top right image and how closely it resembles the Blanche cover of White Dwarf issue 42. :)
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
I suspect that’s no mistake. Thanks for popping by. Hope you watch other vids. So you have much Oldhammer?
@fredrik241 2 месяца назад
@@stompie51 Hi I saw one of your Kev Adams videos that was fun too and I'm sure I'll watch some others soon! :) I have a few old bits but not a massive amount as I was not a rich kid and GW mini's were a bit pricey even back in the day! :D We had to pay for the games and the White Dwarves too. I'm starting to get a few pieces that I wanted as a kid, like recently some of the first box set terminators (with the red/orange blanche art) but not sure how far I'll go with it.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@fredrik241 that’s the amazing part of being middle aged. Not many could afford what they wanted in the 80s and 90s but we might have a bit more disposable income now. But no point paying EBay prices. There’s also plenty of more reasonable old school style minis and I mix and match. But be good and paint what you have before buying more. I absolutely adhere to that core principles. I do. Yes I do.
@Ethnarches 2 месяца назад
Fun stuff!
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
They really are. Thanks.
@wikingwideo 2 месяца назад
Is there a secret way to register for the lead adventure forum? I have tried several months ago, but am still waiting for the authorization. I tried again with a different e-mail, with the same result.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
Very strange. I don’t know as I registered like twenty years ago but maybe contact one of the mods on one of the forums and ask what’s going on.
@wikingwideo 2 месяца назад
@@stompie51 As far as I know, I need to be registered to contact any mods. Perhaps they just aren't taking new members.
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@wikingwideo can’t be right they aren’t taking new members. Is there some detail you can share with me and I can ask what happened of a moderator?
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@wikingwideo well, I posted this and let’s see if anyone responds. leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=146206.msg1869569#msg1869569
@wikingwideo 2 месяца назад
@@stompie51 I'm guessing the mods are MIA.
@SomeDudeOnYouTube 3 месяца назад
Selling Legion V1? Madness! It now is vintage! (thanks AMG you twats)
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
I just took a look round my garage and thought why do I buy into these IP specific games which last a few years, are pretty complicated and expensive? Whereas there is always a game you can use space Orks or dwarfs in. So at the moment I’m thinking historicals…
@SomeDudeOnYouTube 3 месяца назад
Giant Hamster miniature! Nice animatronics on that XD
@stompie51 3 месяца назад
We put Jim Henson to shame here on Stompie51…
@thatfriggingbathroom2656 3 месяца назад
Is not rat, is Siberian hamster!
@stompie51 3 месяца назад
Syrian hamster. I wanted to call him Al Suriyu.
@worldhistoryminiatureshous9757 3 месяца назад
Great sculpting job again from The Perrys . Seems today not easy to film with the hamster assault and the kids around !
@stompie51 3 месяца назад
I can’t complain. They’re pretty good usually. I must check out the latest goodness on your channel.
@wikingwideo 3 месяца назад
Is bridge miniatures out of business?
@stompie51 3 месяца назад
I don’t know but they don’t seem to I’ve had stock of the night goblins ever.
@rossdiggle 3 месяца назад
70 quid is my offer if you're selling them
@stompie51 3 месяца назад
Thanks Ross for reaching out. I’ve swapped half and keeping the other half.
@rossdiggle 3 месяца назад
@@stompie51 fair play. Hope it was a good swap
@stompie51 2 месяца назад
@rossdiggle some Catachan heavy weapons for my Catachan themed Mantic GCPS army.
@noprobllama9747 3 месяца назад
Hamster clickbait....😂
@stompie51 3 месяца назад
Alas it’s not working on the viewing stats for this one…yet 🤪